Roster progress report, and plans for your roster



  • AlexR
    AlexR Posts: 453 Mover and Shaker
    edited October 2022

    @AlexR said:
    Day: 989SR: 137
    Finally making a post because I'm hoarding and would like to see what becomes of it between the approaching good latest trio and Anniversary store in a few months.

    50 rostered
    Got a fully covered BRB. That I haven't champed yet because being stuck playing nothing but BRB/Polaris sounds miserable to me. I'd really like to have some more options in the wings before I make the jump.
    Others with at least 6 covers: 4/4/4 Kitty. 5/2/4 Loki, 4/1/2 Half-Thor, 4/2/2 Dr.Strange, 4/1/1 Okoye, 2/1/3 JJ, 2/1/3 Gargantos, 3/1/2 Daredevil, 1/1/4 +1 Carol, 2/3/1 Storm, 2/4/1 MoonKnight, 4/0/4 Dr.Doom
    Don't have Shang-Chi and SWitch and only have 1 cover for Apoc. Would really like those. Crossing my fingers for Anniversary.Currently holding onto at least 3 covers via milestone rewards.

    All rostered except Mantis (missed a few characters during hiatus and the only 4* I haven't managed to get a hold off yet is Mantis.)
    58 champed
    ~25 ready to be champed, most of them waiting at lvl 209 already.
    I currently keep Emma Frost favourited for that last Kitty cover.


    • Steadily pushing iso into my 4* like always. Gotta champ 'em all.* Immediate plans are to fully cover 5* Kitty (3 Emma Frost levels to go!). Medium-term, I will throw my meager amount of LLs at Eyeball/KK/5*Jane like everyone else once MK leaves. I'd love a well-covered Gargantos. But also, longer term, I'm trying to hoard some cp in preperation for the Anniversary store. Since those last two might conflict (I really don't want to spend my cp right now, but without it I might not get that many covers for our favourite latest trio?), I'm not really sure how it's going to turn out, hence the post.

    Okay, so. The Anniversary Season has ended, the vault is almost done too. I'm also about to hit my Year 3 anniversary in-game. Where do I stand?

    Day 1090, SR 147

    I now have four fully covered 5* in BRB, Kitty, Jane Foster and Kamala!! Yay!! Still none champed, because no iso and also I'm not done with 4* land yet.
    (4 new classic 5* rostered in Shang Chi, SWitch, Bruce Banner, Green Goblin. 17 still missing.)

    Others with at least 6 covers (the ones who progressed bolded): 5/2/4 Loki, 5/3/3 Dr.Strange, 5/3/3/ Shang Chi, 5/0/4 Dr.Doom, 4/1/3 Gargantos, 2/4/2 MoonKnight, 4/1/2 Half-Thor, 2/2/3 JJ, 4/3/0 Chasm, 1/1/4 +1 Carol, 3/1/2 Daredevil, 4/1/1 Okoye, 2/3/1 Storm, 2/2/2 Emma Frost.

    I got super lucky with Shang Chi from the Anniversary vault, see this post here in the best moments thread. I got him from not rostered at all to 5/3/3 just from the vault without spending cp on him. :smiley:

    As for 3/4stars:
    All 4* rostered again, 68 champed.
    (10 new ones: Agent Venom, Mr.Fantastic, Scorpion, Lockjaw, Iron Fist, Devil Dino, Gwenpool, Flaptain, Invisible Woman, Punisher.) Still ~25 fully covered ones waiting in the wings.
    All 3* champed except 3* Arcade who's still waiting for iso. I'm almost through with flipping the 3* ; I'm glad. That took forever and also ate a lot of iso and temporary dupe slots.

    Did I accomplish my plans from last time?
    -Yes, I fully covered Kitty via Emma Frost!
    -However, that led to the situation of me having BRB and Kitty fully covered as my sole 5* when Anniversary store rolled in. Didn't want to pull, that seemed way inefficient.
    -Because of that, I threw 1k cp at latest to fully cover Kamala and Jane, who I had already made nice progress for. Getting them both!
    -Due to my luck with the vault, I now have an 11-cover Shang Chi despite ignoring the store. :D:D So, mission accomplished!

    • So yeah, got Kitty, Kamala, Jane and most of Shang Chi with still 2k+ cp in the bank. Couldn't have turned out better, really. The only one who got left in the dust was the Eyeball, which is sad because I like him. But 8 covers isn't bad, either.

