Season VIII Ending Discrepancy (**Updated)



  • h4n1s
    h4n1s Posts: 427 Mover and Shaker
    It seams rather fair to those in last bracket.

    I am looking forward to see the decision about the rest of us, because I was just in 50pts worth sim fight when the season suddenly ended, I had a plan to jump at least by 400 pts in the last few hours via sim and get at least those progression rewards traded of for ISO (because I wouldn't reach 7500 season score anyway....).
  • Err... I was in last time slice but I forgot my points.
  • "approximately an additional 35% of top Alliances"

    why so vague/unsure?
  • esoxnepa
    esoxnepa Posts: 291
    LRoy79 wrote:
    "approximately an additional 35% of top Alliances"

    why so vague/unsure?

    Hopefully they will be looking for a jenk, or natural break in the Alliance scores around that 35%. So you don't want to say exactly 35%, because then how do you tie break. Better to go look at around the top 35% and then try to see if there is a natural gap at which to perform the break.
  • simonsez
    simonsez Posts: 4,663 Chairperson of the Boards
    The focus on the last PvP shard shows me that you guys still don't understand how players play. Most people grind the last few hours of Sim each season. There's probably 1k-1.5k points to be gained during that time. On the other hand, those who grind the last few hours of a PvP stand to gain just a few hundred. So in terms of season score, those in the last shard were probably the LEAST affected in terms of total season points.
  • y2fitzy
    y2fitzy Posts: 255 Mover and Shaker
    Or, working out how to compensate the people in the last shard was the easiest one to get sorted, and they are still working out what everyone else gets
  • One of the problems is it's very difficult to conclusively figure out who was more and less likely to get points there without drilling deeper into the data than they're probably capable of. The discrepancy didn't affect me at all - I was in Slice 3, I think, but in any case was asleep well before 1 am (Eastern) and slept in until well after 4 am. But how is the system likely to be able to tell that I don't deserve compensation? Someone could have been in my exact situation and planned to grind the simulator for 8 hours after the PVP finished, or planned to catch a nap after 7 pm and planned to just grind the last three hours.
  • xequalsy
    xequalsy Posts: 231
    Ben Grimm wrote:
    One of the problems is it's very difficult to conclusively figure out who was more and less likely to get points there without drilling deeper into the data than they're probably capable of. The discrepancy didn't affect me at all - I was in Slice 3, I think, but in any case was asleep well before 1 am (Eastern) and slept in until well after 4 am. But how is the system likely to be able to tell that I don't deserve compensation? Someone could have been in my exact situation and planned to grind the simulator for 8 hours after the PVP finished, or planned to catch a nap after 7 pm and planned to just grind the last three hours.
    I guess the idea is then to compensate more people than is "deserved", which is better than not compensating (by missing them out) those who do "deserve" it. Difficult to determine the cutoff points though for the Sim progression and the Season placement rewards though.
  • turul
    turul Posts: 1,622 Chairperson of the Boards
    Dont forget to compensate players who bought too long term shields because of false ending time. icon_e_smile.gif

    Hope i dont get negative rep for bad joking again icon_e_smile.gif
  • While the 4k+ get the 100 HP, the 3-4k seem almost like they get more in some ways. 10x Heroic tokens, even if you epic fail and get 10x2 *'s that's 2500 ISO vs only 1000 ISO.
  • Ghost79 wrote:
    While the 4k+ get the 100 HP, the 3-4k seem almost like they get more in some ways. 10x Heroic tokens, even if you epic fail and get 10x2 *'s that's 2500 ISO vs only 1000 ISO.

    That's cause the 4K+ means they already hit the 10-heroic pack progression reward
  • GrumpySmurf1002
    GrumpySmurf1002 Posts: 3,511 Chairperson of the Boards
    Ghost79 wrote:
    While the 4k+ get the 100 HP, the 3-4k seem almost like they get more in some ways. 10x Heroic tokens, even if you epic fail and get 10x2 *'s that's 2500 ISO vs only 1000 ISO.

    On a raw level, yes, 10-pack is probably more valuable than 1000+100 (depends I guess on how you weight HP vs Iso). Except it should not be evaluated on a raw level. Anyone with 4k already got their season 10-pack.

