Your latest fun team combination



  • applezop
    applezop Posts: 1 Just Dropped In
    edited June 2021
    Climbed to 2000 in Simulator for the first time using Beast, Blade and IM40. Worked really well together and since Beast was tanking yellow was able to at worst use 2 healthpacks if there wasn't 2 early yellow matches...
  • pestilentpangolin
    pestilentpangolin Posts: 7 Just Dropped In
    Morbius, Collosus and Kitty melt PolarBitty predictably well, so I was using them to attack. Weirdly, though, they're also letting me float high in Simulator, so it seems like they're alright defensively too.
  • sambrookjm
    sambrookjm Posts: 2,168 Chairperson of the Boards
    Morbius, Collosus and Kitty melt PolarBitty predictably well, so I was using them to attack. Weirdly, though, they're also letting me float high in Simulator, so it seems like they're alright defensively too.
    I've found that Kitty/Polaris/Morbius is a great counter to Polaris/BRB/Kitty teams, especially if you can match one of their shields on the first turn.  Take Polaris out first, and you should be good to go.
  • pestilentpangolin
    pestilentpangolin Posts: 7 Just Dropped In
    Fair. But that one would get attacked *all the time*. Collosus adds a fear factor (for now, anyway).
  • Tiger_Wong
    Tiger_Wong Posts: 1,077 Chairperson of the Boards
    So a few pages back I suggested a team of GEDoom/MrSinister/Wanda and I exclaimed how vs hulkoye, I was having multiple turns where hulks AOE did -1 damage. A few of you seemed to not make it work and I did a **** job of explaining why. So here I’m running Colossus/Sinister/Wanda vs Wanda/Hulkoye. 

    I have +2 black/green to immediately have sinister reach his damage mitigation threshold.

    On AI turn 1, I take some AOE damage but they match 3 tup.

    On AI turn 2, Hulkoye has reached my Sinister damage threshold with their passive AOE+boost. And with Wanda in front, sinister and colossus take -1 damage and the AI match-3 another tup.

    AI turn 3, Colossus in front, AI with 5 tup, sinister and Wanda take -1 again.

    My 4th turn, AI Wanda dies from my wandas Feedback. I’m now trying to not match my wandas Feedback tile.

    AI turn 4, Wanda in front, Sinister takes only -1 from Hulkoye AOE. Colossus takes -786. Wanda -298. I’m unsure why the disparity in damage and not everyone takes -1. Maybe there wasn’t a match/damage before the AOE went off?

    AI turn 5. Colossus in front. A cascade before the AOE with the AI having 7 tup. -1 to everybody. 

    AI turn 6. Not enough green for the AOE as the AI gets its cascade on after firing indomitable spirit. 

    My turn 7 I debate if I should match my Behold traps and kill Okoye now or not. Pretty sure a match 3 of black with 2 behold traps would. Then I remember, I don’t want to kill her so fast because hulk has full health. I need okoye on the field so I don’t receive a lot of damage from that AOE. I match something away from the traps.

    AI turn 7, colossus in front. AOE goes off with no matches. Wanda and sinister take -1. Okoye makes a match 3 with my 2 beholds, killing herself. (Dammit Okoye!) leaving only hulk.

    AI turn 8, Wanda in front, my team takes the most AOE damage the whole match, because IHulk is clearly under Sinisters damage reduction threshold. And he matched my feedback tile. (You bastard!)

    AI turn 9 Wanda in front, I take the same damage as last turn. 

    My turn 10, I kill hulk with Colossus’ cheap black.

    Basically at the end, you want Okoye to have a bunch of tup and to stay alive so you can kill her and ihulk on the same turn. 

  • Tiger_Wong
    Tiger_Wong Posts: 1,077 Chairperson of the Boards
    Wanda 4/4/5
    5* Iceman 3/5/5
    Ghostpool 5/4/4

    I don’t know what you guys are seeing at pvp now, but it looks like the meta has changed as I’m seeing a LOT of Colossus/Wanda teams. Mostly the 3rd with them is Apoc. While Apoc is tough as it is, the big problem is getting around The Scarlett Steel. You wanna kill Wanda first so you’re not getting hit hard on your turn, but her feedback tile mitigates that, along with Colossus knocking down your match damage. I figure the best way is to hit them with hard one-hitters and stun one or the other of them (maybe both) and then hit them hard. 

    I use Wanda’s purple on blue and match those everywhere. I stun Wanda when I want to hit her with Ghostpool’s Penance Fare. I kill her first and then stun and kill colossus 2nd. Apoc may land his powers but Iceman and Wanda’s damage mitigation can handle it. 

