'Boosted' Characters Rebalancing Post-Champions



  • firethorne
    firethorne Posts: 1,505 Chairperson of the Boards
    Nellobee wrote:
    notamutant wrote:
    simonsez wrote:
    Nellobee wrote:
    a great boosted 3* team should be able to go toe to toe reasonably with Jeanbusters unboosted.
    Is the argument that they're not? I'm looking at the boosted 3's in Oscorp, and Storm's black, Cmag's blue, GSBW's green all do damage per AP similar to unboosted 4*s. And those aren't even great 3*s

    All of the skills you listed are some of the most damaging moves in the 3 star range...

    And I am pretty sure GSBW has slightly less healltg than IMHB. Slightly.

    Also, there's a bit of a difference between doing damage spread across multiple characters and nuking a single target

    Sniper rifle, at max (not counting champion) will do 617 damage per ap. But, that is divided over three targets. Repulsor punch is 630 per ap to a single target. Taking out threats in one shot so they can't shoot back is more useful than whittling all opponents down at an even rate.

    Not to mention, sniper costs 19, and punch costs 9. Roughly the same damage per ap, yes, but if you can get nuked before you can even shoot, what's the point?
  • CaptainFreaky
    CaptainFreaky Posts: 451 Mover and Shaker
    Here's the thing for me: I thought the whole idea for having weekly boosted characters was to (a) promote roster diversity and (b) provide a way for people still in a lower level tier to compete for a somewhat better reward (since everyone competes for the same rewards). Of course it also resulted in more health and longer matches...

    Now, with the nerf to 3* level 167-300 ability damage, and the buff in general to 4* (stronger at mid levels and stronger when champed/buffed), the second part of the reason for boosted is much weaker for the all important 3 -> 4* transitioning player (by far the most difficult transition in the game).

    As to the first - roster diversity - I see that as weakened as well. I'm much more likely now to bring my level 200 semi-covered 4* into battle then my buffed level 240+ champed 3* unless there is a niche/strategic reason to bring a particular 3* (eg IM40, SW, etc).

    I'm tired of beating a dead horse - Demiurge just wants to slow transitions and lengthen individual matches. It's what they always want to do. I will just have to hope that they loosen the strings on 4* cover acquisition (not to mention create more opportunity for ISO) - before my patience runs out and I tire of the game.
  • gigatilburg29
    gigatilburg29 Posts: 88 Match Maker
    Here's the thing for me: I thought the whole idea for having weekly boosted characters was to (a) promote roster diversity and (b) provide a way for people still in a lower level tier to compete for a somewhat better reward (since everyone competes for the same rewards). Of course it also resulted in more health and longer matches...

    Now, with the nerf to 3* level 167-300 ability damage, and the buff in general to 4* (stronger at mid levels and stronger when champed/buffed), the second part of the reason for boosted is much weaker for the all important 3 -> 4* transitioning player (by far the most difficult transition in the game).

    As to the first - roster diversity - I see that as weakened as well. I'm much more likely now to bring my level 200 semi-covered 4* into battle then my buffed level 240+ champed 3* unless there is a niche/strategic reason to bring a particular 3* (eg IM40, SW, etc).

    I'm tired of beating a dead horse - Demiurge just wants to slow transitions and lengthen individual matches. It's what they always want to do. I will just have to hope that they loosen the strings on 4* cover acquisition (not to mention create more opportunity for ISO) - before my patience runs out and I tire of the game.

    Exactly!!! I know it's a business and they have to make money but at least make the game enjoyable while u generate income. I would donate so much more just out of goodwill but right now not a penny will be spend.
  • TxMoose
    TxMoose Posts: 4,319 Chairperson of the Boards
    today's ddq against HT highlighted for me how big the nerfhammer was. his red was plainly weak, even at level 270. its completely unfortunate they went as far as they did, and to know that even if I max champ them to 266, unless they're boosted, they still won't be very strong. this has completely finalized my decision to let my patch/doom/grocket/blade/deadpool/marvel languish at 140. yes it will make my pvp team a more attractive target when they're featured, but by the time that matters, we'll likely be running 4* events anyway and getting more champed 4*s and leveling any 5*s that become ready will be way more impactful to my playing experience.
  • MPQ_Daywalker
    MPQ_Daywalker Posts: 384 Mover and Shaker
    I've been curious to see just what max champion 3*s do, so I've started a max champion stat compilation project. I have a post in the Character Discussion sub-forum titled Maxed Champion Character Stats, but the real meat of it is in a Google Doc spreadsheet I've created: MPQ Maxed Champion Stats

    Basically, I went through KingDreadnaught's roster (referencing him by name with his permission) and compiled what all the max champion characters have for health points and damage.

