Save game error



  • smiley22
    smiley22 Posts: 30 Just Dropped In
    edited July 2015
    Well I have some horrible news to report... Less than 24 hours after they fixed mine yesterday I just got another "SAVE GAME ERROR" 2 minutes ago and I'm back at the tutorial. Unbelievable. At this point I'm afraid the game is unplayable on iPhone.

    PLEASE god fix this before the weekend... If I miss the ant-man PvE from this **** the world will see a 35-year-old man cry over a mobile phone game. The horror!!
  • Weenerman
    Weenerman Posts: 5
    I can play on my iphone but not my ipad. Ipad was my primary device. Unfortunately, I've lost over 160,000 ISO as a result of this as my iphone had old information on it. I hope this gets fixed quickly.
  • mouser
    mouser Posts: 529 Critical Contributor
    CS fixed mine late yesterday. Hopefully it stay good going forward, though I'm sure they're just fixing the symptoms until a game patch can be deployed to address the root cause.

    If anyone is experiencing this problem and hasn't opened a customer service ticket, do it asap.
  • I used to work for a tech company and before we would release an update to any of our software we would give it a test run. Is there a reason this isn't being done with your app?
  • Malcrof
    Malcrof Posts: 5,971 Chairperson of the Boards
    I used to work for a tech company and before we would release an update to any of our software we would give it a test run. Is there a reason this isn't being done with your app?

    Apple released their update at the same time MPQ did. feel free to test your software on software that does not exist yet.

    That is why i will always stick with android.. SDK's available 6+ months ahead of any release, and updates are always optional.

    Mind you.. the past month was no fun.. but.. that is the downside, fragmentation... different errors for different OS versions.
  • I just got this error too last night. Ticket sent in and now just have to wait cause unfortunately it is the weekend. It sucks cause going to miss the whole Thing pvp and the last cyclops cover I need and was 3rd overall in the Ant-Man pve.
  • EstherC
    EstherC Posts: 90 Match Maker
    The error recurred for me in less than 24 hours after it was fixed. I am so angry pissed & frustrated. I was t20 in EOTS, guess thats over for me.

    I hope cs will be fair n generous to compensate for this.
  • This is starting to pee me off 4 days and no fix what are they doing up there
  • The email got from submitting the ticket says no work on weekend. Sucks to be us
  • 2nd Error in 4 days. On Weds they fixed within 8 hours, but not fast enough to let me push in Fly Fight Win from 960 to 1000 for a Hulkbuster. I had one shield left too and 7 hours to do it, so I have no doubt I could have made that easy hop. NOW, on a Sunday morning, got the error AGAIN. I was top 10 in Enemy of the State, so that's probably out the window, and I haven't even started The Thing PvP (which is somehow NOT titled Clobberin' Time). F me, F this problem - why isn't it fixed yet???? The error window is now prompting me to send an email directly to I've already sent an email, not sure if I should submit a ticket too. THIS. IS. SO. FRUSTRATING.
  • Definitely send in a ticket. It will be faster than an email so they will look at it first. May get you fixed Weds or Thursday
  • Ethan K
    Ethan K Posts: 1
    Same problem here...

    im guessing im gonna miss the chance on today Deadpool Daily..
  • I've been hit with the bug on my iPad. I can still play on my iPhone with an old save file (lost tokens, iso, hp, and the 1300 HB reward from the last PVP). Does anybody know, if I keep playing on my iPhone, and they fix the problems, will I be able to get back the old save file loot and keep the newly accumulated loot? As in, get my hulk buster back, but also keep the Thing if I hit 1k this pvp?
  • EstherC
    EstherC Posts: 90 Match Maker
    They might merge. I suggest your iphone backs it up to FB.

    Im getting very disappointed with this game & the service. I sent it a ticket since friday & nothing is picked up. Since the last time this error happened ive lost out on 3 full pvps because of the downtime. My season score is half less than my usual 11k optimal. This is terrible.
  • I feel you Esther. I haven't been able to play since Friday either. Had just started the Thing pvp and was in top 5 of the pve
  • Can we (the impacted) at least get an email on status or a response to the ticket that was created? I was impacted Saturday morning and lost game play the entire weekend and still counting. For anyone that has spent money or is playing the game I don't think it is too much to at least expect an update as to when we can get a response or ETA of some sort. Looks like this issue has been happening since the Apple update. A similar issue from another game was fixed same day on a weekend.
  • It would be nice to at least get an acknowledgment that they are working on it
  • EstherC
    EstherC Posts: 90 Match Maker
    i hope a dev or mod sees this & agree that some proper compensation is due.

    Missed out on 3 days of ddq and counting.

    Not mention all progression for eots to get antman covers.

    Thing pvp , and the one after it?

    Shield sim.

    Season rewards ( how many of us will have to sit out so as not to drag the alliance down)
  • I agree Esther. This weekend has had some good events that unfortunately we were unable to play. So missed 3 days of dpd, EoTS, Idol of Millions pvp and a good portion of Eye for an Eye. Not to mention like you said about the Shield Sim and overall season. If I miss all of Eye for an Eye then that is at least 1700 points I will have missed out on as I had 300 in the Thing pvp before the error. I am a commander in my alliance so they couldn't kick me and I couldn't get in to drop either
  • Same thing happened to me yesterday. Raised ticket & still waiting.
    Losing out (yet again) on Deadpool covers, rewards & vs events on Thing & Ant Man...MASSIVELY disappointing & VERY frustrated!!