**** Invisible Woman (Classic) **** [PRE 2015-04]



  • Ronfar
    Ronfar Posts: 150
    Spoit wrote:
    Wait, can someone test to see if the bubble protect your tiles from punisher's green (or other similar powers)?

    The force bubbles work just like Bag-man's blue ability: if a match or power would destroy the tile, the bubble is destroyed instead of the tile. However, any tile underneath a bubble has its effects disabled: countdown tiles don't count down, attack tiles don't do damage, strike tiles don't boost damage, protect tiles don't prevent damage, and invisibility tiles don't make a character invisible. So using it to "protect" a tile of yours generally won't be very useful.

    (The other effect of locking a tile is that locked tiles can't be moved. They can't move by falling, either; if you make a match beneath a bubble, the bubble will stay in place and the tile above it will "fall through" the space the bubble occupies.)
  • Looks like an interesting improvement, but we could REALLY use data from max level, and maybe middle level (120?), about the protect tile and the crush damage, to give an actual feedback compared to the current metagame.
    Also knowing the other programmed fixes as a whole would help lots.
  • still i won't use her for her , even if i have her maxed cover. it's practically a little better especially the blue protect tiles. other than that, her offense is bad. why the 4 star hero is too costly? it's a bad investment right now. wolvie 2 star is much better and useful.
  • MarcusGraves
    MarcusGraves Posts: 495 Mover and Shaker
    still i won't use her for her , even if i have her maxed cover. it's practically a little better especially the blue protect tiles. other than that, her offense is bad. why the 4 star hero is too costly? it's a bad investment right now. wolvie 2 star is much better and useful.

    I don't understand this comparison, you're not using her for damage, you're using her for board control with tile lockup and that huge protection tile. she's a support character, not a damage dealer, the damage they added is just to give her little extra. also ** wolverine was on the change list, so I wouldn't get too used to how he is right now.
  • _fulu_ wrote:
    Ppl need to remember that all the mainstay characters are about to be nerfed. Wolvie thor made up 80% if all teams. Mags was kinda rare but spidey was everywhere too. Until we see them there is no way to know how bad they get nerfed...so ill rate her based with those 4 removed. Her yellow is useable now, and has its uses on certain situations. It's better than a none 5 point hood yellow. It's defensive or tactical by nature so its uses will probably increase as new characters are added. Her damage is okay, though the turn ending is kinda bad still (without it she would be pretty damn strong with the ap building...so it kinda is a must..or remove the ap build and let it not end the turn). That said the def tile is nice and the chosen tile lock sounds amazingly useful now that it doesn't require her tiles to show.

    Now think of this... New 4**** wolvie, let's assume his green actually becomes viable as an attack tile maker, and doom. She gets these lock tiles up then you drop doom down and blow up her locks for some ap. Now you do another cycle of doom and wolvie maybe. Sounds pretty deadly with countdown/tile characters..which i assume is the point. Now we just need characters with good enough countdown tiles to use. Ignore her yellow and instead use it for a hopefully better wolvie yellow. Seems like a good combo. Wolvie covers green red yellow, she takes blue, and doom takes black and gives a decent purple for matching.

    Biggest boosts due to the attempt to slow the game down will be characters like doom who weren't bad but just took a while to rev up...

    I suppose EVENTUALLY people will get more than 4* at usable levels, but my lord, knowing how much ISO I've used just ont Wolvie (and incidentally I did a jig at his announced buff), I can't imagine the timesink.leveling both will.be

    Yea, I am saving ISO right now on the off chance he is good enough to warrant it. Poured ISO into hulk to get to lvl 60, but that's it. The rest will be saved for wolvie until I see the new abilities. Then I will go from there. I don't have any yellow for wolvie though *tear* so I am hoping I can wait into a decent bracket on this current hulk event and get 1st. You can get a few 10s of k from lightning rounds each week plus pve events. I'd say you can get 50-100k in a week of you wanted and can farm lightning rounds effectively. That's what...a pretty decent fraction If its all put to one toon. Plus by tomorrow I will hopefully have made 1500+ hp off the hunt event and hope to break 2500 by the end of it. That's enough for another cover if I so please (which I likely won't..lol). Yes though..major grinding..or money. Which is why I was so suprised they didn't buff the 4**** sooner since they are clearly built to be ISO drains. Something (ISO) I have a feeling corprorate doesn't think they are selling enough of.

    I woildnt be dmsurprised if the ISO cost of 1 4**** is 30-60% of the ISO I've ever used...period.
  • IW has clearly the strongest damage negation ability in the game based on those stats that is at her base level (30). Now, negating damage isn't as good as getting HP back in general, but I can't imagine Spiderman, who is on the list to be changed, wouldn't have some kind of healing nerf, and I imagine most of the powerful sources of offense will get nerfed some too. So the question is do you grind it out or play risky, and further if all the strongest offensive abilities are nerfed, IW is suddenly a very strong deterrent on defense and you might need to bring out characters who can deal with special tiles (Bagman, Captain America, etc).

    I think one use for locking is that if you see one of your special tile is one match away from being destroyed, then you should bubble it and then immediately match it, thus unlocking the bubble and getting rid of the immediate threat that'd destroy the tile.

