Survey Time: Would you recommend this game to a friend?



  • pheregas
    pheregas Posts: 1,721 Chairperson of the Boards
    I would recommend that after completing the survey that the darn tooting window would stop popping up every time I go back into the game!
  • chamber44
    chamber44 Posts: 324 Mover and Shaker
    i gave it a 2 -

    it's fun, but it's not really a mobile game. It requires way more dedication than that.

    Plus, and i really do think this is significant -- you can't always just fire up your phone and play. Last night, i sat down on the couch, logged in, and looked for something to do. Can't play a LR - only 2 minutes left, and then a 30 minute wait. Can't play the Grocket PVP - have to wait for the right slice. Can't play DP vs MPQ, because I have to wait for my nodes to refresh. Can't even open your legendary token, because god forbid you draw a SS and blow your scaling.
  • jimstarooney
    jimstarooney Posts: 576 Critical Contributor
    I gave it a 10,while it does have its faults it's for me the best game out there.
  • Punisher5784
    Punisher5784 Posts: 3,845 Chairperson of the Boards
    I gave it a 10,while it does have its faults it's for me the best game out there.

    The question isn't how much you like the game, it's if you would recommend this to a friend. So by giving this a 10 you're saying you would recommend it to your mailman.. well expect the mail to stop coming because he's down the block in his truck shield hopping!
  • IlDuderino
    IlDuderino Posts: 427 Mover and Shaker
    I gave it a 2. I play fairly casually now but for a long time I spent way more time than is healthy on it to the detriment of other areas of my life. And so I wouldn't recommend to others unless they had very few commitments in their life
  • IlDuderino
    IlDuderino Posts: 427 Mover and Shaker
    I gave it a 10,while it does have its faults it's for me the best game out there.

    The question isn't how much you like the game, it's if you would recommend this to a friend. So by giving this a 10 you're saying you would recommend it to your mailman.. well expect the mail to stop coming because he's down the block in his truck shield hopping!

    Please don't recommend it to my doctor, I quite like being given the right medicine, not the wrong stuff because he was grinding all night
  • Der_Lex
    Der_Lex Posts: 1,035 Chairperson of the Boards
    IlDuderino wrote:
    I gave it a 10,while it does have its faults it's for me the best game out there.

    The question isn't how much you like the game, it's if you would recommend this to a friend. So by giving this a 10 you're saying you would recommend it to your mailman.. well expect the mail to stop coming because he's down the block in his truck shield hopping!

    Please don't recommend it to my doctor, I quite like being given the right medicine, not the wrong stuff because he was grinding all night

    That and you don't want your doctor to nerf true healing.
  • SunCrusher
    SunCrusher Posts: 278 Mover and Shaker
    I started playing MPQ because I wanted a collect-and-build game that I could play at my own pace and without having to be constantly wired to the internet and attached to a guild and dive too much into the meta... or suffer the consequences.

    As a Marvel and match 3 fan, MPQ at the time seemed to be right up my alley and at pre-R47, my expectations -seemed- reasonable enough.

    I more or less ragequit at two different points in time for two different reasons - major nerfing of 2* characters during my 1-2* transition (getting past Prologue took a LONG TIME after the nerf) and then getting fed up with constant events that fed into each other (Essentials feeding into Essentials) and - most of all - fed up with the meta and behind-the-scenes programming which at the time led me to being frequently death bracketed amongst the big leagues.

    At some point in my discontent, some fellow forumites offered advice and one of things that was impressed upon me was that depending on how you see things, not progressing so quickly is not necessarily a bad thing.

    Given the fact that I love collecting, I realized that my slower progress meant that token pulls would stay interesting for longer.

    I picked up a Black Hood cover recently from DP vs MPQ and I was pretty stoked and though I have a growing pile of unusable covers, I still get excited at the possibility of pulling one I can use or one that is new.

    But that's me and this is after I had to re-evaluate why I was playing the game and trying to run a race that I would struggle to even keep up with much less win at.

    That said, my takeaway comment is this:

    Recommending this game ultimately depends on a person's playstyle and expectations.

    MPQ can be generally enjoyable to all... If playstyle and expectations are a match to what results are likely to come.

    Otherwise, the competitiveness and meta and the gaps between transitioning and transitioned players may likely be frustrating and may put off players who aren't a good fit.

    - Someone who hates 'grinding' or 'earning' and doesn't want to throw money at the game, absolutely not.

    - Someone who expects 'top rewards' without doing what the top dogs are doing, nope.

    - Someone who doesn't understand how certain game mechanics like RNG work, nope.