    The max champ 5* OML and pretty much every 4* max champ stats are pretty impressive. Once I got to the max champ 3*s it got a little depressing. For example, max champ level 266 Dr. Doom does 1391 damage per trap tile. Just going from memory, but I'm pretty sure my 166 boosted to 240 in the pre-champion days did approximately 1900 damage per trap tile.
  • TxMoose
    TxMoose Posts: 4,319 Chairperson of the Boards
    maybe it makes some 4* ddq days easier and some pve nodes easier (as long as you can keep them under level 300) - too bad pve is filled with 1*s and 2*s, but they got some nerf too. Gauntlet and sim pve might help some. as it was, HT was barely warm against my thing the other day. not completely all negative, but still sucks.
  • TLCstormz
    TLCstormz Posts: 1,668
    Pylgrim wrote:
    Anyway, I know this is not a popular opinion since I have been ridiculed by TLC and TOS. That's fine by me, I am aware of the opposing view point and respect their freedom to hold a different view point from mine.

    I know I'm on the same side of the argument as TLC but I have to say I don't support his content-lacking, person-attacking posts.

    My posts "lack content," because you people are usually not worth the time, nor effort. You'll be alright, though. I promise.

    And, AS USUAL, I'll again ask you to put me on your ignore list, as I did with you, OVER a year ago. Goodness.
  • Nellobee
    Nellobee Posts: 457 Mover and Shaker
    TLCstormz wrote:
    Pylgrim wrote:
    Anyway, I know this is not a popular opinion since I have been ridiculed by TLC and TOS. That's fine by me, I am aware of the opposing view point and respect their freedom to hold a different view point from mine.

    I know I'm on the same side of the argument as TLC but I have to say I don't support his content-lacking, person-attacking posts.

    My posts "lack content," because you people are usually not worth the time, nor effort. You'll be alright, though. I promise.

    And, AS USUAL, I'll again ask you to put me on your ignore list, as I did with you, OVER a year ago. Goodness.

    Get a room, you two.
  • Jam_Adams
    Jam_Adams Posts: 486 Mover and Shaker
    TLCstormz wrote:
    Pylgrim wrote:
    Anyway, I know this is not a popular opinion since I have been ridiculed by TLC and TOS. That's fine by me, I am aware of the opposing view point and respect their freedom to hold a different view point from mine.

    I know I'm on the same side of the argument as TLC but I have to say I don't support his content-lacking, person-attacking posts.

    My posts "lack content," because you people are usually not worth the time, nor effort. You'll be alright, though. I promise.

    And, AS USUAL, I'll again ask you to put me on your ignore list, as I did with you, OVER a year ago. Goodness.

  • gigatilburg29
    gigatilburg29 Posts: 88 Match Maker
    10 pages and not a single reaction from the devs, instead they unstick this thread for the second time...bumping this up again until we get a answer.
  • fight4thedream
    fight4thedream GLOBAL_MODERATORS Posts: 2,001 Chairperson of the Boards
    10 pages and not a single reaction from the devs, instead they unstick this thread for the second time...bumping this up again until we get a answer.

    Please refrain from making "bump" posts. I understand the importance of this issue but bump posts add nothing to the discussion and are in violation of rule 12 (viewtopic.php?f=2&t=4). Any posts that do not contribute to the discussion will be removed and the poster will be issued a warning.

    TLCstormz wrote:

    My posts "lack content," because you people are usually not worth the time, nor effort. You'll be alright, though. I promise.

    And, AS USUAL, I'll again ask you to put me on your ignore list, as I did with you, OVER a year ago. Goodness.

