Roster progress report, and plans for your roster



  • Rick_OShay
    Rick_OShay Posts: 765 Critical Contributor
    Day 411

    Roster slots: 110 (all characters recruited except 5* Spiderman, Howard the Duck, and only have two 1*'s)

    Recruited Thanos (2/0/0), Brought up to lvl 270: Black Bolt 2/1/0, Iron Man 1/1/2, Banner 2/0/1.

    Added: Medusa (0/1/0) and Agent Venom (0/2/0) to my roster
    Brought 4Clops and XFW up to level 200 since ISO has been more plentiful. Maintaining over 500K to prepare for 4* champing

    Close to champion are:

    12 covers: lvl 200 XFWolverine 3/4/5
    11 covers: lvl 200 Cyclops 5/3/3, lvl 146 Quake 5/4/2
    10 covers: lvl 146 Ant Man 0/5/5, Star-Lord 4/1/5, Deadpool 3/3/4, Hulkbuster 4/2/4, 4Thor 2/4/4; lvl 120 Prof X 5/2/3
    9 covers: lvl 146 Elektra 3/5/1, Moon Knight 4/2/3, Sam Wilson 2/3/4, lvl 130 Venom 2/3/4, lvl 74 Thing 1/4/4
    Special mention: lvl 146 Nova 3/1/3, lvl 115 Fury 2/3/2, lvl 102 IW 2/3/2, Jean Grey 1/2/5, Iceman 1/3/3, Red Hulk 4/1/2, Kingpin 0/4/3

    Recruited Thanos (2/3/1). His Black is not as bad as everyone is making it out to be, just plan around it and put it to good use.
    All other 3*'s are Champed except Strange 1/5/4 - come on blue! - and Doom will finally be champed this weekend thanks to DDQ

    Continuing the Farm on 3rd to 4th cycle. Those of you who do not sell 2*'s - to rebuild and continually earn rewards - are stunting your own progression.

    Future plans:
    Saving Taco Tokens until I reach around 200+ in each, looking for a vault to come up containing a 4* I really need. Besides keeping 500K+ in ISO, I'm planning to keep spending CP until too many 4* get 5 in colors that would produce potential duplicates that can't be used in time. Also, since HP is building at decent levels, I'll be running more shots at daily specials on vaults & the occasional buyout.

    Thanks to previous poster for the time saving format
  • metallion
    metallion Posts: 276 Mover and Shaker
    End of Year update
    List of past updates getting too long when added in spoilers, so I'm changing it to links to the old ones, plus one spoiler for the last entry so I can do my own easy comparison

    Day 744
    Day 869
    Day 915
    Day 960
    Day 1000
    Day 1050
    Day 1100

    Day 1126
    metallion wrote:
    Changed to update start of every month as stated in last post

    Day 1126

    5*s: All at lvl255 as usual, icon_jeangrey.png 5/3/5, icon_wolverine.png 3/1/0, icon_blackwidow.pngicon_captainamerica.png 1/1/2, icon_spiderman.png 2/1/0, icon_silversurfer.png 1/1/1, icon_greengoblin.png 0/1/1, icon_ironman.png 1/0/1, icon_blackbolt.png 0/0/1, icon_hulk.png 0/1/0

    4*s: 9 championed, icon_ironman.png lvl283, icon_devildino.png lvl277, icon_deadpool.png lvl275, icon_wolverine.png lvl274, icon_thor.png lvl273, icon_kingpin.png lvl272, icon_cyclops.png lvl271, icon_jeangrey.pngicon_falcon.png lvl270
    icon_redhulk.png lvl250 (4/4/4), icon_iceman.png lvl229 (5/4/2), icon_elektra.png lvl220 (5/4/4), icon_nickfury.png lvl199 (5/5/3), icon_ghostrider.png lvl150 (5/2/5), icon_carnage.png lvl150 (5/1/5), icon_thing.png lvl150 (3/2/4), icon_blade.png Agent icon_venom.png vl70 (0/0/1)

    The following 4*s at lvl160
    icon_invisiblewoman.png 3/5/5, icon_professorx.png 5/4/4, icon_starlord.png 4/5/4, icon_antman.png 4/5/3, icon_x23.png 5/2/5, icon_quake.png 1/2/5

    The following 4*s at lvl120
    icon_hulkcho.png 5/5/2, icon_venom.png 5/5/0, icon_peggycarter.png 4/2/3, icon_wintersoldier.png 2/2/4, icon_nova.png 2/5/2, icon_punisher.png 3/1/3, howard_icon.png 2/2/3

    The following 4*s at lvl78
    icon_miles.png 4/4/2, icon_mrfantastic.png 2/3/5, icon_warmachine.png 3/2/2, icon_drax.png 1/2/3, icon_spidergwen.png 1/2/3, icon_moonknight.png 3/1/1, icon_katebishop.png 0/0/3, icon_lukecage.png 2/0/2, SpiderWoman_icon.PNGGwenpoolIcon.PNG 2/1/1, wasp_icon.png 1/2/1,

    3*s: All champed except Strange
    icon_magneto.png lvl199, icon_storm.pngicon_scarletwitch.png lvl197, icon_blackpanther.pngicon_daken.png lvl196, icon_beast.pngicon_bullseye.pngicon_lukecage.pngicon_mystique.pngicon_shehulk.png lvl195, icon_deadpool.pngicon_rocket.png lvl194, icon_blackwidow.pngicon_ironfist.png lvl193, icon_loki.pngicon_falcon.png lvl192, icon_captainamerica.pngicon_vision.png lvl191, icon_thor.png lvl190, icon_daredevil.pngicon_gamora.png lvl189, icon_humantorch.pngicon_ironman.pngicon_quicksilver.pngicon_hulk.pngicon_wolverine.png lvl188, icon_colossus_new.png lvl187, icon_doctordoom.pngicon_spiderman.png lvl186, icon_blade.pngicon_caroldanvers.png lvl185, icon_kamalakhan.pngicon_hood.png lvl184, icon_cyclops.png lvl183, icon_doctoroctopus.png lvl182, icon_sentry.png lvl180, icon_squirrelgirl.pngicon_punisher.png lvl178, icon_psylocke.png lvl171, icon_ragnarok.png lvl173, drstrange_icon.png lvl102 (2/4/2)

    2*s: All rostered
    icon_ares.pngicon_blackwidow.pngicon_hawkeye.pngicon_magneto.pngicon_moonstone.pngicon_storm.png lvl144, icon_bullseye_old.png lvl141, icon_daken.png lvl137, icon_captainamerica.png lvl102, icon_spiderman.png lvl78, icon_wolverine.png lvl78, icon_humantorch.png lvl70, icon_ms_marvel.png lvl62, icon_thor.png lvl47

    1*s: All rostered, icon_ironman.pngicon_juggernaut.pngicon_storm.png maxed, the rest all at level 1

    Notes over the past 1 month
    1. 9 total 4* champs, just 1 additional one since the last update, and not even one I felt was worth championing. Only champed icon_falcon.png only because I was getting too many covers for him and felt I could use those champ levels. As expected though the covers dried up once he was champed.
    2. My first max covered 5* has arrived in the form of icon_jeangrey.png . Really ridiculous that I have her max covered considering my next highest 5*s are only at a paltry 4 covers. Still torn whether I should dump a bit of ISO into her to make her a bit more usable, or to keep the ISO for my 4*s.
    3. First 3* character icon_magneto.png approaching the lvl200 mark after what seems like an eternity.
    4. And as a result of that icon_nickfury.png has just added 4 more levels to match his level.
    5. 399 total 4* covers rostered, at a poor rate of 0.8 covers per day over the past 1 month, which is slightly mitigated by the fact I have three 5*s in my last 8 LT draws (or 4 in my past 11 if you wanna look further).
    6. Suddenly felt I haven't drawn OML in like forever, so I checked back my previous updates. He's at 3/1/0 now, and since I had one black cover from progression since I last remember drawing him, he's effectively 2/1/0. The first update I had him at 2/1/0 was at day 869, a whopping 257 days ago, and who knows how long before that I last drew him. At least 8 months has passed without drawing a single OML cover from LTs, which further goes to show how screwed up this system is. From now on I'm going to continue counting as long as this persists.
    Day 1157