    - Mailman or random person, probably no unless I get a feel otherwise from them that they might be a good fit.

    - The match-3 fan with no interest in anything else, okay.

    - The match-3 fan who likes Marvel, sure.

    - Someone who enjoys collecting Marvel and playing match-3 and has a good head on their shoulders, absolutely.
  • Malcrof
    Malcrof Posts: 5,971 Chairperson of the Boards
    I chose absolutely recommend, especially if they are on FB, i lke gifts.
  • GrumpySmurf1002
    GrumpySmurf1002 Posts: 3,511 Chairperson of the Boards
    Seems to be some confusion about "recommending to a friend" and "what's your enjoyment level."

    I'd give the game a 9 or 10. Love it. Spent more hours on it than any game ever.

    I gave "recommend to a friend" a 3.

    -The time/reward structure of PvE is god awful.
    -There hasn't been any new story content (for those into that kind of thing) in close to a year.
    -Ultron and Waves are the only even new mechanics in the game for as far as I can remember.
    -Building a roster takes entirely too much time and/or money.

    I'm totally in sunk cost fallacy territory here, which is fine because at least it's entertaining to me. But I wouldn't subject my friends to this. I have and would gladly show them the game, and let them make their own decision, however (they're adults after all).
  • I'd give the game a 9 or 10. Love it. Spent more hours on it than any game ever.

    I gave "recommend to a friend" a 3.

    Exactly. It's not a bad game. But it's not recommendable for me. Most of the people I know like casual games. Games they can jump into, play a level or two and get out. Then maybe play for a longer period at night.

    But MPQ is NOT a casual game. And that's okay. I'm not knocking it. Kudos to the dev for taking a simple concept like a match 3 game and adding in RPG elements. It's seriously a good idea - and I had a lot fun playing it up until recently.

    But MPQ takes a lot of time and effort to progress. The Play/Reward ratio is out of balance. You REALLY have to work to progress in the game and that's something that a lot of gamers just don't want to do. Especially on a mobile platform.

    Perhaps it's different for Steam and Console users.
  • GrumpySmurf1002
    GrumpySmurf1002 Posts: 3,511 Chairperson of the Boards
    Perhaps it's different for Steam and Console users.

    I'm on Steam. It's considerably harder to manage, especially during the week. Time slices helped a little, but a mechanic that 'requires' you to do be on every 8 hours isn't friendly. I had more success in the 2:24 era because it was more of a "who can miss the fewest refreshes during the work/school day."
  • TxMoose
    TxMoose Posts: 4,319 Chairperson of the Boards
    this game is absolutely perfect for a very small sliver of society. for those with the following traits:
    1) must love match-3 games in general. other stuff may hold you for a little bit but obviously at the heart, its matching tiles
    2) if you have a competitive bone in you, you need to be ok with dropping some nominal amount of money on the game. for roster slots first, then later for shields. if looking for a casual game, the prologue will only engage you so long.
    3) loving marvel superheroes helps.

    for those that match that description, i will absolutely recommend. so far of the 2-3 that I've mentioned it to, none have produced interest, but I'm no salesman lol.
  • 6 for me. It's a good game and I'm still hooked, but there have been too many "questionable" decisions by the Dev staff lately, a la 90% of the forum posts over anniversary week.
    IlDuderino wrote:

    Please don't recommend it to my doctor, I quite like being given the right medicine, not the wrong stuff because he was grinding all night
    Disclosure: I'm a doctor, so sorry to any of my patients but grinding is part of the game. icon_cool.gif
  • Gave it a 0.

    Developers have 0 respect for the time commitments players put into the game, this became obvious with the response to the anniversary problems.

    Also, no Speedball.
  • The Viceroy Returns
    The Viceroy Returns Posts: 493 Mover and Shaker
    Gave it a 6, and after thinking more about it, I'd actually change my vote to something lower if I could.

    It's an enjoyable game for sure, but for a brand new player starting out right now? It's rough.
    Three big reasons why I'd be hesitant to recommend:
    1) You cannot play on your schedule.
    EVERYTHING is dictated by time windows for both optimal play and just playing the game at all. All the refreshes, time slices, event availability, etc. You pretty much have to match up your daily schedule to be 100% in sync with the event schedules and play a ton to get anything worth a damn. And aside from the prologue, there are NO non-competitive events at all. No single player content of any kind. I know that publishers think they don't make money off of single player content, and I suppose for mobile freemium games that might be true. But it's still a big hurdle to overcome, and a big presumption to ask the player base.

