Wondering how many of use are Stuck at 3 star level

slidecage Posts: 3,401 Chairperson of the Boards
edited October 2015 in MPQ General Discussion
Cant get to the 1300 pts to get the legendary Pack in PVP so the only way i get the Legendary token is by playing the PVE, but how boring is it to grind 3, 4 or even the awful 7 day PVE just to walk away with one Legendary token that might give you nothing you want. I was just wondering how many people out there have their 3 stars fully covered Cover wise but just cant seem to get to the 1000 or 1300 Pts in PVP or who dont like playing PVP.

Hopefully this new gameplay feature they got coming up will give us something new to do cause right now its really really boring when a 7 day event runs

Also can you even make it to 1000-1300 pts in PVP without spending HP (doubt it)


  • 1000 points I can in every pvp without shield. However in 1300 need to spend very HP and I'm not willing. Though you're inspired comes a time when no more opponent to fight. Or you put a shield or lose many points. The downside of pvp is that you are often forced to attack the same person several times. The reverse also happens. Pve is very tiring and lose much time. Pvp you lose the points earned if they do not put shield (that part sucks). I think only still in the game yet because of fanaticism.
  • Ducky
    Ducky Posts: 2,255 Community Moderator
    If you aren't willing to put in work then you aren't going to transition. It's as simple as that. Lots of people hit 1k with the boosted 3*s. Do they have to hop to get there? Most of the time, yes. Again, they are putting in effort to actually transition. If you don't want to spend HP to get to the targeted progression in PvP and you don't want to play PvE, then you are going to be stuck in 3* land. It's as simple as that.
  • I'm sad,

    I kinda don't care anymore. I only play this game to kill time but I know I'll never get the covers I want.

    Going on two years now and if they don't think that is a long enough time for a player to have or be able to get the covers he/she needs then they are stupid. I'm not going to spend anymore money. I spent 99 on this game in the year and a half that I played it and I'm still having a hard time progressing. Not one 4 star fully covered. I'm okay with spending money on a game you want to play but there is no reason to in this game because you can't even fully cover a 4 star character for 100 bucks which even if you could is way too much money.

    No I can't hit 1300 without spending HP
    I hit 1000 once and was never able to again. If you grind hard enough you probably could but this is supposed to be a game I don't want it to feel like work.

    As soon as I find a better equivalent I will quit.
  • MarvelDestiny
    MarvelDestiny Posts: 198 Tile Toppler
    A part of me certainly understands the 'work for it' crowd, and to some extent I agree. But here's the rub: this is a **** GAME! When I play MPQ I want to enjoy myself and burn a little time. Some of us don't have hours to throw at the game every day, let alone in a single sitting. Just because we are casual players shouldn't mean we are condemned to grind-meister hell. Nor should it mean we have to whale it up to progress. If D3 has made a conscience decision to exclude casual players from advancement then steel yourself for MPQ's slow gradual death.

    Ps - I hope you realize this is nothing personal Ducky. You just happened to hit on a sore spot.
  • scottee
    scottee Posts: 1,610 Chairperson of the Boards
    It's the nature of a competitive game. They decided to make it competitive, so you have to compete to progress.

    There's lots of match 3 games out there that aren't competitive. My mom plays a pretty popular one with colorful little candy pieces...
  • MarvelDestiny
    MarvelDestiny Posts: 198 Tile Toppler
    edited October 2015
    Lol. Ok, good burn. icon_e_smile.gif

    Oh, and you proved my point. There are options.
  • acescracked
    acescracked Posts: 1,197 Chairperson of the Boards
    A part of me certainly understands the 'work for it' crowd, and to some extent I agree. But here's the rub: this is a tinykitty GAME! When I play MPQ I want to enjoy myself and burn a little time. Some of us don't have hours to throw at the game every day, let alone in a single sitting. Just because we are casual players shouldn't mean we are condemned to grind-meister hell. Nor should it mean we have to whale it up to progress. If D3 has made a conscience decision to exclude casual players from advancement then steel yourself for MPQ's slow gradual death.

    Ps - I hope you realize this is nothing personal Ducky. You just happened to hit on a sore spot.

    Ok, gonna tell you a secret. Don't let anyone else know since this information is super hush hush.

    MPQ is free to play which means they want you to spend money and buy 4* covers or even better buy (again using real money) token packs. Either method; buying covers or token packs, is the real 4* progression path.

    Getting 4* covers for free is designed to be overly difficult and time consuming if you don't want to give them $$. Oh yea another secret is D3 is a business whose number 1 goal is to make money (as it should be).
  • scvready2 wrote:
    I'm sad,

    I kinda don't care anymore. I only play this game to kill time but I know I'll never get the covers I want.