    5*s: All at lvl255 as usual, icon_jeangrey.png 5/3/5, icon_blackwidow.png 2/1/2, icon_wolverine.png 3/1/0, icon_captainamerica.png 1/1/2, icon_spiderman.png 2/1/0, icon_silversurfer.png 1/1/1, icon_blackbolt.pngicon_greengoblin.png 0/1/1, icon_ironman.png 1/0/1, icon_hulk.png 0/1/0

    4*s: 11 championed, icon_ironman.png lvl285, icon_devildino.png lvl277, icon_deadpool.pngicon_wolverine.png lvl276, icon_thor.png lvl274, icon_elektra.png lvl273. icon_kingpin.png lvl272, icon_cyclops.pngicon_jeangrey.pngicon_falcon.png lvl271, icon_x23.png lvl270
    icon_redhulk.png lvl250 (4/4/4), icon_iceman.png lvl229 (5/4/2), icon_nickfury.png lvl204 (5/5/3), icon_starlord.png lvl200 (4/5/4), icon_professorx.png lvl193 (5/4/4), icon_carnage.pngicon_ghostrider.png lvl150 (5/2/5), icon_thing.png lvl150 (3/2/4), icon_katebishop.png lvl106 (0/0/3), Agent icon_venom.png lvl70 (0/0/1)

    The following 4*s at lvl160
    icon_invisiblewoman.png 3/5/5, , icon_antman.png 4/5/3, icon_peggycarter.png 4/2/4, icon_quake.png 1/2/5

    The following 4*s at lvl120
    icon_nova.pngicon_hulkcho.png 5/5/2, icon_warmachine.png 3/4/5, icon_venom.png 5/5/1, icon_punisher.png 5/2/4, icon_miles.png 4/4/2, icon_drax.png 1/3/5, icon_wintersoldier.png 2/2/4, howard_icon.pngicon_spidergwen.png 2/2/3, icon_moonknight.png 3/2/2, medusa_icon.png 2/3/1

    The following 4*s at lvl78
    icon_mrfantastic.png 2/4/5, GwenpoolIcon.PNG 4/2/1, icon_blade.png 2/2/1, icon_lukecage.png 2/1/2, SpiderWoman_icon.PNG 2/1/1, wasp_icon.png 1/2/1

    1 Dupe: icon_professorx.png lvl70 (0/0/1)

    3*s: All champed except Thanos
    icon_bullseye.png lvl204, icon_lukecage.pngicon_magneto.png lvl202, icon_rocket.pngicon_storm.pngicon_vision.png lvl201, icon_blackpanther.pngicon_scarletwitch.pngicon_shehulk.png lvl200, icon_loki.png lvl199, icon_daken.pngicon_ironfist.png lvl198, icon_deadpool.png lvl196, icon_beast.pngicon_colossus_new.pngicon_mystique.pngicon_captainamerica.png lvl195, icon_blackwidow.pngicon_gamora.pngicon_thor.png lvl194, icon_ironman.pngicon_wolverine.png lvl193, icon_daredevil.pngicon_humantorch.pngicon_quicksilver.pngicon_falcon.png lvl192, icon_kamalakhan.png lvl191, icon_spiderman.pngicon_hulk.png lvl190, icon_blade.pngicon_caroldanvers.pngicon_doctordoom.png lvl189, icon_hood.png lvl187, icon_cyclops.png lvl185, icon_doctoroctopus.png lvl184, icon_sentry.pngicon_punisher.png lvl182, icon_squirrelgirl.png lvl181, icon_ragnarok.png lvl180, icon_psylocke.png lvl179, drstrange_icon.png lvl168, :thanos: lvl68 (1/3/1)

    2*s: All rostered, recycled 2nd time
    icon_ares.pngicon_blackwidow.pngicon_hawkeye.pngicon_magneto.pngicon_moonstone.pngicon_storm.png lvl144, icon_humantorch.png lvl125, icon_captainamerica.png lvl122, icon_ms_marvel.png lvl112, icon_wolverine.png lvl111, icon_thor.png lvl105, icon_bullseye_old.png lvl101, icon_spiderman.png lvl78, icon_daken.png lvl33

    1*s: All rostered, icon_ironman.pngicon_juggernaut.pngicon_storm.png maxed, the rest all at level 1

    End of Year Notes
    1. 11 4* champs. 2 more from the previous update. I never felt icon_elektra.png was ever worth champing, but I had a history of drawing covers for her so I figured I might as well get the champ rewards, and true enough she's already gotten 3 covers in the past 1 month. icon_x23.png was different though, as I felt she was good enough to help me hold the fort in PVP when boosted, so I thought she would be a good investment in ISO.
    2. Starting to bring up more 4*s to my soft-caps of lvl120 and lvl160 for lower covered characters. The lvl120 area which I reserve for lower covered characters possibly good enough for CotT is really starting to get fleshed out, though I should get to upgrading a couple of them to the lvl 160 area.
    3. Only 3 unchamped max covered 4*s left for now, icon_nickfury.pngicon_invisiblewoman.pngicon_starlord.png , with a good number of awesome to decent ones just 1-3 covers away from max. My new plan is to leave all unmaxed characters alone for now and focus on championing any max covered characters remaining to reduce wasted LT draws, while continuing to draw LTs to try and cover up those unmaxed characters (I'm looking at you icon_redhulk.png and icon_iceman.png ). Will re-order leveling priority if any better ones are maxed.
    4. Not much progress on the 5* front. 5*s have dried up for me after a period where I managed 9 5*s out of 31 pulls, since then it's just been 2 from 35.
    5. And of those two 5*s drawn, once again none has been a icon_wolverine.png . It has now been 281 days since my last OML draw.
    6. First batch of 3*s have entered the lvl200 area.
    7. And of course that means my icon_nickfury.png enters the lvl200 territories as well, though with my new 4* leveling plan I might be abandoning this Fury leveling plan soon.
    8. As of recent seasons I've been placing pretty consistently at least T25 in almost all PVPs (only failed twice so far this season), so coupled with random token draws this has really sped up my 3* levels a lot over the past 1-2 months. Hopefully this means I can gain access to my second set of 4* rewards soon.
    9. I've inserted a couple new info into my roster spreadsheet which I'm going to start tracking as well: total ISO to cap, total ISO to max, and total ISO invested (including champion cost and ISO invested in farming). Total ISO invested could not take into account the ISO cost decrease sometime last year, so I'm going to take it at it is.
      ISO to cap (3* and above): 5.2M ISO to max (3* and above): 16.0M ISO invested (all characters): 12.7M
    Surprisingly my unleveled 1*s and my current 2* farm of 1 character adds up to 200k worth of ISO required to max out, a pretty significant amount. Either way, I'm probably going to be busy in 2017.
  • Histamiel
    Histamiel Posts: 166 Tile Toppler
    edited January 2017
    SHIELD rank level 49

    I have now :
    64 roster slots
    18 star.pngstar.pngstar.pngstar.png
    42 star.pngstar.pngstar.png
    3 star.pngstar.png
    1 star.png

    Champions star.pngstar.pngstar.png
    My fully covered star.pngstar.pngstar.png
    Champions star.pngstar.png

    My mid-term goal is to champ all of my fully-covered star.pngstar.pngstar.png .
  • JeffCascadian
    JeffCascadian Posts: 665 Critical Contributor
    I finished 2016 by Championing the Goddess of Thunder and started 2017 by Championing Deadpool (X-Force). Not a bad transition.

    I now have 114 roster'd characters which is everybody except a few 1-stars.

    In the 1-stars, I have Iron Man as my main guy at level 50. I have Storm at level 1 so all that AP doesn't go to waste when I'm doing the first node of DDP. I also have Black Widow with just five blue covers so I can send her out as a team-up.

    All 2-stars are in various stages of the 2-star farm.

    All 3-stars are Champions except Thanos.

    With the addition of Deadpool, I now have eight 4-star Champions. Not all of them are great but I do what I can with the covers I receive. They are Invisible Woman, Devil Dinosaur, Nick Fury, Ghost Rider, Deadpool, Nova, Thor, and Wolverine. I have three more with 12 covers each but your guess is as good as mine which will be the next Champion. One of those is Punisher and I do have a cover "dying on the vine" for him but it's extremely unlikely that before it expires I would be able to earn both the Command Points to buy a cover I don't have maxed out (no pun intended) and the ISO to level & Champion him.

