Upcoming Patch Preview - R48 Discussion



  • IceIX wrote:
    - Bruce Banner’s research on the Gamma Bomb have paid off in an unexpected way. Using Iso-8 as its base, a new style of energy reactor has been created with Gamma Bomb technology. Anyone that is within range of these controlled environments when the reactor is active has found themselves able to alter the strength of their abilities, but at a cost to another one of their strengths. S.H.I.E.L.D. technologists have termed this phenomenon a “Power Shift”, although SHIELD Field Agents have taken to calling it a “Respec”
      o Power Shifting may only be done to a character that has 13/13 abilities o Using an ability comic (or paying the Hero Point cost) for the power desired, an Agent may choose to add a point to that power while reducing one of the other powers by one point.

    Very excited!

    A couple questions, though:

    --"Using ISO-8 as its base"; does this mean there will be an ISO cost?

    --"within range of these controlled environments when the reactor is active"; does this mean Power Shift will only be available for certain, limited times?

    --Finally, can I Power Shift a given hero unlimited times, given available covers?
  • Mmm...generally not a fan of alliances/teams/guilds/whatever as it skews the gameplay too far towards team play which requires more time and effort. Also not great in a game without any in game.chatboxes of anykind. Since it does nothing atm I am.all for it! Lol... As long as it doesn't affect the single player content at all..I am fine with that. I am just afraid either entire single player events will be hurt or removed to make way for team content or single player rewards will be nerfed to "allow" team rewards to be given. Neither being something I am a fan of.

    The other updates sound nice though. That respec is nice to finally come. I dint knjw what boosts cannot be bought, but as long as its not the +colors it doesn't really matter.

    Sneaking in there is a great update too...backing up saves to google+! Yay. Now...can we get google plus rewards too? Lol. I really want to send all my business contacts 500 ISO rewards lol.

    You are sending 500 iso?! I have only been able to send 70, 140 and 250. Plus standard tokens and boosts.

    I dont even have facebook linked, so I don't send them, but the option is there sometimes..yes.
  • I dint knjw what boosts cannot be bought, but as long as its not the +colors it doesn't really matter.
    It sounds like the color damage and AP boosts are being replaced by similar but different boosts. So +3 Red/Yellow AP won't be available for purchase anymore. You can still use what you have stocked up, but that's it. However, it is being replaced by a cheaper boost +1 Red/Yellow AP. This boost can be stacked. So you can use 3 of them in one boost slot and get the same effect as the previous boost. This is what sounds like is happening. IceIX said there is still some fiddling with it, so it isn't set in stone yet, but it doesn't sound like it will be a bad thing.
  • Sounds good, but alliances scare me.
  • razuya
    razuya Posts: 13
    The respec is great but disappointing for me. I've got a OBW at 5/5/3 71. Realised I built her wrong and want 3/5/5. So have been building a 2nd OBW currently 2/3/5. So I've gone and locked all the covers I need to respec my level71 up in a rebuild.

    Please let us convert characters to covers for a period. With the increasing number of characters in the game and a near full roster already it's become very hard to get the a cover you don't have, let alone one you actually want via recruit tokens.
  • IceIX
    IceIX ADMINISTRATORS Posts: 4,332 Site Admin
    wathombe wrote:
    Very excited!

    A couple questions, though:

    --"Using ISO-8 as its base"; does this mean there will be an ISO cost?

    --"within range of these controlled environments when the reactor is active"; does this mean Power Shift will only be available for certain, limited times?

    --Finally, can I Power Shift a given hero unlimited times, given available covers?
    That's all just in-universe speak, the main feature is "Spend cover or HP, upgrade power, lose power". You can do that unlimited times given enough covers or Hero Points.
  • MarvelMan
    MarvelMan Posts: 1,350
    Sounds good, but alliances scare me.

    Yes, very much. Not having alliances/guilds was definitely an appeal to this game.
  • Puritas
    Puritas Posts: 670 Critical Contributor
    edited February 2014
    Can we get an alliance subform please?

    Also amazing patch
    and I'm not talking about wolverine
  • Blue Shoes wrote:
    I dint knjw what boosts cannot be bought, but as long as its not the +colors it doesn't really matter.
    It sounds like the color damage and AP boosts are being replaced by similar but different boosts. So +3 Red/Yellow AP won't be available for purchase anymore. You can still use what you have stocked up, but that's it. However, it is being replaced by a cheaper boost +1 Red/Yellow AP. This boost can be stacked. So you can use 3 of them in one boost slot and get the same effect as the previous boost. This is what sounds like is happening. IceIX said there is still some fiddling with it, so it isn't set in stone yet, but it doesn't sound like it will be a bad thing.

