Please fix the point gap in PvP, and shield hopping.



  • over_clocked
    over_clocked Posts: 3,961
    Jesus, Dauthi, get off your high horse!
    The MPQ chat will never be as functional as third-party apps, or not in the foreseeable future. Unless you invest some sizable cash into that chat, the devs have no reason to improve it beyond the most basic features over creating something that earns revenue, i.e. new characters.

    As for shieldhopping: don't forget to curse shieldhopping when your only usable shield doesn't get you to that coveted 1300 progression. I do admit points have inflated since new 50%+ scoring and 1300 progressions being readded, but the rising tide helps more people to hit progressions, and with 2 progs versus 1 4* cover for placement, progression wins, easy.
  • TheOncomingStorm
    TheOncomingStorm Posts: 489 Mover and Shaker
    First, if you do not have Line then you really don't know what you're talking about. Battle chats are a very small part of Line use by alliances. Moreover, bc's are so op that less than 50% of all members even sign up to use bc's. Fewer still actually use them. These non-bc users are always t25, and often t5 or t10. Lastly, over 80% of chat in our bc's has nothing time do with bc scoring.

    What does this mean? It means that players who have Line communicate with others that play mpq more than non-Line users. While most of the conversation is not mpq related, the reality is that typically Line users spend more time playing and discussing mpq than ppl that don't use Line.

    This means if ppl are playing more, they're more likely to be playing when other players unshield. The truth is non-Line players would be shocked how much time we spend playing and discussing mpq. The truth is most of the hard core players use Line. It's not the other way around as purported by many in this thread.

    Finally, if you don't have Line I feel bad for you. Between the stickers and cutting up, we have more fun than should be legally permitted (technically we have players around the world, so some of them may be breaking the law). When new characters come out, chats erupt discussing their merits and potential combos. When someone misses out on a reward, they have a place to vent (at least till they kick me;)).
  • JVReal
    JVReal Posts: 1,884 Chairperson of the Boards
    I use Line to communicate with my Alliance. I was so frustrated with my messages not getting through in the game chat, and not knowing when I'm being asked about something, being a commander at one point and not being able to get the chat message about someone pending, etc.

    Line fixed all that. For multiple alliances, PVP, PVE, Noob, casual, hardcore... it's vital to be able to communicate back and forth to know who is on vacation, who is having a kid and going to be on maternity/paternity leave, and be able to jockey people around alliances. You cannot do that with In-game chat.

    If you want to... there are battle chat rooms. If you don't want to, then don't enter them. It's not that hard to understand. You will come on to this forum to discuss the game with people outside of your alliance ... outside of the game, but you won't discuss who may be unshielded using a FREE APP THAT EVERYONE HAS ACCESS TO because it's outside of the game... hypocrisy.

    You don't want out of game communication, guess you need to delete your profile here.
  • Reminder this is a match 3 GAME not a job, not work but played for FUN. If you don't get that or get stressed by the mechanics/interface/reward/prices don't play. icon_neutral.gif
  • PeterGibbons316
    PeterGibbons316 Posts: 1,063
    I didn't have time to read through the entire thread, but a lot of you seem to not understand the difference between coordinating and rigging.

    In virtually any competitive online game, teaming up with a friend and essentially "letting them beat you" is against the rules and will warrant a ban. That's what this is. You are telling people when you are unshielding so that they can target you, and then telling them when you can "let them beat you" once you are shielded. It's gaming the system, and IMO not in the spirit of truly competitive play.
  • xellessanova
    xellessanova Posts: 183 Tile Toppler
    About 10 months ago the new guy in our alliance insisted that "in-game chat sucks, you need to try this Line app". And we kept telling him "no, dude, we want to play this game and not have more out of game stuff" until we tried it and it turned out that he was totally right. It's been all cat pics and stickers since then. The downside is that in-game chat is now just people asking for Team-Ups and otherwise dead.

    We have a couple of long-time heavy hitters who don't use Line (one doesn't even chat in-game) and score 1000+, but it really helps to communicate between our commanders and reassign people from business to casual, and it really helps to have the random group chat and MPQ discussions around to build a community feel and keep people engaged in playing the game. None of our group uses battlechat. Maybe it'd be easier, but it isn't actually required for a high score.

    Maybe that wasn't snarky enough for this thread, though:
    Is it really surprising that people who are better at cooperating and communicating tend to compete better than individuals who don't, and are actively against the idea of cooperation? This isn't a purely competitive game. Nor is it entirely standalone.
  • Ding
    Ding Posts: 179
    I didn't have time to read through the entire thread, but a lot of you seem to not understand the difference between coordinating and rigging.