    The most covers I have on a 5-star is Doctor Strange at 3/2/1 (RNGesus has been very generous with him). My highest level 5-star, because I didn't know any better back then, is Silver Surfer at L270 (covered at 2/1/1).
  • vinnygecko
    vinnygecko Posts: 245 Tile Toppler
    I haven't checked in here in quite a long time (3+ months) - wanted to check in now with the new year icon_e_smile.gif Roster is in my sig

    My progress became a bit slow with RL stuff going on, but it's picked up a bit lately.

    Here goes:


    I've added these:

    Only missing Dr. Strange now. That being said, still only using OML, mainly in PVE, and have kept him at 315 (2/2/2).


    A bit of progress here - doubled my 4* champs from 6 to 12 icon_e_smile.gif My champs are now:
    Very excited to have both Rulk (finally) and Big Pun (yay) champed.

    I've also gotten quite a few more 4*s fully covered and in the works for champing:

    icon_thing.png (245) icon_elektra.png (220) icon_deadpool.png (200) icon_jeangrey.png (200) icon_ghostrider.png (196) icon_carnage.png (175) icon_starlord.png (170) icon_professorx.png (151) icon_hulkcho.png (140) icon_miles.png (125)

    Of those fully covered, I've got some covers waiting in case I can champ them before they expire:
    Thing (1 cover), Carnage (2 covers), Deadpool (1 cover), Ghost Rider (1 cover), Elektra (1 cover), Star-Lord (1 cover) and Cho (1 cover). I'm planning to champ Thing first (since he's pretty close and the first cover to expire), and then Deadpool. If I can swing it, I'll try for Carnage and Star-Lord.

    I've also got a few waiting at 200 with 12 covers ( icon_iceman.png and icon_x23.png ). If i get those 2 covers for either (or another one for Jean) I may re-prioritize who gets to 270 first. I also have Peggy at 5/1/5 so I might switch to her if those 2 yellow covers ever find their way to me icon_cry.gif

    My only 4* not rostered is icon_caroldanvers.png , which is mainly cause she's just being released now icon_e_biggrin.gif


    Finally champed icon_quicksilver.png , so 38 3*s champed now. That leaves icon_sentry.png , icon_doctoroctopus.png , drstrange_icon.png and Thanos_Icon.png Not going to prioritize any except Dr Strange if I get the covers, but won't keep reselling the others for minimal ISO.

    34 of my champs are now over 200, with icon_captainamerica.png and icon_wolverine.png leading the way at 225 an 224 (just got the 2nd 4* cover reward from each). icon_cyclops.png , who was one of my first champs, is straggling majorly at 189.


    The farm is still in full swing. Recently Max-champed/sold icon_hawkeye.pngicon_blackwidow.pngicon_thor.pngicon_magneto.pngicon_captainamerica.png and icon_ares.png , which has played a major part in my ability to champ more 4*s. Five more are on the way ( icon_bullseye.pngicon_daken.pngicon_moonstone.pngicon_ms_marvel.png and icon_humantorch.png ). I'm scrambling to get hawkeye back up again because I'll soon only have two champs left over (Storm and Wolvie). He's already at 66 so it shouldn't take too long.


    Still just Juggs. Only Juggs. By his lonesome. He doesn't care. Though he's mad his powers aren't working correctly for the past week icon_twisted.gif

    I'm now at day 1073, Level 78 (about 2/3 to 79). Hoping it doesn't take me another 3 months to update icon_lol.gif

    Last update below:
    vinnygecko wrote:
    Updated roster in my sig, wanted to update before anniversary starts with double ISO :)

    Unfortunately no updates here. OML is still my only viable option at 315 (2/2/2). Going to keep him at this level so scaling doesn't get crazy. Still using him mainly for PVE. Still missing Black Bolt, Hulk and Black Widow.

    Ant-man has been added to my champs:

    I expect to champ Rulk hopefully within the week - now have him fully covered and got him up to 233 with a cover expiring in 10 days. I think i'll make it :)

    I'm not really excited to spend ISO on the rest of my fully covered 4*s:
    icon_elektra.png (215) icon_captainamerica.png (181) icon_ghostrider.png (161) icon_kingpin.png (150) icon_professorx.png (130)

    Any advice on who i should focus on next would be appreciated. If anything i might bring up 4Pool to 250 (he's at 2/5/5) so that he'll be ready once i get that elusive 3rd red cover. Thanks to RNG i'm still stuck at 188 for both Iceman and Jean. :( At this point the only 4* i'm missing is Howard.


    Still have 37 of the 3*s champed. Doc Oc will probably be next since he's the most covered. I keep selling/restarting Sentry and Quicksilver. At this point all but 2 of my champs are past the 183 mark (with the 4* reward). I also finally crossed the 200 lvl threshold with icon_captainamerica.png and icon_lukecage.png


    My 2* farm is in full swing - all have been champed, with a few already maxed and recycled ( icon_wolverine.pngicon_storm.pngicon_hawkeye.png ) This of course does not include Bagman :p
    I should be able to max and recycle 3 more within the next week or two ( icon_thor.pngicon_ares.pngicon_magneto.png ) The ISO from recycling these guys will help me champ Rulk, 2* Wolvie and 2* Storm.

    Last update below:
    vinnygecko wrote:
    It's been about 3 weeks since the last update, and i've made pretty good progress (at least for me) :) Current roster is in my sig.

    On the 5-star front, not much has changed. Not close to championing any of them, OML is still my only somewhat usable one (2/2/2 at 315), and I mainly just use him for PVE, where he does wonders :). Ironman does now have 4 covers (2/1/1) but I think it's still to early to put ISO in him and use him. Still missing icon_blackbolt.pngicon_hulk.pngicon_blackwidow.png

    On the 4-star-front, I've had a bit more progress. I've added Cyclops to my 4-star champs, so now five in total:

    I've now cover-maxed 3 more 4-stars, so 4 in total that aren't champed yet:

    Elektra is closest to being champed (at 215) but I'm working on Antman instead since I've got a cover in my queue. It will be close- i've got 10 days to bring him from 186 to 270. I'm still missing one cover for Rulk, so after Antman I will work on getting him to 250 so that it will be easier to get him to champ level once i get that last cover. I finally got a redflag.png cover for icon_deadpool.png , about a year after i've had him at 0/5/5. Hopefully it doesn't take as long to get the last two.

    I'm really hoping Hulkbuster and Cyclops are not on the list of 4-stars to be nerfed icon_cry.gif

    I also am now only missing Mr. Fantastic and Howard as 4-stars, which was on purpose. With my luck Mr. **** will get buffed and actually be good.

    On the 3-star front, not much has changed. Still have 37 champs, with a few approaching level 200. My non-champs are still icon_doctoroctopus.pngicon_quicksilver.pngicon_sentry.png I ended up selling and re-starting sentry and quicksilver for ISO. Don't have any current plans to champ these 3 any time soon.

    A lot of changes on the 2-star front. I've started my 2-star farm and ended up recycling OBW. I currently have 7 2-stars champed:

    OBW, Moonstone and Ms. Marvel will probably be next, with Torch, Bullseye and Daken to be last. All are cover-maxed but not level-maxed-champed. The only missing 2-star is Bagman. If i have extra HP for another roster spot i'll add him, otherwise, i'm not too worried about not having him ;)

    Overall, at my last update I came in at SL 60. I've since progressed to SL 64 and will probably hit 65 early next week.

    Last update is below:

    vinnygecko wrote:
    It's been about a month since my last check-in, thought I'd update after today's huge influx of ISO :)

    I now have four 4*s champed, adding Hulkbuster, XFW and Fury to Lady Thor.

    4* Cyclops is now cover maxed and will be my next 4* to champ (got his cover after I spent all the ISO). After him I'll be working on Rulk, X-23, Kingpin and XFDP if I can ever find his red covers.

    IM40 and Rags are now champed, leaving just 3 more 3*s to go (Sentry, Quicksilver and Doc Oc). Quicksilver will probably be next since he's cover-maxed.

