Your Best MPQ Moment of the day (positive thread)



  • DFiPL
    DFiPL Posts: 2,405 Chairperson of the Boards
    fanghoul wrote:
    Deciding to make an entirely token effort at the "Unholy Outlaw" PvP, because I just got back from camping, and I want to go to bed. Earned the event token from progression, pulled it, and got a 4* Thor! Also, it was her yellow cover, which my previously 4/0/5 Thor desperately needed (at least to feel a little less lopsided)

    Thanks token effort. You're the best!

    "Token" effort, huh? I see what you did there.
  • Black Duke
    Black Duke Posts: 694 Critical Contributor
    Winning four covers for Agent Coulson in PVE. icon_e_biggrin.gif
  • DesertTortoise
    DesertTortoise Posts: 392 Mover and Shaker
    Black Duke wrote:
    Winning four covers for Agent Coulson in PVE. icon_e_biggrin.gif

    Same! Got my first second place finish in a new character release!
  • ClydeFrog76
    ClydeFrog76 Posts: 1,350 Chairperson of the Boards
    Just drew my 11th Iceman cover, a blue, from the Elektra Crash LT. This takes him to 3/5/3, so I've decided to spend CP to take him the rest of the way. Been wanting to use Baby Bobby for ages and I'm sick to death of RNG. Already got 100CP in the bank, so I should have him done in a week or so icon_mrgreen.gif
  • Berserk_Al
    Berserk_Al Posts: 411 Mover and Shaker
    Won the Elektra Crash second try. Don't remember what the legendary gave me, so it must have gone inmediately to some undercovered 4-star.
    Pulled Thing red from a Taco and a Bl4de green from a champion reward Heroic.
    Decided to spend some CP to test the new bonus cover thing. Got the extra cover second try. Pulled Strange yellow and the extra gave me Strange blue, so I now have one of each his colors. My first pull, the one before that, was not bad, either. Black Panther yellow.
  • Mpqdr72
    Mpqdr72 Posts: 24 Just Dropped In
    Got 2 pink covers for my 1/5/5 Scarlet Witch. Both from the new bonus system. Odds for that? Probably very low but sometimes you must get lucky.
  • Alkyoneus
    Alkyoneus Posts: 116 Tile Toppler
    I had a small hoard of CP saved up for when Bonus Heroes went live. I had enough for 10 Classic token_legendary.png so I was hoping for a couple of 5 star characters and maybe a bonus hero.

    3 draws in, I got the token_legendary.png icon, which was icon_jeangrey.pngpurpleflag.png which was followed immediately with a flashing bonus hero icon and out popped icon_wolverine.pngyellowflag.png !

    But wait, there's more! I kept pulling, and another token_legendary.png icon popped out icon_spiderman.pngblueflag.png which then flashed again and popped out an icon_wolverine.pngredflag.png !! He is now 13/13 covers and is officially my first fully covered 5 star character! Oh happy day!
  • DarthDeVo
    DarthDeVo Posts: 2,178 Chairperson of the Boards
    After many, many, MANY defeats, I FINALLY won the Crash with a paltry Level 115 3/1/1 Elektra. I didn't use any boosts either. One more move though, and I probably would have lost, as I ended with just 231 health left.

    LT netted me a C4rol blackflag.png, taking her to 2/2/2. Gotta love equal distribution!

    EDIT: Also champed my first 4*: Medusa. Pulled quite a few of her covers when I opened a hoard during Civil War, even had to sell a yellow one because I maxed out in that color. But I opened several more after the Bonus Hero update and got to 13 covers, with another yellow one in the queue. So I figured this was as good a time as any to champ her.
  • DarthDeVo
    DarthDeVo Posts: 2,178 Chairperson of the Boards
    edited March 2017
    Alkyoneus wrote:
    I had a small hoard of CP saved up for when Bonus Heroes went live. I had enough for 10 Classic token_legendary.png so I was hoping for a couple of 5 star characters and maybe a bonus hero.

    3 draws in, I got the token_legendary.png icon, which was icon_jeangrey.pngpurpleflag.png which was followed immediately with a flashing bonus hero icon and out popped icon_wolverine.pngyellowflag.png !

    But wait, there's more! I kept pulling, and another token_legendary.png icon popped out icon_spiderman.pngblueflag.png which then flashed again and popped out an icon_wolverine.pngredflag.png !! He is now 13/13 covers and is officially my first fully covered 5 star character! Oh happy day!

    Dang, two bonus fives? I feel like that's crazy lucky. Between CP and various token pulls I've received several fours and I think two fives so far, but no bonus heroes from either of those tiers yet.
  • Alkyoneus
    Alkyoneus Posts: 116 Tile Toppler
    DarthDeVo wrote:
    Alkyoneus wrote:
    I had a small hoard of CP saved up for when Bonus Heroes went live. I had enough for 10 Classic token_legendary.png so I was hoping for a couple of 5 star characters and maybe a bonus hero.

