Official Balance Changes Feedback Thread [Provide Details]
stowaway wrote:It seems like people are trying to have one conversation about two different things: the change to ability/match damage at different character levels (which was intended), and the reduction across the board to the power of weekly/event buffed characters (which is a bug, the last I saw from David). Am I mistaken?
Lets take 2*.
What was indented - > to change low - mid - max - max+(champion) levels scaling.
What they made: Increase low level power - slightly decreased mid level power - max level unchanged - decrease scaling after max level (94+)
With decreasing scaling after max level (that was indented) they decrease power of 94+ level characters. Boosted characters (150+) are included in that decrease power zone. So lets say before the patch one level above 94 will give +50 damage. Now it gives only +35 damage per level.
So to "fix" boosted characters they need to bring back scaling that was before R910 -
I'm pretty underwhelmed by Champions right now. It seems contrary to the whole decision they made at launch to reduce the number of covers needed per ability from 20 down to 5 because there wasn't enough of a noticeable increase in effectiveness.
Now it's 113 covers to see the potential. I've put 5 covers into Doom, level 171, and it feels like I would have been better off selling the covers for ISO, minus the initial legendary token reward.0 -
Buret0r wrote:<snip>
When I use a cover toward a 3* champion, I'm getting what... 250 ISO and a champion level (most of the time), instead of the 500 ISO I used to get for each cover sold.
Am I wrong about this?0 -
mrcheddar wrote:Buret0r wrote:<snip>
When I use a cover toward a 3* champion, I'm getting what... 250 ISO and a champion level (most of the time), instead of the 500 ISO I used to get for each cover sold.
Am I wrong about this?
Ah yes. So it just the initial sunk ISO cost you are losing and the times when you don't get an ISO prize, you get something else. You are still starting out from behind, but you eventually break even and get a few other gifts... but because of the system your max boosted 166 3* is going to be weaker until X (where X is however many champion levels it takes to get your champion max boosted 3* back to where it was pre-change).0 -
I expected a bigger advantage from championing and leveling characters with heavy damage abilities such as Magneto. Magneto blue at 166 (was?) 713 per tile swap, now i have him at 172 and his blue does 723 per tile swap. Whopping 70 healthpoints (1.4%) damage increase for 6 added covers. Quite a disappointment tbh.
I would appreciate an overview on the changes too.0 -
I'm happy with the changes but especially to the prof x buff that semi-nerfs winfinite. Infinite combos are bad for the game in general and gives an unfair advantage to those that abuse them and winfinite has been exploited long enough. You can still use the combo though and it needs to be nerfed indefinitely.0
While I don't have hard numbers to back this up, I feel like my entire roster got nerfed the day championing went live. I had tons of tokens and covers saved up, and on Champ Day I promoted almost everyone. All the 2*s but Bagman are champs. All but 4 of the 3*s are champs. 6 9of my 4*s are champs. And every single one if them hits for noticeably less than they did the day before they were promoted. Why? Shouldn't promoting my characters make them better? I understand if the numbers don't jump thru the roof immediately after applying the first champion cover, but surely the intention can't be to make them WORSE upon application of said champion cover, right?0
tanis3303 wrote:While I don't have hard numbers to back this up, I feel like my entire roster got nerfed the day championing went live. I had tons of tokens and covers saved up, and on Champ Day I promoted almost everyone. All the 2*s but Bagman are champs. All but 4 of the 3*s are champs. 6 9of my 4*s are champs. And every single one if them hits for noticeably less than they did the day before they were promoted. Why? Shouldn't promoting my characters make them better? I understand if the numbers don't jump thru the roof immediately after applying the first champion cover, but surely the intention can't be to make them WORSE upon application of said champion cover, right?
My 270 4Pools both do 1509 per destroyed block with CD4W (the wiki showed 1512 before the change). One is a champion, the other is not. They both have the same max damage. They have 13,995 health (up from 13,934 in the old listing) and they do 83/74/65 match damage (instead of 82/73/64 in the old listing).
My understanding is that the boosted versions are going to be weaker than they were, but eventually with enough champion covers, they will be stronger boosted than they were before the changes.
