Survey Time: Would you recommend this game to a friend?



  • Bishop
    Bishop Posts: 130 Tile Toppler
    edited October 2015
    If I did it would go something like this. "Do you have a lots of time,like an MMO kind of time"? "Do you like the kind of games that seems like every progression seems like another upward struggle (but worse)"? If you do this game is for you! A 4. This is in addition to the above comment.
  • slidecage
    slidecage Posts: 3,401 Chairperson of the Boards
    Der_Lex wrote:
    slidecage wrote:
    i give it a 0

    Then why are you still playing it? If I hated a game so much that I wouldn't recommend it to anyone, I sure as hell wouldn't be playing it myself. There are much more fun ways to be a masochist.

    I gave it a 5 myself. I like the core gameplay and collecting covers, but the lack of new content other than characters (and the new events that do come out are buggy and poorly balanced) and progression being a bit too slow bot in terms of acquiring covers and acquiring ISO makes it a game that I wouldn't recommend to everyone. To me, it feels like this game is only fun if you're playing it either very casually or pretty hardcore, and that it's too often pretty frustrating for the players in between.

    why you would want to bring a friend into a game that forces you to play a min of 2 hours a day is beyond me

    after getting 3 red hulk covers was thinking hey i be neat to max out red hulk with the HP i saved and then just buy HP when i need it to buy slots, BUT after what happen last week and never getting an answer why it happened even though i have asked 3 + times and never getting a responce . i know i wont be putting more cash into this game for a long time if ever.
  • As a relatively new player (about 120 days in), I have liked this game much more than other puzzle quests due to the mechanics and able to be more strategic in tiles matching to get a skill in or two. However, I doubt I will recommend to my friends simply because it is a huge **** grind and long route to 4* land.

    There is currently not an effective enough way for us to develop our 3* roster. Legendary tokens have to be stored for fear of a luck pull and having to chuck away a surfer or a logan.

    I have firmly decided not to spend any money thus far and had to throw away many low tier 3* as a result which might haunt me later.

    It is hard if you do not spend any cash, and hence recommending to my friends in this way will be akin to causing trouble for them
  • dider152
    dider152 Posts: 263
    First, let me say that I find it interesting that one of the red stars are lurking in this topic. Hopefully they read the criticism and fast track some changes.

    IRT topic:

    I would vote 0. To the clueless poster that suggested that a 0 means I automatically hate the game. No, I actually have fun with the game. But I also recognize that this game has lots of failings that will make it too much of a turn-off to new players. I was lucky; I started playing this game about a year and a half ago. Then, the game was just barely into the 3* transition, meaning that just playing the game guaranteed a quick way to get every cover and compete. It's largely the same now, but only when you have a well filled roster and a good alliance. In my case, a t10 alliance. So with the difficulty of progression, too high of progression cost, and insane scaling, as well as other major problems like buggy releases and lack of content, I don't think that this game should be taken up by any new players.
  • I voted 0.... someone earlier grilled someone else about voting 0 and why they would still be playing

    well, I have a good roster and have been at it a long time

    I wouldnt recommend a game where if you pull a good character you have to get rid of him because they are too lazy / not smart enough to have another look at their scaling system. This game is a nightmare for new players. 50+ characters and not fun to get them when you dont have them now that we are a year in. Pulling a 5* which should be glorious forces you to sell it. ANd you'd have to go on the forums to know why the enemies are suddenly huge and you're unable to win because the game does not explain scaling

    that and the devs are not honest and make greedy selfish and questionable decisions time and time again... like releasing a survey like this after their bombed anniversary and making a big post about why they are not rewarding players who were screwed out of their ISO during the last few events (me included for the tune of about 10,000) when it would cost them nothing to do so and they are in sore need of some good grace
  • CrimsonHulk
    CrimsonHulk Posts: 22 Just Dropped In
    I voted a 4, so just under my personal threshold to recommend the game but just high enough for me to continue to endure it.

    If I remember correctly my reason was:

    "Great gameplay overshadowed by a deliberate lack of in-game resources and a very aggressive freemium model."
  • mohio
    mohio Posts: 1,690 Chairperson of the Boards
    I said 3, and my thoughts echo a lot of what has been said above, but i wanted to go ahead and post so devs see even more feedback. Basically it boils down to being far too hard on a f2p these days. When I started 600-ish days ago, you could play through prologue, dip your toe into PvE, start doing well, amass a full 2* team, win some top 10s, complete a couple 3* - all in about 3 months or less - and then it was just keeping up with the treadmill. There were far fewer characters so you could actually keep up with the hp needed to roster them as they were coming out. I think I sold one cover at some point and it was to get my last 25hp to open a roster spot for someone better (yeah back when you got hp for 3* and 4* covers too). I've kind of digressed, but the point is, nowadays there's too much pressure to spend money on roster slots, and on covers to "catch up". I've been playing an alt account pretty casually over the past 5 months or so, have a decent 2* team and finally a few 3* that might actually sniff a battle here and there. But every 3 or 4 PvEs is a new character release. In these past 5 months they have all (or almost? not 100% positive) been 4*. I did well in a few of them. Top 5 for Kingpin got me a 1/1/1. Guess what he's at right now? Yup 1/1/1. Got a cover for HB from a token, I know how good he is so I don't want to sell it. Did okay in the Flaptain release and have 1 or 2 covers. I could go on, but suffice to say I can see that there's a 4* land out there and I'm nowhere close and that's frustrating. I'm sure that's the point (get me frustrated enough to spend money), but I can't really in good conscience recommend that to my friends.