    I've recycled 2* Champs and am currently rebuilding Storm, Mags and Ares. I might recycle OBW if I have the patience to not sell her covers for ISO.

    So far my only loss in DDQ Clash for this round gas been Mr Fantastic. I got so annoyed at the time, I ended up selling him for ISO, and don't really regret it.

    For 5*s I'm missing Hulk and Black Bolt.

    For 4*s I'm still missing Winter Soldier, War Machine, Kate Bishop and now Spiderwoman.

    Last update is below
    vinnygecko wrote:
    Ok, so 2 months have passed since last check-in. As far as my previous goals:

    1) Got my Hulkbuster up to 250. Just waiting for that last cover, which should come soon as my IF is at level 182 (one shy of blackflag.png HB).

    2) Championed my first 4* with 4hor! I was very excited about this as it was a long time coming. For my other 4*s I wanted to get to 200, Cyclops is very close (197 at 5/4/3) but the rest have been a bit slower.

    3) Still undefeated on the 3rd cycle of Clash of the Titans, though I had to bring Flaptain up to 180 to do so. Biggest test will be coming up soon with Mr. Fantastic (5/1/4 @ 130, really hoping to not put more ISO into him).

    4) My IM40 rebuilding project is going well, just need one more cover to be cover-maxed. Champing Hawkeye was a big help with this.

    5) I got one more cover for OML, so he's now at 2/2/2, but I've kept him at 315. Now have at least one cover for all 5*s except for Hulk.

    6) Still no 4* covers for War Machine, Winter Soldier, Spider Gwen or Kate Bishop.
  • granne
    granne Posts: 852 Critical Contributor
    1* - just IM35. Tempted to swap him out for Spidey now that the opponent restriction has been lifted, but have a feeling that I would curse myself to pulling only Tony covers for weeks if I tried it.

    2* - all being farmed except Bagman, although if I'd had the HP to roster him a couple of weeks ago, I could have had him champed by now; I've been swimming in his covers lately. Didn't have Moonstone rostered until the last time she was an essential (mid-November?), So she's on her first cycle while everyone else is on number 3.

    3* - all rostered, finally, Punisher being the last - even Thanos was there before him. 27 champed, ranging from Rocket and Groot at 166 to Daken, GSBW and Thor at 180. Daredevil and Gamora should be joining the champ list in the next week or so.

    4* - 17 rostered. XFW is the most covered, at 1/2/1, with Medusa, Nova and Iceman with three each.

    5* - none, and I hope to keep it that way for a while longer, tyvm.

    I'm still hoarding all my CP and LTs, and don't plan to change that until I have HP to roster someone and don't have anyone waiting. I have FalCap and Fisk waiting right now, and hope to have 4* Carol on Monday, so it'll be a while longer. I'm not in any particular hurry, as I'm just starting to get to the point of always having at least one champed boosted 3*, and it's fun.
  • CT1888
    CT1888 Posts: 1,201 Chairperson of the Boards
    End of season update

    icon_shield.png rank 79 1/2 (+4)

    Still no Bruce, rest at 255 unless otherwise stated
    icon_wolverine.png 2/3/3 360 icon_jeangrey.png 3/3/2 (+1) icon_silversurfer.png 3/2/3 (+1) icon_spiderman.png 2/3/3 (+2):greengoblin: 1/1/1 icon_captainamerica.png 1/1/2 icon_ironman.png 0/2/1 (+1) icon_blackbolt.png 1/3/0 icon_blackwidow.png 3 black drstrange_icon.png 0/3/1 (+1) Thanos_Icon.png 1/0/1 (new)

    Champed this month

    Max Covered:

    Those getting close:
    icon_x23.png 5/2/5 icon_ghostrider.png 4/4/4 (+1) icon_spidergwen.png 2/5/5 (+2) icon_drax.png 5/3/4 (+1) icon_moonknight.png 3/4/5 (+3) icon_peggycarter.png (5/3/4) (+1) icon_warmachine.png 5/2/1 icon_blade.png 2/4/4 (+1) icon_katebishop.png 2/3/4 icon_wintersoldier.png 5/1/2 icon_carnage.png 5/4/1 icon_lukecage.png 4/1/5

    My Prof X Dupe is now at 5/0/0, so I will consider champing the main one.

    All others are rostered.

    All championed except Thanos 4/4/2. 8 have made it over the half way point. 31 at 200 or above, Strange the only one below 183.

    All rostered and at various stages of ripeness (Bagman is up to 6 covers, +2 across the season)

    I kept OML at 360, working well there just now for me. No plans for spending iso on any 5*s for the foreseeable future.

    I've been spending Cp/LT as they come in, and I'm going to continue with that for now. I'm still chucking away covers, but given that the bulk of the chucked tokens were Venom, Mr Fantastic and Elektra, none of which would be priority for iso even if I hoarded for months and pulled in bulk, I'm OK with that. Sell now, sell later. *shrug*

    Miles is getting the iso just now in advance of his next pvp cover award, then Peggy is up next, as there should be a yellow cover awarded at 900 one event next season. After her, it's about looking ahead at who is getting awarded when in pvp, and maxing characters when they come. Probably Prof X now that the Winfinite Dupe is viable and Moon Knight as he should be 13 covers soon.

    I got 8 5* covers across the season, which is pretty sweet. With 4 of them at 8 covers, it actually feels like I'll be able to break into the 5* tier, unlike the 4* tier prior to Championing becoming a thing. I know the next 5 covers of those 4 may never come, but hope springs eternal. Champing the 4*s will keep me ticking over for the next couple of months, within which time I'm hoping for some of the promised new features to come on line
  • broll
    broll Posts: 4,732 Chairperson of the Boards
    2* farm is going really well. I have 6 dedicated farm slots at this point.

    3* championing is pretty much done, only non-champ is Thanos and the next 5* clone they make a 3* version of icon_rolleyes.gificon_rolleyes.gif 3* champ levels 171 - 200

    I'm hoarding up to charge into 4* territory all at once. Currently I have 0 4*s covered or with 13 covers. Top covered:
    The Punisher (MAX) - 12 - 5/4/3 - L200
    Wolverine (X-Force) - 12 - 3/5/4 - L200
    Iron Man (Hulkbuster) - 11 - 5/3/3 - L200
    Ant-Man (Scott Lang) - 10 - 3/2/5 - L200
    Devil Dinosaur (Gigantic Reptile) - 10 - 2/4/4 - L70
    Professor X (Charles Xavier) - 10 - 4/2/4 - L70
    Cyclops (Classic) - 9 - 1/5/3 - L70
    Jean Grey (All New X-Men) - 9 - 4/2/3 - L188
    Thor (Goddess of Thunder) - 9 - 0/4/5 - L188
    Peggy Carter (Captain America) -8 - 1/2/5 - L172

    My hoard is as such:
    ISO - 613,880
    CP - 1075
    LT - 26

    What I've been doing while hoarding is trying to get 4* covers through progression and occasionally those new special vaults when they are good characters/deals. I'm starting to put ISO into my highest covered/best characters. I'm intentionally not leveling any 4* past 200 as that's the level of my highest 3* champ and I don't want to throw my scaling off too much. What I would really like to do is champ 3 top tier 4* characters at once.

    Right now I'm debating when/how to rip the hoard open and tear into 4*s. Right now I see 3 options and I'm interested in hearing people's suggestions:

    1. Latest Legends Run: Continue hoarding until Stran5 is about to drop out of Latest Legends and try and get both 4* champs and get a usable 5* or too, hopefully Strang5.
    - I'm primarily PvE and Strang5 seems to be the best PvE 5*. Having a usable, even if under leveled Strang5, could be really helpful.
    - Using CP on Latest Legends will net 20% fewer total covers vs Classics.
    - It's extremely unlikely that I will get enough 5* covers to actually champ/13 cover any at a mean of 280ish pulls.

    2. Classic Crusade: Continue hoarding until I hit 1 million ISO, pull from Classics and continue hoarding Latest Legend covers. Stop after getting 13 covers for 3 4* and/or I pull an unusable cover.
    - 20% more pulls from CPs then doing Latest Legends.
    - It will be easier to stop pulling if I'm not chasing Strang5.
    - Probably end up spending more CP adding single covered 5* that won't be useful for 12+ months.
    - Will need to restart hoarding CP before there would be any possibility of doing a Latest Legends run.

