CareBearStare Alliance Thread
DecoyDuck wrote:
We don't spend a lot of time publicly complaining, but we are not fools.
We know the frustrations.
We recognize the flaws. But we don't pretend.
In spite of it all, we fought.
We fought against nerfs...
We fought against healing mechanics...
We fought against rewards that aren't all that rewarding.
Our alliance evolved and grown.
Our alliance defined itself against the rest of the alliances. We found our edges, and we found our voice.
We will own this season. We will own it as a TEAM. I am DecoyDuck, this is CareBearStare, good game and good night!
Damn DD - this is the sort of statement you make as you're going down in flames, not mid-race. Save some for the inevitable Bearpocalypse or Starepocalyse.
So to anyone that missed it in chat or just who likes to follow CBS affairs I've left the bears. My 10-day break mid-season gave me some perspective and the game has failed to innovate and I've gotten a little bored. I don't want the alliance to start whispering how I'm not performing anymore or how I missed this or that event or how I'm never in chat anymore, so I've removed myself.
The most recent recruits have been really strong so I know I could let other people carry the alliance and still reap the rewards but I'm the sort of person who likes to contribute and if I can't then I'll "fire" myself to spare anyone else from having to do so eventually.
I'm thinking of starting a retirement alliance for ex-bears so if any ex-bears are interested let me know. I'm just short of ISO at this very moment but I'm think I'll just name it CareBearCave, nothing fancy.
EDIT - CareBearCave is now a real alliance! All tired Bears are welcome!
ALSO, what is up with NO season 4???0 -
Great job all on finishing up the season strong!
Berk, sorry to see you go, but like many have said, you gotta have fun and if you're not then you shouldn't force yourself to play any more than you want just for the alliance.
Kamu, Wow, bad timing, that sucks. The biggest loss I've had myself was -253 the other day in the Rag tourney. (forgot to get a screen cap) Though I was expecting something like that, I was beating up easy teams just to farm ISO.
My two 10-packs didn't impress me much. 1 IW, 1 L.Daken, 1 L.Thor. The rest 2 stars. Ugh... Though, my IW is fully covered now. I've been considering leveling her up and seeing if I can find a spot for her in my rotation. I think having a decently leveled 4 star would just look kind of imposing plus she can be really annoying to go up against.
Anyway, as I've mentioned before, I have a new baby showing up in my life this week (c-section scheduled for Wed 7-16) so I really have no idea what my schedule is going to be like, but I'd say probably spotty at best. Maybe it's a good thing that there's apparently a break in season competition right now? If I end up really having a hard time contributing points and you'd like to temporarily fill my spot with someone more active I'm completely okay with that, but we can discuss that more if it happens.0 -
Milkrain wrote:So to anyone that missed it in chat or just who likes to follow CBS affairs I've left the bears. My 10-day break mid-season gave me some perspective and the game has failed to innovate and I've gotten a little bored. I don't want the alliance to start whispering how I'm not performing anymore or how I missed this or that event or how I'm never in chat anymore, so I've removed myself.Milkrain wrote:I'm thinking of starting a retirement alliance for ex-bears so if any ex-bears are interested let me know. I'm just short of ISO at this very moment but I'm think I'll just name it CareBearCave, nothing fancy.
Same here, haven't left yet though. Im down for a CareBearCave or similar whatever. I dont think I want to fully quit just yet. I think I'll probably just start playing the occasional event but not every event. PVE used to be my favorite part of the game, but its not interesting anymore. Dont even read the dialog whatsoever. I like the competitiveness of the PVP and seeing players I recognize. But theres really no more strategy to that. I can beat the AI version of you and you can beat the AI version of me. I have beaten the AI versions of the top players WorldRunner, GIPSY, Slobo, along with others, but I guess that doesn't prove anything. They are only the top players because they are willing to spend 1000HP per event and probably 5000ISO to shield hop and boost.
I've been playing for more than 250 days. Thats just insane. DecoyDuck, probably is best to start recuiting for my position.0 -
The CareBearCave is now open to "sleepy" bears. As commander I've taken the best sleeping spot right at the back. Now I just need some ex-bears to keep me warm
Just saw the rewards for Iron Man PvP and isn't it typical that the alliance cover is the one I've got the least of
I've not tried out the new Fury ability, any verdicts so far?0 -
The character thread is grown for Fury. Check it out. Ive played him a few times in the SIM and PVE but I was never able to get enough AP to set of his abilities. Still nothing compared to Sentry.0
Milkrain wrote:The CareBearCave is now open to "sleepy" bears. As commander I've taken the best sleeping spot right at the back. Now I just need some ex-bears to keep me warm
Just saw the rewards for Iron Man PvP and isn't it typical that the alliance cover is the one I've got the least of
I've not tried out the new Fury ability, any verdicts so far?
Berk, we'll miss you a bunch, do drop by this thread on the regular, ok? The CareBearCave is not for me yet, but never say never.
