Your Best MPQ Moment of the day (positive thread)



  • TPF Alexis
    TPF Alexis Posts: 3,826 Chairperson of the Boards
    edited July 2017
    Pulling Taco tokens because I need the Wasp blue, and not only did I get it, but I also snagged both the 1000 HP and the 10000 ISO, plus like 25 Health Packs and a bunch of useful 3*. Pretty good for less than 60 tokens hoarded.
  • DarthDeVo
    DarthDeVo Posts: 2,178 Chairperson of the Boards
    Got T10 in Venom Bomb by the skin of my teeth, although it was my own fault for making it as close as it was. I probably could have had another 600 or so points over the course of the event, which would have gotten me into either 5th or 4th place. 
  • Black Duke
    Black Duke Posts: 694 Critical Contributor
    To get five covers for Vulture from this terrible event called "Venom Bomb". I hope I won´t see any symbionts in the near future!
  • PresidentDoom2020
    PresidentDoom2020 Posts: 180 Tile Toppler
    this was yesterday but I did manage to make T100 in Venom Bomb despite not making all my clears during the event
  • BlackWidower
    BlackWidower Posts: 250 Mover and Shaker
    edited July 2017
    I don't want to go into too many specifics, but I had an issue with D3 that was making me REALLY bitter and I was going back and forth with customer support for a while.

    I was really angry and not all that nice to them (I can't use swear words here, but let's just say I behaved like something that might rhyme with grass pole) - regardless, someone stepped in on my behalf and made the situation right and I am truly very thankful for it.

    It's such a relief, I can now get back to enjoying the game I love without all that pent up anger.
  • optimus2861
    optimus2861 Posts: 1,232 Chairperson of the Boards
    I spent 100 HP on the daily deal for the Hulk vault (there's a Sue Storm yellow in there that would finish her off) and got the Legendary token. Carol champ level. Pretty great bang for the buck there.
  • Berserk_Al
    Berserk_Al Posts: 411 Mover and Shaker
    I got a 4-star Groot and at least four 3-stars from my 10-pack. I think one of them was a bonus hero.
    Anyways, with that pull, I am now only one champion level from obtaining the Starlord red I need to fully cover him, and that champion level comes with today's Big Enchilada.
    It would be a better moment if I had the ISO-8 to level my Starlord from 200 to 270+championing fee, so the cover I have dying in three days can be used.
  • therightwaye
    therightwaye Posts: 459 Mover and Shaker
    edited July 2017
    Rush to get extra points in Blue Shift PvP. I load up on critical damage boost. +125% I add some team-up damage because I have 30 already.  +50%

    I'm playing Black Bolt, because I'm basically forced to having raised a 5 :star: enough levels that every opponent is super powered compared to anyone else.

    After some turns, the board has 5 locked team-up tiles. I fire Quasi-Sonic Whisper wiping the entire board (and killing two of the three enemies - Thanos stands) The team-up tiles drop in a perfect line, along with two more team-up tiles. A critical is created, its surrounded by green. Nearly 25k damage done and Thanos is OUT. Bam. 
  • PresidentDoom2020
    PresidentDoom2020 Posts: 180 Tile Toppler
    today I got the yellow Wasp cover from the DDQ vault and I pulled a yellow Medusa cover with CP, putting her one cover away from champion leve
  • Stick
    Stick Posts: 146 Tile Toppler
    Randomly decided to buy a heroic token today, pulled a Sandman cover. There's better 4 stars, sure, but it's still nice all the same XD
  • Style55
    Style55 Posts: 180 Tile Toppler
    DPDQ got a yellow 3*Star-lord. Champed him and put the green dupe I had into him. Now I only have one 3* left to champ, Sentry (5/3/4). Yes Sentry. Up until recently I hadn't bothered rostering the poop-y characters 'cause I didn't know any better, oops. 
  • Evilplayer
    Evilplayer Posts: 29 Just Dropped In
    edited July 2017
    My best mpq moment was winning vs 70k hulk using 3k gamora, 3k c&d and 10k c4arol. I even got it in video :p

    Edit: i dont know how to post a video or if its allowed. Hope i dont brake any rules. 

    Hope u guys like it. I find those three a very good combination vs tanks


  • Berserk_Al
    Berserk_Al Posts: 411 Mover and Shaker
    mexus said:
    I got a 4-star Groot and at least four 3-stars from my 10-pack. I think one of them was a bonus hero.
    Anyways, with that pull, I am now only one champion level from obtaining the Starlord red I need to fully cover him, and that champion level comes with today's Big Enchilada.
    It would be a better moment if I had the ISO-8 to level my Starlord from 200 to 270+championing fee, so the cover I have dying in three days can be used.
    Sell 3* Spider Man while he's worth it!
    That wasn't needed. Last night, a series of champion rewards allowed me to max two 2star champions, and reach rank 80. That was enough to max and champ Starlord. Don't remember what I pulled from the legendary token but I was able to use it inmediately.