    3. Infinite hoard. I have to assume at some point the devs have to address 4*/5* bloat and how difficult it is to progress in these territories. Continue to hoard CP and LTs hoping that something new comes out to where spending these will get more bang for the buck. With 4* covers getting more attainable from SCLs I can still grow 4*, just at much, slower pace.
    - Least likely to end up selling large numbers of unusable covers.
    - If a new system comes out this could net a huge boost.
    - If a new system does not come out there is always the option to do a Latest Legends run once I feel confident I have enough to bag a 13 covered 5*.
    - There is no guarantee when/if the current meta will change, this could be a very very long haul plan that ultimately nets nothing.

    Ended up making a poll for this, if you want to give me suggestions go here:
  • PFellah
    PFellah Posts: 45 Just Dropped In
    The "Welcome to 2017" Edition

    Quick status: Roster size 67, SHIELD Level 47, Days Played 188 (roster in sig)

    Thanks to treating myself to VIP over the holidays, I'm now officially into the 3-to-4 transition -- I have all the 3s rostered, and a little less than half are champed (though none higher than Patch at 176). I'm starting to make a dent in 4s, though only 11 at this writing.

    Just Iron Man, to keep the DDQ moving. I suppose at some future point I'd like to roster a full 1* team just to make things go a little quicker, but no rush.

    Have all except Bagman, and I'm in my first pass of re-rostering. Most of them are already back into champion status (98-106), with a few exceptions (OBW, Ares, HT, Moonstone). I had been holding Bullseye back until I was sure I could reliably do the DDQ again, so he'll go after the current PvE event is done.
      Champed: icon_bullseye.png 144, icon_storm.png 106, icon_hawkeye.png 104, icon_captainamerica.png 104, icon_thor.png 103, icon_ms_marvel.png 102, icon_wolverine.png 100, icon_magneto.png 99, icon_daken.png 98
      Rostered: icon_ares.png 86, icon_blackwidow.png 86, icon_moonstone.png 79 icon_humantorch.png 46
      Not Owned: icon_spiderman.png

      Grind, grind, grind. I have them all, just churning out covers with the DDQ and PvE. (I don't PvP much.) I had been leveling them freely as I got covers, but now that I hit the ISO crunch a little, I've been stopping them at around 11 covers/level 127-130 and holding there until they're ready to champ. The one exception was Kamala Khan -- she's part of my primary team and I had her at 5/1/5 with two covers about to expire, so I spent 40 CPs to get her over the hump (though I figured 20 of that was coming right back to me as a legendary token).
        Champed: icon_wolverine.png 176, icon_vision.png 174, icon_daredevil.png 173, icon_ironman.png 173, icon_hulk.png 172, icon_captainamerica.png 171, icon_thor.png 171, icon_gamora.png 169, icon_psylocke.png 169, icon_cyclops.png 168, icon_daken.png 168, icon_humantorch.png 168:, icon_kamalakhan.png 168, icon_magneto.png 168, icon_beast.png 167, icon_falcon.png 167, icon_storm.png 166
        Rostered: icon_spiderman.png 153, icon_quicksilver.png 140, icon_deadpool.png 130, icon_ms_marvel.png 128, icon_mystique.png 128, icon_squirrelgirl.png 128, : icon_groot.png 127, icon_blade.png 114, icon_doctordoom.png 114, icon_blackpanther.png 102, icon_blackwidow.png 102, icon_ironfist.png 102, icon_colossus_new.png 94, icon_bullseye.png 91, icon_loki.png 91, icon_punisher.png 91, icon_hood.png 81, icon_scarletwitch.png 78, icon_ragnarok.png 76, Thanos_Icon.png 68, drstrange_icon.png 66, icon_sentry.png 66, icon_shehulk.png 66, icon_doctoroctopus.png 53, icon_lukecage.png 43
        Not Owned: NONE

        Have 11 so far, but none above 3 covers/level 86. I have a mild preference for 4s where the 3(s) that feeds it is already champed, so (for example) I've been holding a single ChoHulk cover because I have 3* Hulk champed. But I'm not gonna be stupid -- if I were to get 3 or 4 covers on someone else, I'd move on them. Aside from that, Teen Jean and Iceman are on my "find room for them at all costs" list; I may add others as we go.
          Champed: NONE
          Rostered: icon_cyclops.png 86, icon_wolverine.png 78, icon_moonknight.png 74, icon_redhulk.png 74, icon_punisher.png 74, icon_venom.png 74, icon_deadpool.png 70, icon_kingpin.png 70, icon_quake.png 70, icon_hulk.png 70, icon_thor.png 70
          Not Owned: icon_antman.pngicon_blade.pngicon_ms_marvel.pngicon_carnage.pngicon_devildino.pngicon_drax.pngicon_elektra.pngicon_ghostrider.pngGwenpoolIcon.PNGhoward_icon.pngicon_iceman.pngicon_invisiblewoman.pngicon_ironman.pngicon_jeangrey.pngicon_katebishop.pngicon_lukecage.pngmedusa_icon.pngicon_miles.pngicon_mrfantastic.pngicon_nickfury.pngicon_nova.pngicon_peggycarter.pngicon_professorx.pngicon_falcon.pngicon_spidergwen.pngSpiderWoman_icon.PNGicon_starlord.pngicon_thing.pngicon_venom.pngicon_warmachine.pngwasp_icon.pngicon_wintersoldier.pngicon_x23.png

          None at this point, and for the moment, if I randomly get one, I'll probably just sell it so it doesn't throw off my scaling. As my 3s or 4s get closer to the 255 mark (or if/when I've rostered all the 4s), that's probably when I'll start rostering 5s.
            Champed: NONE
            Rostered: NONE
            Not Owned: icon_blackbolt.pngicon_blackwidow.pngdrstrange_icon.pngicon_greengoblin.pngicon_ironman.pngicon_jeangrey.pngicon_silversurfer.pngicon_spiderman.pngicon_captainamerica.pngThanos_Icon.pngicon_hulk.pngicon_wolverine.png

            General: My 4* strategy is that I have one slot that's my "floater" slot -- I'll cycle it to the 4* that's needed for the current PvE (so it's currently Kingpin), and then throw that cover away in favor of the next one. I know you're not supposed to throw away 4*s, but the difference between having the current 4 and not having the 4 is "Top 50/maybe Top 20" vs. "Top 100/maybe Top 50" which means faster HPs and more roster spots. That seems worth eating an occasional cover, even if it hurts sometimes (throwing away Teen Jean, for instance). The exceptions are: unless a) I have enough HPs to open a new slot (obviously), or b) unless the hero ends up with 2 or more covers, at which point I'd rather keep them, even if it means a weak performance in the next PvE.
          • Calnexin
            Calnexin Posts: 1,078 Chairperson of the Boards
            Anniversary events were kind. The Iso influx and some pillaging of my 2* farm allowed me to champ my 11th 4*. I'd been sitting on covers of Antman for 8 days before I managed to build enough Iso to champ him. I'd used most of my stash to champ Deadpool just before that, because he was boosted and useful.

            Now I'm back to hoarding Iso. I've only got one 4* at 13 covers (TA Hulk), the rest are at 12 or less. I figure I'll keep cashing in legendaries and spending CP on classics until I get one more to 13, then I'll stop and hoard LT/CP until I can comfortably champ 2 (possibly save tacos if they feature a fully covered 4* I can't champ right away). Continue spending Iso on the 2* farm and any 4* that needs it if they've got a shot at the Crash.
          • cooperbigdaddy
            cooperbigdaddy Posts: 388 Mover and Shaker
            I'm feeling good!

            I have a good 2* farm going. All 2*s cycling.

            I've got all 3*s rostered, all but 7 champed.

            I'm only missing 10 4*s (including new Carol). My cover counts for 4*s range from 1-5 (not counting Devil Dino).

            I have 1 5* cover, given from the daily drop. Not even trying to get anymore right now.

