Operation Pay Harder: A Debrief



  • mags1587
    mags1587 Posts: 1,020 Chairperson of the Boards
    It's not really a choice, though, it's a guess on which time slice will have the majority of high scorers and which will be easier for placement.

    The high scorers are already spreading out beyond slice 4. If this continues more high scorers are going to pick different slices and then it'll be a complete guess as to what you'll get when you pick a time slice.

    I think that D3 does need to do something to make the time slices more like each other -- there shouldn't be an easy placement time slice and a hard placement time slice. At the very least they do seem to need to re-examine sharding and how it's interacting with the time slices.
  • mags1587 wrote:
    It's not really a choice, though, it's a guess on which time slice will have the majority of high scorers and which will be easier for placement.

    The high scorers are already spreading out beyond slice 4. If this continues more high scorers are going to pick different slices and then it'll be a complete guess as to what you'll get when you pick a time slice.

    I think that D3 does need to do something to make the time slices more like each other -- there shouldn't be an easy placement time slice and a hard placement time slice. At the very least they do seem to need to re-examine sharding and how it's interacting with the time slices.

    The uncertainty you are describing is coming from the other players though. Calling for D3 to make them all the same is like telling them to make the decisions for us because we don't want to be responsible for making a decision we aren't sure we are going to like.
  • ThatOneGuyjp189512
    ThatOneGuyjp189512 Posts: 543 Critical Contributor
    my take on this, i just think it was kind of a party trick. i don't agree with Operation Pay Harder, i honestly think it was just something to get everyone's attention, the dev *might* pay attention a little, but it won't make much of an impact on anything really, i'm gonna be super surprised if it results in any changes. i honestly understand why you guys did it, but ultimately i think it was unnecessary
  • mags1587
    mags1587 Posts: 1,020 Chairperson of the Boards
    But the uncertainty isn't just coming from the other players. Part of it is due to players choosing time slices, yes, but part of it is also due to sharding into brackets, which D3 controls. How much of the death brackets time slice 4 is seeing is due to players picking brackets and how much is due to D3's sharding algorithm? That I don't know.

    I'm not opposed to a bit of luck and uncertainty playing into whether I get a good PvP bracket or not. But the difference between the 'easy' time slices and the 'hard' time is so big right now it's like it's two different events. If I knew for sure what kind of PvP I'd be getting when I chose a time slice I'd be fine with how things are, but I can't know for sure.

    I just think that it needs to be looked at by the developers. Maybe a tweak to sharding will even things out a bit without having to tweak anything with the time slices. Maybe they experiment with cross time-slice matchups for a PvP or two to gather data on how that affects brackets and points. Maybe things will even out on their own. I like the time slices and don't want the feature to go away, but there's some things about it that I think still need to be looked at and possibly tweaked.
  • Yes sharding can be tweaked, but slices are not equal and that is our doing. There is no simple tweak that will change that.
  • mags1587 wrote:
    It's not really a choice, though, it's a guess on which time slice will have the majority of high scorers and which will be easier for placement.

    The high scorers are already spreading out beyond slice 4. If this continues more high scorers are going to pick different slices and then it'll be a complete guess as to what you'll get when you pick a time slice.

    I think that D3 does need to do something to make the time slices more like each other -- there shouldn't be an easy placement time slice and a hard placement time slice. At the very least they do seem to need to re-examine sharding and how it's interacting with the time slices.

    The uncertainty you are describing is coming from the other players though. Calling for D3 to make them all the same is like telling them to make the decisions for us because we don't want to be responsible for making a decision we aren't sure we are going to like.

    Based on your posts, I don't think you have any idea about what you are talking. You have completely missed the point. This indicates that you either don't score enough points for this to be of concern to you or you don't care that the system was put in place at the worst possible time for players. The update actually interrupted my game and caused me to adjust my game mid-event. But this obviously doesn't bother you. We weren't calling for a total recall of the system. We asked that ... Here's the part where we DID OFFER SOLUTIONS, WHICH YOU DIDN'T BOTHER TO READ:
    1. D3 not beta test with paying customers, without their express consent.
    2. D3 not institute new gameplay mechanics in the middle of an ongoing event.
    3. D3 not institute new gameplay AND a significant character nerf in the middle of an event.

    These requests are not unreasonable. They are easily achieved. But you really don't care, do you? You just wanted to chime in and sound important didn't you? Just had to be different by objecting to what you assumed the Elite want.

    If your avg score was higher, or if you scored enough in PvP for your score to matter, these things wouldn't have had to be explained to you. Not that you care, but this system has wrecked several players' season average because they were not able to find a time slot with their high scoring peer group.
    But you don't care about this either, do you?

    Basically, your posts simply say that none of this effects you. I would ask why you even chimed in, in the first place, but I would have to care about your opinion. Which I don't.
  • