What D3 Achieved with Deadpools Daily Quest



  • maybe its just me, but covers are far more important than iso.

    to illustrate, in the current pve, the loaner falcon is 5/5/3, buffed level 93. my falcon is 1/2/4 buffed to 121. guess who is far and away the better choice?

    i look forward to the day when i have 5+ fully covered 3*s and have the problem of them being sub level 100 because im short iso to bring them to max levels. lower levels are only a problem for pvp, and with this new mode pvp for me may just be 400 points per event, 4000 points for the season 10 pack and out. pvp is such a grindfest anyway, at least imo, even more than pves now that they have 8 hr refreshes.

    i really hope they do something about roster slots thats as good a solution as deadpool daily appears to be for 2-3 star transitioners. clearly they want you to have 1 and 2 star characters on your roster as well as a large variety of 3 stars. if thats the case they need to keep roster slots above say 30 much more reasonable in price or provide ways of getting roster slots outside of purchasing for HP. fingers crossed.
  • GrumpySmurf1002
    GrumpySmurf1002 Posts: 3,511 Chairperson of the Boards
    onimus wrote:
    I think 3500 ISO per day is a pretty solid ISO flow rate increase. If you don't need the covers you get from tokens and the 3 star, that is, conservatively, 4500 ISO per day.
    Expanded over a week, that is an increase of 24500 to 31500 more ISO per week.

    When I clear the first taco node, I've been getting 200Iso + token, for 3700 per clear. The tokens are worth 250 (need all 3*) to 264.25 iso (need no 3*) each, so max average 4228 per day. So basically 29.5k per week injected from the tokens.

    It's not quite the Iso injection that Iso8 brotherhood was (I personally made 75.3k just from that event, not counting the 90+ tokens acquired and sold). but yeah, this takes me from averaging 12k a day to 16k a day. A 33% increase is a pretty healthy bump.
  • I skipped the whole topic and I only read the OP.

    I too think that this is one hell of a change. A 3* every day? No matter the color or if you already have it, this is just awesome.

    On the other hand, PVP and PVE now don't even compare to this event. Why should I grind myself the points and go through the horror of winning and losing points when I can have an almost guaranteed 3* every day with no competition. Sure I can get some 4* in the other events, but who are we kidding?

    I'm not saying this for them to make the event more difficult. I am just trying to point out the gap that might exist between this event and the rest. Unless they are going to put only several old covers in the daily and not all of them, which I didn't see any info by the way. I'd really like to know the characters that will be rotated in the daily.
  • JamieMadrox
    JamieMadrox Posts: 1,798 Chairperson of the Boards
    Koko81 wrote:
    What they weren't able to fix:

    1) I still have to do my car payment this month...
    2) They gave me a colour that I have already maxed... how do they not know my character colours
    3) It's freezing in Montreal, Canada
    My last car payment is next month.
    This will be a common problem for me too.
    Try living in Fredericton, NB. It's both cold and the snow banks are well over my head.
  • Okin107 wrote:
    I skipped the whole topic and I only read the OP.

    I too think that this is one hell of a change. A 3* every day? No matter the color or if you already have it, this is just awesome.

    On the other hand, PVP and PVE now don't even compare to this event. Why should I grind myself the points and go through the horror of winning and losing points when I can have an almost guaranteed 3* every day with no competition. Sure I can get some 4* in the other events, but who are we kidding?

    I'm not saying this for them to make the event more difficult. I am just trying to point out the gap that might exist between this event and the rest. Unless they are going to put only several old covers in the daily and not all of them, which I didn't see any info by the way. I'd really like to know the characters that will be rotated in the daily.

    Wouldn't the answer to this be that it only takes maybe a half hour to complete the DDQ? It's a nice addition but it wont fill the daily void left by quitting PVE and PVP all together.
  • CrookedKnight
    CrookedKnight Posts: 2,579 Chairperson of the Boards
    After playing the first days' events, I really like where they've set the difficulty. The Big Enchilada survival fight is at a point where I can beat it with nobody above level 94, but I have to think about my team composition and in-battle strategy to do it, and I'm looking forward to trying out different combinations.

