Save game error

So, when I started the game up earlier it said:
Save game error
The save file is corrupted

Then the game starts like it's the first time I played it.
I logged in and out of Facebook, cleared my cache

I would appreciate any help.
Should I uninstall and reinstall?
Am I missing something?

I play on my iPhone 4s


  • David [Hi-Fi] Moore
    David [Hi-Fi] Moore Posts: 2,872 Site Admin
    Hi CHL13,

    Please open a ticket with Customer Support if you haven't done so already. They can sort this out for you: ... zle-quest/

    Apologies for the inconvenience. The developers are currently investigating a fix. Thanks!
  • I submitted a ticket last night.
    Still awaiting a fix.
    Would be very disappointed if it can't be retrieved.
  • EstherC
    EstherC Posts: 90 Match Maker
    same error for me. Did you upgrade to ios 8.4? apparently that is the cause.
  • Same thing just happened to me. Not sure what to do other than submit ticket. Played through tutorial to get to gears icon to see if "restore" option was there, but it wasn't.
  • Just chiming in to say that I'm having this issue, too. Tried connecting to Facebook hoping to get the "only one allowed" message and that it would restore from there. the "saved to Facebook" message. I sure hope it didn't overwrite...I don't have the Facebook app on my phone and never got prompted to log in so not sure where it saved...
  • smiley22
    smiley22 Posts: 30 Just Dropped In
    Same issue here! IOS 8.4. SO nervous as I've been playing over a year and a half heavily and spent a couple hundred dollars. PLEASE fix! No response from support yet...
  • The same thing happened to me and I'm really far into the game. I was going. To get a mrs marvel from the deadpool daily double today icon_cry.gif PLEASE FIX THIS
  • semihippie
    semihippie Posts: 5 Just Dropped In
    Same thing happened to me. Logged in on another device, had nothing. Sent in a support ticket; hope they can fix it.
  • mouser
    mouser Posts: 529 Critical Contributor
    Everything was working fine for a while after updating to R79 and now just started getting the Save Game Corrupt message as well. IOS 8.4.
  • Please fix this, I am having the same problem
  • EstherC
    EstherC Posts: 90 Match Maker
    Sorry to hear all of us are in the same shitpile. Apparently ios8.4 screws up the game's save files. And it doesnt help that the cs is inundated with tickets because of the server down outage yesterday.

    We can only wait.
  • Demolira
    Demolira Posts: 78 Match Maker
    I just hit the same thing. The game was working fine a few hours ago, but now I'm getting the save game corrupted error.
  • smiley22
    smiley22 Posts: 30 Just Dropped In
    So frustrating... This is the second straight update that has blown up the game for me (iPhone 5 user). At least last time I could get a few games in on other devices. Unfortunately this save error apparently ruined my whole file so we literally can't do anything until it's fixed. Support still hasn't responded, really wish we could get a status update on this. My top 100 alliance wasn't happy I missed 2 events last time, I sure hope they're understanding again and this doesn't take very long to correct.

    I always try to stay positive but it sucks to have a game you enjoy and pay significantly to support, yet no response when there's an issue they caused...
  • EstherC
    EstherC Posts: 90 Match Maker
    Guys, i just want to update that the devs have fixed everything for me , including immediately responding and following up. I got my entire account back including the rewards that went to the"noob" account.

    Keep the faith. Yours will , soon.
  • smiley22
    smiley22 Posts: 30 Just Dropped In
    AWESOME, hoping I hear back today, thanks for the update Esther!! Was there any action required on your end or did you just start the app as usual once they notified you that it was recovered?
  • smiley22
    smiley22 Posts: 30 Just Dropped In
    They responded and mine is fixed! Best of luck to everyone! FYI, I didn't have to do anything on my end, just got an email that next time I logged in it would be fixed, and it worked.
  • Just to pile on, i'm in the same boat. It's corrupted on my ipad but not on my phone (iphone 5s) too nervous to play it on my phone though. Really don't want the same problem on two devices
  • Same here. Another night of working 3rd shift and this bug filled app doesn't work. This happens every time they release a 4 star character. I missed out on Thing because the app kept crashing
  • This bull **** hope they sort it soon
  • Zen808
    Zen808 Posts: 260
    edited July 2015
    So glad us iOS users also got our very own game ruining bug in R79, after looking on in jealousy at the "fun" that Android users were experiencing with the previous updates.

    </sarcasm tag>

    EDIT: Also would like to point out that this bug is hitting right at as DDQ finally reached the newer characters that I actually need covers for. Worst. Timing. Ever.