    The real deal with this team is the stunning they do. There will be blue CDs for you to match all over and Ghostpool has a red stun as well. 
  • DAZ0273
    DAZ0273 Posts: 10,559 Chairperson of the Boards
    Colossus/Wanda getting very common but at least in my MMR, Colossus is prevalent even more without Wanda.
  • HoundofShadow
    HoundofShadow Posts: 8,004 Chairperson of the Boards
    I see them a lot. Mirror team will work against them. Use Colossus blue to remove SW's repeater and fire away. By then, you should have your red, black ap and protect tiles ready.
  • ThaRoadWarrior
    ThaRoadWarrior Posts: 9,525 Chairperson of the Boards
    Carbage/Morbius works well against 5Witch teams, adding Kitty as a 3rd in Simulator. Adding more enemy specials passively gives you many more opportunities to lift her repeater, and the friendly tiles start to boost after a few turns to meaningful numbers not reduced by Colossus. Not a hyper fast team, but few teams are against that pair.
  • TheEyeDoctorsWife
    TheEyeDoctorsWife Posts: 831 Critical Contributor
    In PvE, using Mantis with 5 green power and the Atlantis 3 support, and boost 3 green AP, perma-stuns 1 character on opening move. Great when it’s 1 character and 2 minions not moving tiles . Yaro Root 3 support is also adding 5 green , put both on 2 characters and it’s about 90% chance one hits , now the battle is 3 versus 2 barring you matching her repeater away, which is rare 
  • atomzed
    atomzed Posts: 1,753 Chairperson of the Boards
    edited July 2021
    So a few pages back I suggested a team of GEDoom/MrSinister/Wanda and I exclaimed how vs hulkoye, I was having multiple turns where hulks AOE did -1 damage. A few of you seemed to not make it work and I did a **** job of explaining why. So here I’m running Colossus/Sinister/Wanda vs Wanda/Hulkoye.[/quote]

    @Tiger_Wong, thanks for the suggestion of Colossus/wanda/Sinister! I having a fun time with this team! I always enjoy using sinister, but I couldn’t find an effective team. Wanda is a good team-mate because she can generate blue for him to use behold. Also, Colossus reduce match damage so the opponent MUST use ability to try to kill me. That will trigger Sinister purple and black passive! In no time at all, the board will have traps for behold to trigger. It’s a not a fast team, but it holds up well against all sorts of meta teams. I think it will suck against Polaris because Polaris passive will fill the board and destroy his trap tiles. Otherwise this team hold up well against hulkoye and Wanda teams. 
  • atomzed
    atomzed Posts: 1,753 Chairperson of the Boards
    Out of topic, but what is the code for quote? I tried [quote] [/quote] but it didn’t work. 
  • ThaRoadWarrior
    ThaRoadWarrior Posts: 9,525 Chairperson of the Boards
    edited July 2021
    <blockquote class="Quote">
      <div><a rel="nofollow">atomzed</a> said:</div>
      <div>Out of topic, but what is the code for quote? I tried [quote] [/quote] but it didn’t work.&nbsp;</div>

    That's the HTML view of me hitting the quote button on your post
  • skittledaddy
    skittledaddy Posts: 1,002 Chairperson of the Boards
    I just champed Gambit the other day, so I've been really scratching my head looking for interesting ways to exploit what he is still able to do. Mostly it's been charge-tile focused, so a lot of permutations on Negasonic and Throg, but so far none of those have really stuck. One interesting quirk I was able to discover was this one:

    Heimdall: 4/5/4 (didn't mess with it, that's just where I keep him)
    Gambit: 5/5/3 (the repeater takes too long, rather prioritize the damage)
    Vulture: 5/4/4 (might have been a better build, this is just where I keep him for Sinister 6 to do the maximum special tile break)

    The reason this is even sort of interesting is that once you throw Gambit in the air, his purple/red restriction gets lifted, so you can then do a big swipe with Heimdall, who is generally going to tank everything, and can true heal off of Vulture's antics while also reducing costs willy nilly from all that blue you're raking in. I don't think you'll beat a hulk team with this one, but it's approaching interesting at least. The only other character I can think of who could pinpoint throw a single ally out of the match is Danver5, and I'd REALLY like to figure out some way to take 2 nerf death 5*s and concoct some sort of gimmick from them, but dang if I can figure out which 3rd would care at all about that combo.

