What D3 Achieved with Deadpools Daily Quest



  • Trisul
    Trisul Posts: 887 Critical Contributor
    It's funny, I feel pretty excited to play it again tomorrow. After I play it tomorrow, I'll probably look forward to playing the next one. And so on.

    It's almost a weird feeling to feel this excited about playing the game. Really weird.
  • morph3us
    morph3us Posts: 859 Critical Contributor
    Trisul wrote:
    It's funny, I feel pretty excited to play it again tomorrow. After I play it tomorrow, I'll probably look forward to playing the next one. And so on.

    It's almost a weird feeling to feel this excited about playing the game. Really weird.

    Totally! I find myself looking at the red ticks with a little regret. I want to play that survival node over again, just because it was fun!
  • El Satanno
    El Satanno Posts: 1,005 Chairperson of the Boards
    All aboard the happy train! I've already got my Black Panther maxed out, and I still loved the hell out of this. Fun writing, diverse nodes, a chance to make use of those 2* sitting around in my roster. Hell, I even enjoyed chucking my lonely Juggernaut into the mix! In fact, that might have been the most fun of the whole shebang. I'm saving my tacos until I need all 5 of the short-listed characters, but I will absolutely be looking forward to this every day.

    I gotta say that the restrictions on character choice could actually be the friendliest way to make money I've seen yet. Obviously if you want to play this mode you'll need a very diverse roster, to avoid missing out. Buy HP, get roster slots, play more, everyone wins! Kudos to the MPQ team!
  • Hulk11 wrote:
    Hulk11 wrote:
    Snoozefest. Given the loads of potential characters and covers, tons of new players will not even take a second glance. Why because they don't have any 3 stars to speak of. So when exactly will this appeal to a new player? Good question. I'm not a new player, but it wasn't my lucky day for this reward. Still, aside from that, I look at the amount of 3s out there, and how many you have/ don't have, mixed in with any maxed already. Most of my 3's that I prefer to use are pretty well cover maxed, I have others waiting in the back, still I probably won't use them any time soon. This will only help your pvp play maybe, you can easily get by on the pve side, so taking 3's at random like this, doesn't help you there. Some players probably don't even want to play in pvp cause of shields and retaliations. If you're a pvp player this is a nice little nook for you. Yep.

    I see at least 1.5k iso and a taco token each day by playing 3 nodes that anyone with maxed 2*s can beat. Stop being so salty because you don't have a BP cover. I guess you would want them to get rid of this mode entirely, because it does nothing for you unless it awards 5 x-force covers each day.

    Well these are Daily missions, I'm pretty sure someone on the forum is gonna be upset they don't have it, or already are cover maxed. Simple idea really. I imagine more players are gonna come out in the future, but I'm hoping I'm good on essentials and avoid this hassle in the future.

    So I understand that you sold a required character (Bp) 2 days ago and he is a reward for one of the nodes but I don't understand the reason why you complained about needing a character (Bp) as an essential character for a node that rewards that character(Bp) if you were only gonna get it and sell it again? This is the best thing to come from the devs yet. Is it because you couldn't get the 2000 ISO? If that's the case there is alway tomorrow. A piece of advice if you are going to sell a character sell him 12hours before they expire it's only 500 ISO anyways?
  • El Satanno wrote:
    All aboard the happy train! I've already got my Black Panther maxed out, and I still loved the hell out of this. Fun writing, diverse nodes, a chance to make use of those 2* sitting around in my roster. Hell, I even enjoyed chucking my lonely Juggernaut into the mix! In fact, that might have been the most fun of the whole shebang. I'm saving my tacos until I need all 5 of the short-listed characters, but I will absolutely be looking forward to this every day.

    I gotta say that the restrictions on character choice could actually be the friendliest way to make money I've seen yet. Obviously if you want to play this mode you'll need a very diverse roster, to avoid missing out. Buy HP, get roster slots, play more, everyone wins! Kudos to the MPQ team!

    Good idea on saving those tickets. I don't need BP but I'm hoping for a Cage or GnR. Next week I may have to save them if the toons aren't that great tho.

    Also I want to tilt my hat to the devs. They knocked this one out of the park!

    Oh and sorry about the weather Koko.
  • udonomefoo
    udonomefoo Posts: 1,630 Chairperson of the Boards
    If you're having taco problems I feel bad for you son.
    I got 27 3s but BP ain't one, hit me!

