Ultron 2 Progression - Some Math



  • GrumpySmurf1002
    GrumpySmurf1002 Posts: 3,511 Chairperson of the Boards
    So ummm....yeah my initial timeline needs to be adjusted.

    New timeline, to finish round 8 in time, you need a Delorean, or to be Bill Murray in Groundhog Day. Either will suffice.
  • Malcrof
    Malcrof Posts: 5,971 Chairperson of the Boards
    So ummm....yeah my initial timeline needs to be adjusted.

    New timeline, to finish round 8 in time, you need a Delorean, or to be Bill Murray in Groundhog Day. Either will suffice.

    A TARDIS will work better, you could sonic it while you are there.
  • MarvelMan
    MarvelMan Posts: 1,350
    Malcrof wrote:
    For a brand new event type, over-all, i think this is a great learning tool for the devs. Yah we won't get all we wanted from it. But now with all the threads, like this one, when the event is done next (kill thanos hopefully), they will have loads of new intel and i am sure it will be a much smoother event.

    Kudos to the match side of the forum, this is the kind of thing that they need to see.

    While I like your optimistic enthusiasm, you dont seem like youve been around MPQ for very long. Similar "mistakes," "oversights," etc have occurred pretty much every time they have rolled out a new event. You'd think they would get conservative and over prepare....but it doesnt happen. What to they say about doing the same thing over and over expecting a different result?
  • Scoregasms
    Scoregasms Posts: 373
    It is a bit odd if you think about the problems in the new PVE's and what some may be classified as actual bugs or if they are intended. Like when they first rolled out EOTS, points were being tallied and displayed incorrectly (should've been caught) versus increased Ultron Health in this event would be considered intentional (but somewhat sadistic given what we're seeing right now...).

    One would imagine even simple play testing if it's only by the Devs should've caught a bunch of these and the other half could've been addressed with a simple "this is how the event works" kinda post. Being cryptic is only funny until it starts costing individuals and alliances and results in wasted effort that nobody feels good about.

    I've never worked in gaming, but I do work in the technology sector and testing applications is something we give our first year/interns and they catch loads of stuff easily enough. Sure, they don't catch those weirdo corner cases, but the bugs/problems we see in new events here literally feel like they just finished development a couple days before without a real run through of an entire event. If they create a 7 day event, then they should test it for a full 7 days at a minimum with a real run through (if I were the PM, I'd make them do it at least twice and keep going until no critical bugs are found in one pass). It's not like they roll out new events all the time, so I would think they have plenty of time to do that sort of testing.

    Perhaps they do this level of stringent testing, even if historical evidence suggests otherwise, but it's just pure speculation. There's always going to be bugs, no release is ever perfect, but there are plenty of examples on these forums that makes one wonder how it even got out the front door.

    While I did like this event for Ultron Part 1 even with all the technical difficulties. However, while the gameplay is the same for Part 2, the stealth increased Health per round coupled with hearing lots of folks who got locked out of SW last event just feels like a slap in the face and just drains a lot of the positive energy I had initially for this new PVE. After seeing the Avengers movie, mad kudos for a great thematic tie-in though, just feels dirtied by recent events.
  • SnowcaTT
    SnowcaTT Posts: 3,486 Chairperson of the Boards
    Wow, nothing like making the PVE grind look good by making everyone run Ultron again...and again....and again....

    Maybe after round 7 round 8 will be an easy amount, 100K or something. Otherwise it would have pretty much impossible from the very get-go (more so with server crashes): they couldn't possibly release rewards that were impossible to obtain, could they? icon_e_wink.gif
  • TxMoose
    TxMoose Posts: 4,319 Chairperson of the Boards
    SnowcaTT wrote:
    Wow, nothing like making the PVE grind look good by making everyone run Ultron again...and again....and again....
    yes. really wish I had a more varied roster up top but just starting the transition only have Lthor/loki - never thought I would get so tired of running the brothers. at least I have 2 separate pairs to pair with thor for the ultron nodes. the sentries are all basically the same thing over and over. rd 5 I could use a couple other characters a few times but here in 6 basically the best of my roster is required and that is all of 2 guys.
  • Malcrof
    Malcrof Posts: 5,971 Chairperson of the Boards
    I just wish it was more than 20 iso for killing him when you have the 4 rewards.. seed teams in pvp give better rewards for 1/10th the peril.
  • Unknown
    If I were allowed to make the rules for Round 8? Let it be 22M HP for Ultron's final form. But also eliminate the 'HP per battle' for him. Let your team hit him til they die then recover them and do it again. Might be just as futile, but I think it'd be more fun.
  • mouser
    mouser Posts: 529 Critical Contributor
    Here's my event breakdown by # of wins required against Ultron and what can be achieved each refresh.