    So the net result for people with a score of 3k-4k is a 10 pack.
    So the net result for people with a score of 4k+ is a 10 pack, 1000Iso, and 100HP.

    The people who actually make out like bandits are the ones that already hit the 1000 or 100 progression rewards, as they're getting to double dip on Iso/HP, but that's not necessarily an unfair thing. Anyone who hits 7500+ in the season is among the small top tier of players anyway, so giving them a little extra for loyalty and presumably increased $$ investments is a nice gesture.
  • I wish I had picked the last slice. Hope they are as generous to the rest of us who were sleeping, I mean not able to play, during the last 3 hours of simulator.
  • Moon Roach
    Moon Roach Posts: 2,863 Chairperson of the Boards
    Every point someone would have gained in the last 3 hours would have been at someone else's expense, unless the opponent was shielded. I think that's what makes this a hard thing to get right.

    I think that ranking in the Eight Is Enough is impossible to fix. But progressions awards shouldn't be. So why not simplify it?

    Give everyone in the final time slot of 8IE 300 points. If it takes them over a progression point, they get that award.

    Give everyone who scored any points in Shield 300 points. Give them progression awards based on the new final score.

    Update the Season VIII totals with the 300 / 600 points and give out progression awards based on the new total score. For most people that would be nothing, but those on the cusp of an award would benefit.

    Just my 2 cents.
  • U wont please everyone.

    straight across the board. Just chance of something no hp iso just a 10 heroic pack. Then its all down to luck wether u finished 1st or last its fair across board. Helps out lower guys and maybe u might just get that allusive cover you been missing.

    not sure how to compensate for alliances as seen some good points made by a few mpq fans.
  • simonsez
    simonsez Posts: 4,663 Chairperson of the Boards
    Riggy, instead of downvoting me and saying I should "pay more attention to the proposed solution", you need pay more attention to what I actually wrote. I said I'm not happy with the FOCUS on the last shard. The OP says the last shard was the one primarily affected. My post is saying this is not true. I wasn't complaining that the other shards were left out of the solution. I'm complaining about the lack of understanding as to how people coordinate their PvP and Sim play.
  • simonsez wrote:
    Riggy, instead of downvoting me and saying I should "pay more attention to the proposed solution", you need pay more attention to what I actually wrote. I said I'm not happy with the FOCUS on the last shard. The OP says the last shard was the one primarily affected. My post is saying this is not true. I wasn't complaining that the other shards were left out of the solution. I'm complaining about the lack of understanding as to how people coordinate their PvP and Sim play.

    I gave you an upvote to even it out. However, I agreed with Riggy and told TBU the same thing. They are aware other people were affected and that's the hardest part to calculate because as you have stated it's the most complicated of three. They took care of S5 and T135(?) alliances which were the easiest (relatively speaking) to figure out. So whenever they come up with a solution everyone else will receive compensation.
    I'm hoping for a black MQ cover. Wishful thinking I know.
  • Unknown
    edited December 2014
    EDIT - removed because my reading comprehension while at work = 0
  • mouser
    mouser Posts: 529 Critical Contributor
    Moon Roach wrote:
    Every point someone would have gained in the last 3 hours would have been at someone else's expense, unless the opponent was shielded.

    Or unless the opponent was under ~500 points in PVP, or whatever the Sim cutoff is where 1-1 point gains-losses kicks in. (1000+ I presume)
  • esoxnepa wrote:
    LRoy79 wrote:
    "approximately an additional 35% of top Alliances"

    why so vague/unsure?

    Hopefully they will be looking for a jenk, or natural break in the Alliance scores around that 35%. So you don't want to say exactly 35%, because then how do you tie break. Better to go look at around the top 35% and then try to see if there is a natural gap at which to perform the break.
    sleko93 wrote:

    132-MBB FORUM BR 131171 pts
    133-Teafor Dong 130517 pts
    134-hulks army 130307 pts
    135-Doombags 130129 pts
    136-Echos 128692 pts
    137-police academy 127727 pts
    138-Carnage Family 126468 pts
    139-Dothraki 125222 pts
    140-DarkDefenders 125043 pts
    141-ETC 124925 pts

    Based on these results, I would say 35% exactly looks like the best break