Zatright?0 -
Which is a direct nerf when you consider how often you'll be upping their levels with spare covers...unless you have some secret way of making covers fall like rain that I'm not privy to. It could be months before those characters have enough levels to reach where they were before being promoted, possibly years for the 4*s. After the initial excitement of championing everyone and reaping the initial rewards, my roster feels weaker, and hits for less damage than it did the day before. Since all players are hit by the same balancing changes, I can't really complain all that much, but I do question the overall design philosophy of promoting a character for weaker stats now and the promise of better stats months and dozens of covers down the line0
Apologies if this response doesn't properly relate to the feedback they want...
As a 5* tier player I can't really comment on the state of 2*, 3*, and even 4* balance because the games MMR/scaling largely prevents me from being able to play those characters anymore.
That said I want to express my concern for the balance of 5* championing.
5*'s gain a LOT of power from a single level. They gain WAY more hit points, their match damage sees a solid jump and their skills scale very quickly compared to other tiers of play. In the 5* meta right now the difference between facing a level 350 and a level 405 is staggering.
I've seen a level 497 Surfer with the following stats:
- 842 blue match damage up 586 at level 450.
- 68229 Health up from up from 47478 at level 450.
- 5 cover cosmic beam dealing 11776 damage up from 8197 at level 450.
These aren't minor changes. It's clear that a level 497 5* will dominate a level 450 5*. While I don't have the numbers to back it up also seems pretty clear that a fully championed 4* will still have stats well behind those of a level 450 5*.
Bad luck has already led to quite a bit of negative feedback within the 5* tier of play. The champion feature only makes matters feel more helpless. In time it won't be enough that a player has FINALLY reached 13 covers on their 5* because that character will still be pathetic relative to the better luck of other players.
I really think that the championing benefits of 5*'s should be very small. That level 497 Surfer feels like it would still be too strong if those were the level 550 championed stats. 5* championing in my opinion should be more about a status achievement with HUGE rewards for cover redemption rather than a meaningful buff to the top tier of play.0 -
stowaway wrote:It seems like people are trying to have one conversation about two different things: the change to ability/match damage at different character levels (which was intended), and the reduction across the board to the power of weekly/event buffed characters (which is a bug, the last I saw from David). Am I mistaken?
For the first issue, I won't really have an opinion until I've done a few 4* DDQ nodes to see how they compare to last time. For the second issue, yes, it's annoying. It was especially bad to have all the characters in the Heroic nerfed just in time for the end grind of the last day.
The thing is that we don't know. The announcement and feedback to our questions concerning the matter have been infuriatingly vague so we have no way of telling what is intended and what a bug. At least the creation of this thread is a step forward.
Moving on with the topic in question, I'm really annoyed by the weakening of my boosted characters. As others have mentioned, 2* Storm at 150 went down from 2880 to 2500. More significantly, 290 Doom went down from almost 2k per trap tile to under 1500. That's a whooping 25% loss of efficiency that places the damage dealt 124 levels above max closer to his normal damage than to his old values. That's right, he only gets +300 damage in 124 levels! To damage for 10k, you now need 6 traps, instead of 4, I hope I don't need to explain how big of a nerf it is. And yes, I'm calling it a nerf because boosted 3* characters are 4* transitioners best chance at climbing and placing in PVP.
By making our boosted characters weaker, but leaving the 4* characters HP intact, our chances of taking down the maxed 4* teams that populate the battle options for transitioners above 700 points have greatly decreased. Not only that, our wins are also costlier in time and HP loss. Using my previous example of Doom's purple, just there that's two turns more that you need to wait (and hope that no traps are destroyed) in order to deal the old damage. Two turns while shield-hopping near 1k points may as well be an additional eternity. And that's only counting one of the powers I bring to the battle. I have to wonder how many more turns were added to my games when we factor in how much weaker all my boosted character's other powers also are. (I don't have a boosted Human Torch or Deadpool in front of me anymore but Fireball and Whales were dealing around 1k (x3 in Whales!'s case) less than expected. Again, huge.)
All of this takes off a lot of championing's shiny new lustre. If 124 levels barely made a significant difference in power damage (especially now that we know -and not because you told us- that 3* damage entirely plateaus at some point), going out of our way to add "only" 100 levels more doesn't seem worth it. We don't even know at which level a championed AND boosted character will reach the old values, but I have the sinking feeling that it will be much closer to +100 levels than to current max (again, we can only guess because you won't communicate with us better). All this contributes to the feel that championing, rather than giving us the opportunity to improve our old characters, de-levelled them and now we must collect several dozens more of them to restore them to their previous power.