    In virtually any competitive online game, teaming up with a friend and essentially "letting them beat you" is against the rules and will warrant a ban. That's what this is. You are telling people when you are unshielding so that they can target you, and then telling them when you can "let them beat you" once you are shielded. It's gaming the system, and IMO not in the spirit of truly competitive play.

    ^Speaking of people confused about the difference between coordinating and rigging.

    This game is a virtual crack the whip game, you know that game where you have a line of people and and they pull the person on one side of them forward and the person at the end gets flung ahead. That person then anchors (shields) themself and pulls others forward. If it were rigging, they would get to choose who can queue them. If and when you can make an attack or two while remaining shielded then making changes to the queuing process might make sense.
  • GurlBYE
    GurlBYE Posts: 1,218 Chairperson of the Boards
    All I have to say is player vs poop isn't my thing, I'm just interested in those 10 packs, because it feels like the highlight of this game may be the 2-3 star territory and 4 star is just kinda keeping you guys trailing along because they don't quite have this all figured out.

    Anywho, line is a really cool app and the stickers are cool. You should be using it for wifi messaging anyway.
  • TxMoose
    TxMoose Posts: 4,319 Chairperson of the Boards
    edited July 2015
    Every time I have coached a player who has trouble climbing, I find what holds them back is a lack of understanding of all of MPQ's nuances, and unrealistic expectations about how hopping works.
    I can attest, it has taken me quite some time to figure out many things and I still have quite a bit to learn I'm afraid, but understanding and managing the following doesn't happen overnight:
    1)shield schedule so I don't get in a bind and have to hit 24 hr - that sucks
    2) your hovering level to make your push - depends on many factors, featured/boosteds/team make-up and synergy
    3) how high you dare make your push before shielding (can depend on many factors - see previous pt)
    4) activity in the bracket to decide to do 1 or 2 fights - still working on that one. there have been some times where I couldn't finish one match before a hit coming in and others where I played 2, reshielded and nothing came in.
    5) lining up known point value nodes for your hops, etc. - only started really paying attn. to leaderboards and now t10 alliance names to know current point levels.

    I admit I do not use line but do not begrudge those who do and minus BOP, I've hit 1K in 3 of the last 4 regular events (using featured and boosteds and unboosteds). edit: almost forgot to mention - finished 5th in my bracket on the ant man event - my personal high ranking (other than my last noob bracket last year).
  • san
    san Posts: 421 Mover and Shaker
    Just a note (and OP, feel free to queue me!) I'm at 1k points. NO LINE USE came into play in getting to this particular progression. I'm within reach of top 10 easily. Again, NO COMMUNICATION was involved in getting me to 1k.

    The entire thread seems to be full of sour emotions on the part of some individuals feeling inferior and attempting to blame whatever they possibly can for their own shortcomings (in the game - I am not insulting, just reflecting what was said).
  • san-mpq wrote:
    Just a note (and OP, feel free to queue me!) I'm at 1k points. NO LINE USE came into play in getting to this particular progression. I'm within reach of top 10 easily. Again, NO COMMUNICATION was involved in getting me to 1k.

    The entire thread seems to be full of sour emotions on the part of some individuals feeling inferior and attempting to blame whatever they possibly can for their own shortcomings (in the game - I am not insulting, just reflecting what was said).

    san, I try to avoid quoting people so that they don't think I'm trying to attack them, but it seems like every posts you've made has been directed towards me, and the only sour emotions are posts like these that targets an individual.

    I hit 1k every PvP event without communication, you are missing the point. Getting top 10 is nice (I get that 99% of the time), getting top 5 is better (I get that 80% of the time), and getting Rank 1 is what you ultimately aim for especially if you want the reward and want to set your limits higher (I only got that twice). You really don't have an issue with points until you reach Rank 1-3 (with about 15 hours left in an event), and even that depends.

    Many people think this is to benefit myself, how so? Let's get some things clarified.

    It is not an issue to be targeted by multiple people from the same alliance or not, that's what PvP is about. If I was Rank 2, with 1499 points, Rank 1 is 1500 points, we are both out of shields, and I need to make one push to get Rank 1 during the last 3 minutes of an event, I would expect people waiting for me to unshield to attack me, because they know I will make that push, I'm fine with that.

    Here's the issue, my journey to 1499 is not as easy as a guy that coordinates. I am spending way more ISO searching for good targets, checking a lot more frequently for good targets, compared to the guy that knows WHEN to queue for targets.

    No one said that they should ban anything... people should still socialize, use LINE 24/7 if they wanted, that's awesome if they enjoy using the app and talking to other players, but for the rest of us, why should I use LINE just to shield hop effectively? It IS a requirement, because that's how the system today works, and I am simply saying that it shouldn't be.

