MPQ At Command Points & 5-Star Phoenix!
Nellobee wrote:Other than the giveaways and 1/day from DDQ, how will we earn them? If they are added to progression, at what level(s)?
And, at the end of the day, is this just going to be another case of the rich getting richer?
Considering that most progress in MPQ is tied to "the better you do, the more progress you make", the rich will tend to always get richer.
Like, those with better rosters are going to get all the CP that those with lesser rosters will not. Getting 1 CP via the Deadpool Daily being completed is going to reward people with a good 3* roster with a lot of roster slots moreso then 2-3 transistioners who don't. Getting CP from events will reward people who can complete said events (better rosters) over people who can not.
Rich get richer is like, what this game's sense of progress is built around. You get up to that next tier of rewards and feel good about yourself and your hard work and junk.0 -
Sorry, everyone -- Galactus just one-shot killed Command Points.0
I had the theme for the X-Men TV show from the 90s playing in my head through the whole thing. I loved the Phoenix arc.
On Command Points, if they are really intending to help the 4* transition, you better are capable of getting at the very least 5 points per day without killing yourself. That's a cover every 5 days which is not exaggerated, taking in account that so far there are over 60 4* covers and that amount will just keep increasing. In fact, a cover every 5 days is still very slow, if you take in consideration how you can get an average of 12-15 3* covers in the same time and most of them are "sure draws" (i.e. you know what you are getting).colwag wrote:Considering that most progress in MPQ is tied to "the better you do, the more progress you make", the rich will tend to always get richer.
Like, those with better rosters are going to get all the CP that those with lesser rosters will not. Getting 1 CP via the Deadpool Daily being completed is going to reward people with a good 3* roster with a lot of roster slots moreso then 2-3 transistioners who don't. Getting CP from events will reward people who can complete said events (better rosters) over people who can not.
Rich get richer is like, what this game's sense of progress is built around. You get up to that next tier of rewards and feel good about yourself and your hard work and junk.
How is that unfair, though? CP points exist for the 4 and 5* transition, meaning that those in the 2 and 3* transition don't really need them. It is entirely fine that they are gated by difficulty for those who need them the most.0 -
they should simply also create 2 and 3 star rewards for CP. Saying that those people dont need CP is just ridicilous. Because the % chance to get anything you need from a token can almost be neglected, no matter if you are transitioning to 3 star, 4 star or 5 star. There are simply too many characters.
And a direct way of buying a specific cover will help everyone, but ofcourse higher star cover should cost more CP.0 -
Frasaria wrote:they should simply also create 2 and 3 star rewards for CP. Saying that those people dont need CP is just ridicilous. Because the % chance to get anything you need from a token can almost be neglected, no matter if you are transitioning to 3 star, 4 star or 5 star. There are simply too many characters.
And a direct way of buying a specific cover will help everyone, but ofcourse higher star cover should cost more CP.
But you already can get specific 3*s in a lot of ways! Up to 4 of one, plus an additional one of another per PVP and PVE and 1 every day in DDQ. Not to mention that you can easily get around 5 heroic (or similar) tokens per day. If a 3* character of yours is lacking covers you only have to wait for the right events to cover them up. There's currently no way of doing that for 4*s other than the 1k progression reward in PVP.0 -
So using Phoenix locks out players from using Teen Jean on the same team, right? This is a slap in the face to my maxed Jean Grey!!
(I'm totally kidding, I love that she's in the game now. Will save my whining for when I can't get her in any of my token draws)
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1/day from DDQ
play 25 days
perfect0 -
Pylgrim wrote:How is that unfair, though? CP points exist for the 4 and 5* transition, meaning that those in the 2 and 3* transition don't really need them. It is entirely fine that they are gated by difficulty for those who need them the most.
The issue is that in most videogames, if they last through multiple expansions or DLC then they usually find ways to still keep lower level content relevant or they find ways to drastically speed people through the legacy content.
In games with some kind of competitive element they tend to go for that second option and at least get people to the starting line of the current content e.g. WoW comes with a level 90 boost to get a character to the start of that expansion's content, but MPQ doesn't really do enough of that, even if longterm players claim everything is handed to new players nowadays. At this point in time, with the game being a 4* to 5* one then they probably need to have people at the 3* point by the time they get out of the prologue.0 -
evil panda wrote:So using Phoenix locks out players from using Teen Jean on the same team, right? This is a slap in the face to my maxed Jean Grey!!