    -Shorterm, get Chasm a green to fix his 4/3/0 spread when Jane leaves Latest or via PvE rewards during the next week. Once Jane leaves, I'll keep pulling Latest until he's out. Might possibly start hoarding LTs again once he's out and ignore SHulk/Emma/Arcade for now? (I have all of them rostered already.) We'll see, not sure. I'd love to fully cover everyone, but I have to pick my battles. Gotta build up some savings again. I currently have Okoye favourited and am in the process of getting her cover#7. This should happen while Chasm is in Latest.
    -Midterm; the 5* that are currently the next closest are Loki (5/2/4), Shang Chi (5/3/3), Strange (5/3/3) and Doom (5/0/4). There is nothing I can do about Shang Chi for the time being, although from the October Q&A post, I'm hoping they're rolling out a new batch of feeders during the winter holidays, maybe he'll get one. Edit: Switching back to favourite SC. If he does get a feeder, shard progress will go a long way in getting his last couple covers.
    The other 3, I can work on though. I'd like to get Loki's, Strange's and Doom's feeders to lvl 300 each: MEHulk (11 levels to go), Mordo (16 levels) and Invisible Woman (12 levels). Starting with IW to start the process of fixing the sad, stuck Doom by getting him his first black cover. Because the 5/0/4 spread really bothers me. Then swiching over to the others to get Loki and Strange to 12 covers each. Both of them have about 200 shards, so at that point they'll only have half a cover to go.
    -Longterm: Back to hoarding cp! I want to be ready in case there's a Switch store…

  • Sekilicious
    Sekilicious Posts: 1,766 Chairperson of the Boards
    edited October 2022

    I would recommend switch favourite from Okoye to SC. You are two covers away and SC can handle anything SCL10 PvE can throw at him, though he needs a bit of luck on some Carbage nodes. PvP will be easier as well, or at least it was when I had him as a solo champ. I still skip Chasm/iHulk because I don’t have Electro or Wanda. SC just has no defensive ability but that’s ok if shielding or chasing 50 wins. Just a thought, you do you. Nice to see your roster progress.

  • AlexR
    AlexR Posts: 453 Mover and Shaker
    edited October 2022

    That's entirely valid! And good advice, thank you.

    I'm a bit torn. On one hand, Okoye is only 100 shards away while SC is 450 shards away from next cover. I think I'll manage the Okoye cover before Chasm leaves (after which, I'll go back to hoarding), but I'm certainly not going to make meaningful progress for the next SC cover in that time.

    ...On the flip side, if SC does get a feeder during winter holidays (devs hinted at large feeder update/ a holiday shardmas in the Q&A Oct), a cover coming from lvl 300 from a feeder might be reachable. So, any progress in shards at all is valuable since the shards might end up being the last cover necessary. hmm. Decisions, decisions.

    Edit: The longer I think on it, the more compelling the latter argument is. The new devs have been busy adding feeders, are actively promising a large feeder update and there's only a handful older-than-SC 5* left who have none. Doesn't seem too unlikely he'll get one. At which point, he'll only be [# of shards] away. Yeah okay, convinced, switching to SC, haha. Thanks! :smiley:

  • HoundofShadow
    HoundofShadow Posts: 8,004 Chairperson of the Boards

    You might as well pull the vault, and you will be guaranteed to champ SC, provided that you still have 2 non-red SC cover in the vault. Treat those extra covers for Kitty/BRB as a trade for LT or 250 HPs.

  • AlexR
    AlexR Posts: 453 Mover and Shaker
    edited October 2022

    I'd love to, the vault is awesome. (The place I'm refusing to pull from is the brb/Kitty/SC legendary store, not the vault. Vault is great.) But I threw all my HP into the vault already. ;) That's where the SC covers came from in the first place. So, the vault is done, unfortunately. Out of HP.

  • Sekilicious
    Sekilicious Posts: 1,766 Chairperson of the Boards
    edited October 2022

    I think he was saying spend some CP in the Fan Favourites Store (it’s still up on the recruit heroes side) until you get two purple/blue SC covers. The worst that can happen is extra BRB/Kitty covers. It gets confusing with the different Vaults, Tokens, etc.

    I too an saving CP for a potential Wanda store someday so it is difficult for me to recommend that. I understand the quandary of needing to champ multiple meta characters.

