Game crashing on start up [iOS - merged threads]



  • Pentagoon
    Pentagoon Posts: 98

  • Flax22
    Flax22 Posts: 18 Just Dropped In
    Have the same Probleme on my Iphone... No way to start the game... Crash after Marvel logo...

    But still work on my Ipad... so i can make the Deadpool Daily when i'm at home...

    The answer from Support:
    Thank you for contacting D3 Go! Customer Support.

    We apologize for any inconvenience regarding the issue. It seems that the problems you are experiencing in game are known issues, that we are currently working to resolve. It looks like the issue was related to Facebook and Apple updating some of their interactions and that this isn't specific to any device or OS directly. You should be able to play normally on another device. The next update for either Facebook, Apple, or Marvel Puzzle Quest should resolve the issue.

    Solution... Just wait and cross the finger that in the Futur with an Update it will work again...

    Peraps time to stop to Play this game...
  • Dayv
    Dayv Posts: 4,449 Chairperson of the Boards
    Pentagoon wrote:

    That thread is for Android crashes.

    This thread is for iOS crashes.

    They started happening at different times and don't have the same cause.
  • Markster16
    Markster16 Posts: 7 Just Dropped In
    Any update on a solution yet? It's been like 7 days since i played. icon_e_sad.gif
  • Markster16
    Markster16 Posts: 7 Just Dropped In
    Is everybody's game still crashing upon start up at the MARVEL Logo??
  • Highdark
    Highdark Posts: 75 Match Maker
    I have become one of you
  • Flax22
    Flax22 Posts: 18 Just Dropped In
    Yes... it's still crashing... No way to Play on my Iphone... ;o(((((( icon_evil.gificon_evil.gificon_evil.gif
  • Markster16
    Markster16 Posts: 7 Just Dropped In
    This is just terrible! It's been like two weeks already!!!! I can't do anything. If I force unlink the game and then link it back do you guys think it will still crash??
  • I just got the same non-response from customer service: it's an Apple / Facebook problem, the next release will fix it, you can use another device. Since I'm not inclined to buy a new phone simply to play the game, I guess that leaves me out of luck until the next update.

    Seriously, do they not do regression testing before releasing?
  • I am having the same problem with my iPhone, ever since I updated it I get to the marvel logo and then it quits on me. I have deleted it, downloaded it again, reset my phone, everything. Please help
  • Unknown
    edited March 2016
    Is it just me or is anyone getting annoyed that you only reach the Marvel logo and then it crashes?
    This has happened for almost a week now and I have no resolve to this.
    Is anyone doing anything about it to fix it? Anybody have any ideas?

    Moderator edit: merged with existing thread. Please don't start new threads for issues where there is already an existing topic. -DayvBang
  • Dayv
    Dayv Posts: 4,449 Chairperson of the Boards
    Wizzle87 wrote:
    I am having the same problem with my iPhone, ever since I updated it I get to the marvel logo and then it quits on me. I have deleted it, downloaded it again, reset my phone, everything. Please help
    Have you opened a customer support ticket?
  • DayvBang wrote:
    Wizzle87 wrote:
    I am having the same problem with my iPhone, ever since I updated it I get to the marvel logo and then it quits on me. I have deleted it, downloaded it again, reset my phone, everything. Please help
    Have you opened a customer support ticket?

    Yes I have..... And I have had no reply
  • Just noticed they have done an update for the game..... But I still can't play it icon_twisted.gif getting frustrated now
  • DJNicko
    DJNicko Posts: 3
    Had an iPhone update today and a game update today. Still can't play.
  • Markster16
    Markster16 Posts: 7 Just Dropped In
    This is ridiculous. They don't respond at all when I sent like 2 emails... And they update did not help at all.... Like omg... My friend in my alliance said I've been gone for 16 days....
  • Just downloaded the update... Still doesn't work! Is there any idea as to why this has happened?! Too much time and money invested in this game to just walk away. This is the only app having any sort of problem and it's the one I used the most!
  • After the current update the app worked fine. I tried to purchase Hero Points and exited out before I made the purchase. When I went back to the app it crashed. Now every time I open the app it crashes right at the Marvel logo. I tried deleting it and bringing it and re-downloading it and I tried restarting my phone, but neither method worked. This is so frustrating, I've invested too much time and money into this game and its one of the few that I actually really like.
  • Uber303
    Uber303 Posts: 85 Match Maker
    Has anyone found a resolution yet?
    I was 3rd in Benin bomb and this started happening with half hour left to play.
  • I have been told to "hang tight" and "hopefully someone is working to fix the problem"
    This doesn't help me as I've been out of the game for nearly 5 days now