    TLCstormz this sort of attitude will not be tolerated. I am issuing you a warning for violating forum rules 6 and 12. If you feel your fellow forum members are not worth the time and effort to engage in a constructive discussion, please refrain from posting. Thank you.
  • gigatilburg29
    gigatilburg29 Posts: 88 Match Maker
    I understand that bumping this thread with no real input is not a right thing to do but givin this that this is the only way keeing this topic alive is my only choice. If the devs would have responded To us with any type of input and response to the playersbase who are real upset about this we would not have to resort to these kind of actions.

    My apologies if i break the rules of this forum but what can we do? The devs arent responding, this thread get stickyd for 1 week and then taken off, if we create a new thread it will be closed and reffered to this one.
  • Linkster79
    Linkster79 Posts: 1,037 Chairperson of the Boards
    There shall not be any further admin responses to this thread as it is stated in the OP that no more changes are expected to be made. Now it is a case of if you don't like the 3* power levels you can either put up and shut up or leave.

    Any changes that have been made are working as intended so no further developer interaction is warranted, so this too shall pass. I am sure these changes are so that instead of players relying on a core team of characters they can utilise the full strength and diversity of their entire roster.
  • gigatilburg29
    gigatilburg29 Posts: 88 Match Maker
    What an intelligence coming from you....
  • Pylgrim
    Pylgrim Posts: 2,332 Chairperson of the Boards
    Linkster79 wrote:
    There shall not be any further admin responses to this thread as it is stated in the OP that no more changes are expected to be made. Now it is a case of if you don't like the 3* power levels you can either put up and shut up or leave.

    Any changes that have been made are working as intended so no further developer interaction is warranted, so this too shall pass. I am sure these changes are so that instead of players relying on a core team of characters they can utilise the full strength and diversity of their entire roster.

    Sooo, are you saying that they nerfed boosted Iron Fist so we could go and use... what? Nerfed boosted Psylocke? Nerfed boosted She-Hulk? That diversity argument makes no sense whatsover because the nerf struck the whole tier. Pre-nerf, you sure were encouraged to use your normally mediocre 3* when they were boosted because they became decent. But now that even the best 3*s can barely put out good enough values when boosted to go against hugely boosted 4*s, the mediocre 3*s are nowhere good enough when boosted to consider.

    While it is likely that there will no be answers from red names to this thread, they did say that they would be reading the feedback so you cannot tell people to "put up and shut up". It's not like this is just a cosmetic change and people are raising a stink out of nothing. This is a change that damages and slows down the already ailing and slow 3-4* progression. Are you seriously asking the whole mid-tier of players to either "put up" with the change and resign themselves to stop advancing (or at least be slowed so much that it might as well have stopped) or leave?
  • Linkster79
    Linkster79 Posts: 1,037 Chairperson of the Boards
    I guess dry sardonic dark humour does not translate very well onto message boards....
  • Pylgrim
    Pylgrim Posts: 2,332 Chairperson of the Boards
    Linkster79 wrote:
    I guess dry sardonic dark humour does not translate very well onto message boards....

    Oops. I guess it doesn't. My apologies.
  • Lemminkäinen
    Lemminkäinen Posts: 378 Mover and Shaker
    It's weird. It seems that even at the glacial pace that my four-stars are advancing, I'll likely have most of them finished way before I get to fully champed three-stars. So why would I use them then as I'll have the four-stars (and maybe five-stars as well)?
  • chamber44
    chamber44 Posts: 324 Mover and Shaker
    It's weird. It seems that even at the glacial pace that my four-stars are advancing, I'll likely have most of them finished way before I get to fully champed three-stars. So why would I use them then as I'll have the four-stars (and maybe five-stars as well)?

    Theory of championing: "nice. While I am completing my 4* roster, i can also gradually improve my 3*'s, compete with mid-to uppper leveled 4*s, and place high enough to earn more 4's (thus forcing me to play harder/spend more? for ISO)."

    Reality of championing, post nerf:
  • Nellobee
    Nellobee Posts: 457 Mover and Shaker
    Yeah, this change is just another gap-widening "the rich get richer" thing.

    A very cool one, but it is kinda like the Bush tax cuts. Seems cool in the moment when you got a little extra cash, but made things worse for most people in the long run.