And the bigger winners of them all? The soft-cappers, who right away received benefits (instead of the people playing the game as intended who who hit right away with a nerf) and now have even less of an incentive to max their characters.
EDIT. My Storm is boosted to 170 in Divine Champions, and still, Windstorm damage is nowhere near to the damage that old 150 dealt. At this rate, I'm calculating it will only "catch up" around level 200, so potentially close to her new max level of 144 while boosted.0 -
I have 3 thoughts about these 'balance' changes:
- They really screwed up by doing them at the same time as championing. The problem is obvious from most of the posts in this thread: people compare new champions against old non-champions and see that they are doing the same or less damage. They therefore think championing is ****. It may be true that championing is ****, but it needs to be thought of on its own terms. The "old non-champion" damage is gone. Everyone's power damage seems to have been nerfed, and their match damage has been saturated. I'll talk more about that next, but the new unboosted damage needs to be the baseline for comparison when talking about champions/boosted toons. Instead of all this mostly useless venting about "new boosted worse than old unboosted". That seems to be true but just doesn't matter anymore. We all need to think of this as 2 separate things: nerfing *erm* "balancing", and then champining/boosting/scaling-per-level.
- We have data (no thanks to devs or communication) that clearly shows they saturated the match damage around levles 166-270. My guess is that this was a mis-guided attempt to solve the problem of champion 2*s fighting champion 3*s and therefore getting further behind, rather than more competitive. They want championing to be a realistic alternative to more covers/levels of the next tier, so they just made everything flat in the most significant level region. Whatever is going on above 270 is beyond my paygrade. I think this change in the general curve sucks for all the reasons everyone has mentioned (most notably: incentivising soft-cappers and removing any actual benefit from championing anything other than 2*s). I'm happy with the general idea that all toons, regardless of tier, do about the same damage when they are at a given level (whether via championing, boosting, or under-leveled higher tier). But the saturation is ruining everything, imo. It's too flat.
- Finally, does anyone know what the chart of power dmg/lvl looks like? Each power might be different (hope not, but wouldn't doubt it), but maybe just for common 'benchmark' powers like Doom purple or Cage yellow or GSBW green, or whatever... How do their damage curves vs. level compare to previous? Not just at the endpoints which have been mentioned, but the entire curves? Do they saturate as badly as the match damage? Do they super-peak again above 270?
My "numerical" feedback: Everyone doing essentially the same match damage over a range of more than 100 levels is not fun. I'd love to give more accurate feedback about power damage over that range of levels, but we haven't been given any information about it.0 -
The more I notice the differences, the more underwhelmed I am by the changes from championing. Storm's boosted (max)
took a pretty big hit, as did Thor. If you're dumping that much iso and covers into them, why are they worse than before?
Right now it's making me rethink using the champion mechanic if I have to spend far too much iso etc just to get them back to where they even where before.0 -
Ungoliant wrote:The more I notice the differences, the more underwhelmed I am by the changes from championing. Storm's boosted (max)
took a pretty big hit, as did Thor. If you're dumping that much iso and covers into them, why are they worse than before?
Right now it's making me rethink using the champion mechanic if I have to spend far too much iso etc just to get them back to where they even where before.
Putting cover into 2* champion will result you in getting 250 ISO. The same value you get from selling the cover. Leveliing character to max is the same ISO cost as before.0 -
Here are some changes I propose to make some 3 stars relevent
Lethal Improvisation
Bullseye grabs anything at hand and hurls it with deadly accuracy. Deals 246 damage then turns 2 selected Attack, Protect, or Strike tiles to basic tiles dealing 50 damage for each friendly tile targeted.
Level 3: deals 1000 damage then converts up to 2 tiles dealing 250 damage per friendly tile.
Level 4: deals 1500 damage then converts up to 2 tiles dealing 300 damage per friendly tile.
Level 5: deals 2000 damage then Converts up to 2 tiles dealing 500 damage per friendly tile.
Dev note: can now cast without special tiles on the board.
