CareBearStare Alliance Thread
Yup, I agree... More IM40 covers... Which os good for those who do need them. IM40 does not come around much in memory since his release. So, grab him while you can.
I am just not looking forward to this round of PvP. A lot of already maxed out 141 IM40's out there. Buffed, 212s.
And for what? More Rag covers? They are really shoving him down our throat as of late. "What is the meaning of this?"
So, we can already anticipate another round of Rags PvP... Again. And than what? Army of one? Although they seemed to have broken from that mold and moved into an IM40 instead. If the pattern stays true...
IM40 -> Rags -> Loki?? (Tabarnac!) Another God of Lies? I understand that Loki is a key in controlling Lazy Daken... But seriously... These PvPs are horrible.
Anyhow, sorry for the rant and grats on the top 100 everyone.0 -
SEASON 1 is coming to a close (finally).
So here is my semi-official poll of the situation and assessment. Who needs/wants/cares for Nick Fury covers? Collectors and collectibles aside.
My assessment is D3 wants people to play. Of course, revenue stream. But Nick Fury is a carrot on a stick. You are not going to catch him, no matter how hard you try. What does this mean? I am thinking the following scenario:
- 1 color Nick Fury will be released per season for 3 seasons before he becomes available in covers/cover packs/tournament rewards. (I may be wrong - but would make sense in the rotation of covers in Tournaments/PvE events for now). This has 2 fold actions... People will be hooked, grinding and spending for 3 months. 1 quarter of the fiscal year. Noone will be able to straight buy all his covers. You want him, work for him... Sure, you could max out his first color and in a month, max out his second, but you got to get it first. Which is a feature I rather like about this game. You have to earn it (or get lucky) first, before you can buy more covers of any color for any toon.
- This scenario can and will drive people completely insane. Especially the "most competitive Alliances". Burn out anyone?
- Seeing as how he will basically be useless for some time, and seeing as how noone (I don't think) in this alliance has the ISO buildup and/or ressources to pour into a 4* for the moment, I find him to be excessively useless. If, for example, he is to required in an Event (highly doubtful) D3 would do well to give him out as a "lender character". If not, that will seriously P.O. alot of people. Top 100 alliances x 20 members... 2000 people in distributed brackets effectively locking everyone else out of the top spots. No amount of RBing can fix that. And that will just be uncool/unfair to the rest of the community.
** So, if I may present the following suggestion? And/if the Alliance and it's members are in accord... We give a last ditch effort to finish season 1 strong (top 100) since we are there and at the end anyways. We see what Season 2 has in store and poll it. Same goes for PvP. I mean, more Rags rewards, more Loki rewards... I'll make all the effort I can for each and everyone of you, if you need it. In terms of alliance covers from PvP perspecive. If noone needs the alliance cover rewards for whatever reason, than voice it up please, and some of us (unless they really want to) can cut back on that extra effort from 700~800 to 1000~12000...0 -
Sounds good to me. Especially as I need fewer and fewer covers (over half my varsity team is fully covered at this point), I'm definitely in favor of letting up on the throttle a little. Given how tedious PVP has become, that'll allow us to prioritize what we want and play how we like, which was what attracted me to this alliance in the first place.0
I do not like IM40 and outside of this current event I will only ever use him if all other high lvl chars are down and I dont feel like waiting for health pack. I dont know if I needed a blue for him though. But ... I wasnt even playing to get him. I was playing for the HP and ISO I was going to earn. I have looked at Nick Fury. But unless I pay $$ to buff the first cover I get, he will just sit there at lvl 18 until after season 2. As for Rags -- I really like his red skill so I'll play my heart out for that too.0
Tonzil's suggestion is reasonable. Let's take care of Season 1 and see what other "manipulations" Season 2 has in store. We can decide how we'd like to proceed as a team. I wonder how I'd feel if I eased up a bit. Maybe take 2 or 3 days away. Hard to imagine.
Certainly, we'd like to give everyone an opportunity to sound off on what they think. Not saying that it's going be a completely democratic process, but I know some Bears play pretty intensely and we don't want anyone to be surprised. Similarly, it's a reminder for everyone to check in and communicate so you don't think we've arbitrarily and collectively gone mad (yeah, K.Mon, I'm talking 'bout you!)
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I agree with tonzil about the carrot and stick thing. They are beating us with the stick and force-feeding us the carrot (which i dont like very much, im more of a potatoes guy)0
Tonzil's analysis of the season situation is very good.
@Fedlex: I feel more like they are shoving the carrot up the wrong end
I'm curious, do we have any player that is so committed that they would buy NickFury covers?
I made a quick survey to ask what heroes people need most and least.
