EoTS Points needed for Final Progression (merged thread)



  • simonsez
    simonsez Posts: 4,663 Chairperson of the Boards
    joedela wrote:
    Rubberbanding appears to be in full-effect. My node values all went down by about 30% between clears.
    That would mean you benefited from rubberbanding on your first clear.
  • BlackSheep101
    BlackSheep101 Posts: 2,025 Chairperson of the Boards
    Ran through Nick Fury Rescue this morning, and found what I expected. Many thousands of points available from the wave battles. I will have to grind a bit, but I should get the LT tonight.
  • frostCoH
    frostCoH Posts: 71 Match Maker
    I normally grind each node 5x a day, I did that this time only missing once or twice which usually still, gives me what I need to get legendary. This time with how low the point totals drop after completion and the absurdly low points in the earlier missions makes it absolutely impossible today, no amount of grinding will get 50K points out of this. This was totally unacceptable devs, don't do this again.
  • frostCoH
    frostCoH Posts: 71 Match Maker
    Ran through Nick Fury Rescue this morning, and found what I expected. Many thousands of points available from the wave battles. I will have to grind a bit, but I should get the LT tonight.
    Oh it drips down to below 3500 after the first clear good luck.
  • WelcomeDeath
    WelcomeDeath Posts: 349 Mover and Shaker
    Actually, there's a total of about 60000 points available in this sub, 50000 in the last sub. Now that's optimal clears and grinding to zero, but still...110000 points in last 2 subs, that's 2/3 (a little less, yes) the total needed. There was a little work involved , yes, but shouldn't there be?
  • BlackSheep101
    BlackSheep101 Posts: 2,025 Chairperson of the Boards
    frostCoH wrote:
    Ran through Nick Fury Rescue this morning, and found what I expected. Many thousands of points available from the wave battles. I will have to grind a bit, but I should get the LT tonight.
    Oh it drips down to below 3500 after the first clear good luck.
    I'm an hour away from full points again, and my Vision node is already back to 5400 and the final node is up to 4700. I anticipate getting the same points I got this morning on my second clear.
  • Crowl
    Crowl Posts: 1,580 Chairperson of the Boards
    I'm saying that in every other PvE, if you do three full clears a day, and do not grind the nodes at the end, you'll hit the Legendary token around the middle of the second-to-last clear. That's how it's been in every PvE. Even in the one PvE where I had to grind just enough extra at the end of each sub to make up for my lack of a Classic Cyclops, I crossed the finish line around the same time as other PvE's.

    Here, you seem to need, and yes, this is an estimate, but you seem to need about 22 full clears in an event with 21 full clears available.

    I think you might be mistaken about this, you can readily hit the token in this event with far more lax clearing, the crucial thing for me was to hit the high point wave nodes as they made the biggest difference to the scoring.
  • smkspy
    smkspy Posts: 2,024 Chairperson of the Boards
    I'm about 50,000 away with my third clear coming in about 6 hours. Doesn't look too good to get that token for me.
  • I'd love to see an accurate and believable description of rubberbanding in PvE events, especially since now there is a strong reason to target a particular points total rather than try for ranking rewards. Everything I've read about it is coupled with old posts that still talk about community scaling so I'm not sure they're valid anymore.

    FWIW, I've been hitting each clear pretty close to the ideal 8-hour mark and here is my current situation:

    Nick Fury Rescue: 3 clears => 38470 points. (~13K per clear)
    Vision essential (in Nick Fury): 3505 pts with 5 hrs, 11 mins 'till full points (about 3900 projected), 3 hours to go in event

    I received my legendary token after my 2nd full clear of Nick Fury, doing about 4 clears per day (every 8, then one 'grind' sweep right at the end of each sub) and screwing up the first few days due to life.
  • Bryan Lambert
    Bryan Lambert Posts: 234 Tile Toppler
    Crowl wrote:

    Here, you seem to need, and yes, this is an estimate, but you seem to need about 22 full clears in an event with 21 full clears available.

    I think you might be mistaken about this, you can readily hit the token in this event with far more lax clearing, the crucial thing for me was to hit the high point wave nodes as they made the biggest difference to the scoring.

    Well, if people are getting different amount of points for the same clear, as people seem to be reporting this morning, then the amount of points available to each person is different. I thought rubberbanding was a thing of the past.

    But I'm not sure why you think I didn't hit the high point nodes. Hit all of them. Three times a day. And still had 10,000 points to make up after seven days of three clears a day, which is something I'd never seen in any other PvE since Lebendaries started being given away.

    For the record, I did grind it out just fine, and got an unneeded yellow XFW for my trouble. Heh.