  • HoundofShadow
    HoundofShadow Posts: 8,004 Chairperson of the Boards
    edited October 2022

    I actually misread it. Pull from CP store if you have 1200 cp. If not, wait for Shardmas 2.0/3.0. You need 317 pulls to gain 2 covers for SC via shards. If you can't accomplish that before Shardmas, I wouldn't favourite SC. Even if you could get him to 13 covers, you don't have iso-8 to champ him anyway. I would take it easy anyway.

    I'm not sure how many covers you are away from champing her, but she has feeder (Hulkling) if you are a couple covers away.

  • AlexR
    AlexR Posts: 453 Mover and Shaker

    A store where, of 9 potential 5* cover colors, only 2 are wanted (purple+blue SC) with the normal 5* pull rate is a great way to waste a lot of cp. Which seems quite bad to me if you have any alternative path to the goal. SC is very very good and I do want to cover him with priority, but that's still no reason to throw my fledgling cp stash away needlessly. I'm def waiting for Shardmas/feeder batch. As you said, I don't have the iso to champ him right now anyway.

    @HoundofShadow said:
    I'm not sure how many covers you are away from champing her, but she has feeder (Hulkling) if you are a couple covers away.

    I currently only have 1 cover for her. She needs all the help she can get.

    @Sekilicious said:
    I too an saving CP for a potential Wanda store someday so it is difficult for me to recommend that. I understand the quandary of needing to champ multiple meta characters.

    Yeah, exactly. imo best course of action at this point to maximise my chance of covering both is to concentrate my cp hoard on her while covering him with alternate means like (eventual) feeder cover + shards. Because he's far enough along now that that's feasable and realistic, but Wanda will need a cp hoard, no way around it.

  • JasonLikesToTravel
    JasonLikesToTravel Posts: 35 Just Dropped In

    @JasonLikesToTravel said:
    Still free-to-play so hard to judge the speed of progress against others who've splashed out on HP's, CP's, shards and covers. Nevertheless, happy to have finally got my last 3* last night. A good time to update (day 179)

    Currently at 72 roster slots
    5's: 6 to date (Gamora, Apoc, Shang Chi all two covers. Kingpin, Ronan & Ultron with 1). 
    4's: 5 rostered with Ikaris champed (been in a lot of events so got the covers and shards to champ him quite easily). 
    s: All 47 rostered - 38 champed
    2s: 13/14 farming. Still only Bagman not rostered
    s: Just Spiderman for DDQ

    Next step is to start building my 4 and 5 collection to help with PVP in particular but also improve SCL I can get a decent placement in in PVE. 

    Quite a while since my last update. Remain a F2P player, today is day 429 so now over a year of playing the game.

    Roster slots: 134
    5s: 24 rostered. Gargantos and Thor highest with 6 covers each.
    's: 48 rostered. Three champed (Wolverine X Force, Ikaris, Spider-Man Oscorp)
    3s: All 49 champed. Thor at 257 so close to farming my first 3!
    2s: 13/14 farming, still no Bagman
    s: None rostered. No longer a need since the DDQ changes.

    Plans going forward are to keep pace with the 3 releases and catch up with the missing 4s. Hopefully I'll get a few more 4s champed too.

  • fractalvisions
    fractalvisions Posts: 326 Mover and Shaker
    edited November 2022

    @fractalvisions said:
    All classic 5s rostered! It took me a lot longer than hothie, but I got there.
    Day: 1357SR: 147
    569/70 rostered (and just 200 more shards needed to roster Kamala Khan)21 @ lvl 330, with 1 fully covered.
    All rostered 70/126 champions
    PlansI'm still focusing ISO on champing 4s for now, but may put a little into my most used 5s sometime soon.
    For the time being, I'll spend my CP on special stores. I just spent what I had (~250) on the new release store and got two covers for Mighty Thor, so I think that worked out well.

    Time for a post-anniversary (and 4th year personal anniversary) update.

    Day: 1460
    SR: 155

    All except Arcade rostered.
    24 @ lvl 330 including
    13 covers: Apocalypse
    12 covers: Shang-chi
    11 covers: Colossus, Kitty Pryde, Dr. Thor
    10 covers: Scarlet Witch

    85/131 champions

    Still focusing on those 4s, but getting ever closer to the point where I may start levelling (and even champing?) 5s. Particularly as Colossus, Kitty and Shang all have saved covers now.

  • Sekilicious
    Sekilicious Posts: 1,766 Chairperson of the Boards

    @fractalvisions said:

    Time for a post-anniversary (and 4th year personal anniversary) update.