    Interesting, though likely just makes the boosts even more expensive. I haven't been using boosts at all recently beyond making up for using a B team in a hard mission so I don't mind it costing more I guess.
  • IceIX wrote:
    And with that...you take good news and make it bad news. Lol. Seriously, you're thinking about removing an already expensive boost, crippling it, and charging three times as much for the same effect as the current one?
    Umm, no. Again, numbers are still being tweaked, so this isn't final. But you'd buy 5 +1 All AP boosts at 50HP instead of 3 +3s for 100 HP. We're not trying to change pricing in any real way here. Same goes for the current Iso based boosts.

    Sounds like it is just a difference in mechanics.
  • MarvelMan wrote:
    Sounds good, but alliances scare me.

    Yes, very much. Not having alliances/guilds was definitely an appeal to this game.

    Yes yes 100x yes. Like I said... I dont mind if its, let's say, once a month there is a weekend event or something. I am scared it will turn into the new pve or something and make the game just like every other guild dependent super time sink where getting in a team with 19 irritating ppl dropping money everywhere is the only way to win. Aka...I quit. If done right, the alliances can be a small side-note and a nice change of pace. I have just never seen a company actually DO it like that. It almost always becomes some money sink where you need to be with 19 others willing to drain 8 hrs into grinding to be competetive.
  • IceIX wrote:
    That's all just in-universe speak, the main feature is "Spend cover or HP, upgrade power, lose power". You can do that unlimited times given enough covers or Hero Points.

    I figured as much, but thank you for clarifying. I wanted to be sure there weren't any hidden "features." icon_e_wink.gif
  • Don't get me wrong, I don't mind alliances and they have the potential to be good. They just scare me.

    I've always enjoyed guilds/clans in pc mmorpgs and fps. But my experience with mobile or even facebook game alliances have never been good. I hope mpq can prove me wrong.
  • I really hope that alliances don't provide too much benefit beyond maybe Meta achievements, being able to see alliance-mates, and maybe a SMALL bonus akin to how having some facebook friends helps.

    I really don't want them to be a requirement to be able to compete / keep up,
  • TheVulture
    TheVulture Posts: 439 Mover and Shaker
    Great patch - my Thorverine shall savour the taste of optimization! icon_e_geek.gif

    I like achievements so yay!
    I'm not much of a socializer, but there's no in-game chat and I can dream of alliance goodies ahead - so I'm in on those too. icon_e_biggrin.gif
  • AdamMagus
    AdamMagus Posts: 363 Mover and Shaker

    Bravo! This is shaping up to be the best patch yet!
  • Any ETA on the patch? My phone never seemed to update to the R47.1 you mentioned a while ago to fix the stuttering and background glitching on color matches.
  • IceIX
    IceIX ADMINISTRATORS Posts: 4,332 Site Admin
    Chimaera wrote:
    Any ETA on the patch? My phone never seemed to update to the R47.1 you mentioned a while ago to fix the stuttering and background glitching on color matches.
    Any client-side patch would need to be updated off of the App Store/Google Play store. Can't speak for it if you have automatic updates enabled or anything, but normally you have to go and grab the updates yourself. As for release timing on this, the base client code is in place and off with first parties for approvals while we're still twiddling knobs and buttons on the server side.
  • chamber44
    chamber44 Posts: 324 Mover and Shaker
    razuya wrote:
    The respec is great but disappointing for me. I've got a OBW at 5/5/3 71. Realised I built her wrong and want 3/5/5. So have been building a 2nd OBW currently 2/3/5. So I've gone and locked all the covers I need to respec my level71 up in a rebuild.

    Please let us convert characters to covers for a period. With the increasing number of characters in the game and a near full roster already it's become very hard to get the a cover you don't have, let alone one you actually want via recruit tokens.

    yes. this. I spent HP on new cover slots to respec my C. Storm and Thor. I understand if I can't get the slots back, but it would be so great if I could just merge the two.
  • Pretty excited about this patch, but with some trepidation.

    I've been very happy with the post-boost nerf landscape -- I've weaned myself off them almost entirely except in rare situations, which is how I think they're intended to be used, and I feel like I get beat a lot less by teams way weaker than mine, both of which are great things. I'm hoping stackable boosts don't change that dynamic.

    I'm a bit sad that the respec option is limited to 13/13 characters, since, as is mentioned upthread, if you decide you want to keep a character at less than 13/13 and level up the wrong power, you're SOL. This isn't just an edge case, either, as OBW, MMN, IM40, mBW, Yelena, Venom, and Mawkeye are all potential candidates for purposefully leaving at less than 13 covers. Oh well, at least we're getting something! And now I don't feel bad about having backup copies of characters that I was considering for alternative builds.

    Love achievements and sorted rosters, full stop. Can't wait to see these.

    Not sure how to feel about alliances yet. On the surface, I think these could be fun and I'd be interested in joining one (or more than one, if that's allowed). But I have a bunch of worries: a lot of other games turn into "are you part of one of the most powerful clans? yes? great, you get the best rewards. no? go die in a fire." Also, I have a bunch of RL friends who play much more casually than I do. Will I have to choose between getting awesome alliance rewards with forumites and having fun with my RL friends?