    But I think my larger point's being missed again. It's not about Enemy of the State. It's about what math the devs use to decide how much players should need to play a PvE in order to get to the Legendary. Until now, the amount of grinding necessary to just hit the Legendary, without concern for placement, has been hardcore, but not super-hardcore. EotS was tougher. Maybe it's an error. Maybe it's because of the rubberbanding some people seem to be seeing. Maybe that rubberbanding is an error. I don't know. But I'd be interested in the answer.
  • I think the math to determine how many points we should be getting is harder than normal in this event. The fact that some nodes (waves) are worth drastically more than others makes it trickier. Personally I just did the waves and ignored the rest on my final grind.
  • scottee
    scottee Posts: 1,610 Chairperson of the Boards
    Rubberbanding means that it depends on how many points the leader in your slice has. If someone's grinding perfectly, it'll be easier to rubberband to the Legendary token. If everyone's only going for the token and no one's far out in front, it's harder.

    It's essentially like getting the 1300 token in PVP.

    And this is why you should always appreciate top level players. They make easier for people to get the PVP 1300 token, and are now making it easier to get the Enemy of the State legendary.
  • LambadaDave
    LambadaDave Posts: 129 Tile Toppler
    This 7 day grind was simply painful. It was a lot of low point grinding, as the early nodes just were not worth the effort (in retrospect). On the later ones the values really ramped up, and I can see myself hitting final progression on my third clear. I agree that this legendary token was a much less casual target than previous events.

    Also, I really respect those ninjas. It totally changes how you play against them, but those caltrops, really, really suck. Two ninjas feeding a buffed Wolvie is... well, it is just plain evil.

    Vision and Modern Hawkeye were basically placeholders in my roster until this event. They are pretty sweet buffed and much more useful than I previously thought. Mixed in with a buffed Scarlet Witch, a lot of nodes were a breeze to clear.
  • TheRealJRad
    TheRealJRad Posts: 309 Mover and Shaker
    Reflecting on this a bit, and skimming over some posts...I wonder if it's just the perception of the 7 day vs the shorter events. A 4 day event is easier to see progress in, as the nodes don't have as much time to spike up, whereas the 7 day events can start slower.

    I may just stop pushing for the legendary on the 7 days, I'm just not big enough into PvE to do 7 days of grinding for one event.
  • Lopan15
    Lopan15 Posts: 225 Tile Toppler
    Reflecting on this a bit, and skimming over some posts...I wonder if it's just the perception of the 7 day vs the shorter events. A 4 day event is easier to see progress in, as the nodes don't have as much time to spike up, whereas the 7 day events can start slower.

    I may just stop pushing for the legendary on the 7 days, I'm just not big enough into PvE to do 7 days of grinding for one event.

    Not sure but I usually punch the top progression with over a day left. This one I had 3 hours left doing my usual grind. If everyone is seeing this, it's going to really suck for 3* transitioners. Normally I stop with the day left and fall just outside of the top 100 for placement since I don't need the 3* covers. This one with grinding til the end to make sure I got the legendary token, I only fell to 44th placement in the last 3 hours meaning I took 2 Colossus covers I don't need from someone who maybe could have used them.
  • My slice is brutal compared to yours. Barely getting the leg would put you outside the top 100. We still have 3 hours left and it's looking like 200k might be the cutoff for top 50.
  • stryke
    stryke Posts: 107 Tile Toppler
    I hit that one seriously hard and ended up 20th so not too bad right? Given I only managed 140k with a eff ton of clears that was already more than a 'little work' especially with the diminishing returns kicking in so nastily. No idea what the legendary token clearers were doing...
  • puppychow
    puppychow Posts: 1,453
    I'm actively trying to avoid top 300 in the last sub, so that I will receive the Heroic token rather than EoTS token. But the rubberbanding makes it tough to figure out how much points I need to score to remain under t300. icon_eek.gif
  • Quebbster
    Quebbster Posts: 8,070 Chairperson of the Boards
    I thought rubberbanding was a thing of the past.
    I think rubberbanding has been dialed down a lot, but the high points in the last Enemy of the state nodes makes it a lot more noticeable.
    I really wish the devs would look over EotS and make the point increase a lot smoother. I ended Hells Kitchen with 85K points and got the Legendary with 30 minutes left, so I got half my event points from the last two subs (granted, I only joined at the end of the first sub). 175K points was good enough for top 40 in my bracket.
  • smoq84
    smoq84 Posts: 421 Mover and Shaker
    It was the last time I have played 7days event :/ I was grinding from the beginning with only one goal: get the Legendary Token. I was playing a lot during this week - maybe not 100% optimal, but still a lot of hours spent for full clears. The last sub I was grinding like the hell.
    And what? I have finished with 161k points :/ No legendary and the whole week wasted - I could skip this PvE, play PvP and Simulator and get a lot more rewards.
    Never again :/

    This is the first time I couldn't get Legendary Token from PvE since those tokens were introduced.