    I am not asking for a change for myself, this change would help everyone who is trying to improve their scores and aim for new heights, not all of us want to chat... some of us wants to play this game during breaks, lunch, in the restroom, whatsoever, that's the best part about this game is that it's mobile and you can easily do what you want in 15-20 mins, or even 3 minutes or less during shield hops, and call it until your next shield is available.

    I appreciate everyone who has put in constructive feedback, and offer solutions to the issue, or share the same experience. Thanks! icon_e_smile.gif
  • D3P2K5
    D3P2K5 Posts: 32 Just Dropped In
    So how about this simple solution?

    - Drop the number of health packs back to 5.
    - No one loses points when sniped.
    - You lose points if you lose to the AI, but the defending team does not gain points.

    Of course this will never happen because takes away a major source of revenue from the devs, but chances are, it won't make it any easier to get first place because only those that can devote a lot of time to the game will win so back to reality we go.

    So the true simple solution is: If you can't beat them, join them.

    Trust me, if you're good enough to consistently hit top 10 all on your own and you're a nice person, top alliances are going to want you. When you're there and you really want that #1 spot, they will help you with tips (such as team composition and how to optimally play with that team) and encourage you. They will even step back not not play a match so you can out front if you happen to be in the same bracket.
  • Reality is, even if you spend x amount of ISO, you still might end up with 10 points compared to someone that will get 30 points.

    So maybe after I spend x amount of ISO, give me a good target? I'm fine with that, using resources is what they want anyways. But even after using resources, and still not getting there? That's what it boils down to.
  • scottee
    scottee Posts: 1,610 Chairperson of the Boards
    To end all the Line discussion:

    It would be unfair for players to get more information that isn't obvious to everyone in the game right? Even if it's available to all, not everyone will make the effort to go there, so it's an unfair advantage to have more information than others, right? After all, people would have access to strategies and builds and nuances that the general playerbase wouldn't know about. They would know when slices are full, be able to plan for future events/characters, know the structure of events, adapt quicker to new game changes, make friends who could skip them in queues...

    Then they should ban the MPQ forums...
  • meekersX
    meekersX Posts: 334 Mover and Shaker
    I just want to know how to use Line to join these easily accessible battle chats. Is there a guide to joining somewhere on the forums? It seems like popularizing a battle chat would make it easier for everyone to hit progression rewards. Not only would you be able to line up good targets with less time spent, you would also have less chance of getting hit by others that have joined the battle chat.

    Honestly, I think the most likely way to get d3 to rework PvP is to get so many people using battle chats that they actually sell fewer shields. As it is now, d3 has to be happy with the system because shield hopping is probably their best driver of revenue.
  • OnesOwnGrief
    OnesOwnGrief Posts: 1,387 Chairperson of the Boards
    meekersX wrote:
    I just want to know how to use Line to join these easily accessible battle chats. Is there a guide to joining somewhere on the forums? It seems like popularizing a battle chat would make it easier for everyone to hit progression rewards. Not only would you be able to line up good targets with less time spent, you would also have less chance of getting hit by others that have joined the battle chat.

    Honestly, I think the most likely way to get d3 to rework PvP is to get so many people using battle chats that they actually sell fewer shields. As it is now, d3 has to be happy with the system because shield hopping is probably their best driver of revenue.
    Despite a small number of players actually using them, line chat rooms have a limit on the number of users in 1 room.
  • acescracked
    acescracked Posts: 1,197 Chairperson of the Boards
    As I sit in Ant-Man PvP right now at 873 with about 5 hours left skipping like crazy and can only find 30 point targets...I wished bc worked magically like people in the thread think it does.
  • Salgy
    Salgy Posts: 254 Mover and Shaker
    meekersX wrote:
    I just want to know how to use Line to join these easily accessible battle chats.
    Download Line & find me... Line id is in my signature line...
    meekersX wrote:
    Honestly, I think the most likely way to get d3 to rework PvP is to get so many people using battle chats that they actually sell fewer shields. As it is now, d3 has to be happy with the system because shield hopping is probably their best driver of revenue.
    You won't spend less on shields by using a Line bc, but you may spend less ISO and time skipping... And your hops will be more effective (higher scoring)...
  • Salgy
    Salgy Posts: 254 Mover and Shaker
    * double post... Sorry
  • wymtime
    wymtime Posts: 3,758 Chairperson of the Boards
    As I sit in Ant-Man PvP right now at 873 with about 5 hours left skipping like crazy and can only find 30 point targets...I wished bc worked magically like people in the thread think it does.

    2 things. First because it is an off season event players are less likely to break shield, and a lot of players climbed early hit 1000 and then instead of shielding to hop just let themselves fall. You have a lot less people in the offseason event.
    Second from 900-1000 it can really be a timing thing and instead of the 40+ points you might need to hit 30 points especially if you are unshielded. If you are shielded and looking for people to hit it can take a while and you migh have to look fo people closer to the 3hr mark.