(I'm totally kidding, I love that she's in the game now. Will save my whining for when I can't get her in any of my token draws)
Actually, Phoenix & Teen Jean aren't just from separate times, but also separate realities, so you really should be able to field then both at the same time.0 -
Crowl wrote:Pylgrim wrote:How is that unfair, though? CP points exist for the 4 and 5* transition, meaning that those in the 2 and 3* transition don't really need them. It is entirely fine that they are gated by difficulty for those who need them the most.
The issue is that in most videogames, if they last through multiple expansions or DLC then they usually find ways to still keep lower level content relevant or they find ways to drastically speed people through the legacy content.
In games with some kind of competitive element they tend to go for that second option and at least get people to the starting line of the current content e.g. WoW comes with a level 90 boost to get a character to the start of that expansion's content, but MPQ doesn't really do enough of that, even if longterm players claim everything is handed to new players nowadays. At this point in time, with the game being a 4* to 5* one then they probably need to have people at the 3* point by the time they get out of the prologue.
It may be hard for you to get it because you were not around back then, but I guarantee you that the game has been /greatly/ sped up and made easier for beginners. I would write you a comprehensive list but it would take me a while because it's lots. Besides I don't get the entitlement of the new players... Why should the game be easier for newer players than it was for the people who started years ago? Why should you expect to catch up to our two years of effort with only a few months of your own? If any, it could be argued that the game owes more loyalty to the players that have stuck along for this long than to newcomers that may or may not be willing to stick around for long. Obviously, that's not how it is because the game does want to keep enticing new players, but it is the entitlement what I don't get.0 -
colwag wrote:Nellobee wrote:Like, those with better rosters are going to get all the CP that those with lesser rosters will not. Getting 1 CP via the Deadpool Daily being completed is going to reward people with a good 3* roster with a lot of roster slots moreso then 2-3 transistioners who don't. Getting CP from events will reward people who can complete said events (better rosters) over people who can not.
But, see, here's the thing: taco tokens will give those 2->3* transitioners a crack at the 3* covers they need to be able to reliably tackle the Big Enchilada. Once you have that stable of 3*, even if you only have a single cover in however many you have, you can take down DDQ with one 3*, three 2* and one 1*. No, you're not going to be able to get 30 CP/month unless you've got basically ALL of the 3*, I agree. But as you add 3* covers, you'll be able to add CP, and it's not like 2->3* transitioners never have 4* characters on their roster.
So over time, the CP will be helpful to them there, too. Will they be able to take as rapid advantage of it as people with fleshed-out 3* rosters? No, of course not. But it's another, more accessible mechanism than "spend money on shield hops," which used to be the only way you could get 4*. Now, someone like me who isn't really interested in the "shield hop" has an opportunity to earn a legendary token through PvE (admittedly the only ones I really chase are 3/4 day events because that's more work than I want to invest in a 7-day event), daily Command Points for additional Legendary pulls, the DDQ vault with (an admittedly tiny) shot at 4* covers or another legendary token.
For the first time in a while, I feel like there's a path forward that won't be fits and starts. It's not going to be FAST. I'm never, ever, going to be on a level with the whales or even with high-end PVP players, in terms of my "elder game." But you know what? Even if I only occasionally get legendaries from PVE, even if I never get 4*/legendary from the DDQ vault (mobile has, but Steam hasn't; I swear that has to be because I've spent money on the latter but not the former), I still know that I'm going to get a command point 39 days out of every 40 (again, assuming permanence). That's almost 5 covers every 3 months just for playing 20 minutes a day. That's, never mind any other tokens I ever get, any DDQ taco luck, placement rewards, whatever. If I can commit 20 minutes a day to the game, I will see *some* progress in my roster.
And that will be true of 2->3* transitioners, too. Whether you think it's being handed to them or whether you think it's slow progress where there used to be almost no progress, they're going to benefit in the same way anybody else with an undercovered 4* roster will. But they're still going to have to continue to build their 3* roster in order to GET that benefit. It's not a shortcut. It's just "here's some progress on 4* while you work on your 3* also."0 -
Crowl wrote:Pylgrim wrote:How is that unfair, though? CP points exist for the 4 and 5* transition, meaning that those in the 2 and 3* transition don't really need them. It is entirely fine that they are gated by difficulty for those who need them the most.