    Going on two years now and if they don't think that is a long enough time for a player to have or be able to get the covers he/she needs then they are stupid. I'm not going to spend anymore money. I spent 99 on this game in the year and a half that I played it and I'm still having a hard time progressing. Not one 4 star fully covered. I'm okay with spending money on a game you want to play but there is no reason to in this game because you can't even fully cover a 4 star character for 100 bucks which even if you could is way too much money.

    No I can't hit 1300 without spending HP
    I hit 1000 once and was never able to again. If you grind hard enough you probably could but this is supposed to be a game I don't want it to feel like work.

    As soon as I find a better equivalent I will quit.

    To be competitive in the game you have two choices: Either is extremely active or spend a lot of money. I am not providing neither. So soon, I must make another long pause the game. As I have 35 3 * level 166 and 5 4* 270 level should not make almost no difference that break up because they are only adding characters with the same colors. Another factor is the addition of only newly released characters in comics and no villains. Glad I do not spend a penny in the game.
  • MarvelDestiny
    MarvelDestiny Posts: 198 Tile Toppler
    Ok, gonna tell you a secret. Don't let anyone else know since this information is super hush hush.

    MPQ is free to play which means they want you to spend money and buy 4* covers or even better buy (again using real money) token packs. Either method; buying covers or token packs, is the real 4* progression path.

    Getting 4* covers for free is designed to be overly difficult and time consuming if you don't want to give them $$. Oh yea another secret is D3 is a business whose number 1 goal is to make money (as it should be).
    So true, and I have supported the game on more than one occasion (probably will again). Doesn't mean I'm going to give them my first born; or allow what should be a diversion to suck away my life just to score 4 and 5 star characters.
  • GurlBYE
    GurlBYE Posts: 1,218 Chairperson of the Boards
    Every-time I see a 'work for it' one liner at this point I just take it to mean, stop playing and work enough IRL to get enough side cash to throw at top tier 4 stars to have an easier time in PVP.

    It's such a conundrum to me.

    You play to advance
    You advance in tiers
    To advance past 3 to 4 (i'm not even touching 2-3 here) you need pvp
    To do best In pvp you need 4's
    You don't need 4's in pve, in fact you don't need much of anything for pve, because it scales to your roster. In fact many people with great rosters skip pve.

    So you play pvp to get a better roster to be better at pvp, to win more rewards, you technically don't need anymore because you'll be past needing them.
  • im currently ending my 3* phase. tomorrows bullseye purple in ddq cover caps all 40 3 stars and i have 30 at 166 as of today. my 4 stars are a pile of useless garbage. i have a 12 cover fury, 11 cover xforce and 10 cover GoT. the next dropdown is to 8 cover IW and on down to 5 cover HB and it drops off to complete uselessness after that.

    ive watched recently as many of my alliance mates wanting to score 1K in pvp do one thing - buy out hulkbuster. all of them now say they can fistbuster 1k all day everyday.

    i bought hp during the last sale, mostly because it was on sale and i needed roster slots for dino, cyc and rulk. i COULD buy out my hulkbuster and start punching my way to 1k, the only thing is... i just dont care. the only point seems to be to keep getting more 4 star covers and to just keep using fistbuster. whats the point of worrying about getting something ill never use even if i did have the iso to level them?

    at this point im blissfully finishing my 3s, getting the low hanging hp, iso and tokens and getting whatever 4s drop. with the flood of 4s and 5s on the way, i will simply never catch up without way too much grinding or way too many $$$. i actually am enjoying the game more now that i dont care about 4*s. and if i wake up tomorrow and do care, ill just buy out hulkbuster.
  • GrumpySmurf1002
    GrumpySmurf1002 Posts: 3,511 Chairperson of the Boards
    slidecage wrote:
    Cant get to the 1300 pts to get the legendary Pack in PVP so the only way i get the Legendary token is by playing the PVE, but how boring is it to grind 3, 4 or even the awful 7 day PVE just to walk away with one Legendary token that might give you nothing you want. I was just wondering how many people out there have their 3 stars fully covered Cover wise but just cant seem to get to the 1000 or 1300 Pts in PVP or who dont like playing PVP.

    Hopefully this new gameplay feature they got coming up will give us something new to do cause right now its really really boring when a 7 day event runs

    Also can you even make it to 1000-1300 pts in PVP without spending HP (doubt it)

    Did you even level past 94 yet?
  • liminal_lad
    liminal_lad Posts: 473 Mover and Shaker
    This statement is really a breakthrough for me: If I think about the hours I invest joylessly grinding vs. the amount I could make freelancing during the same time, it would make sense to just take some more work and buy the covers. And it would probably be equally enjoyable.

