7 New Characters in 56 days, 1.6M Iso



  • We may be in the same race but the whales actually have fun fully leveled characters to "play" with. Trying to play this thor tournament with 2 red and a yellow is agonizing because you know she is supposed to be good, but without the covers she is absolutely worthless and those with the covers are happy to show me what I am missing out on every match.
  • WilsonFisk
    WilsonFisk Posts: 365 Mover and Shaker
    From a normal players perspective, the new characters NEED TO STOP! When super whale Colog notices there is a problem with too many new characters, that's a pretty good indication that the rest of us are beyond overwhelmed.
  • WilsonFisk wrote:
    From a normal players perspective, the new characters NEED TO STOP! When super whale Colog notices there is a problem with too many new characters, that's a pretty good indication that the rest of us are beyond overwhelmed.

    I opened a thread 2 weeks ago "for or against a new character", when there was already enough characters released. 80 % of the poll participants said they didn't wanted more characters.

    But everything was planned probably.
  • There has been enough time since that poll to pump the brakes if that's what they wanted to do. Thor, Grocket,Gamora, all already press released and planned into the game with events. More new characters? How about actually telling stories with the characters you have first.

    It's an encouraging sign that Loki is being reworked and likely featured in the upcoming dark elves story. Change is slow, but signs are there.
  • I dunno if D3 realises when you burnout a player, their chances of coming back drops each time they are burnt out. til the point they just no longer return....

    All these new characters all so quickly is actually upsetting a lot in my allience, many of them are asking for a break...I dunno about other alliences but I would expect the same. The other thing with online games, is player base increase generally quite rapidly during the first couple of years, plateaus and then declines as newer more interesting games take their place. Thus retaining players becomes a problem as the game ages.

    With all these new characters coming out, it's burning people out, and I had even said to my allience that after Glamora comes out I need a break from it all, it's just too much! way way too much.... Even a fair few of my allience member are no longer competing on story events for new covers, cause they can't keep up with the iso to level everyone, so they are choosing to focus on just a handful.

    All I know for certain is I'm going to hibernate for at least one week, Thor and Glamora have me worn out (beat) icon_eek.gif
  • evil panda
    evil panda Posts: 419 Mover and Shaker
    i don't know what the definition of a whale is. i don't remember my spend exactly, perhaps $100 for my whole game lifetime?

    the pace is definitely fast. i'd say too fast if i cared about catching them all, but i skip the characters i don't care about or don't have time for, and will continue to do so.

    the one thing i am irritated about is the abysmal ROI of your efforts in terms of earned ISO, and the insulting 3*+ draw rate of gold tokens. i like playing the game, but it's a little hard to stomach how much you grind only to get drip fed advancement in the game. i've played my fair share of RPG and games where "character development" is an objective, and this has been by far the worst in this regard.
  • I dont think you should rush to get all covers and put on max level every new character as soon as it is released. You can try of course, if you have a phobia about 'incomplete' digital characters, but its not the case for most players.
  • PuceMoose
    PuceMoose Posts: 1,445 Chairperson of the Boards
    My biggest beef with the new releases is when they don't have a new story line specifically tailored for them. It just feels wrong to have an event introduce a new character... and it not to be about the character. Deadpool was awesome. Sentry was pretty cool, because we got to learn a bit about the new characters through the dialog. Rocket and Groot, even though the team comps and scaling was a little scary at times, was still fun because we got a little insight into the new hero and some funny dialog. It made me feel that the devs *cared* about the new character, and his/her/its place in the mythos, and wanted to tell a story. I'd love to see one new character every season, and a unique event to accompany the arrival. I would gladly reward the team $5 - $10 a month or so to afford a new roster slot if I got a brand new story and a character-centric event every season.
  • atomzed
    atomzed Posts: 1,753 Chairperson of the Boards
    I have given up on iso maxing all my 3* characters. I have about 8 max covered characters that at languishing between level 67 and 120.

    It may be due to my preferred levelling strategy. My levelling strategy has been to levelled the featured character.

    Also I don't grind all the pve so it takes me at least one more pvp cycle to get them fully covered.

    And because i have given up on levelling them quickly, I am not that bothered by the character release rate. I see them mainly as giving me more variety and more importantly a chance to see new characters (where's gambit and rogue?!)