    Round - MaxDamagePerFight - UltronHealth - Minimum#ofFights
    1 - 6,750 - 75,000 - 12
    2 - 8,385 - 225,000 - 27
    3 - 10,010 - 500,000 - 50
    4 - 13,260 - 1,500,000 - 114
    5 - 16,510 - 3,000,000 - 182
    6 - 19,760 - 5,500,000 - 279
    7 - 23,010 - 11,000,000 - 479
    8 - ??,??? - ??,???,??? - ???
    Popular speculation:
    8 - 26,260 - 16,500,000 - 629
    8 - 26,260 - 22,000,000 - 838

    There are a total of 13 refreshes in the event. During a new Round spawn it is possible for 20 players to get in 120 Ultron fights. At each refresh it is possible for players to get in 5 or 6 fights, depending on whether they can wait for Ultron's own timer to expire before doing the 5 side missions, meaning collectively 100-120 fights each refresh.

    StartEvent: Finish Rounds 1-4(12,27,50,114), Start 5 (120 fights) - Note: extraordinarily difficult to beat Round 4 before refresh, especially with server issues.
    Refresh1: Finish 5(182), Start 6 (120 fights)
    Refresh2: Work 6 (220-240 fights)
    Refresh3: Finish 6(279), Start 7 (120 fights)
    Refresh4: Work 7 (220-240 fights)
    Refresh5: Work 7 (320-360 fights)
    Refresh6: Work 7 (420-480 fights) - Theoretically possible to finish Round 7 this refresh, but the level of perfection required is extraordinarily unlikely, assuming completed next refresh.
    Refresh7: Finish 7(479), Start 8 (120 fights)
    Refresh8: Work 8 (220-240 fights)
    Refresh9: Work 8 (320-360 fights)
    Refresh10: Work 8 (420-480 fights)
    Refresh11: Work 8 (520-600 fights)
    Refresh12: Work 8 (620-720 fights) - Possible to complete Round 8 if 629 fights
    Refresh13: Work 8 (720-840 fights) - Theoretically possible to complete Round 8 if 838 fights, but extraordinarily unlikely.

    There may be no alliances that finished Round 4 before the first refresh. So just about everyone already started one refresh off this ideal schedule. The Round 8 stats are going to determine if its possible. My alliance is currently one refresh behind optimal schedule, meaning a 16.5m health Round 8 Ultron is just doable, but a 22m health Ultron wouldn't be.

    Times EST
    StartEvent: 4/29 12:00-20:00
    Refresh1: 4/29 20:00-04:00
    Refresh2: 4/30 04:00-12:00
    Refresh3: 4/30 12:00-20:00
    Refresh4: 4/30 20:00-04:00
    Refresh5: 5/1 04:00-12:00
    Refresh6: 5/1 12:00-20:00
    Refresh7: 5/1 20:00-04:00
    Refresh8: 5/2 04:00-12:00
    Refresh9: 5/2 12:00-20:00
    Refresh10: 5/2 20:00-04:00
    Refresh11: 5/3 04:00-12:00
    Refresh12: 5/3 12:00-20:00
    Refresh13: 5/3 20:00-00:00
  • loroku
    loroku Posts: 1,014 Chairperson of the Boards

    So that translates to me as: it would be easier for all 20 alliance members to get #1 in PvP than to actually pull this off. The level of coordination and dedication required is literally almost impossible. I would be willing to bet that the PvE (i.e. competitive) method is actually easier.

    So disappointing on so many levels.
  • puppychow
    puppychow Posts: 1,453
    SnowcaTT wrote:
    they couldn't possibly release rewards that were impossible to obtain, could they? icon_e_wink.gif

    At this point, would you put it pass D3 to behave in this manner? I think the publisher is looking to use the lure of HB covers to score a lot of heal pack sales. Perhaps not enough were sold in Ultron 1 to satisfy management, and thus the health of ultron in rounds 6-8 were stretched out to convince players to buy health packs to continue grinding. After all, even if the individual player is disinclined to buy any, the alliance member certainly wouldn't want to let his team down by stalling and waiting for heals to regen, right? All you need to do is check the bottom of the scoreboard to see WHO exactly isn't pulling his weight for the round. icon_twisted.gif It is truly evil, when you think about it, and something straight from D3's playbook, unfortunately. icon_mrgreen.gif
  • fmftint
    fmftint Posts: 3,653 Chairperson of the Boards
    edited May 2015
    puppychow wrote:
    SnowcaTT wrote:
    they couldn't possibly release rewards that were impossible to obtain, could they? icon_e_wink.gif

    At this point, would you put it pass D3 to behave in this manner? I think the publisher is looking to use the lure of HB covers to score a lot of heal pack sales. Perhaps not enough were sold in Ultron 1 to satisfy management, and thus the health of ultron in rounds 6-8 were stretched out to convince players to buy health packs to continue grinding. After all, even if the individual player is disinclined to buy any, the alliance member certainly wouldn't want to let his team down by stalling and waiting for heals to regen, right? All you need to do is check the bottom of the scoreboard to see WHO exactly isn't pulling his weight for the round. icon_twisted.gif It is truly evil, when you think about it, and something straight from D3's playbook, unfortunately. icon_mrgreen.gif
    let me know when that's possible... with out being at the bottom of said scoreboard
  • Unknown
    puppychow wrote:
    SnowcaTT wrote:
    they couldn't possibly release rewards that were impossible to obtain, could they? icon_e_wink.gif

    All you need to do is check the bottom of the scoreboard to see WHO exactly isn't pulling his weight for the round.

