Your latest fun team combination



  • Azoth658
    Azoth658 Posts: 348 Mover and Shaker
    After Civil war my Falcap is now 168 so partially useable (really need just one cover of his yellow!) Prof X can get to 152 with 20k ISO.

    So for the gauntlet (admittedly low nodes at the moment just for funsies); I am rocking Psylocke, Prof X and Falcap.

    Psylocke knocks out a strike tile and attack tile fairly cheaply. Using these kicks out a protect tile and after making Prof X invisible I can buff tiles twice with a blue match. Within a couple of blue matches I had a strength 37 defense tile up to 601.

    Not a great team but it sure is a lot of fun. If Iron fist didn't tank purple I'd use him for a passive strike tile on the first turn.
  • Quebbster
    Quebbster Posts: 8,070 Chairperson of the Boards
    I had to get creative against the gauntlet node with Cyclops, Rulk and Thor. What finally got through was a team I played in Black Vortex - Nova, Iceman and Starlord. Rocket Man and Build a Snowman for 4 AP helped me keep them all tied up long enough to win...
  • Azoth658
    Azoth658 Posts: 348 Mover and Shaker
    I quite enjoyed putting Mr F with IF and Blade today in Fist Bump.

    Mr F is really irritating to play against as he constantly sodding self heals especially with strike tiles, defense tiles and attack tiles all over the board.

    I'm thinking of tinkering with Mr F, Doc Ock and Blade soon though. Match my tiles heal my Mr F, I match yours create black tiles.
  • ammenell
    ammenell Posts: 817 Critical Contributor
    my rulk is cover maxed and im farming iso now.
    but even underleveled, i cant get enough of pairing him with switch and im40
  • TxMoose
    TxMoose Posts: 4,319 Chairperson of the Boards
    ammenell wrote:
    my rulk is cover maxed and im farming iso now.
    but even underleveled, i cant get enough of pairing him with switch and im40
    you can cycle hood into the mix too. since I haven't leveled any of my 5s yet, I've moved off of 5*s for seeds and its purely witch/rulk for LR seeds. very fast. and boosted in pve or pvp - beast.
  • Redrobot30
    Redrobot30 Posts: 348 Mover and Shaker

    Finally have Rulk at a good level and have tried this trio. Get two of the best AP feeders in the game to fuel a huge tank and let him unleash his AoE. Check please! icon_e_biggrin.gif
  • Warbringa
    Warbringa Posts: 1,303 Chairperson of the Boards
    For brotherhood event it is icon_quicksilver.pngicon_kamalakhan.pngicon_daredevil.png . I recently maxed QS because I always wanted to pair him with DD and this PvE is a good chance. QS and KK are champed and buffed for me while DD is champed but not buffed. That is ok though because perhaps his best power blueflag.png , doesn't matter what level he is. So far the team has worked great (I know it is only the first sub though and the AI teams are weak overall right now ....Juggs, Doom, etc will be another matter)

    1.) All colors are covered.
    2.) Lots of healing since QS has very low cost powers and DD has only average cost powers.
    3.) Lots of control in that QS black provides surprisingly decent board control along with KK purple and DD blue stun provides overall control against enemy team especially if you get more than one on the board.
    4.) Strong blue powers with QS passive and DD blue stun. I really think DD blue stun is one of the most under-rated PvE powers since it isn't expensive to fire and I can normally get two going at the same time and nearly lock down enemy characters or completely lock down one enemy character.
    5.) Good green damage powers - KK AoE is great (especially with her acceleration) and QS green (after recent retooling) does very good damage for very cheap AP (when his lock tiles are on the board, which is almost always). The versatility that this provides is huge because I can deal good AoE damage to the whole enemy team or if I need to kill one specific team member I can fire QS green off twice and add lock tiles to the board and probably match a blue to fire his passive off. I have used both about evenly so far.
    6.) Ok the real fun part of the combo -DD redflag.png Ambush. It is your only red power so you will be throwing them out there as soon as you can. I have used QS blackflag.png power to match the red ambush a ton and it is very AP effective since the ambush tile simply relocates. Of course you always have the chance of the AI matching the ambush tile for more damage too. It feels really good when you have two ambush tiles out there near each other and you can use QS black to pull that one red tile near them!
    7.) DD purple is probably not going to be used a lot but can be there if needed against enemy tiles. Not the best power against enemy tiles but hey it is something (better than most teams not using tile stealers)
    8.) Since this team generates no tiles - Moonstone is no sweat (and other characters that steal tiles), you just deny her red and make sure to get DD stun tile out for her purple