    Food for thought.
    GurlBYE wrote:
    Every-time I see a 'work for it' one liner at this point I just take it to mean, stop playing and work enough IRL to get enough side cash to throw at top tier 4 stars to have an easier time in PVP.

    It's such a conundrum to me.
  • bobbyfish
    bobbyfish Posts: 299
    I'll see how this season goes. I hit my first 1k last week but that was with 3 boosted characters. Without that I think I'd struggle. I now have 5-6 maxed 3* and probably need around 20 covers to get everyone covered (with re-specs)

    4*s have been coming much quicker for me but that's partly down to getting 14 in anniversary week. Without a few more maxed 3* I'd have to lucky to consistently hit 1000

    I don't mind a 3-4 day PVE legendary token, but I'm not bothering with the 7 day one
  • My thought for helping us transition to 4* is this: if they give us a progression reward for the featured 2* and featured 3* in PVE, why not give us a progression reward for the featured 4* as well? Put it as the next progression after the legendary token or something. But heck, if they want to be stingy with the 4*s, replace the legendary token with that. Just saying though, I think we all want more than one 4* from PVE.
  • The biggest myth of this game is that it's a casual game - it's not. It looks like one, many match 3 games are, but this on is not. Once I figured that out I was able to hold on to my sanity.
  • Handoftheking26
    Handoftheking26 Posts: 183 Tile Toppler
    So the "work for it" crowd I'm assuming have no lives or families? Because heck no I can't hit 1300 w/o dropping everything for hours, spending all my stuff, and hoping I don't become the 4*s new toy to advance. I have 3*s pretty much done, and advancing is a joke now. This is a game, not an extra job, I shouldn't have to schedule my life around it for a slim chance to advance. And with different random chars buffed every week, you can't even count on having a solid team to advance because if you haven't invested your iso into the right chars, you're facing a bunch of powered up teams. Not to mention that you can not even come close to getting a 13 cover 4* for a 100 dollar investment. I realize their goal is to "make money" like you all keep pointing out. But then don't claim "free game" because it's only free if u wanna stay at the bottom, and now that they are pretty much done making 3* and lower what do those players look forward to? I have no problem with money players advancing much more quickly due to their dedication, but that shouldn't mean the free players are cannon fodder. Even the new 4* DDQ is broken, the daily 3* challenge is attainable with a 3* roster and just one cover from said char, this challenge has us set up to fail unless we already have the char at least semi-covered and get the right board. I have been playing for almost 2 years, this new progression into 4-5* land is the first time I have felt like the game is only about money players. I never minded having less beastly chars than the whales, they earned that status, but everyone is entitled to their opinion, mine is simply that the game needs some adjustments.
  • Daiches
    Daiches Posts: 1,252 Chairperson of the Boards
    I'm stuck in 3-4* transition. Does that count?
    I have all 3* covered and balanced, as well as all 2 stars and Juggs. I have 1 4* covered and balanced (XFW) and all 4* rostered between 5 and 12 covers.

    Except I have horrible, horrible pull luck, so I only get covers from winning PVEs. And ISO flow is sooooooooooo slow I'm having a hard time getting the 4* that are reasonably covered to useable levels without neglecting my 3*s
  • mgallop
    mgallop Posts: 120
    1300 is hard to get with a 3 star roster simply. If you have the right ones boosted you can, but it will probably got at least 450 HP. 1000 is not hard to get. You climb to your equilibrium point (takes around 40 minutes), wait for the health packs to recharge, you make a mad dash to 900 (another 30 or so minutes), and throw up a 3 hour shield, then you try to do 2 fights at least an hour later (7 or 8 minutes), and voila, you're at 1000. If you start getting hit, shield immediately and try again at the end. So, it requires about 1.5 hours and 225 HP every 3 days. Furthermore, you make most of the HP back if you can shield till the end, as you get 100 for progression, 25-100 for placement, and 25-50 for alliance rewards. See Hayek's tips on hitting progression rewards in PvP, its amazingly good.
  • slidecage
    slidecage Posts: 3,401 Chairperson of the Boards
    Daiches wrote:
    I'm stuck in 3-4* transition. Does that count?
    I have all 3* covered and balanced, as well as all 2 stars and Juggs. I have 1 4* covered and balanced (XFW) and all 4* rostered between 5 and 12 covers.

    Except I have horrible, horrible pull luck, so I only get covers from winning PVEs. And ISO flow is sooooooooooo slow I'm having a hard time getting the 4* that are reasonably covered to useable levels without neglecting my 3*s

    this is what im mostly talking about people who have 3 stars covered and not many good 4 stars and have problems getting that ranking in PVP. Like said hopefully something new comes along, Or they get a hint and no longer make 7 day events.. BUT even 3 and 4 day events are sort of boring when all your playing for is one 4 star cover since you have no use for the reward 3 stars