            I'm fighting for all the HP I can get to be able to roster new characters all the time. I open Elites as soon as I get them, but save all Heroics and other tokens until I have an open space. I save up Taco Tokens until I get 300 of each to get 8000 HP from both vaults for more roster spaces.

            Someday when I roster all the 4*s, I will open all my tacos except Taco and Legendary.

            After that, I will see where the game is and save up enough HP to buy slots for every 5* available and then use all of my hoarded CP to open as many Legendary or Classic Tokens, depending on people's opinions on how to get more 5*s covered/championed.

            Meanwhile, I will only use ISO to champ characters (and I guess as my skip tax during PVP, LOL!).

            Anything I'm missing?
          • SnowcaTT
            SnowcaTT Posts: 3,486 Chairperson of the Boards
            Previous seasons:
            SnowcaTT wrote:
   <- Last update, completely re-doing here. It was the "big season" afterall...the ISO came in with shield levels and changes were made!

            Five seasons ago:
            5*: Some changes made, hit the daily drop Phoenix day and finally champed her at 451, tested some CP pulls and got a few more covers: still no one anywhere near usable. 5/0/2 Surfer, 2/0/2 IM, 2/1/1 BSSM, 2/1/1 OML, 0/2/0 GG, 2/0/0 Steve, 0/1/1 Hulk, 0/1/0 Widow, 0/0/0 Bolt, 0/1/0 (extra) Phoenix, 1/0/0 (extra) SS.

            4*: Champed Dino, Nova, Carnage. Fourteen champed, seventeen at 172-ish (Howard at 168, Winter Soldier joined this list).

            3*: 15@200+ 13 12@196-199, 13@177-195

            2*: sold all max 2*'s except OBW to get the 2*'s all champed and rotations started. +7 2* champs! No champed bagman for some time.

            108 roster spots (+2, 5* BW, 4* Spider Woman, 2nd 2* OBW, Venom (spot for next 4*?) added, 144 Thor/Storm removed)
            1042 CP (-26, used about 500 to get six-seven [lucky rate] 5* covers) urrently holding a Cho cover and nearly enough ISO, may max him. Dino is ready for his show. "Next best" 4*'s ready to go are Ant-Man and X-23, Quake/Punisher/Peggy still dont' have enough covers.

            Four seasons ago:
            Waited for both the mini-season and anniversary season to update; that's like a full season but with more ISO.

            5*: "big" changes due to CP pull but still probably six months away from having a 2nd usable 5* at the rate they've come.
            Phoenix 453 (+2) 4/1/2 BSSM (+3) 3/1/2 OML (+2) 5/0/4 SS (+2) 3/1/2 IM (+2) 0/4/0 GG (+2) 2/1/0 Cap (+1) (No latest pulls/changes).

            4*: Champed Cho, X23, Miles (daily drop tomorrow), Venom (next 4* daily drop), Quake . Ninteen champed (+5 - thanks double iso and short seasons!), fourteen at 172-ish (Howard at 168, ) (Peggy, WS, MK added to this tier - Drax, WM, Spider woman about one cover from getting to this tier)

            3*: 11@183-199 (-14). 17@ 200-209 (+2). 12@ 210+ (+12)

            112 roster spots (+4: Gwenpool, 2nd MBW, 2nd Ares, 2nd 2* Wolvy)
            49 CP (-1000 from last season and -500 (approx) more that I opened)
            29 LT's (Waiting for "next" 5* along with BB in them)
            Level 74 (opening all that CP really sped this up)

            Next season:
            Holding Gwen/Falcap covers, could go with them. Ghost Rider will be next daily drop I don't have champed. Hopefully will be missing only one Peggy cover after PVP rewards, two short of Punisher - these last two would be priorities if I find their covers. Moved OML to 280 to try him out, may go to 300/345. Similar with BSSM - may go 360/360 just to have a better 2nd character in SSim.

            Three seasons ago:
            First season without numbers following it - first season in Pax and not in Wrecking Crew (had been there every season since season 2). Did champ Gwen and Falcap, was holding covers end of last season. Also champed Peggy and Ant-Man: this really burned the farm, holding Punisher and SL covers to max/champ but may miss out on both.

            124 roster spots (+4: BB/Strange/3*Strange/up to 5 MBW/2* farm)
            -Every non 1* currently rostered. 2x Jean, 2x SS, 2x PX.
            Under 20 CP/0 LT's (opened everything)
            Level 79 (+5)

            5* changes: Opened LT's with introduction of Strange, went 4/45 up front...Phoenix 455 (+2) 4/1/3 BSSM (+1) 3/2/2 OML (+1) 5/0/5 SS1 (+1), 2/0/0 SS2 (+1), 3/3/0 Cap (+3), 3/1/2 IM, 2/2/1 Hulk (+3), 1/1/0 Widow (+1), 0/1/1 BB (+2), 0/1/2 Strange (+3). Lots of added covers...mostly middling actual progress.

            4* changes: 23 champed (+4: Peggy/Gwen/Falcap/Antman). 10 at ~172, 8 of them with 13 covers, 4 more (all but Gwenpool, Kate, Wasp) could get that high. Two at 300+ (HB/Cyc), three at 290+ (JG/XF/GT), nine at 280+.

            3*: not counting newest (strange): 2 below 200 (-9), 14 @ 200-209 (-3), 16 @ 211-219 (+4), 7@ 220-230 (+7)

            Next season: 13th Punisher makes him my next 4* priority, still debating about taking OML to 375 and BSSM to 375 - next daily drop cover would allow to 390. Probably should start hoarding again...having a hard time after opening everything!

            Two seasons ago:
            Had burned the 2* farm to pay for previous season, mostly rebuilding.

            3* changes: Strange champed. 1 below 200 (-1), 9 @ 200-209 (-5), 14 @ 211-219 (-2), 15@ 220-230 (+8), 1@ 231-240 (+1)

            4* changes: Venom, Medusa rostered. 25 champed (+2, SL/Spider-Woman). 11 at 172, 7 with 13 covers (+Blade, Drax). Only Wasp, War Machine, and Luke Cage remain that could get that high; Kate, Gwenpool, Medusa, and Venom cannot (which means I'll be losing some upcoming DDQ's....) Two at 300+ (HB/Cyc), three at 290+ (JG/XF/GT), nine at 280+.

            5* changes: Only opened a few CP early in season, only added one Cap (3/3/1). Opening LT's: 2/1/0 Widow (+1), 0/1/2 BB (+1), 0/3/2 Strange (+2).

            124 roster spots (+4: Agent Venom, Medusa).
            -Every character rostered except 1*'s, 5x mbw, 2x ss, 2x Phoenix, 2x PX.
            583 CP (+583)
            Level 82 (+3)

            Next season: For two seasons I've said "punisher next"...maybe this time I'll mean it. Tomorrow is day 1000 for me, and BSSM goes to 5/1/3....may take him from 255 to 390. Will probably hoard CP until both those goals are done and I have enough to max another 4* instead of waste it (300K)...which means probably hoarding CP for two more seasons.

            Last season: Double ISO allowed me to champ the two planned (Punimax/WS), low-covers on Kate and no other great covered 4*'s meant I drew all CP.

            3* changes: Thanos rostered, not yet champed. Old 40: 4 @ 200-209 (-5), 13 @ 211-219 (-1), 14@ 220-230 (-1), 7@ 231-240 (+6)

            4* changes: Captain Marvel rostered. 28 champed (+3, Punimax/WS/MK). 11 at 172, 5 with 13 covers (+Wasp/War Machine/Kate). Only Luke Cage remain that could get that high. 2@ 300+, 4@ 290+ (+1), 11@ 280+ (+2).