    There's always 3* Colossus for pinpoint ally airborne.  ;)
  • Alex502
    Alex502 Posts: 184 Tile Toppler

    There's always 3* Colossus for pinpoint ally airborne.  ;)
    You might also consider Black Cat, Vulture, and Heimdall. The rainbow coverage is nice, and Black Cat and Vulture can send themselves airborne very easily.
  • ThaRoadWarrior
    ThaRoadWarrior Posts: 9,525 Chairperson of the Boards
    The point of that airborne thread was that you could bypass Gambit’s red/purple restriction by tossing him in the air.
  • hothie
    hothie Posts: 210 Tile Toppler
    I dunno if it necessarily counts as a "fun" team, but in Shield Sim this morning I was low on health packs, so I ran Polaris,Morbius (5/2/3), 3* Hawkeye against 2 Polaris/R4G/Medusa teams and a Polaris/R4G/Kitty team. Won all 3 fairly easily, only using 1 health pack across the 3 matches.

    I do love the interaction between Morbius and Entanglement. I match an Entanglement tile, Medusa puts 2 attack tiles on the board, Morbius immediately takes them off the board without triggering anything because it's "remove" instead of "destroy", and then dishes out a little punishment for doing so. Add in Hawkeye giving some free blue and purple AP and that's just win all the way around. 
  • Srheer0
    Srheer0 Posts: 510 Critical Contributor
    hothie said:
    I dunno if it necessarily counts as a "fun" team, but in Shield Sim this morning I was low on health packs, so I ran Polaris,Morbius (5/2/3), 3* Hawkeye against 2 Polaris/R4G/Medusa teams and a Polaris/R4G/Kitty team. Won all 3 fairly easily, only using 1 health pack across the 3 matches.

    I do love the interaction between Morbius and Entanglement. I match an Entanglement tile, Medusa puts 2 attack tiles on the board, Morbius immediately takes them off the board without triggering anything because it's "remove" instead of "destroy", and then dishes out a little punishment for doing so. Add in Hawkeye giving some free blue and purple AP and that's just win all the way around. 
    That is a fun team. I agree with your assessment. 

    In my opinion, Mantis' most fun partner is Morbius.

    Got a friendly special tile in a matchable state? Use Mantis' to give it to the enemy team, heal your lowest health person a bit AND when you match it you trigger Morbius' damage passive, 3 other special tile removal and all that good stuff. And it also makes the 1 turn random pink stun tile that makes mantis function.

    As a third, put in C4rnage. So you almost always have enemy specials to try and match. And when you get enough green AP you can either blow up the board for a bunch of cascades and related damage and passives, or put a mantis stun repeater tile down.
  • hothie
    hothie Posts: 210 Tile Toppler
    Srheer0 said:
    hothie said:
    I dunno if it necessarily counts as a "fun" team, but in Shield Sim this morning I was low on health packs, so I ran Polaris,Morbius (5/2/3), 3* Hawkeye against 2 Polaris/R4G/Medusa teams and a Polaris/R4G/Kitty team. Won all 3 fairly easily, only using 1 health pack across the 3 matches.

    I do love the interaction between Morbius and Entanglement. I match an Entanglement tile, Medusa puts 2 attack tiles on the board, Morbius immediately takes them off the board without triggering anything because it's "remove" instead of "destroy", and then dishes out a little punishment for doing so. Add in Hawkeye giving some free blue and purple AP and that's just win all the way around. 
    That is a fun team. I agree with your assessment. 

    In my opinion, Mantis' most fun partner is Morbius.

    Got a friendly special tile in a matchable state? Use Mantis' to give it to the enemy team, heal your lowest health person a bit AND when you match it you trigger Morbius' damage passive, 3 other special tile removal and all that good stuff. And it also makes the 1 turn random pink stun tile that makes mantis function.

    As a third, put in C4rnage. So you almost always have enemy specials to try and match. And when you get enough green AP you can either blow up the board for a bunch of cascades and related damage and passives, or put a mantis stun repeater tile down.
    I am looking forward to getting my Mantis to a more playable level. Currently she's 3/1/2 for me, so I use her for funsies sometimes. But yeah I think Morbius and Mantis will be able to plow through some Polaris teams with little difficulty.
  • hothie
    hothie Posts: 210 Tile Toppler
    Again, not necessarily a "fun" team, and probably not all that original, but Polaris, Medusa, and Be4st have some serious synergy together. It's not as fast as Polaris/R4G/Juggs, but it's rolled through a lot of squads for me in pvp today.