Save game error



  • I put in a request since Thursday and have yet to get a reply back. I did the update to "fix" the save game error issue, but now I STILL don't have my roster. My alliance can see my roster but all I see is just the two 1* characters you start off with. I invested too much time and too much money to start from scratch. With the last problem they jumped on it real quick and was grateful for how quickly they got with me. Now its like they don't care.

    Screen Name - Jargueta81
    Alliance Name - lost my bong
  • From my experience they won't necessarily respond to your request if it is the same problem everyone else is having. Then they send out a general email to you after they have resolved the issue (or think they have).

    That's what happened to me during the Ultron outages from before. Just thought I'd share.
  • I remember that too. The thing is, during the Ultron problem they actually asked me certain questions about my roster a little bit after I received the general one. That's why im surprised I haven't heard anything at all this time. Some guy on facebook said he contacted them via twitter and finally got his back to normal. Don't feel like creating a twitter account though to do the same.
  • This happened to me Friday and I submitted a ticket. After waiting through the weekend (they are def closed on the weekend) I received an email telling me that they had resynced my account and that it was working again. I haven't had a problem since, except getting them to do something about compensation.
  • I submitted my request to Sunday evening, so looks like I'll be waiting at least another day or two. Will there be compensation for the days missed? This happened to me right after my slot for the Idol of Millions PvP event ended.
  • When I asked them they said it was Apple's fault and not theirs so no
  • I sent them a ticket six day ago still no reply and a day befor that I sent another ticket cos I paid for 2900 hp and didn't get it this is really bad customer support
  • I had that happen to me too but they did make it up eventually
  • Finally fixed by D3.
  • EstherC
    EstherC Posts: 90 Match Maker
    Good news, ijust received a reply saying they are now able to compensate for the issue, way to go customer service!

    Our apologies! It seems we are now able to offer compensation for the issue! Please let us know the entire time you were locked out from playing, as this will determine our compensation offer. Once you respond, we will verify the attendance in our records, and then send along the items.

  • Yeah I've been going back and forth with them saying how it was a crock and then they finally decided to appease us to get us to be quiet lol
  • Could those of you who have been contacted by customer support comment back with your ticket number or at least the time you sent in your ticket originally? I'm getting Impatient with my inquiry and am wondering how far along they are since they go by the order of tickets received.
  • Once sorry for my bad english but I'm German

    I've since Saturday evening also the problem that all my chars and my ingame currency simply gone are ( in my Steam account ) . I've already written a ticket but after 3 days now still no answer. should I be any hope? start again I'm not sure I've invested too much money and time . usually play every day but now is no more.

    asked a friend in the alliance log times and now I do not see always a but my chars . But if one looks at the Alliance to Profile are all my chars allegedly still there
  • My ticket was sent in at 11:40pm EST Friday night
  • mine was sent 12.07.2015 09:37 GMT (as I am told im German)
  • EstherC
    EstherC Posts: 90 Match Maker
    Mine was sent jul 10 18:16.

    I got reply/fix on jul 13 17:36.

    Update on compensation: they offered me 1750hp for the issue/downtime. I said no. I cant even upgrade a 4* with that....sheesh.
  • I now have an answer to the question whether I would have the game ever reinstalled . replied that I reinstalled the game , steam and also have Windows reinstalled and nothing helped . and now it is again waiting
  • Has anyone been offered any compensation yet? They fixed my save and offered compensation but have yet to hear a reply since late Tuesday. I would settle for roster spots at this point seeing how expensive they are getting for me.

    Screen Name - Jargueta81
    Alliance Name - lost my bong
  • I put in a ticket 2015-07-14 at 09:02 AM -700 and still no answer. Very frustrating! Missing out on some great rewards (I was ranking high but then couldn't finish the events icon_evil.gif ) and I really need that Black Panther cover. Also hoping my two Gamorrah covers I was holding until I got those few more hero points for another slot (of course, missed those rewards too). Sigh

    If any of my alliance mates are out there, I hope to be back soon!

  • EstherC
    EstherC Posts: 90 Match Maker
    I received my compensation & i am satisfied with it.

    It was good compared to what they previously mass compensated lol