The issue is that in most videogames, if they last through multiple expansions or DLC then they usually find ways to still keep lower level content relevant or they find ways to drastically speed people through the legacy content.
In games with some kind of competitive element they tend to go for that second option and at least get people to the starting line of the current content e.g. WoW comes with a level 90 boost to get a character to the start of that expansion's content, but MPQ doesn't really do enough of that, even if longterm players claim everything is handed to new players nowadays. At this point in time, with the game being a 4* to 5* one then they probably need to have people at the 3* point by the time they get out of the prologue.
CP isn't intended to make new players salivate except to be a road map for success later on. new players can spend money to broaden their roster initially (and keep paying if their pockets are deep enough) or they can grind their way through the game.
but CP is obviously about keeping the 3-4* and 4-5* transition worth it.0 -
Wooodd wrote:Did they not say that the new feature will assist transitioning at all levels?
These command points only offer tokens which provide 4-5* covers if I'm reading right. Have I missed something or does this not assist 3* transition?
Yes, this is the feature we were referring to. Right now, Command Points assist with 4 and 5-Star transitions. Help with the 3-Star transition is still planned, but due to some scheduling and related features being worked on, the 3-Star portion of CPs has been delayed. There are also additional features and plans underway and not yet ready to be announced.
P.S. IceIX is super busy working on a few things right now, but plans to answer a few questions regarding Command Points and Phoenix as soon as he can.0 -
We really need more ways to earn SPECIFIC 4* covers. RNG is a terrible means for progression
T1 Versus
1k Versus
T2 Story0 -
Will CP available for sale alongside HP and ISO?
I believe (and hope) that the answer is "no".0 -
Hey ice or whoever, I asked before but I'm still wondering...
So about elix-
I mean, if you are left with only Jean Grey 5* and she dies, does her countdown still have its turn to go off since its placed after her death?
Does the game end there?0 -
Don't get too excited about this; this is D3/Demiurge we're talking about. You know, the guys who promise good fun features but manage to **** it up.0
The best news in this video is hidden in a throwaway paragraph:And a couple of other things that are coming this year are that we've been working hard on some changes to the way story events work... The way difficulty works in story events... There's sometimes issues in story events where it can feel like it's not better to level up your characters so we're fixing that so it will always be better to progress in the game.
CP sound good, and I'm excited about the potential for 'deepening the elder game'. As a veteran player with almost all 3* fully covered, but not enough gun to push to 1000 in PvP, I'll gladly soak up a couple "free" legendary tokens per month.
Right now, game progression theoretically works like this:- Collect 3*, max their covers with DD while you work on building toward 4*. HP goes to buying roster slots.
- When you have a well-established roster, it's more likely your 3* will be powered up in PvP. HP goes (2500/pop) to ranking your 4*.
- 1000 in PvP becomes attainable, 4* are attainable in slow progression.
- Train your 4* to at least about 3/2/1 lvl130 to make day 5 DDP legendary token possible to attain (unless it's Star Lord)
- Accumulate 5-star covers.
My problem is, I'm at that "Train your 4*s to 3/2/1" step, but I never made it to the "1000 is attainable" step, so progression is really hard without just dropping cash on HP--which is something I do during the Anniversaries. The last time I got 1000 points was when people were busy dying to Galactus and I could nickel and dime my way on some 15-point doable fight after every 50 skips. (My total anniversary score was 3860... just shy of the legendary unlock, but oh so far out of reach)
But oi, the matchmaking! In a typical event, most of the opponents I can see past 750 or so are players who don't need to shield; it stings to get matched up against a guy with a maxed Jean Grey and Red Hulk (a week after his release), while trying to rely on a level 200 Fury or 180 XFW who are not intimidating on defense.
TL; DR: If only shielded people were visible.
TL; DR++: More Legendary Tokens thanks to CP means more 4* characters which means eventually maxing a good 4* which means I'll be able to advance again, maybe someday. So that's cool.0 -
evil panda wrote:So using Phoenix locks out players from using Teen Jean on the same team, right? This is a slap in the face to my maxed Jean Grey!!
(I'm totally kidding, I love that she's in the game now. Will save my whining for when I can't get her in any of my token draws)
0 -
Blahahah wrote:I mean, if you are left with only Jean Grey 5* and she dies, does her countdown still have its turn to go off since its placed after her death?
Does the game end there?0
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