    Regarding about iso, I take about a month to gather enough iso to max the characters of my choice. Last season I choose to max cmag. This season I have enough to max DP or CM. More iso flow is of course more preferable.

    Note: I considered myself a whale cos I spend more than a console worth. I had been bothered by it, but I am trying to limit my future expenditure. I now so spend mostly on shields and roster, and to a limited extent, on +all boosts.
  • evil panda wrote:
    i don't know what the definition of a whale is. i don't remember my spend exactly, perhaps $100 for my whole game lifetime?

    the pace is definitely fast. i'd say too fast if i cared about catching them all, but i skip the characters i don't care about or don't have time for, and will continue to do so.

    the one thing i am irritated about is the abysmal ROI of your efforts in terms of earned ISO, and the insulting 3*+ draw rate of gold tokens. i like playing the game, but it's a little hard to stomach how much you grind only to get drip fed advancement in the game. i've played my fair share of RPG and games where "character development" is an objective, and this has been by far the worst in this regard.

    Your earned ISO is suffering exactly because you are skipping characters. I presume this means you aren't focusing on PvE, and thus missing a major reward structure for ISO. Hell, without the featured character there are 3 nodes you can't even play with over 300 ISO, sometimes over 700 ISO, waiting to be rewarded. Not to mention placement awards of 3000+ ISO.
  • Oldboy
    Oldboy Posts: 452 Mover and Shaker
    F2P here and managed to max cover 5 of my 3* to the specs i want. But i'm keeping their levels even (ard 100+) until i cover more of the "wanted" characters (like 3* thor). Helps with the iso shortage since i dont max level everyone and only do it if they're well covered and useful (not necessarily max covered) or if useful in Essential nodes. Since i'm not a big pvp player this doesnt really affect me all that much. I still get to hit ard 600 pts and get top 100 and i'm fine with that. PVE is where i do most of my playing and it helps not to rush to lvl 166 land with insufficient heroes on roster.
  • babinro
    babinro Posts: 771 Critical Contributor
    No normal player could expect to keep up this pace of nearly one character/week.
    They aren't supposed to.

    You aren't expected to have every character leveled to max in the span of a week. The game has never been designed with the intention of having players with full rosters completely level maxed.

    You're supposed pick and choose select characters that you like and focus on them.

    I actually really enjoy the flood of new characters. It keeps the experience fresh and interesting. My only issue with the 7 characters in 56 day 'formula' is the roster slot costs. They have become prohibitively expensive to the point that buying more HP for them feels like a rip off (as each subsequent purchase gives you less and less value). I suppose I should just listen to myself and stop feeling obligated to 'catch em all'.
  • evil panda
    evil panda Posts: 419 Mover and Shaker
    Lerysh wrote:
    evil panda wrote:
    i don't know what the definition of a whale is. i don't remember my spend exactly, perhaps $100 for my whole game lifetime?

    the pace is definitely fast. i'd say too fast if i cared about catching them all, but i skip the characters i don't care about or don't have time for, and will continue to do so.

    the one thing i am irritated about is the abysmal ROI of your efforts in terms of earned ISO, and the insulting 3*+ draw rate of gold tokens. i like playing the game, but it's a little hard to stomach how much you grind only to get drip fed advancement in the game. i've played my fair share of RPG and games where "character development" is an objective, and this has been by far the worst in this regard.

    Your earned ISO is suffering exactly because you are skipping characters. I presume this means you aren't focusing on PvE, and thus missing a major reward structure for ISO. Hell, without the featured character there are 3 nodes you can't even play with over 300 ISO, sometimes over 700 ISO, waiting to be rewarded. Not to mention placement awards of 3000+ ISO.
    yes, you are right. it doesn't happen too often, though. the last time i've missed an essential was 2* Marvel, but i was lucky to pull one of her covers as a random reward during my first clear, so i was able to get through the event all right. i sold her right after the event though.

    but even allowing for that, i still think the return rate is abysmal - i don't know if you agree.
  • I wish i'd joined this game in a year or so.

    I open up the character screen and the events and find out there's like a thousand characters. I read through their abilities, pick the ones I find the most fun. I find out a few 4*s are stronger than the rest, but I'm new, I don't care.