    That's IF we could scroll down the leader board... icon_lol.gif

  • StevO-J
    StevO-J Posts: 748 Critical Contributor
    Just a thought I didn't think I read here, but I think it's fair to assume we can expect the same server issues toward the end of the event as happened in Ultron 1, right? That would make completing the event even more impossible than it maybe already is depending on round 8 health. Of course it could be that all server issues have been fixed before the start of the weekend, but I find that an unlikely scenario IMHO.

    Anyway, good luck to everyone trying to reach round 8 and beyond. I'm in a casual alliance myself so no chance at a IMHB cover for me, just playing for the SW progression rewards, but fortunately for me my abysmal token luck lapsed when I bought the daily deal and got a IMHB red cover... icon_cool.gif Words cannot describe my joy when that happened, hope you guys have the same luck!
  • Unknown
    StevO-J wrote:
    Just a thought I didn't think I read here, but I think it's fair to assume we can expect the same server issues toward the end of the event as happened in Ultron 1, right? That would make completing the event even more impossible than it maybe already is depending on round 8 health. Of course it could be that all server issues have been fixed before the start of the weekend, but I find that an unlikely scenario IMHO.

    Anyway, good luck to everyone trying to reach round 8 and beyond. I'm in a casual alliance myself so no chance at a IMHB cover for me, just playing for the SW progression rewards, but fortunately for me my abysmal token luck lapsed when I bought the daily deal and got a IMHB red cover... icon_cool.gif Words cannot describe my joy when that happened, hope you guys have the same luck!

    I'm expecting a total crash Sunday evening, just after the last reset, that might take the game out completely. Not only will people be trying to get the Ultron event finished, but also the Black Panther PVP, starting the Scarlet Witch PVP, and doing the PVE. Plus there might not be anybody keeping an eye on things over the weekend.
  • Oldboy
    Oldboy Posts: 452 Mover and Shaker
    Has any alliance hit round 8 yet?

    My alliance has him at 6.2 million in Round 7. Should be halfway there in a few hours before the next refresh. I'm guessing my alliance will have slightly less than 36 hours to complete Round 8.
  • Unknown
    Ben Grimm wrote:
    StevO-J wrote:
    Just a thought I didn't think I read here, but I think it's fair to assume we can expect the same server issues toward the end of the event as happened in Ultron 1, right? That would make completing the event even more impossible than it maybe already is depending on round 8 health. Of course it could be that all server issues have been fixed before the start of the weekend, but I find that an unlikely scenario IMHO.

    Anyway, good luck to everyone trying to reach round 8 and beyond. I'm in a casual alliance myself so no chance at a IMHB cover for me, just playing for the SW progression rewards, but fortunately for me my abysmal token luck lapsed when I bought the daily deal and got a IMHB red cover... icon_cool.gif Words cannot describe my joy when that happened, hope you guys have the same luck!

    I'm expecting a total crash Sunday evening, just after the last reset, that might take the game out completely. Not only will people be trying to get the Ultron event finished, but also the Black Panther PVP, starting the Scarlet Witch PVP, and doing the PVE. Plus there might not be anybody keeping an eye on things over the weekend.

    i am seeing a crash on last day too. then sea of people come here to complaint and threaten to quit. Then, they will roll out 3 token to everyone to make sure you get the 2* instead of what could have been. then, some people wont give up because they felt like they are insulted. and then there will be white knights coming out of nowhere defending the game and ask you to leave. and the cycle continues.

    worst of what. they promise us a diversity game play, but 2 weeks later they roll out the new big gun and 3 months later you see nothing but that guy in pvp. amd cylce continues
  • Unknown
    So first run of AvU, ultron had 17.125kk total health, not enough for all 20 members to get 1kk each; poor math by D3. This time they instead put about 40kk just to be sure that everyone playing correctly is guaranteed 1kk score, but make almost impossible to get to prime node 8.

    OK, what the tinykitty is wrong with them?
  • simonsez
    simonsez Posts: 4,663 Chairperson of the Boards
    ShionSinX wrote:
    OK, what the tinykitty is wrong with them?
    I blame poorly-defined job criteria when filling jobs at demiurge...

  • atomzed
    atomzed Posts: 1,753 Chairperson of the Boards
    Oldboy wrote:
    Has any alliance hit round 8 yet?

    My alliance has him at 6.2 million in Round 7. Should be halfway there in a few hours before the next refresh. I'm guessing my alliance will have slightly less than 36 hours to complete Round 8.

    Round 8 has been confirmed to be 15 mil.