            5* changes: Phoenix 458 (+3) 5/1/3 BSSM (+1 from daily drop) 3/2/3 OML (+1) 2/0/1 SS2 (+1) THEN finally red 5/1/5 SS1 (+1) , 3/4/1 Cap (+1), 4/3/2 IM (+2), 1/5/0 GG (+1, making upcoming daily drop worthless...) 2/2/1 Hulk (+0), 4/1/0 Widow (+2), 1/1/2 BB (+1), 0/4/2 Strange (+1), 1/0/0 Thanos (+1)

            127 roster spots (+3: Thanos 3/Thanos 5/Captain Marvel).
            -Every character rostered except 1*'s, 5x mbw, 2x ss, 2x Phoenix, 2x PX.
            less than 20 CP (-583 and everything earned last season), 0 LT's.
            Level 87 (+5)

            Next season plans: Holding an Elecktra cover, may finally champ her (to be ready for valentine's day event?). Best (?) 13 covered character is level 70 Cage; Blade has 12 covers and may be high priority after that.
          • Histamiel
            Histamiel Posts: 166 Tile Toppler
            edited January 2017
            SHIELD rank level : 50
            Roster slots : 66

            star.pngstar.pngstar.pngstar.pngstar.png : 3

            star.pngstar.pngstar.pngstar.png : 15

            star.pngstar.pngstar.png : 42
            Champions :

            star.pngstar.png : 5
            Champions :

            star.png : 1

            My plan is to champion my star.pngstar.png and star.pngstar.pngstar.png.
          • lukewin
            lukewin Posts: 1,356 Chairperson of the Boards
            Previous Post

            (Update since last update)
            -Been playing a lot less PVE, has slowed down ISO intake, but RL takes precedence, and I'm ok with progression being made. (Same)
            -2* farm. Started 2 2* dupes, since I was trying to champ some 4*, and didn't have the ISO to champ them. Might also start this approach, so I don't have crops that are struggling to hit 13 covers, that's why I started my 2* dupes as well. (Have 5 2* Dupes now)
            -Started a SS dupe, with my 6th SS blue, even though the first one is only 5/0/1. 10 covers and 405 is going to be my cap for 5*. Do not want to mess up my MMR or make PVE scaling any worse. Already have IM5 at 405 4/2/4 and OML at 405 5/2/3. Would've probably preferred for a different build for IM5 and 5/3/2 for OML, but oh well. Gonna try to build my 5* to my preferred 10 cover spec, and build dupes for other covers. Phoenix green and IM5 red started dupes this past cycle. Want Phoenix at 3/5/2 and mine is 3/3/2. (Started an OML dupe after pulling a yellow. Need to document which are my preferred 10 cover builds, so I know whether to start dupes or add covers to existing builds.)
            -SHIELD rank Level 79 613/2800 (Level 82 2746/2950)
            -Probably going to level all my 3* dupes for the LL LTs, but probably won't start til my 3DP gets 2 more blacks, since I originally had him at 5/5/0. Probably just start with my 5 3* dupes at 120, and way down the road, sprinkle in some of the 15 3* dupes/triples I have at 40. (2 3DP black since last update so 5/5/2, Strang3 is at 2/5/5 and may buy the 3rd blue with CP, to use the yellow cover I have.)
            -Decided to stop selling 4* covers I can't use, due to slow pace of championing 4*. Now going into the Trips/Quads era, instead of the Dupes/Trips era I was in. I've got plenty of 13 cover 4* dupes, so I was selling excess 4* covers. If the 4* is one that is low on the priority list to champion, I'll start a trip/quad, so that I'm not selling the covers. (Championing priorities might now be based on who I don't want to start a quad for.)

            Update since 12/12
            My roster
            211 roster slots (+8)
            star.pngstar.pngstar.pngstar.pngstar.png - 15 Characters (+1)
            star.pngstar.pngstar.pngstar.png - 99 Characters (+5, -3)
            star.pngstar.pngstar.png - 77 Characters (+1)
            star.pngstar.png - 19 Characters (+4)
            star.png - 1 Characters

            6 covers between 4 characters
            Spider-Man (+1)
            The Hulk (+1)
            Doctor Strange (+3)
            Wolverine (DUPE) (+1)

            22 covers between 9 characters
            Deadpool CHAMP (+5)
            Thor CHAMP (+3)
            Jean Grey CHAMP (+1)
            The Punisher CHAMP (+5)
            Iceman CHAMP (+1)
            Red Hulk CHAMP (+3)
            Cyclops CHAMP (+2)
            Professor X CHAMP (+1)
            Star-Lord CHAMP (+1)

            NEW CHAMPS
            Kingpin (+4)
            Iron Man (+3)
            Peggy Carter (+1)

            12 covers between 8 characters
            Moon Knight (+2)
            Quake (+1)
            Luke Cage (+1)
            Kate Bishop (+1)
            Blade (+1)
            Medusa (+4)
            Venom AV (+1)
            Captain Marvel (+1)

            star.pngstar.pngstar.pngstar.png Dupes/Trips
            29 covers between 14 characters
            Venom (DUPE) (+1)
            The Thing (TRIPLE) (+3)
            Wasp (DUPE) (+5)
            Spider-Gwen (DUPE) (+1)
            X-23 (TRIPLE) (+3)
            Star-Lord (TRIPLE) (+1)
            The Hulk (DUPE) (+2)
            Sam Wilson (TRIPLE) (+5)
            Nick Fury (TRIPLE) (+3)
            Iceman (TRIPLE) (+1)
            Nova (TRIPLE) (+1)
            The Punisher (DUPE) (+1)
            Venom (DUPE) (+2)
            Elektra (TRIPLE) (+1)

            200 Miles Morales 5, 3, 5 (SOLD)
            87 Miles Morales 2, 1, 0 (SOLD)
            87 Miles Morales 1, 2, 0 (SOLD)
          • JeffCascadian
            JeffCascadian Posts: 665 Critical Contributor
            I have three more with 12 covers each but your guess is as good as mine which will be the next Champion. One of those is Punisher and I do have a cover "dying on the vine" for him but it's extremely unlikely that before it expires I would be able to earn both the Command Points to buy a cover I don't have maxed out (no pun intended) and the ISO to level & Champion him.

            Much to my personal amazement, I did manage to earn both the Command Points and ISO so Punisher is now one of my Champion 4-stars. I can't really use him right now--darn Heroic PVE--but he's up there.

            Right now, my plan is just to replenish my ISO reserves enough to re-Champion the 2-stars Moonstone, Magneto, and Daken. I currently have 14(!) Moonstone covers on my vine.
          • Straycat
            Straycat Posts: 963 Critical Contributor
            Just got a 4* cyclops from a heroic token (Yay!) that got a LT. That LT gave another green Venom (Boo!). Not gonna champ him until he is the only fully covered left. Looking ahead at my resupply and my 13th iceman will be coming up, so my plan is to not open any tokens until I champ Peggy and Iceman. I'm sure my next tokens would give me more Elektras and Venoms that I don't want to champ, got 5 of them out of my last 10 LTs. So I'm just gonna champ the good ones instead of following the covers for now
          • Sluggo
            Sluggo Posts: 504 Critical Contributor
            offseason report!

            My last update was around Thanksgiving. Since then I've champed four new 4*s: Nova, Jean, Star-Lord and Kingpin. This brings my total to 15, with Quake coming in a few days as champ #16.

            This brings me to an interesting point in my roster development. I have 33 4*s max-covered, and with the exception of Peggy, I have all the top 4*s champed. So... I really don't need to spend CP on LTs anymore. I get plenty of covers now from PvE and PvP rewards, so it's just a matter of deciding which 4* to champ next as ISO comes in.

            I've planned things out so I always have a 4* boosted every week to carry me through PvE/PvP, so after (hopefully) champing Peggy later this month (she should show up as a PvP reward soon) ... I don't even know who to do next. Medusa? Bucky? It's a weird place to be when I only had one 4* champ just a few months ago.

            On the 5* front, I feel like I'm still a ways off from doing anything. My OML has been at 5 covers for months, and almost all my other 5*s are in that 4-5 cover range, with the one exception of Black Bolt, who's up to 3/2/4. Which is nice, but not so great that I'm going to sink a lot of ISO into him yet.

            So I think it's autopilot for the next 2-3 seasons. I place T10 in most PvE events, and break 900 in most PvP events now, so I have a nice influx of ISO and covers coming. I'll probably champ another five 4*s before the end of February, while hoarding a lot of CP, and then reassess.
          • deadtaco
            deadtaco Posts: 409 Mover and Shaker
            Current roster

            107 roster slots
            star.pngstar.pngstar.pngstar.pngstar.png - 8 Characters
            star.pngstar.pngstar.pngstar.png - 42 Characters, 0 champed, missing Howard
            star.pngstar.pngstar.png - all 42 Characters, 34 champed
            star.pngstar.png - 13 in various farm states
            star.png - Just Juggs

            Trying to finish off champing star.pngstar.pngstar.png - only 8 to go. Only Thanos (2/5/3) and Sentry (4/3/3) are not fully covered. So I need 6 covers and 750 iso to finish.

            star.pngstar.pngstar.pngstar.png - Venom is my most covered (11) followed by RHulk (10) and XFWol (9). The rest do not have much.