I've taken the yellow out for a spin. It's certainly like nothing else, and if you have a full set of powers happening at high level, as seems to be the case from what I read in the character thread, it's really a whirlwind of action. Really fun and quite disruptive.
Lycka till! Vi hörs!0 -
Milkrain wrote:Damn DD - this is the sort of statement you make as you're going down in flames, not mid-race. Save some for the inevitable Bearpocalypse or Starepocalyse.
So to anyone that missed it in chat or just who likes to follow CBS affairs I've left the bears. My 10-day break mid-season gave me some perspective and the game has failed to innovate and I've gotten a little bored. I don't want the alliance to start whispering how I'm not performing anymore or how I missed this or that event or how I'm never in chat anymore, so I've removed myself.
We did not talk as publicly about it this season, but we knew there may be some turnover happening after the end of the season. In a sense, it was Bearpocalypse.
We've been sending some PMs back and forth and I don't want people to think I'm ignoring you, but I'll say it again... thank you, Milkrain for helping us define our alliance. You've been a true Bear. We hope to see in my nodes. Stare on.0 -
Hey everyone, congrats on top 50! You guys have greatly improved your ranking this season. We're proud of you! We enjoy seeing you a few positions above ScarFighters
We wish Milkrain the best with CareBearCave. There are many retirement alliances right now...we're beginning to think they will dominate the game pretty soon.
Do you guys think there will be a S4? We're enjoying the recess.0 -
Good morning Bears, Fedlex and Milkrain!
Fantastic season everyone. Enjoy the break, the pressure valves have been released and everyone can take it a little more relaxed or push a little harder. If everyone puts in a viable effort, we can grab some Laken covers for everybody. I know, for me, the "time off" from seasons will be met with lower scores than you have seen me post in the past. Covers I need are few and far between.
I hope some of you can make up some extra points for me so that we can maintain a top 100 for those who do require Laken covers.
Sharpen your claws or take a bearnap... Get some well deserved mental rest. Remember, it's only a game.
A couple of special shoutouts (in no particular order):
- Thank you MPQ for giving us a pause in seasons, however long or short it may be.
- Berk; you shall be missed and thank you for the hibernation alliance.
- Fedlex; Gratz on your season and welcome attitude in this game, you are well missed. I hear there is a BearCave where you can kick back and relax - maybe even catch up with some old bear friends.
- CareBears of past, present and future. A toast, raise a glass of sweet sweet Honey with me for DecoyDuck, without whom, we probably would not be where we are today, in a great alliance with great people. Not to mention, commanders of past (Fedlex), present (Kamuuu) and future (undisclosed).
One last mention, our Honorary Bears (too many to mention them all), but Dani and Jan - Staring at you!!
Stare on!0 -
20 Heroic tokens yielded 4 golds(!) - Spidey, IM40, Steve Rogers, and... the only one I can use.... Falcon Yellow!!! He's finally complete as a inscrutable 5/4/4 build.
I don't complain about tokens cause I'm mostly covered (oh, blue Hood...) so it's nice to still see an occasional freebie.0 -
Oh, and just to make it official...
Krakadoom! Release the Krak... oh, you get it... rank 54. Nicely done!
Season 3 - Care Bears take the trifecta! 3 Fury covers in 3 season. Rank 31!
I posted the results in the war room. Couple of extra averages and stats and such. For an alliance that doesn't have point minimums, we look at the points and the scores... like, a lot.
As the Autobot Smokescreen likes to say, "A look can be deceiving; a touch can be lethal."0 -
Yeah, me and DecoyDuck have communicated about my eventual retirement since I first mentioned it over a month ago. He's been really great about it and I'll miss the in-game chat for sure. I know I could stay and take advantage of everyone else's hard work but that would only make me feel guilty about not doing my share of the work. I'm a team player at heart and if I'm not helping the team enough then I'd rather step aside, or bench myself (in sports terms).
I know that DD will find someone awesome to fill my spot and I look forward to hearing about CBS progress here on the forum.
My reward tokens from the season end and the PvE end gave me three 2* and Purple Daredevil, so overall better than my season 3 10-pack (only Loki)
I'm not really leaving the game, just cutting down on it heavily.
EDIT: It's funny how now that I've left the alliance my token luck has improved greatly. I got a single token from Florida sub and it gave me Black Mohawk Storm.