    (Today: Ares/MHawkeye/Hood. Beat the final wave by saving yellow in the first rounds, then when the big guys showed up I filled the screen with Sunder tiles, used Rampage to take advantage of Ares' reduced health, and then Intimidated the Sunder countdowns into giving me my health back)
  • cg2912
    cg2912 Posts: 77 Match Maker

    I boosted my Juggs and mBW (blue only) to level 10 and they coasted. Only 3280 Iso for the pair with a 2500 return today, so worth it.[/quote]

    I love it when people boost their Juggs...
  • san
    san Posts: 421 Mover and Shaker
    SirPhobos wrote:
    My car is paid off and the weather here is beautiful. BUT I ALREADY HAD BP YELLOW MAXED!!!11!!!1!eleven!! /fakerage

    Fantastic from concept to execution. Really well done all the way around.

    My car payment was already done for the month, and Vancouver has had a nice sunny streak. To top it off, I needed BP yellow!

    D3, my life is complete now. Thank you icon_e_smile.gif
  • D3 might have read this post... weather in Montreal went from -27 degrees Celsius (-17 Fahrenheit for 'Murica) to -7 degrees Celsius today (19 Fahrenheit). Which means the shorts are out for us here!!! AND ON TOP OF THAT I NEEDED THE YELLOW MAGNETO Cover. Ill get back to you guys in August (that's when my car payments finish)!

    Try living in Fredericton, NB. It's both cold and the snow banks are well over my head.

    <- At least you could ski/snowboard?

    And to all who were rubbing it in by saying "I LIVE IN CALIFORNIA AND IT'S SUNNY", well.... ya.... icon_e_sad.gif
  • Dragon_Nexus
    Dragon_Nexus Posts: 3,701 Chairperson of the Boards
    Only negative I can see is this.
    DDQ is meant for a 2-3* transition, is it not? It's designed to give you a guaranteed 3* cover by the end to add to your roster. And yet you need at least one cover for that character to get the new one. Is that a little backwards?
    How would someone who doesn't have that charatcer yet start building said character if they need them to get their first cover?

    It's okay for me, I've got everyone except Yelena, but a few in my alliance can do three nodes and then hit a brick wall, looking at that cover reward in the last node which would help them complete the whole thing.
  • Only negative I can see is this.
    DDQ is meant for a 2-3* transition, is it not? It's designed to give you a guaranteed 3* cover by the end to add to your roster. And yet you need at least one cover for that character to get the new one. Is that a little backwards?
    How would someone who doesn't have that charatcer yet start building said character if they need them to get their first cover?

    It's okay for me, I've got everyone except Yelena, but a few in my alliance can do three nodes and then hit a brick wall, looking at that cover reward in the last node which would help them complete the whole thing.

    It's meant for 2-3* transition just like you said. It's not meant for you to start the transition, but to help you transition from the 2* to the 3*, which is why you need the 3* cover already. My friend just started and he can do the 3 nodes, but he is getting hammered on the final node for the cover because he isn't ready for the translation yet. It's doing exactly what it's suppose to do I think.
  • Koko81 wrote:
    D3 might have read this post... weather in Montreal went from -27 degrees Celsius (-17 Fahrenheit for 'Murica) to -7 degrees Celsius today (19 Fahrenheit). Which means the shorts are out for us here!!! AND ON TOP OF THAT I NEEDED THE YELLOW MAGNETO Cover. Ill get back to you guys in August (that's when my car payments finish)!

    Don't miss today's Daily Deadpool. Your Yellow Magneto awaits
  • Honestly, I think everyone needs to relax with this. People really only like the Deadpool Daily because they feel like they are getting a lot of rewards for little work. It's just setting up for the transition from 3* to 4* characters. They are intentionally giving out the worst 3* covers for each character, which are going to be completely worthless in a few weeks when 4* characters dominate everywhere.

    It's still fun, and I like the idea, it's just not as amazing as everyone is acting.
  • NorthernPolarity
    NorthernPolarity Posts: 3,531 Chairperson of the Boards
    rooter wrote:
    Honestly, I think everyone needs to relax with this. People really only like the Deadpool Daily because they feel like they are getting a lot of rewards for little work. It's just setting up for the transition from 3* to 4* characters. They are intentionally giving out the worst 3* covers for each character, which are going to be completely worthless in a few weeks when 4* characters dominate everywhere.