    2) Roster slots.
    A new player is inundated with brand new heroes, and no place to put them. The problem doesn't get any better later on either. My roster slots cost the max, 1,000 HC. It basically means I can't use HC for anything else, otehr than a minor shield here or there. Every two weeks they release a new hero (which is way too fast, but they have no other type of substantial content to release, so it's all they can do), so if I can't keep up with 1,000 HC every two weeks, eventually I'll be screwed and miss out on a new character I just won because I can't roster them.
    And how twisted is that? Your reward for getting thru Galactus Round 6? You have to have a roster slot available to even claim your Red Hulk prize.

    3) You cannot play or build the heroes you want on your own schedule.
    Well, not easily at least. I've known a few buddies that were like "I want to play with Deadpool!" or "I want a more Mystique Purple covers!" but due to how characters are covers are made available to players, it's far more difficult than it should be to get the characters you want. You are beholden to the progression/reward schedule, or luck of RNGesus. You can't even buy the 1st cover of a hero or a first power of theirs if you wanted to. The token system has not aged well as the number of heroes has expended. How they still haven't added a "wild card" cover that lets the Player choose which of the three hero's powers to level up boggles my mind.
    The token system really needs an entire overhaul frankly. The game should just reward "recruit tokens" for everything, and then let the player decide which cover & hero they want from a store-like interface. Each rarity hero power costs X amount of these tokens, and that's that. Many digital CCG games do this, most notably the Dust system of hearthstone or the Alter of Wishes from Magic & Magic: Duel of Champions, and this game is screaming for such a system.

    I'd be more likely to recommend the console version without any of the freemium **** that gets in the way. It's just a shame it will never be on parity with the mobile version. It's pretty crazy that it's so far behind really.
    In response to "why does Bullseye have only two powers?" or "I can't tell which goon controls which Countdown tile!", LakeStone's reply of = "We can share this info with the team and see if a future patch will be made to update the additional ability but there isn't a plan for the near future." is pretty telling in how much they really care about supporting the console version.

    Probably some bizDev **** is part of the reason, as Demiurge did not make the console version.
  • rawfsu
    rawfsu Posts: 291 Mover and Shaker
    I gave it a 6. I've been at it for some time, playing both Anniversaries. I was disappointed with this year's Anniversary event, am completely over the old PVE content, see a big need for a new prologue, can no longer stand grinding nodes in any way/shape/form, and can't imagine starting from scratch now that 5*'s are already among us. I gave credit for Ultron and Galactus.
  • JVReal
    JVReal Posts: 1,884 Chairperson of the Boards
    I would not recommend it to a friend. I chose 2.

    I have too much time and energy invested into it and a sense of community with my Alliance to leave the game... but at the same time I cannot rightly recommend a game to a new player that I know will mistreat them as a customer. I'm in and I have to deal with the consequences of their bad dev choices and pissing on the community in the forums... but others do not. I would not recommend for them to come to this game and get ****.

    I got married and had kids way too young. I learned a lot from the mistakes I made, and I still enjoy and love my family very much... I would NOT recommend that anyone get married young and have kids right away. Learn from my mistakes.

    As long as they keep popping up that survey, I will keep answering it with a different reason each time (because there are so many).

    I think the right survey should have been something like, "what did you think of the anniversary event" or "what changes would you like to see made"... you know, something that would actually get useful information to help them improve.

    "would you recommend this to a friend" "Why or why not" is not going to get them the information they need, because it's the wrong question. It feels more like a damage assessment than a search for solutions to better the game.
  • I gave it a 5.

    The games addicting as hell but thats if you've put the time and money to get a decent roster. I love the mechanics/characters so that's why I keep coming back.

    But I would never recommend it to a friend unless they had no job/relationships/pet/life/other hobbies. To catch up to where the "meta" is you're looking at a minimum 6 month grind and even then you'll be perpetually behind the latest and greatest thing. And thats assuming they pay to get roster slots.

    I would also not recommend the game because the devs have been stingy as hell. ISO trickles down way too slowly. I used to play pretty hardcore and then I realized I had no ISO to level my fully covered 3*s (now its getting to the 4*s).

    They really need to evaluate the reward structure and the rate of how much ISO we're getting. I feel like the devs read the data they gather much more differently than the overall user experience.
  • Would you recommend this game to a friend?: 0, year ago i recommend some friend aaand they play aand they quit(didn't last a week)

    if vote asking about how MPQ. . . . . .: i give it 5(didnt like didnt hate either, im just casual-marvel fans anyway)