    1.) No active yellow user - would be nice but KK yellow is still really good
    2.) Not a beefy team, you don't have a big tank in the team to soak up damage but KK healing makes up for that
    3.) Can be slow depending on board since there are no tiles to accelerate damage

    Pro & Con:
    1.) Need to pay a ton of attention to matches since this team is about control - strategy is important because you need to anticipate where you can use QS black power or KK purple effectively on the board - in addition preserving lock down tiles is important as well for QS powers so it actually encourages strategy when playing the game - this may be easier or harder depending the player - for me I enjoy it because honestly most of the top team combinations don't actually use much strategy- they are simply the highest damage dealers and you race to get the AP of their best color and fire it off - not much strategy there
  • revskip
    revskip Posts: 1,046 Chairperson of the Boards
    Climbed to 2000 in Simulator for the first time using Beast, Blade and IM40. Worked really well together and since Beast was tanking yellow was able to at worst use 2 healthpacks if there wasn't 2 early yellow matches.

    Beast is much maligned on the forums but I really like using him with a variety of different characters. His blue is very cheap and spam-able and his green is a solid AOE. I really like him with a variety of characters in different roles, he pairs really nicely with OBW and Black Panther for goon nodes.
  • Berserk_Al
    Berserk_Al Posts: 411 Mover and Shaker
    If you see this team in Simulator or Ligthing Rounds, that's me (please don't hit me).
    Spammable powers, lots of AP generation and recovery. Annoying enough that half the people your level may just skip past you.
    With 241 Ragnarok, 145 Kamala and 124 Iron Man, managed to beat the 258 Deadpool/Red Hulk/4star Thor node in Simulator without boosts (Man, Thor red really hits hard when both teams are producing charged tiles.
  • Krongle
    Krongle Posts: 73 Match Maker
    In the Squirrel Girl PvP I've had a lot of fun with Flaptain/SG/Hood. Hood does his thing and stalls the match so Flaptain can use his red effectively. Both Hood black and Wilson blue accelerate SG's green countdown tiles and purple is an allright power to pop whenever you have the chance.

    There is a triple yellow overlap, but considering that Twin Pistols is very expensive and Flaptain's yellow is objectively better than SG's yellow (most of the time, anyway), it isn't that much of a problem.

    I took down a champed (not maxed) Thoress as well as a character with about 8k health in one turn. Now that's what I call satisfying and fun!
  • mckauhu
    mckauhu Posts: 740 Critical Contributor
    Incredibly fun team sure is She-Hulk, Storm 3* and Loki. They boost each others attacks and so you have pretty long turn at times to play without getting hit not even once icon_e_smile.gif

    Another fun team I use is Psylocke, Beast and Scarlet Witch
  • alaeth
    alaeth Posts: 446 Mover and Shaker
    Scarlet Witch
    +1 (War Machine donor)

    Fully covered by Flappy Cap (4* Captain America), and been muching about with him during his weekly buff. On the War Machine PvP I found him quite effective...

    With a blue match or two, it cycles SWitch's passive almost every turn - makes a huge change to the battle. I can effectively lock down a fully boosted Thoress team.

    Don't underestimate his red either, with a bit of planning, it hits far harder than even Hulkbuster.

    Far to slow to perform in shield hops though (I found that out the hard way - finished one fight to be down 150 points - whoops).
  • alaeth
    alaeth Posts: 446 Mover and Shaker
    Krongle wrote:
    In the Squirrel Girl PvP I've had a lot of fun with Flaptain/SG/Hood. Hood does his thing and stalls the match so Flaptain can use his red effectively. Both Hood black and Wilson blue accelerate SG's green countdown tiles and purple is an allright power to pop whenever you have the chance.