I was going to ask what covers for each hero, but thought I'd keep it simple to begin with.0 -
I can see where fedlex (and I guess vbr) is coming from. A kind of burnout not so much from stress or pressure, but just kinda... losing the fire or passion. I'll miss you but at the same time I'm happy for you that you're moving onTonzil wrote:@Purinxa and the alliance.
I apoligize and was not insinuating anything in this thread earlier about kicking/removing/barring Purinxa.
The post was actually - me thinking I had seen Purinxa "removed" from our roster. Sorry for the confusion.
Don't worry, I know what happened. After the event, Panduras was released and you saw 19/20. You skimmed the list and my name was so unintrusive that you didn't even notice it so you assumed I got kicked. Happens, we all make mistakes. I'm still MAD though so I'm gonna queue you up in all 3 of my nodes and hit you when you're at 1099 points. I AM SO MAD SMASH
I'm not buying Nick Fury covers. It's just gonna occupy a slot in my roster, and I'm never gonna use him.0 -
I've never spent HP on a cover, and I"m not going to start with Nick Fury.0
I was F2P until last week or so. I put in $20 and upgraded Patch and Hulk since I never get those covers. Of course then I've gotten three more Patch covers since.
Probably was stupid, but I got tired of waiting. I told myself a long time ago I would pay for 3* Daken if available. After seeing him, I don't know. But like Berk saw earlier, that 5AP blue skill is pretty awesome. I'll have to wait and see. I suspect like BP it will get a quick nerf.
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I just want to take the time to say thank you to everyone here for allowing me to be apart of your alliance.
In the very short time that I have been a member here, my MPQ "quality of life" has SIGNIFICANTLY increased.
I used to play just to play and it was becoming tedious. And joining a 20 person alliance was scary. But I am glad that I took the leap and jumped in. In the few days that I have been a member, I have placed better overall in everything that I wanted to place in. (Exception of Loki PVP, I overslept and missed my push.) And the biggest reason for that is you guys (and gals). It is fun to play as a team. To chat between matches. etc.
And as I stated before, I like competing with you guys on the alliance member contribution list more than I do in the actual events.
So again, THANK YOU for having me. And I look forward to teaming up with you all for everything that comes our way.
John Aaron0 -
This is good to know. I figured I would save you guys the time of reading through 68 pages (probably more by now).
I extracted my own quote from this page and thought to post it here for our alliance and "trollers".
viewtopic.php?f=20&t=7026 - Page 68.pbrownusmc wrote:Tonzil wrote:I know I am screwed with the MMR. At the end of this Event, my final Daken Node and his pals were starting to hit the upper 260s / lower 270s.
Curious to see what yours were at Bee and anyone else who needed to grin ceaselessly.
Ok, this might be kind of noobish, but I was sitting around 200 in the main while the subs were up. Finished t50 in both subs, and 21st in main. How will you know if your MMR is insane? Just wait for the next PVE event? I've only been playing for a little over a month, so don't crucify me for asking.
... still waiting on alliance rewards btw... 9 and a half hours after event ends...
Your MMR (or Match Making Ranking) is easily identified as "out of control".
When you start an event, your nodes will generally be low. Unless your MMR is already out of control, in which case they will be high. 'Easy' nodes Vs. 'Impossible'. It's like a handicap to keep you in check and give others a chance to do better than you. You play Golf, same principal.
So, if you started the event with Enemy levels in the 30s and finished in the 60~70s, your MMR is under control and when the next round of PvE begins, there will be a "reset or decrease in your MMR" which in turn results in your nodes once again returning to a similar level.
When your MMR is out of control. Usually because you grind and win too much... Your level 30s end up in the upper 100s/lower 200s or possibly higher. When the event ends, your MMR is lowered, reset, whatever. The next event begins, but instead of facing "easy" level 30 nodes - you are immediately put up against level 80 ~ 100 nodes. You continue to beat those down and enter into a vicious cycle of MMR rising because you are beating those nodes. The nodes get higher and harder as you climb. Until you reach a climax. The "glass ceiling".
The proverbial "Glass ceiling" is when you reach the cap of possible MMR value. Lets put this value at 100% or 100/100. This means your nodes will be at the highest possible level - 395! Now, said ceiling can be surpassed. So you do not cap your MMR there. Say, you are crazy capable, burning boosts and grinding those 395s because you have the roster to do so... Your ceiling is now rising. Let's say you are now at 200/100. Ouch! Beyond out of control!! The even ends, and the "reset" occurs. Noone knows exactly how this works. In percentages or static values. So, for argument sake, we will give a value of 30% to this.
The next event commences, your invisible to you MMR is decreased by 30%. So 200/100 become 140/100. You are still above the ceiling, way above. You will be presented with every node being at their highest possible value.