    Day: 1460
    SR: 155

    All except Arcade rostered.
    24 @ lvl 330 including
    13 covers: Apocalypse
    12 covers: Shang-chi
    11 covers: Colossus, Kitty Pryde, Dr. Thor
    10 covers: Scarlet Witch

    85/131 champions

    Still focusing on those 4s, but getting ever closer to the point where I may start levelling (and even champing?) 5s. Particularly as Colossus, Kitty and Shang all have saved covers now.

    Yeah!! Time to Solo Champ SC for the next 4 years!

  • fractalvisions
    fractalvisions Posts: 326 Mover and Shaker

    @Sekilicious said:

    Yeah!! Time to Solo Champ SC for the next 4 years!

    No, solo champ is not my style. :wink: Probably just another 4 years of champing 4s. :smiley:

  • HoundofShadow
    HoundofShadow Posts: 8,004 Chairperson of the Boards

    I've decided to do an early update because I've champed about 10 5* in the last 7 days, and I want to see how impactful Shardmas 2.0/3.0 will be.

    My last update was in July. Now, this is my progress:

    Day 1767
    ISO-8: 9773

    Breakdown of 5* based on covers (July vs November) :
    0 to 3 covers: 2 --> 0
    4 to 6 covers: 6 --> 6
    7 to 9 covers: 14 --> 9
    10 to 12 covers: 10 --> 6
    13 or more covers: 30 --> 54

    I've only 21 5* not fully covered or champed. SPMM, Killmonger and OMD still hold my attention.

    My iso-8 has been reduced to < 10,000. There's no point in rushing because my iso-8 deficit is really high.

  • HoundofShadow
    HoundofShadow Posts: 8,004 Chairperson of the Boards

    Shardmas is over and here's my new roster progress, compared to early November:

    Breakdown of 5* based on covers (November vs December) :

    0 to 3 covers: 0 --> 1
    4 to 6 covers: 6 --> 3
    7 to 9 covers: 9 --> 4
    10 to 12 covers: 6 --> 8
    13 or more covers: 54 --> 61

    Thanks to BCS generosity, I fully covered another 7 5* in 8 weeks. There are 77 5* now. By 2023 June, it should be even closer to fully covering 90% of 5*.

  • DAZ0273
    DAZ0273 Posts: 10,593 Chairperson of the Boards

    I'm pretty pleased that I have some 5* projects in the New Year which have come outta nowhere - these include champing iHulk, Elektra and Crystal all of which are now very doable and also 5* Star-Lord (although he isn't much of a priority). I've more than doubled my champed 5* roster this year and have another bunch nicely positioned so I can afford to hoard for a bit. Oh and I might at some point bother to put the iso in Reptil to champ him but that is waaaaaaaaaaay down on my iso demand list because he is mostly just a bit gash.

  • Bowgentle
    Bowgentle Posts: 7,926 Chairperson of the Boards

    Reptil feeds Havok, which might or might not help your 5* roster plans.

  • bigjojo04
    bigjojo04 Posts: 420 Mover and Shaker

    Well now that I’ve finally hit SCL10 I finally will now begin to hoard resources and attempt to build up my roster.

    Currently I have 2 champed 5* and 2 that are 2 powers away from getting there. I’ll be getting another power for Emma with this next PvE from those shards and with 4 saved covers for her I should have her champed before she leaves LL hopefully, if not I’ll debate using those covers to champ her or wait till I champ her 4* counterpart and get the cover that way.

    Chasm is only 55 5* away from getting champed from the shard reward for 5* powers so hoping to have them both champed within the next few months.

    After that looking to put a dent into the 12 champable 4* I have right now and looking to build up the hoard with the intent to get Riri champed as soon as possible.

  • Sekilicious
    Sekilicious Posts: 1,766 Chairperson of the Boards

    Who are your two champed?

  • DAZ0273
    DAZ0273 Posts: 10,593 Chairperson of the Boards

    @Bowgentle said:
    Reptil feeds Havok, which might or might not help your 5* roster plans.

    True but Havok is one of my lower covered dudes so it isn't likely to be a pressing concern anytime soon. Maybe someday.

  • bigjojo04
    bigjojo04 Posts: 420 Mover and Shaker

    @Sekilicious said:
    Who are your two champed?

    Shang Chi and She-Hulk. SC was the second 5 I ever pulled, luckiest pull I’ve ever had, and it literally changed the way I played this game.


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