*** Bullseye (Classic) ***



  • dkffiv
    dkffiv Posts: 1,039 Chairperson of the Boards
    nknecrosis wrote:
    dkffiv wrote:

    Also his animations make him look like a pervert.

    This alone makes me want to obtain him.

    I shrunk one down so I can link in thread, here's the 2 big ones again from the last page.


  • GothicKratos
    GothicKratos Posts: 1,821 Chairperson of the Boards
    Locking this due to there already being a character discussion thread open. Please point your conversations there. :]
  • Turbosmooth
    Turbosmooth Posts: 213
    I'll have him just to have him for the occasional essential node. I'll categorize him in the neglected/lowest (Doc Oc/Beast) tier.
  • I'll have him just to have him for the occasional essential node. I'll categorize him in the neglected/lowest (Doc Oc/Beast) tier.
    Doc Ock/Beast Tier doesn't exist anymore.

    And honestly, just by virtue of his blackflag.png, he may get some use in survival nodes since they usually ramp from easy enemies to hard

    Beast is playable.

    As Google would say:

    Showing results for Quicksilver/Vision Tier
  • dkffiv
    dkffiv Posts: 1,039 Chairperson of the Boards
    So Bullseye Beast Cyclops works pretty well but that's mostly because Beast/Cyclops works with any purple user.
  • dkffiv wrote:
    So Bullseye Beast Cyclops works pretty well but that's mostly because Beast/Cyclops works with any purple user.
    Yeah, if you've never heard of IF that sounds like a mediocre idea
  • dkffiv
    dkffiv Posts: 1,039 Chairperson of the Boards
    Tested him out some more and he's bugged in the same way as Vision - the game doesn't know who the hell owns attack tiles so it just credits it to him. For instance, if you deal match damage with say Daken but Iron Fist's attack tile results in a killing blow, contract killer will go off. When he's buffed to 260, 5 covers generates 1274 worth of strike tiles (reminder that a 166 R&G creates 1044) and 5 purple deals 4529 damage so it isn't too hard to get a killing blow, just need someone who constantly spits out tiles so he has ammo.
  • Purple is quick and deals some damage while offering a attack/strike/protect tile remover, but only 2 even at max lv and 5 covers... they could have put 3 tiles at 5 covers at least.

    His black doesnt looks appealing to me. Good for survival nodes, not quite for everything else. You must deal 7k+ damage to someone (in PvP) so then you get your tiles. Even a combination of Patch's BR + Loki's Trickery or DD's Radar Sense is faster than that.

    Now green looks like a balanced one. You can get a huge cascade if you use it properly, and being at 11 cost makes it kinda slow but still anything less than that would be too strong. Not a huge nuke but you will get a lot of AP off it so I would gather AP specifically for it.
  • wymtime
    wymtime Posts: 3,764 Chairperson of the Boards
    dkffiv wrote:
    Tested him out some more and he's bugged in the same way as Vision - the game doesn't know who the hell owns attack tiles so it just credits it to him. For instance, if you deal match damage with say Daken but Iron Fist's attack tile results in a killing blow, contract killer will go off. When he's buffed to 260, 5 covers generates 1274 worth of strike tiles (reminder that a 166 R&G creates 1044) and 5 purple deals 4529 damage so it isn't too hard to get a killing blow, just need someone who constantly spits out tiles so he has ammo.
    So if this is the case the new game will be How many strike tiles can you get on the board in one match? Run Blade with Bullseye and Patch. In survivial mode you have strike tiles everywhere!!
    Although you would be better of replacing patch with someone with an AOE ability think about how much damage all those strike tiles would do on each match.
  • The guy in the middle gets the credit for attack tile. You can test this by putting Vision in center and IF in left with a Density: Heavy and then flip that around, you won't get the damage bonus from Density: Heavy in the latter but will always in the former. So this makes it either trivial or impossible to take advantage of this depending on what you're doing (almost never possible in PvP, almost never possible in PvE essentials, always possible otherwise).
  • nknecrosis wrote:
    dkffiv wrote:

    Also his animations make him look like a pervert.

    This alone makes me want to obtain him.

    For now you can look at the token screen for Deapool vs. MPQ and snicker at Bullseye staring straight at Elektra's ****. icon_twisted.gif
  • ronin_san
    ronin_san Posts: 980 Critical Contributor
    dkffiv wrote:
    So Bullseye Beast Cyclops works pretty well but that's mostly because Beast/Cyclops works with any purple user.

    I'd put him with Daken and Cage. No one uses redtile.png, which is fine. You have color conflicts, but no ability conflicts. You get a guaranteed tile to knock out every turn with Cage.

    You get use of the greentile.png which double as strike tile generators / purpletile.png food. I like them A LOT.
  • welp, bullseye immediate died in the loaner node, that's always a good sign icon_rolleyes.gif
  • Here is a character introductory guide to Bullseye.

    And one of the possible team ups that he might be useful with.
  • raisinbman wrote:
    welp, bullseye immediate died in the loaner node, that's always a good sign icon_rolleyes.gif

    Did that happen repeatedly? A one-off is not a trend.

    I have to agree that he isn't impressing on that node. Elektra gets all the kills.

    If they had faced him off against more prolific tile generators than Beast, it would have helped. Against Beast and Cage, he's just along for the ride.
    I was mostly joking, but it was pretty disappointing to have Bullseye eat Speed Shot + Righteous Uppercut(which, to be fair, would kill most anyone). Elektra had to finish the match with her blackflag.png.

    Actually, that's one of the more dangerous loaner nodes they've had us do, even with competent characters.
  • Elektra/Bullseye/Moonstone: I thought that loaner node was just poorly designed because they wanted to highlight the tile stealers with their new changes. 3 active powers on purple, conflicts on red, black, a weak green power, and no blue/yellow. If you don't get the right AP, it's easy to lose that node. They don't synchronize right, and you basically have to charge up 2+ moves to destroy Cage with his shield neutralizing almost everything otherwise.
  • optimus2861
    optimus2861 Posts: 1,233 Chairperson of the Boards
    daibar wrote:
    Elektra/Bullseye/Moonstone: I thought that loaner node was just poorly designed because they wanted to highlight the tile stealers with their new changes. 3 active powers on purple, conflicts on red, black, a weak green power, and no blue/yellow. If you don't get the right AP, it's easy to lose that node. They don't synchronize right, and you basically have to charge up 2+ moves to destroy Cage with his shield neutralizing almost everything otherwise.
    And don't forget that Bullseye tanks every tile on the board except red, so he's exposed to almost all the damage the enemy team can dish.

    I guess, though... Elektra isn't going to lift a finger to help Bullseye icon_lol.gif

    About the best you can do is get enough red to start Ballet of Death, and wait. And wait. And wait. Cage red + Beast yellow makes that node last a long freaking time. If you get 'lucky' and Beast resolves a Mutagenic Breakthrough, then you can use Bullseye's purple to deliver some pain.
  • If you get 'lucky' and Beast resolves a Mutagenic Breakthrough, then you can use Bullseye's purple to deliver some pain.

    You can use Bullseye's purple whenever you want because Cage's protect tile is always there.
  • ronin_san
    ronin_san Posts: 980 Critical Contributor
    Here is a character introductory guide to Bullseye.

    And one of the possible team ups that he might be useful with.

    I subbed. Keep it up. Very fun.
  • god bless the ultron code for marvel unlimited, now we can read all the reading list posted in the forum