EDIT 2: My shield resupply looks so sad now that I'm the only one in my alliance0 -
Given that this event features LDaken rewards which are decently valued, it should be easier to find people willing to shift over to a top 100. But there are probably a lot of open slots to go around. Too bad theres not a way of recuiting in-game. Milkrain, I'll join you. Probably do it tonight. After this week I didnt plan on doing too much anyway.0
user311 wrote:Given that this event features LDaken rewards which are decently valued, it should be easier to find people willing to shift over to a top 100. But there are probably a lot of open slots to go around. Too bad theres not a way of recuiting in-game. Milkrain, I'll join you. Probably do it tonight. After this week I didnt plan on doing too much anyway.
et tu, user311? I know you mentioned it a lot in the past, but you are quite the jokester. Shall I fare thee as well?0 -
My son yesterday was playing Mario Kart 7 and won a race and was screaming and hollering "I won, I won". I told him, "Oh yeah, well I beat ... eh nevermind. Good job" So yes, DecoyDuck, I have mentioned before and gone back and forth, I can't seem to just take it easy really, so I think its better if I just hibernate a while.0
user311 wrote:My son yesterday was playing Mario Kart 7 and won a race and was screaming and hollering "I won, I won". I told him, "Oh yeah, well I beat ... eh nevermind. Good job" So yes, DecoyDuck, I have mentioned before and gone back and forth, I can't seem to just take it easy really, so I think its better if I just hibernate a while.
Mario Kart 7? Why you no buy your boy Mario Kart 8?0 -
First off well done in Season 3 everyone ^^ including our friends that visit here from Scarfighters Dani and Jan ^^ and any others that visit from time to time. Reading all these posts I am touched and moved with what some of you have wrote and it makes me feel very proud to be apart of this family ^^. I will not say goodbye to Berk aka Milkrain cause I can still talk to him daily on Steam chat -lol-. And too DD... first off great moving speech ^^, you have anymore moving speeches like that and we are all gonna be voting for you for El President e and renaming New Mexico after you -lol-, me and Berk were just talking about this last night man, we seriously don't know how you do it... We have people that come and go, some that we still consider family here and keep in touch with ^^ cause they get burned out or just can't handle the work load anymore cause duties in real life calls but then we have DD... An extra not so ordinary person, sometimes I don't even know if your human, maybe your a machine, a terminator underneath that skin -lol-. Your the one that started this alliance DD and your still going strong doing a great job leading us, we don't know how you didn't retire already and start the Carebearmancave yourself -lol-. I think I speak for everyone when I say our hats off to you DD and thankyou. We know it aint easy leading us and all the time consuming responsibilities that comes with leading. If you were Spidey and I Uncle Ben I'd say to you: with great power comes great responsibilities -lol- and I think you've done a fine job with the great power you hold being our Spiderman/Spidey Leader/ or is it Spidey Bear ^^. Spidey Bear has a nice ring to it! So I say to you DD, thankyou ^^ and next round of drinks are on me ^^. Glad we have a break right now and no Season 4 yet cause I was contemplating joining Berk in the Bearcave in the near future but for now you still have my sword DD and I will continue to pvp and pve late at night and hold the fort and make sure the lights are lit while you bears/bear-dits rest and sleep.0
Hola Carebears!
Some devoted forumites have been compiling results, see: viewtopic.php?f=20&t=11931&start=20#p186907
CBS at rank 31 is, as far as can tell, the second-highest rank improvement in the whole thing. Yay us! Taking it easy the right way…0 -
Boogerbear wrote:First off well done in Season 3 everyone ^^ including our friends that visit here from Scarfighters Dani and Jan ^^ and any others that visit from time to time. Reading all these posts I am touched and moved with what some of you have wrote and it makes me feel very proud to be apart of this family ^^. I will not say goodbye to Berk aka Milkrain cause I can still talk to him daily on Steam chat -lol-. And too DD... first off great moving speech ^^, you have anymore moving speeches like that and we are all gonna be voting for you for El President e and renaming New Mexico after you -lol-, me and Berk were just talking about this last night man, we seriously don't know how you do it... We have people that come and go, some that we still consider family here and keep in touch with ^^ cause they get burned out or just can't handle the work load anymore cause duties in real life calls but then we have DD... An extra not so ordinary person, sometimes I don't even know if your human, maybe your a machine, a terminator underneath that skin -lol-. Your the one that started this alliance DD and your still going strong doing a great job leading us, we don't know how you didn't retire already and start the Carebearmancave yourself -lol-. I think I speak for everyone when I say our hats off to you DD and thankyou. We know it aint easy leading us and all the time consuming responsibilities that comes with leading. If you were Spidey and I Uncle Ben I'd say to you: with great power comes great responsibilities -lol- and I think you've done a fine job with the great power you hold being our Spiderman/Spidey Leader/ or is it Spidey Bear ^^. Spidey Bear has a nice ring to it! So I say to you DD, thankyou ^^ and next round of drinks are on me ^^. Glad we have a break right now and no Season 4 yet cause I was contemplating joining Berk in the Bearcave in the near future but for now you still have my sword DD and I will continue to pvp and pve late at night and hold the fort and make sure the lights are lit while you bears/bear-dits rest and sleep.
Thank you BBear... props to the team. A whole team effort. And if you see them, give a special nod to our other commanders, Tonzil and Kamu. Kamu's been doing a ton of recruitment work which is why you see such high quality recruits coming through. They aren't commanders cause they stopped by to buy slots, but cause they put the work in!0
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