    Now if they were Marvel fans and had a lot of spare income, I'd say it's a fun game but warn them it can get frustrating and they might feel like they need to pay to get more enjoyment out of it.
  • TLCstormz
    TLCstormz Posts: 1,668
    I said a 3, because I love and respect my friends and family, and would NEVER want THEM to suffer / pull their hair out / break their electronics / get written up at work / end relationships / develop extremely unhealthy sleeping habits / etc like soooooo many of this game's userbase has.

    It's like we are strung out drug addicts, CONTINUALLY going back to something that burns us the majority of the time, ALL because we are in too deep.........

    (and yes, I have personally heard of every single one of the aforementioned stories happening to players )
  • tanis3303
    tanis3303 Posts: 855 Critical Contributor
    Wow. 2 pages in and other than an outlier vote of 7, we have nothing over 5, with most ranging in the 0-3 range. Ouch D3, ouch. icon_eek.gif

    I gave it a 1 myself. I don't hate the game by any stretch of the imagination, but the thought of starting it now, with the mechanics that are in play... *shudder*, there's none of my friends I'd suggest that undertaking to. I'm nearly 2 years in, and each new release makes me realize just how far behind I really am, and I'm further than most! I have a completely built and leveled 2* & 3* roster, 6 lvl 270s, several cover maxed 4*s at lvl 200, and even 2 Surfer and 1 OML covers...and I still feel like I'm lagging behind the meta. So do I enjoy the game? Yep, most of it anyway. Would I suggest someone jump in and start playing it tomorrow? No kitty-ing way.
  • GurlBYE
    GurlBYE Posts: 1,218 Chairperson of the Boards
    1 because new players get screwed consistently by every new thing they add.

    They lure people in with promises of new jean grey, or creepy looking iceman, maybe even classic cyclops, but then there's no mention that without not just some serious investment, but some serious luck, there is no definitive method of progress. Or just grind and cross your fingers for 2 years.

    The primary mark missed with all the tiers added is that the pull lever receive treat aspect of an MMO type game grind is missing. (no it isn't an mmo but the reward structure smells like it)

    It's pull lever, get progress, or get urinated on as a reward.

    Because the core gameplay doesn't quite change the game is hinging on getting new covers, but they are way too stingy with them.
    There's literally an ingame survey and they didn't try to toss players a heroic or standard token for going out of their way to support the game with information.
    Marketing 101 is using incentives for surveys for a response rate. It's in game currency that would promote good will and would cost you close to nothing if you use at least a standard. When it comes to games where spending is optional, fostering as much good will as possible is key.

    Not at minimum having a hey here's 20 iso for participating in a survey we use to actually make more money speaks volumes.
  • I love MPQ, but I will never recommend this game to anybody ( I think most of all the players knows why... you know, the 4* and 5*, the $$$, and the unsatisfing rewards )

    so I give it 0

  • ZeroKarma
    ZeroKarma Posts: 513 Critical Contributor
    I gave it a 7 with the caveat that it depends on the person. As someone mentioned it's a good hardcore or super casual game. Middle ground is the problem and the ability to get up to speed in several months is tough without money.

    I'm not surprised that the majority of people posting here are severely negative. Normally people who are content don't post as much on a thread like this.

    I also think that the anniversary events have left some with a bad taste in their mouths. I say this because we have had a relative smooth period beforehand. Servers were fine. New characters, some new features, and many of the changes that people were against have turned out fine. There's more team diversity at the top thanks to the rotating boosts, and DDQ was lauded (I also like the 4* challenge), and 5* have not destroyed the game.

    Still needs work, but I'm guessing that there is a large majority of casual people playing this game that don't even notice the things we get pissed off about, and are just happy they got some free tokens and ISO in their account.
  • Infrared
    Infrared Posts: 240 Tile Toppler
    It depends on what you are looking to get out of the game. If my friend enjoyed the old Puzzle Quest gameplay, this game also delivers that in spades. Even at the 2* level, there are lots of interesting character combinations and strategies to explore. But after spending time on the game, many people would start to develop a "gotta catch 'em all" mentality. Largely due to how the game is set up. Collecting all the characters becomes the goal, and playing the game becomes only a means to achieve that.