            I'm currently doing the no pull Jan/Feb and looking at this stockpile of tokens is torture, but it will all pay off at the end.
          • DTStump
            DTStump Posts: 273 Mover and Shaker
            Soul Gem season I update

            What I managed to do since the last update (Time Gem Season I):
            • Added just enough slots: 4 (105 -> 109)
            • Built up HP (around 3k now) and started spending more of it on daily deals
            • Added the last 2* farm that was missing, making it 14 total
            • Added the new characters Thanos_Icon.png (3* and 5* versions), 4* icon_caroldanvers.png
            • Championed Strang3 by spending 40CP and added three covers that were about to go to waste
            • Championed my first 6 4* characters: icon_ghostrider.pngicon_deadpool.pngicon_thing.pngicon_peggycarter.pngicon_nickfury.pngicon_warmachine.png
            • Beat 4 DDQ Crashes out of 5
            This was a very fun season, where getting some 4* champions finally became a reality ( icon_cool.gif ). This started when I opened a 14th Ghost Rider cover, and I figured I'd better make sure I had other 4* champions ASAP, preferably decent ones, to go with him at the top of my roster. I also championed Thing and Peggy (at level 270 now) as well as XFDeadpool, War Machine and Nick Fury, all above level 270 now. With this, I can be more competitive in PvP without sacrificing too much in PvE. I'm now using Peggy in almost every PvP battle, and XFDP and Thing are also very good additions. I immediately felt the effects of this upgrade by reaching 2000 points in Simulator without being attacked too much, and using Peggy in Combined Arms along with broken OBW and various 3*s was a lot of fun. A boosted War Machine was also extremely helpful in the last Heroic event.

            I pulled a total of 32 LTs this season (up from 23 last season, thanks mostly to Thanos DQs) and my 4* tier progressed nicely to an average of 8.6 (+- 2.9 sd) covers per character (last two seasons: 6.2 +- 3.0, 7.2 +- 3.3). I now have Cho, Cyclops and Venom sitting at 12 covers each, followed by Bobby, Spider-Woman, Carnage, Elektra and IW at 11 each. Hopefully Cyclops and Iceman get there soon. Currently, my LT failure rate is at 10.8%, which is just slightly above what it was at the end of last season (9.7%). Not too bad.

            New characters:
            5* Thanos: 0/1/1
            3* Thanos: 2/4/1 (7 covers)
            4* Captain Marvel: 1/2/1

            5* pulls:
            Steve Rogers redflag.png (now 0/3/1)
            Thanos purpleflag.png and greenflag.png (0/1/1)
            IM46 redflag.png (now 2/1/0)

            Notable improvements:
            PunMAX went from 2/1/0 to 5/3/1 (+6 covers)
            Spider-Gwen went from 2/0/3 to 3/1/5 (+4 covers)
            Peggy went from 1/4/4 to max-covered and converted to 5/3/5 (+4 covers)

            I managed to beat 4 DDQ crashes out of 5: Spider-Gwen, Kate Bishop, Hulkbuster, Ghost Rider. Did not manage the last one: Star-Lord (5/1/1).

            No specific plan for next season. Hopefully I can get some more 4*s championed and keep adding newly-released characters.
          • dr tinykittylove
            dr tinykittylove Posts: 1,459 Chairperson of the Boards
            Soul Gem season is live, it's time for pre-season review again!

            Had a rather exciting time with 2 Thanos variants released, banishing Black Bolt into Classic limbo, after which...

            On Jan 1 I declared my intention to hoard all cp and lts, and added standard, elites and non-new pvp tokens.

            I fat-fingered a Latest while flipping token pages getting a BW for my sins, and pulled one classic at season end to celebrate with alliance (embiggening my Thing in consequence). Apart from that I am currently at 17 Latest and 506cp, kind of a surprise and more than I expected. icon_e_smile.gif

            Pulled all standards elites and pvp tokens during the offseason.
            Approx 130+ standards yielded 5x3*, 47 elites gave 11x3*. 12 pvp tokens gave 1x3* 1x4*.
            Opened 2 10pk heroics got 1 4blade and 2 or 3 3*s
            Still holding 10 tacos.
            I have a lot of feelings! I was commenting to everyone that would listen that all my mid-range 5*s were stalling at 9 covers, oddly enough. They decided to prove me wrong by advancing to 10 one after another. Possibly sometime in the future I will discover a sudden urgent need for 4 million iso?

            Oml L461 +2 because clearly everyone needs more oml
            Phx L455 +0 she don't love me no more
            SS 456 +2 surfer is no longer oppressed by lack of iso and is making up for lost time.
            Banner 3/2/5 +1 hulk no smash
            Cap 1/5/3 +0 steve in hiding
            IM46 4/2/3 +1 excitingly still not usable
            GG 4/3/3 +1 upvote!
            BSS 4/2/0 +0 will never love me...
            Black Bolt 3/4/5 +4 will I finish him before he leaves latests for the abyss of Classics?
            Widow 5/4/0 +1 no-black widow.
            5trange 1/2/0 +2 these missing colours are deeply, deeply distressing for me. At least he's still new.

            4* land is interesting. Bobby (311) boldly shoved past Tony (310), who said "meh, whatever." Scott said omfg and ran even further away to 317. Dpx decided to join the fun, bouncing up to 307. X23 and 4pun crossed 300.

            Champed Kate, Antman, Drax.
            Sold an astonishing and sad number of covers for Drax, Elektra, Fantastic, Wasp, Jessica and Fury.
            Covered Blade, respecced Luke, still have 11 days left to champ him.
            Still need covers for Gwenpool, Agent Venom, Medusa.

            Mororo, If and Hulk stormed past the loser 5*s... all 3 now parked at 257. It looked dark for IF for a while but he's not giving up this race somehow.

            6 left below 223. Scarlet Witch and Strange in last.

            Still churning.

            Bagman count: 2 (I think, lost track of the game for a bit playing fallout shelter intensively.)

            Creeping progress... I successfully rushed Black Bolt to full covers before His Majesty left Latest, and even pulled an extra champ cover. I've not tracked my pulls or lt acquisition rate, but you know what? I am pretty certain I have pulled less than 10 latest tokens with cp, so just about all that except 1 cover came from champ rewards, vault tokens, resupply, ddq crashes and season alliance tokens. And there are people pulling Latest with all their cp who have not completed him. This is why RNG progression is broken!

            For the rest, got 1 5* Thanos from 2 pulls during galactus before I stopped myself.

            Oml L461 +0
            Phx L455 +0
            SS 456 +0
            Black Bolt 451 5/5/3 +2 Done!
            Banner 3/2/5 +0
            Cap 2/5/3 +1
            Cap 0/1/0 +1 yes it sucks
            IM46 4/3/3 +1 once again still not usable
            GG 4/3/4 +1 waiting for that resupply cover in less than 10 days...
            BSS 4/3/1 +2 My BIG BAGMAN has finally come to me omg
            Widow 5/4/1 +1 finally black black widow
            5trange 2/2/0 +1
            Thanos 0/0/1 +1

            Champed Jessica, Luke, Blade. Left max-covered Elektra, Fantastic, Fury and Wasp unchamped... I'm so sorry you are stuck in that rabble, Fury. I am such a bad vet. Gwenpool(3/5/4), Agent Venom(3/3/5), Medusa(3/2/3) and Carol(2/3/2) in need of covers.

            Mororo, Steve and Hulk stopped at 262, with Hulk first to start a dupe at 1/1/0. Including them I have 7 at 255 or better and leaving the 5*s in their dust. If not for the iso shortage I might move them up to 267 just to keep things tidy lol.

            Minithanos champed. 5 left who have not reachd their lt at 227.

            Still churning.

            Bagman count: 1