This can be solved with a full roster - depending on who you are up against in the nodes, because as seen above, you were capable of beating down those 395s. And the vicious cycle begins. Each time you beat one of those nodes, your MMR increases.
When you experience this - as I, and others have; recently in the event "The simulator", it sucks pretty bad. Basically we started the event and were presented with 2 opening nodes. Easy and Hard. Both nodes consisted of 3 x 395 heroes. Beating the "easy" node and entering "The simulator" every single presented node - remember this is the "easy side"; was already at 3 x 395.
I hope that answeres your question.
Everything here is probably over simplified, but that is the Jist of it.
**Edit: Change "the hunt" for "the simulator"
**Edit 2: Added some clarification for readability.0 -
aaronschmiz wrote:I just want to take the time to say thank you to everyone here for allowing me to be apart of your alliance.
In the very short time that I have been a member here, my MPQ "quality of life" has SIGNIFICANTLY increased.
I used to play just to play and it was becoming tedious. And joining a 20 person alliance was scary. But I am glad that I took the leap and jumped in. In the few days that I have been a member, I have placed better overall in everything that I wanted to place in. (Exception of Loki PVP, I overslept and missed my push.) And the biggest reason for that is you guys (and gals). It is fun to play as a team. To chat between matches. etc.
And as I stated before, I like competing with you guys on the alliance member contribution list more than I do in the actual events.
So again, THANK YOU for having me. And I look forward to teaming up with you all for everything that comes our way.
John Aaron
Ha! And he's only been with us for 3 days. Imagine the condition of his brain after a week!0 -
DecoyDuck wrote:Ha! And he's only been with us for 3 days. Imagine the condition of his brain after a week!
Care Bear evil little things
Edit : In France, Care Bear Stare is called "Bisounours", so literally translated Kiss+Bear...I let you imagine all the sufferings in my childhood...dani(kalil), my fellow teamate, has confessed me she made nightmares about it every night0 -
@Tonzil: I don't remember seeing anyone asking about MMR and crazy scaling
Still a very good explanation.
The game is down and no Daken covers. I might start calling him TrollDaken from now on.
^^^Why is frenchy scarfighter invading our thread?Is it time for us to branch out and create a sub-alliance called the KissBears?
0 -
Milkrain wrote:^^^Why is frenchy scarfighter invading our thread?
Is it time for us to branch out and create a sub-alliance called the KissBears?
Ol' DD might have trolled their alliance thread (viewtopic.php?f=16&t=5471&start=560) earlier today.
I know we are looking for a nemesis alliance, but we still need to stir the pot over at ThunderKittens alliance for ambiguous reasons. Or CH4 News Team.
So feel free to stare/troll their thread as well. Stare!0 -
Milkrain wrote:@Tonzil: I don't remember seeing anyone asking about MMR and crazy scaling
Still a very good explanation.
The game is down and no Daken covers. I might start calling him TrollDaken from now on.
^^^Why is frenchy scarfighter invading our thread?Is it time for us to branch out and create a sub-alliance called the KissBears?
But seriously, I've periodically lurked in your thread for a while, partly because your alliance name (and logos) is (are) way totes awesome, partly because y'all are a bunch of awesome people. Keep being awesome.
Awesome.0 -
HailMary wrote:Milkrain wrote:@Tonzil: I don't remember seeing anyone asking about MMR and crazy scaling
Still a very good explanation.
The game is down and no Daken covers. I might start calling him TrollDaken from now on.
^^^Why is frenchy scarfighter invading our thread?Is it time for us to branch out and create a sub-alliance called the KissBears?
But seriously, I've periodically lurked in your thread for a while, partly because your alliance name (and logos) is (are) way totes awesome, partly because y'all are a bunch of awesome people. Keep being awesome.
I really hope my commanders will invaded your thread later on
Edit : and yes I agreed with HailMary, your sigs are awesome, and a lot of others are...Would be a nice add from the devs to stick our own sig in the leaderboard
But heck ! They are doing party with least they could had invited us all !0 -
Milkrain wrote:@Tonzil: I don't remember seeing anyone asking about MMR and crazy scaling
Still a very good explanation.
The game is down and no Daken covers. I might start calling him TrollDaken from now on.
^^^Why is frenchy scarfighter invading our thread?Is it time for us to branch out and create a sub-alliance called the KissBears?
and me who even took the time to add the quote from the Guy asking about MMR. He even asked not to be flamed because he was relatively new. So I took the time to answer niely, concisely and politely before (not to point fingers at anyone) someone like Jozier showed up and reemed him for being 'green'.
Mind you he could have looked it up. So that makes him: "Corban my man... Super Green".0
This discussion has been closed.
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