    3 draws in, I got the token_legendary.png icon, which was icon_jeangrey.pngpurpleflag.png which was followed immediately with a flashing bonus hero icon and out popped icon_wolverine.pngyellowflag.png !

    But wait, there's more! I kept pulling, and another token_legendary.png icon popped out icon_spiderman.pngblueflag.png which then flashed again and popped out an icon_wolverine.pngredflag.png !! He is now 13/13 covers and is officially my first fully covered 5 star character! Oh happy day!

    Dang, two bonus fives? I feel like that's crazy lucky. I've received several fours and I think two fives so far, but no bonus heroes from either of those tiers yet.

    Yup, double bonus 5 star, the odds must be incredibly rare for something like that. I went a good 7 months with 0 OML pulls so maybe the game took pity on me.
  • Berserk_Al
    Berserk_Al Posts: 411 Mover and Shaker
    Went to look and found Mister Fantastic still sells for extra. Sold him and had enough HP to roster everything in my queue other than Bagman. That is, the Riri I just got from Sim, the Coulson from progression, and Black Panther from a token.
    With that, I have all 4-stars rostered except Mister Fantastic. I could buy any number of Latest Legends and get only covers I could use (except for Thanos, who I have yet to roster). After 750 CP spent, my Doctor Strange went from 1/2/1 (it got those covers yesterday. A day before he was 0/1/0) is now 2/2/3, Black Panther went from 0/1/0 to 2/1/1, and I have two Thanos green in my queue with long time to roster and with no other character in any tier fighting for the space.
    Also pulled lots of 4-stars, none of which went to waste. Sadly didn't get any 4-star bonus cover, but still pulled one Peggy blue (she's marked as my 4-star fav). I could spend the rest of my CP in more tokens, and would waste no covers, as even with the tokens now divided among just a few characters, I didnt pull enough of a single color to reach 5 in any color of those characters. Just left some for emergency cover-buying purposes.
  • granne
    granne Posts: 852 Critical Contributor
    Pulled my first icon_peggycarter.pngyellowflag.png . My previously 2/0/2 Peggy was very pleased to see it.
  • DFiPL
    DFiPL Posts: 2,405 Chairperson of the Boards
    Main got an Riri_Icon.pngblueflag.png from a PVP token.

    Secondary championed Spidey, got a icon_peggycarter.pngyellowflag.png from the Legendary, and then promptly got enough HP from the day's tacos to roster her.
  • Kishida
    Kishida Posts: 310 Mover and Shaker
    Tore into my season-long hoard of tokens yesterday. Bonus heroes helped me to finally champ my last two 3*. Of course, half of them won't be getting champ levels except from progression rewards, but still...
  • Nepenthe
    Nepenthe Posts: 283 Mover and Shaker
    My best MPQ moment of today was right here. icon_cool.gif
  • Tee
    Tee Posts: 231 Tile Toppler
    edited March 2017
    Barely beat the Crash and was rewarded with a 5* drstrange_icon.pngyellowflag.png as a reward.

    Pretty alright. He was one of the fives I was missing.

    And then the RNG was with me as I pulled 250 and 1000 HP from the Deadpool Roulette.
    Thanks game.
  • Mechahamster
    Mechahamster Posts: 237 Tile Toppler
    Today Sentry, the last living opponent in the Big Enchilada, used a Fastball Special team up on himself, he flew for a few turns, landed, then used sacrifice from the power activation part of the teamup and died from the self damage.

    I'm having giggles just imagining how that would have looked.
  • Quebbster
    Quebbster Posts: 8,070 Chairperson of the Boards
    Managed to pass 1200 points for the first time in over a week in Krakadoom. As it turned out, that was good enough for first place, so I got two Coulson covers for my trouble. icon_e_smile.gif
  • vinnygecko
    vinnygecko Posts: 244 Tile Toppler
    With today's COT, my LT got me 2 Thanos_Icon.png covers ( greenflag.png and blackflag.png) thanks to the bonus draw icon_cool.gif He's now at 1/3/2, my most covered 5-star outside of OML (2/3/2)
  • DFiPL
    DFiPL Posts: 2,405 Chairperson of the Boards
    Beat the Crash with Kingpin for my seventh straight victorious Crash. Even with this cycle having more overall victories than every previous cycle combined, my previous longest streak was still just five straight Crashes.

    Got Agent Venom redflag.png from that to bring me back to having all but Mr. Fantastic rostered of the 4* crew (not counting Devil Dinosaur, who isn't obtainable outside of anniversaries).

    Pulled the LT from the EotS vault, got medusa_icon.pngpurpleflag.png from that, to bring her up to 0/2/1.

    And miiiight be able to squeak out enough ISO to champion 3nos tonight.