    So the gameplay itself is very fun. I would not hesitate to recommend that aspect. However, I am less excited about the collection aspect, even though I understand it is what keeps the game alive. I do enjoy collecting characters and was quite successful at it before going casual. But if I were recommending this to a friend, I would mention the collection aspect with many warnings and disclaimers.
  • uberhamster
    uberhamster Posts: 96 Match Maker
    I said no. I like the game, and I like how these characters are interpreted in its context, but it's structured to be really unhealthy if you want reasonable advancement.

    What's sad is how fun the core game actually is. I don't think MPQ really needs as much behavioral manipulation as it currently uses to be successful.

    I wish it was a game I loved and spent money on, rather than one that's structured so that I feel I "must" play at specific times, lest I lose out.
  • Why not? Misery loves company.

  • rdevil32
    rdevil32 Posts: 36 Just Dropped In
    I gave it an 8. I mean, come on, if it is so bad, why are we all still lingering around? There are shortfalls, but the game is still fun and should entertain enough for a short while (at least 100, 200 days, no?), so I would recommend it to friends.

    IMHO, this survey probably came at a bad timing, right after Anniversary 2 lol, and hence likely invite more biased answers.
  • I gave it a 7.

    I have recommended the game to people.

    However, I know that those people don't have the addictive personality of most of us forumites. If the people I had recommended to had played the game, I wouldn't have expected them to stick with it past 2* level or invest any money, but I would expect them to get some enjoyment out of the prologue and possibly also gain some familiarity with a few of the lesser known Marvel characters in the game (eg. KK, Iron Fist) depending on token pulls.

    If I was recommending the game to someone who I know is similar to me in the likelihood they would get pulled in past the 2* section of the game, that recommendation would come with a big warning.
  • Crowl
    Crowl Posts: 1,580 Chairperson of the Boards
    rdevil32 wrote:
    IMHO, this survey probably came at a bad timing, right after Anniversary 2 lol, and hence likely invite more biased answers.

    I wonder if they are hoping to see a bump from the fixes to the early mistakes of the anniversary or trying to see how much damage had been done by the start of it.

    I voted 3, the basic gameplay, the prologue etc all make it worth playing for a bit, but unless you are happy to spend a fair bit of money then the barrier to progression is too steep as while they have made some steps to speed things up, but not enough to keep up with their rate of roster expansion.

    It is a shame that there isn't a mobile or pc version of the console version as that seems a far more sensible starting point at this time.
  • babinro
    babinro Posts: 771 Critical Contributor
    edited October 2015
    Voted 2

    "While the gameplay itself is fantastic I just can't recommend a game that uses so many detestable free to play elements. Namely timers upon timers, clear pay to win advantages and the fact that pve in particular manipulates you to adjust your day around the 8 hour refresh mechanic rather than reward you for just playing the game on your terms."

    Don't get me wrong, I personally LOVE mpq. I'm addicted and I'd have to call it my own game of the year for 2014 and 2015. Despite this it's just not the type of game I can recommend to people in good conscience. I don't want to promote this kind of game because I don't feel this implementation of free to play model is healthy for the game industry.

    Compare this to other free to play games I play(ed). Hearthstone and Magic Duels both entice the player to come back with daily quests. Yet those quests hold in the system for 3 days and you don't lose anything for waiting. Meaning that you can choose to play these games just 3 days a week for a couple of hours and gain the FULL rewards for doing so. This system truly respects it's players time and doesn't manipulate them to revolve their days around the game's demands. There are rewards for those who want to play hours a day as well but they are minor by comparison and don't feel mandatory to the experience. You also see plenty of games that reduce or eliminate pay to win entirely from the experience like Heroes of the Storm and Path of Exile.

    So while I prefer MPQ to all other games mentioned here that doesn't mean it's something I'm eager to promote or that I want to see more of in the industry.

    It's worth pointing out that D3 has shown us what an MPQ game that respects it's players time would look like. We see it in DDQ, 5* tier, that Ant-Man one month event thing and The Gauntlet.

    - DDQ really doesn't require any adjustment beyond match variety to keep it interesting.

    - The Gauntlet only needs to offer rewards to match its punishing difficulty. Here we have a beautifully designed PvE that lets players enjoy it on their own terms but requires the use of far more resources for a fraction of the rewards.

    - Ant-Man's special event was great and just needed to remove the random 20 ISO wins. Let us fight for the four rewards then default to 20 ISO or if people choose to play them a 5th time.

    - 5* tier removes all realistic pay to win barriers from the game. It also attempts to make fewer covers more important which I think is a GREAT idea. Unfortunately I don't feel D3 went far enough with it. IMO the first cover should closer reflect the stats at cover number 3 making the rest gradual climbs to the stats number 5 offer. At least as far as damage powers are concerned. Apply this philosophy to every tier in a future game and you'd have a much better overall experience I think.
  • Cool...we gave them lots of opinion to mock and ignore.