    I can see some rather nasty lockdowns with Force Bubbles against teams that are strong in one color (just lock every tile of that color), and getting 2 Force Bubbles means there's almost no chance you'll lose (lock all blue tile except the one you've the protect tile on with the second Force Bubbles). Now, this doesn't help you win faster either, but it might be a good strategy when you're out of health packs.
  • I think the catch 22 with IW is that the way to get her covers is to have an efficient killing machine of a team. So why would you want to sub one of those characters in favor for defense?

    no stun ability, no heal and too high AP cost for AP collection makes for a bad support character. She's kind of in limbo like Moonstone. Just okay.

    Magneto NOW has better AP collection for about half the cost.

    I really wish they would have turned her yellow into a temporary team shield that protects from all damage for a couple turns. At least that could have more utility and still be inline with her powers.
  • Well I'm missing blue covers Invisible Woman can still be a forced on pve character without her force bubbles. Can't really test her out, but seems she will only reach max potential at maxed out covers . Her green ability will deal massive damage at 5, 3 X 168 = 504 base dmg, still recover a ton of AP and possibly more from cascades. PIty though that it ends the turn.
  • Guess that makes her Ok. I'll never have enough ISO to level her high anyways, but it might help a little for the forced PVE missions.
  • I quite like the changes, but like others have mentioned I want to see some stats from a leveled IW before I start jumping for joy. The announcement did say that the 4* characters will really start coming into their own at the higher levels, so I don't think it's unfair for us to ask for some of those high level stats so we know ourselves whether it's worth putting in the time and effort to get the covers, and then to level the characters up.

    Still, I feel these are some positive changes and they're well explained, so hopefully that bodes well for the future.
  • turul
    turul Posts: 1,622 Chairperson of the Boards
    More here: http://www.d3pforums.com/viewtopic.php?f=13&t=2184

    Is she still considered as a Bag Lady?
  • hurcules
    hurcules Posts: 519
    I like the changes.

    When can we expect the change to take place?
  • I think she may prove to be a lil more useful. The character discussion is giving thumbs up for the character. http://www.d3pforums.com/viewtopic.php?f=14&t=2187
  • Her invisibility is a non factor really. It's going to be easily countered by alot of other stuff, mainly anything that can force a match 4 to clear a line. With how many AP it costs, it's going to be a worthless skill.

    also, will the Hulk's green ability have the chance to clear it, because right now it clears all other specials.
  • You guys are evaluating this character as if all the broken mechanisms aren't going to be changed despite the characters possessing them are all on the 'balance' list.

    I was keeping track of statistics of Smash Hit tournament. I use Wolverine/Spiderman/Hulk and there are way too many mirror matches so it's actually a pretty reliable sample. In this matchup Wolverine matches nothing, so when you heal you can see exactly how much damage you took in the battle. Since Hulk is permanently stunned the amount you heal basically gives you an idea of how much damage you took for taking down the opposing team's Wolverine + Spiderman, who usually has a combined 7K HP. This ranges from 1300 to 7000 depending on luck and whether I did anything outrageously stupid.

    Now keep in mind Hulk/Wolverine/Spiderman is actually pretty impotent on offense. About all the opposing team is likely to do is Feral Claws for the duration of this fight and the damage you take is still significant. Now of course Spiderman can heal 7K no problem on your team, but he's unlikely to stay the way he is right now. You probably won't have him continue to trivially stun lock one or even two characters either. I think it is quite possible that heals are no longer able to remotely keep pace with a high offense team, and in that case damage reduction might be a better way to go. Yes you never get your HPs back that way, but if you't outheal the opposing team, whatever option that results you taking less damage is still a pretty good one.

    By the way, OBW is probably okay because her heal can't possibly keep up with a move like Smash (but Web Bandages can), and since she can't stun you will have to take a Smash at some point which means if Hulk isn't up someone is going to be downed, and even if Hulk is up that's still an amount of damage that'd take a very long time to heal, not to mention without a stunner Hulk presents all kinds of nightmare matchup issues (either too many counters or the fight takes forever).
  • I like the changes. The protect tile seems crazy strong, wonder how that will pan out in practice. The invisiblity change makes it worthwhile. Possibly a game changer for those 240 fights, much like Spidey's blue at 5 can be. front load the yellow and red, run her with thor for Yellow gen, and you could potentially get 2 invisibilities out during the match. All said, definately a huge step in the right direction. And more communication! Yay!
  • Demiurge_Will
    Demiurge_Will Posts: 346 Mover and Shaker
    Oversoul wrote:
    Still seems very ignorable. Doesn't do anything for you on offense, and on defense, if the AI has 14 yellow, something's gone very wrong. In most situations I'd rather cast almost any other yellow power: Lightning Strike, Sunder, Twin Pistols, maybe even Armored Assault and Sentinel of Liberty. Also, a single yellow tile, picked randomly, is pretty hard to protect.

    Wonder what happens if you cast two of these...still, that's 28 AP, which is a ton, and it's yellow, which is relatively hard to generate (I know, Thor, but still).

    I actually did this, before (although I have no idea how I got so much yellow AP)! It just shields the same character, though :/

    It protects whomever is the weakest ally (lowest health) at the moment you use the ability. So it's possible (if highly impractical) to make your whole team invisible.
  • Is that doable if everyone has the exact same health points?
  • Is that doable if everyone has the exact same health points?

    I think he meant using the ability 3 times, and as long as the lowest health character has changed each time, it will effect a new person, meaning you could protect all 3. But as he stated, highly impractical. The idea of tied health protecting both is interesting though.
  • Haven't really bothered to try out her powers. Does being protected mean you completely negate attacks? Or does it just pull off a Hawkeye's Avoid where the damage just gets redirected?
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