Bullseye is close, he is very fun to play in survival, and can get really nasty however if he does not have a special tile to fire his purple off on or enough damage to kill someone with green he is pretty much useless. This change gives him a way to do damage and keeps the general feel of him while rewarding him for destroying friendly special tiles to keep balance.Captain Marvel
Captain Marvel unleashes the amazing cosmic power of her photonic blasts, shattering her enemy's defenses. Deals 208 Damage to enemy team and destroys up to 2 Enemy Protect tiles. Does not generate AP.
At Max Level:
Level 3: Deals 892 damage.
Level 4: Deals 1494 damage.
Level 5: Deals 1494 damage (Also Destroys All Enemy Protect Tiles).
Cap Marvel is ignorable, basically deny her black, hit her last and she is worthless other than for niche opponents this gives her some punch.The Hulk
The Hulk smashes, consuming up to 10 of the team's BLACK AP and damaging the target for 657 plus 44 to the enemy team for each black AP remaining. Does 30% of the damage to allies if there are more than 10 Green tiles on the board.
At Max Level:
Level 3: Deals 2503 damage to the target plus 209 to enemy team for each Black AP remaining.
Level 4: Deals 2712 damage to the target plus 261 to enemy team for each Black AP remaining.
Level 5: Deals 2920 damage to the target plus 348 to enemy team for each Black AP remaining.
I think this would make the hulk much more interesting his red currently is a joke, sure it can do great damage but the computer will never use it properly and he has no way to spend black AP which he can tank giving him team damage for the extra over 10 could be really interesting.IM40
Tony Stark diverts all power to a focused energy beam fired from Model 40's chest. Deals 1096 damage and costs 3 of the team's AP in every other color.
At Max Level:
Level 3: Deals 2825 damage. (Drains 2 AP from other colors).
Level 4: Deals 3512 damage (Drains 1 AP from other colors).
Level 5: Deals 5172 damage (Drains 1 AP from other colors).
Ballistic Salvo
Fires charged homing missiles. They do 822 damage to each enemy and crater the battlefield, destroying 3 basic tiles. Uses reserve power, Stunning Iron Man for 2 turns.
At Max Level:
Level 3: Deals 2869 damage and Stuns current target for 1 turn.
Level 4: Deals 3130 damage and reduces stun to Ironman to 1 turn.
Level 5: Deals 3130 damage and Stuns current target for 2 turns stuns Ironman for 1 turn.
Ironman is a joke, basically you only use him as agenerator. His red and blue are way too expensive and don't do enough. His current red costs 3 more than cyclops' (who has a red generator) and does the same damage. That does not take into account the 2 turn stun you will probably endure to get to fire it. His blue is also a joke 20
to do 3k damage granted its team damage but it is 450 damage per ap and if you get 20 blue the game is probably over anyways. Getting rid of the AP drain and lowering the cost to 14 while adding a self stun makes it much more interesting. His
probably needs to be changed too but I currently like it up to level 2.
Psychic Knife
Psylocke gains momentum, fluidly chaining attacks together. Deals 137 damage and creates a strength 27 Red Strike. Costs 1 less for each Red Strike tile (min cost 5).
At Max Level:
Level 3: Deals 696 damage and creates a strength 139 Red Strike tile.
Level 4: Deals 696 damage and creates a strength 226 Red Strike tile.
Level 5: Deals 1131 damage and creates a strength 226 Red Strike tile.
Dev note: always creates strike tile.
Psylocke steadies and channels her telepathic power, reaching into the minds of the enemy to disrupt their attack. Converts a TARGETED basic Blue tile to a 3 turn Countdown tile that steals up to 3 AP from the enemies' largest color pool at the beginning of each turn.
Level Upgrades:
Level 2: Steals up to 4 AP per turn.
Level 3: Steals up to 5 AP per turn.
Level 4: Steals up to 5 AP per turn and 1 random AP.
Level 5: Steals up to 5 AP per turn and 1 random AP three times.
Psylocke's red is great until there are 3 strike tiles on the board then it is kind of a joke. Letting her continue to add strike tiles makes her the deadly ninja she is. The change to bewilder makes her much more dangerous and a target to be hit first on def. The level 5 upgrade gives people a reason to possibly take 5in her covers, the steal might need to be lowered however it would probably just end up draining them completely on one to two turns.