    I stuck my bottom lip out like a toddler when I realized I couldn't play the essentials on this mode I was so excited about. I'm not even mad tho bc I'll be able to play tomorrow!
  • Overall I like the daily stuff but it'd be a very bad thing if this means D3 thinks this is supposed to be content and just rerun Heroic Jugg 5 more times because we got dailys. Hopefully, they're going to build upon what they have in the dailys, which is certainly the most interesting set of missions I've seen, and expand/update existing PvE. Take some moment to revamp Heroic Jugg to be more like Deadpools Daily Quest, for example, and that'd actually be an event you can run without everyone threatening to quit on you. I don't care if the reasoning for all new varied enemies is because Osborn bought some tacos and got Captain America, Thor, Wolverine, and a few others to join his side. The story can take a backseat over an enemy matchup that's at least intriguing.
  • El Satanno
    El Satanno Posts: 1,005 Chairperson of the Boards
    udonomefoo wrote:
    I stuck my bottom lip out like a toddler when I realized I couldn't play the essentials on this mode I was so excited about. I'm not even mad tho bc I'll be able to play tomorrow!

    And this right here is what a whole lotta grumpy folks need to get into their heads. I'm a really patient guy, but I'm getting more than my fill of "I can't play today, waaaa!" It's a daily thing! You'll be fine tomorrow, or by Friday at the absolute latest if they go with 3 straight days of Black Panther.
  • smecher
    smecher Posts: 14 Just Dropped In
    I have nothing very constructive to add except say thank you to the MPQ team for this addition.

    For the last few weeks I have been struggling, a maxed 2* team but a panel of poorly covered 3*s. It's very hard for me to get 3* covers from PVP, the times I've really tried I often ended up in the 101-105 position, which broke my heart. I fare better in the PvE, but since they use those to introduce new characters they don't have an immediate impact on my roster.

    Getting that cover BP yesterday after a fight that was very hard, but feasible, allowing me to train my first 3* to level 104, made me irrationally happy, like a warm soup after a day in the snow icon_razz.gif

    So, that's is, thank you!
  • What I learnt: if storm's an enemy, it will let me take on a challenge with my one other 1* as a lone fighter (thank you Jugs!)

    All I can add is my name to the list of happy customers, I love this mode
  • Deadpool's Daily Quest is adding an excitement to this game that I haven't experienced since October 2014, during the anniversary week.

    I actually look forward to opening the game every day now to see what new prize is waiting for me.

    This is a truly incredible addition to the game and it solves so many of the problems that I had with this game.

    D3 is one of the best game developers (publishers?) I've ever played a game of.

    They actually care about their players and look to solve problems that the player base has observed.

    I've literally never experienced this before. Not with Blizzard, Riot, Blizzard again or even other mobile gaming companies.

    This is high praise, but with their continued efforts to improve their game, I'd put D3's customer appreciation level around that of Valve.
  • simonsez
    simonsez Posts: 4,663 Chairperson of the Boards
    This is by far the best addition since I began playing.

    Please sticky this thread so that when someone says all we ever do here is ****, moan and complain about everything, we have proof to the contrary.
  • I agree with virtually everyone that this is a great addition to the game. Great job addressing several issues with one fun solution.
  • Hendross
    Hendross Posts: 762 Critical Contributor
    Dusted off juggs, and rewarded him 18k iso for soloing the 1* node. What a breathe of fresh air to have a new game mode with great rewards.
    Despite having both rewards to-date maxed, I'm still appreciative for the challenge, tokens, and iso.
  • shatland
    shatland Posts: 42 Just Dropped In
    i would just like to echo the mountainous and much-deserved praise of this lovely new addition to MPQ. This truly is amazing!

    i opened the first node. 1 star team? okay Juggs, time to get that head a'buttin.
    second node. survival! super fun. and a token? no way!
    third node. beat up on 3 stars with my 2 stars, okay, i'm used to that. 1000 iso? no tinykitten way!

    then the essential. black panther? awesome. haven't gotten a cover for him in ages! a pretty well balanced fight. another taco (with shortlist 3 stars and a chance for HP?) no tiny-teenykitten-kitty way!!