    It's still fun, and I like the idea, it's just not as amazing as everyone is acting.

    Right, because BP's yellow is obviously the worst cover for that character. icon_rolleyes.gif
  • san
    san Posts: 421 Mover and Shaker
    rooter wrote:
    Honestly, I think everyone needs to relax with this. People really only like the Deadpool Daily because they feel like they are getting a lot of rewards for little work. It's just setting up for the transition from 3* to 4* characters. They are intentionally giving out the worst 3* covers for each character, which are going to be completely worthless in a few weeks when 4* characters dominate everywhere.

    It's still fun, and I like the idea, it's just not as amazing as everyone is acting.

    Do we really need to party poop the best thing since Anniversary week? Sure, the DP Daily is not completely perfect, but it's great. It makes this game fun for me and many others again! While you may feel that you will be once again cheated in the future, how about focusing on the here and now? They did something good. Let's be happy. I'm sure there will be other things that will frustrate me in the future, but that shouldn't prevent me from enjoying the moment. After all, life and happiness are a journey, not a destination.
  • GothicKratos
    GothicKratos Posts: 1,821 Chairperson of the Boards
    rooter wrote:
    Honestly, I think everyone needs to relax with this. People really only like the Deadpool Daily because they feel like they are getting a lot of rewards for little work. It's just setting up for the transition from 3* to 4* characters. They are intentionally giving out the worst 3* covers for each character, which are going to be completely worthless in a few weeks when 4* characters dominate everywhere.

    It's still fun, and I like the idea, it's just not as amazing as everyone is acting.

    Right, because BP's yellow is obviously the worst cover for that character. icon_rolleyes.gif

    DUH! Blue is clearly his best power and honestly Rage of the Panther is overrated. Yellow is his worst ability by far. I'd rather just keep the AP than cast it.
  • san
    san Posts: 421 Mover and Shaker
    DUH! Blue is clearly his best power and honestly Rage of the Panther is overrated. Yellow is his worst ability by far. I'd rather just keep the AP than cast it.

    What I don't get, is why you even bother using BP, since he's such a terrible character? I prefer Doc Ock - he is AMAZING at killing level 270 XF and GT. I heard that maxed Doc Ock, Moonstone, and BagMan can take down any 4* team.
  • Stax the Foyer
    Stax the Foyer Posts: 941 Critical Contributor
    rooter wrote:
    Honestly, I think everyone needs to relax with this. People really only like the Deadpool Daily because they feel like they are getting a lot of rewards for little work. It's just setting up for the transition from 3* to 4* characters. They are intentionally giving out the worst 3* covers for each character, which are going to be completely worthless in a few weeks when 4* characters dominate everywhere.

    It's still fun, and I like the idea, it's just not as amazing as everyone is acting.

    It's a pretty small sample size to infer any kind of intent regarding the covers. Plus, yellowflag.pngicon_blackpanther.png isn't his worst cover (EDIT: as already pointed out by several people above me).
  • rooter wrote:
    Honestly, I think everyone needs to relax with this. People really only like the Deadpool Daily because they feel like they are getting a lot of rewards for little work. It's just setting up for the transition from 3* to 4* characters. They are intentionally giving out the worst 3* covers for each character, which are going to be completely worthless in a few weeks when 4* characters dominate everywhere.

    It's still fun, and I like the idea, it's just not as amazing as everyone is acting.

    It's a pretty small sample size to infer any kind of intent regarding the covers. Plus, yellowflag.pngicon_blackpanther.png isn't his worst cover (EDIT: as already pointed out by several people above me).

    And they're going through every cover for every character. The first two is a pretty small sample size. And this is amazingly helpful for the 3-4* transition. I have a handful of maxed 3* and still just a 5/1/2 Cmags + 3/5/4 Laken because of vaulting/placement awards/token luck.
  • Even established players with fully covered 3*, but not optimally covered, now have a pretty easy and sustainable way to finally get around to it. I'm sure it's pretty rare for random covers to drop into an optimal build (or they were nerfed and never went back to fix them). Even gives folks an option to experiment knowing they can eventually respec them back, all good things!

    Thanks D3 and Demiurge!