    I set up a team that nobody uses that I find fun as hell. I buy a couple covers and I max those characters. From there on I end up in an alliance and stuff gets better.

    then I come to these forums and find out that the release of so many characters was a thousand times worse than the holocaust. I deem people in the forums to be buffoons who have no idea what fun is and never come back.
  • if you aren't a whale this is the best way to play the game:

    try and get covers like usual. don't put any iso into a character until they are fully and ideally covered. that way you are always focusing on someone who is immediately usable.


    unload iso evenly across the board and play the long-game and just see your huge roster get stronger and stronger together. sure it'd take ages but at least you can have a system you can adhere to and not stress out about everything so much.
  • Rusalka
    Rusalka Posts: 155
    I'm not F2P, but I wouldn't call myself a whale either. I buy some HP every 2-3 months to help keep myself in shields and roster slots, and that's basically it. In any case, I've long since accepted that I'll never level more than a small fraction of my roster. I just did a quick calculation, and to lever all the characters I have now (including the ones that have only 1 or two covers) would cost 861,247 ISO. That's, what, just under 9 Stark Salaries? $900 worth of ISO? No, thanks. I've been grinding for it, but grinding takes time, and during that time more new characters get released. It's a race I can't win, so I'm not going to bother trying.
  • I have Blade and R&G at level 100 or so and they're pretty fun to play from the iso I have sitting around. Couldn't get Thor anywhere that high though I technically could've bought 3 covers but didn't see a reason to invest that much in her. Other than not having any use for most of these guys until they're level 166 unless they're featured I don't have a problem with investing in interesting characters.
  • MaxCavalera
    MaxCavalera Posts: 425 Mover and Shaker
    edited December 2014
    babinro wrote:
    No normal player could expect to keep up this pace of nearly one character/week.
    They aren't supposed to.

    You aren't expected to have every character leveled to max in the span of a week. The game has never been designed with the intention of having players with full rosters completely level maxed.

    You're supposed pick and choose select characters that you like and focus on them.

    I actually really enjoy the flood of new characters. It keeps the experience fresh and interesting. My only issue with the 7 characters in 56 day 'formula' is the roster slot costs. They have become prohibitively expensive to the point that buying more HP for them feels like a rip off (as each subsequent purchase gives you less and less value). I suppose I should just listen to myself and stop feeling obligated to 'catch em all'.

    Except one day they will buff DD and loki... and i definitely felt like selling them off more then once.

    As for the pace, being a long time F2P player (22 max 3&4* characters) I feel like i have just fallen back into my old plan of holding iso till I feel like the character can help me. Amusingly just like phantron have blade and R&G at about 100 but beast, colossus, dotorpus, mystique devil dino and now gamora are all still waiting for their first level. I guess i would complain more if i thought they were all great and i needed level them all now but ill just save for she thor and level who i think can help me when needed.

    Roster slots just cap it already 750 hp is that enough!?
  • babinro wrote:
    No normal player could expect to keep up this pace of nearly one character/week.
    They aren't supposed to.

    You aren't expected to have every character leveled to max in the span of a week. The game has never been designed with the intention of having players with full rosters completely level maxed.

    You're supposed pick and choose select characters that you like and focus on them.

    I actually really enjoy the flood of new characters. It keeps the experience fresh and interesting. My only issue with the 7 characters in 56 day 'formula' is the roster slot costs. They have become prohibitively expensive to the point that buying more HP for them feels like a rip off (as each subsequent purchase gives you less and less value). I suppose I should just listen to myself and stop feeling obligated to 'catch em all'.

    Except it is designed that way. That is why the boosted characters rotate every event. They have always stated they don't like people to only use a few characters, they want diversity. Plus, if you DON"T win the new cover you can kiss the next pve / pvp events goodbye because they will be a required cover to win the next new character. So yeah, you kinda do have to keep up.
  • Don't take this the wrong way, but the OP has basically said "this is all too much, stop it, btw I am about to max Gamora", has he not?

    I totally agree with the point, but are you not part of the problem? If people collectively went "that's it, we are f2p until you stop the madness" then D3 would do something. But if people are still "this is nuts, I'm off to spend cash on HP/Iso points, to help get the new characters" then why on earth would the developers stop?

    Or am I missing something here?