Molotov Cocktails
The Punisher lobs a bottle of liquid mayhem. Damages the enemy team for 164 and creates a Red Countdown tile that spreads fire every 3 turns, converting a random basic color tile to a 16 damage Attack tile. When Casted places 1 attack tile
Level 3: Deals 783 damage to enemy team and deals extra 65 damage per Attack tile. When Casted places 1 65 damage attack tile.
Level 4: Deals 783 damage to enemy team and deals extra 78 damage per Attack tile. When Casted places 2 65 damage attack tiles.
Level 5: Deals 783 damage to enemy team and deals extra 78 damage per Attack tile. When Casted places 3 65 damage attack tile.
The Punisher unloads his arsenal. Destroys a TARGETED 3x3 group of tiles, doing damage but not generating AP. Chaos creates an opening, converting a basic color tile to a strength 27 Strike tile.
Two changes to Punisher could make him top tier again. 1. Make hisdrop attack tiles right off the bat. 2 make his
Idle Hand
Quicksilver just can't help using his speed to make the enemy look stupid. Swaps the position of 2 selected basic tiles. Costs 1 AP less for every Locked tile on the board (minimum 7 AP).
At Max Level:
Level 3: Deals 348 damage to enemy team.
Level 4: Deals 783 damage to enemy team.
Level 5: Deals 1653 damage to enemy team.
Fists of Fury
Quicksilver grabs his enemy and pummels them with a furious blur of punches. Creates 1 targeted Critical tile. Costs 1 AP less for every Locked tile on the board (minimum 6 AP).
Quicksilver is anything but quick. He is slow, boring, and ignorable. Making black do team damage gives him some bite, targeted critical is much more interesting.Spider-man
Web Bandages: Reworked to Web-slingshot
Spider-Man uses his web to slingshot himself into the enemy team deals X damage plus X damage for each web tile on the board
At Max Level:
Level 3: Deals 1500 damage plus 150 for each web tile on the board.
Level 4: Deals 2000 damage plus 300 for each web tile on the board.
Level 5: Deals 3500 damage plus 500 for each web tile on the board.
Everyone knows that Spidey is weak and pretty much just a stun machine. Since the true heal nerf Spidey is not desirable in the slightest. Giving him a damage spell while keeping his other two spells would make him relevant again. His new red is comparable to cyclops and cap while he does not have a red generator. However, getting stronger from web tiles means it could get much stronger per ap (kinda like cap if he can fire his shield multiple times)Sentry
The Sentry projects an epic energy blast. Damages the enemy team for 329 before shattering up to 4 random Red tiles. Each tile damages the enemy team for 82 and allies for 82 but does not generate AP. This ability no longer ends the turn.
Sentry right now is pretty much only useful in a true heal team or to use once for hiscombo. His yellow is great and one of the strongest in the game. His green has potential and while his
hurts it should not end the turn. The nerf to both red and green were unnecessary
Mistress of the Elements (reworked)
Clouds darken the battlefield and lightning streaks across the sky as Storm's awesome power inspires her teammates and assaults her foes. Creates a 5 turn targeted countdown tile that at the beginning of each turn strengthens two attack tiles by 12.
At Max Level:
Level 3: Strengthens 3 attack tiles by 50 each turn
Level 4: Strengthens 3 attack tiles by 50 each turn, lasts 6 turns
Level 5: Strengthens 5 attack tiles by 50 each turn, lasts 6 turns.
Storm is interesting, she is very annoying if she gets heroff and her
is decent. However that is all she is, annoying and decent. Adding this yellow would make her NASTY. She would still be squishy but now she would have a place in the team and her with Ironfist would be excellent.
Attack Protocol
Changes based on Vision's density.
Solar Beam - Deals 184 damage and destroys a random + of tiles. Does not generate AP.
Light Disruption - Converts up to 2 enemy Strike or Protect tiles to basic tiles. Deals 137 per tile.
Heavy Strike - Deals 274 damage to the enemy team.
At Max Level:
Level 3: 1815 / 783 x3 / 1217 to team
Level 4: 2647 / 783 x4 / 2064 to team
Level 5: 3510 / 783 x6 / 2859 to team
Density: Light
Vision reduces his density, becoming intangible. Creates a Density: Light Yellow 4-turn Countdown Tile. While this tile is on the board, Vision reduces damage to himself by 88 and his Red power becomes Light Disruption. While this tile is on the board Vision moves to the front of the team. Destroys any existing Density tile.