    There is a triple yellow overlap, but considering that Twin Pistols is very expensive and Flaptain's yellow is objectively better than SG's yellow (most of the time, anyway), it isn't that much of a problem.

    I took down a champed (not maxed) Thoress as well as a character with about 8k health in one turn. Now that's what I call satisfying and fun!

    Hood, hmm - I hadn't thought to try him. I'm just through the starter teams and struggling with SWitch & Flaptain... will try him out!

    Is your Wilson fully leveled? I can't justify the ISO cost, I pushed mine to about 230 (buffed puts him over 300)
  • Meander
    Meander Posts: 267 Mover and Shaker
    I had fun in Sim using OML, Nova, and X23 on the easier nodes. OML tanking for nova and X23 tanking the off colors, heals from my tanks, and everyone spitting out Strike Tiles made it a pretty fun team. Don't know if they're viable outside of easy nodes, but they sure were fun.
  • Krongle
    Krongle Posts: 73 Match Maker
    alaeth wrote:
    Is your Wilson fully leveled? I can't justify the ISO cost, I pushed mine to about 230 (buffed puts him over 300)

    My Wilson is far from fully leveled, sitting at a lowly level of 120. I've contemplated leveling up the birdman many times, but despite how much i like playing around with him I can't justify actually pouring any iso into him. Still though: at the current level his red does around 6500 base damage, with 1000-ish damage added per shield tile, so he's no slouch when underleveled.

    Edit: those numbers are when he's boosted at level 192. Unboosted, at level 120, he does 5500 + 850-ish damage per shield tile. Still pretty good damage, I'll say.
  • WalrusBrigade
    WalrusBrigade Posts: 94 Match Maker
    3* icon_spiderman.png / icon_scarletwitch.png / icon_thing.png

    My spidey is still level 40 and my thing is 3/2/1, but it was fun stunning everyone a ton in the last gauntlet. Almost made we want to max spidey . . .
  • JackTenrec
    JackTenrec Posts: 808 Critical Contributor
    At least when Carnage isn't around, Doc Ock/Patch/Loki will probably be my new anti-symbiote team. It's mostly a matter of collecting just enough green for Berserker Rage and black for Trickery, then winning.
  • optimus2861
    optimus2861 Posts: 1,233 Chairperson of the Boards
    Having a usably-covered 4hor at 5/2/4 means the Thor+IM40 combo is particularly deadly against symbiotes. With KK along to heal, and it certainly doesn't hurt that she's boosted. Recharge -> Power Surge -> Smite -> dead symbiote. Maybe an Embiggened Bash first to soften everyone up. I just took down the Venom/Carnage/symbiote node with that trio without too much trouble.

    I've been sinking ISO into 4hor for a while now, she's up to 120, 122, something like that, unboosted and she comes out at 191 I think boosted this week.
  • HaywireII
    HaywireII Posts: 568 Critical Contributor
    Something new I tried today and kind of liked for all goon PvE nodes or 2 goons plus a character. Nova, Patch, IM40. Get a recharge off then hit Patch's green then use Nova to knock one character of choice into the air. If you are lucky enough to get enough to fire his black you're gold otherwise it's red x 2 after recharge goes off.
  • MaxxPowerz
    MaxxPowerz Posts: 276 Mover and Shaker
    Kingpin+Goblin+Scarlet Witch

    If you are lucky enough to have Goblins yellow ability, which locks countdown tiles, this can be a deadly combo.

    Use Witch to collect purple, then generate yellow AP with Kingpin to fire off his countdown tiles which Goblin will then protect.

    Use Kingpin's black ability only on Scarlet Witch's tile to preserve any potential damage from KP's countdown tiles.

    If you have enough yellow AP to spare you can also cast Goblin's yellow ability which will cause the countdown tiles to fire off sooner.