    then came the most beautiful gem of all. the 4 wave survival node. wow! what exhilaration i felt playing this node. i went in with mnmags, cstorm and obw. knowing how this worked from the last enemy of the state, i did my best to save all my ap on the first round with goons for the next round, not knowing what it would be. i had 30 in blue just waiting to nuke/stun two fools the next round. when out of nowhere - bam 1-2 punch! daredevil stuns mags and shehulk reprieves all of my blue ap. wow!! i was literally and figuratively stunned! that second round i was crawling my way back out, eventually triumphing, yet knowing there were two more waves. i won't bore you with the rest of the fight, i did beat it, but JUST barely, a few more matches from the AI and i would have had to try again. but just the overall surprise and excitement of that fight was almost worth more than the cover and 2000 ISO i got from it.

    thank you so much for that. you can't buy that kind of adrenaline. i can't stress enough how well D3 has done with this.
  • ShanePHallam
    ShanePHallam Posts: 94 Match Maker
    I'll add my praise. Fun mode that casual and hardcore players can both play and be rewarded. It is funny and fun and will keep me playing the game for awhile I think!
  • The daily Deadpool event is a great idea and fantastic addition to MPQ.

    A guaranteed cover; 1000 ISO and a chance to win Hero Points! Great job.
  • Phaserhawk
    Phaserhawk Posts: 2,676 Chairperson of the Boards
    So far I haven't needed the BP or Mags cover, but the ISO yum. Oh and btw the Taco Tokens gave me 2 Rocket and Groot Yellows brining him to 5/3/5, so yeah, this is just awesome. It looks as if they will do batch runs on the heroes. So I see BP, Luke Cage, C.Mags, Grocket, Mowhawk. I'm guessing this will be the first 5 top progression rewards, then they'll probably reshuffle and add 5 more.

    This mode absofreakinglutely helps people transition into 3*. Essentially they can rotate through at least 1 cover of all the 3*'s in about 4.4 weeks, which will obviously keep growing, but then this would easily allow them to do 2 a day or 3 a day.

    Does this fix roster spot issues?
    Does this fix 2* to 3* transition?
    Does this fix ISO shortages?
    Does this fix HP shortages?

    Does this fix roster spots?--No, it still doesn't allow you to keep pace with the exponential cost of the roster slots, and there is no guarenteed HP, so this issue will still need to be addressed, however

    Does the fix 2* to 3* transition? For the most part, yes. If getting covers is what you need, this is probably going to be about the best way you are going to get them. The only issue is if you don't have the character in the first place to get the cover, but between SHIELD progression and Deadpool Daily I truly think the difficult transition days are coming to an end.

    Does this fix ISO shortages?--NO, this does not come close to helping us out with the true ISO flow we need, but I'm not going to be overly critical either, we need more ISO flow, this gives us more ISO so it's win.

    Does this fix HP shortages? for the lucky. You could walk away with lots of HP or none at all, so while it has the promise, I wouldn't be relying on this for HP to get more covers or roster spots.

    Overall rating on the Daily---10/10 This is a win for all. Is it perfect, well no, but is it one of the best things this game has seen since respec, hell yes.

    Overall rating on the Daily fixing glaring issues. 4/10 This really helps people get covers and some tasty ISO, but does nothing for the other issues, either way this is better than anything we've gotten before so yeah, 10/10 for the mode.
  • Trisul wrote:
    It's funny, I feel pretty excited to play it again tomorrow. After I play it tomorrow, I'll probably look forward to playing the next one. And so on.

    It's almost a weird feeling to feel this excited about playing the game. Really weird.

    Yep, great jobs devs! Everyone loves the DP Dailys.
  • Phaserhawk wrote:
    Does this fix ISO shortages?--NO, this does not come close to helping us out with the true ISO flow we need, but I'm not going to be overly critical either, we need more ISO flow, this gives us more ISO so it's win.
    I think 3500 ISO per day is a pretty solid ISO flow rate increase. If you don't need the covers you get from tokens and the 3 star, that is, conservatively, 4500 ISO per day.

    Expanded over a week, that is an increase of 24500 to 31500 more ISO per week.

    According to this poll:

    Among those responses, 52% of people who gave an estimate said they make, on average, 30 - 40K ISO or less per week.

    So for approximately half of the community (if we treat those that answered this poll as representative of this community as a whole which is, admittedly, a reach), they are getting about twice as much ISO per week with this change. Some are getting 3 or 4 times the ISO, if they choose to complete 5 missions per day.

    I think this daily PVE, especially paired with the increased ISO in daily supplies, is a huge step in the right direction for ISO shortage.

    It's not perfect, because 4 stars are so incredibly overpriced in terms of ISO. But it is a great change for people leveling 3 star characters.