At Max Level:
Level 3: Reduces damage to Vision by 389.
Level 4: Reduces damage to Vision by 500.
Level 5: Reduces damage to Vision by 723.
Vision is super interesting I love his concept but his stuff costs too much for what it does. There is currently no reason to spec yellow and when the NPC uses it you just switch targets till he changes his tile. By putting him in front you now have a reason to use his yellow. His red is good but too expensive for the damage/usefulness. 10+5
for that little damage makes him not useful. I do think that the coding for his red should require the covers in
to do the upgraded red. but whateva.
0 -
I thought David had already said that the Character boosted stats being weaker was a bug which needs a coding fix and will be rolled out next patch.
With that in mind how do we know what damage difference is due to this bug, and what is due to their change? I'm guessing but cant be sure that the Prof X damage increase is intentional, whereas the Doom/Deadpool/Storm/HT powers being weaker when they're boosted is not.
With that in mind this is a weird time to ask for feedback on this.0 -
aesthetocyst wrote:MarvelMan wrote:Snip
Huh? Juggs headbutt at lvl 40 still hits for 1100. I 1shot that 2* everyday, including yesterday and today.
Did someone upscale your DDQ when you weren't looking?
Jugg's headbutt didn't kill Cap with one hit on my run yesterday either, but I'm confused as to why that is a problem. The forum has been clamouring for his damage to be lowered at the higher levels. If this is a first step towards that I'm all for it.0 -
Monged4life wrote:I thought David had already said that the Character boosted stats being weaker was a bug which needs a coding fix and will be rolled out next patch.
With that in mind how do we know what damage difference is due to this bug, and what is due to their change? I'm guessing but cant be sure that the Prof X damage increase is intentional, whereas the Doom/Deadpool/Storm/HT powers being weaker when they're boosted is not.
With that in mind this is a weird time to ask for feedback on this.
Boost just increase level by x. They intendenly decrease power gain with level and this made boosted character weaker then before.
Here the example:
After level 94 pre-patched Ares was gaining 50 damage per level for his yellow . So boosting him to level 150 will give you 50* 56 = 2800 damage boost on his green power
After level 94 pacthed Ares is gaining 30 damage per level for his yeallow. So boosting him to level 150 will give you only 30*56= 1680 damage boost. So to make him as powerfull as before you need to feed him 38 covers (30*(56+38)=2820) and at level 188 he will deal the same amount of damage as on level 150.
(numbers are fictional i don't know exact numbers pre and after patch)0 -
Monged4life wrote:aesthetocyst wrote:MarvelMan wrote:Snip
Huh? Juggs headbutt at lvl 40 still hits for 1100. I 1shot that 2* everyday, including yesterday and today.
Did someone upscale your DDQ when you weren't looking?
Jugg's headbutt didn't kill Cap with one hit on my run yesterday either, but I'm confused as to why that is a problem. The forum has been clamouring for his damage to be lowered at the higher levels. If this is a first step towards that I'm all for it.0 -
aesthetocyst wrote:Lukoil wrote:Boosted stats are not the bug no matter what David said. Oversight? Maybe, but deffinetly not a bug.
Boost just increase level by x. They intendenly decrease power gain with level and this made boosted character weaker then before.
What makes you say that? How would you know the nature of the bug? Perhaps there is an unintended disconnect between a level value and an ability progression table.
Anecdotally, I can say that my championed, unbuffed CMags was fine during Doom's PVP. His championed abilities were slightly stronger than before, as one would expect.
However, Doom's traps which used to be 1100ish per tile unbuffed, 1400ish when weekly buffed (at lvl 232ish), and 1800ish when featured (at lvl 275ish). He was not championed. After the update, his traps were hitting as if he only had the weekly buff, not the feature buff.
Nowhere to go from here without further illumination from the devs.
The reason why Cmag was fine is because his power gain per level was not changed after the patch so boosting him (giving him +x levels) change nothing. Doom's abilities scaling on the other hand were changed making him weaker when boosted (every level is weaker and +x levels now is less then +x levels before).
"Changing ability scaling after max level" and "Power of boosted character (+ x levels)" are interconnected.
If they want to "Fix" boosting they need to bring back old scaling. That's it.0
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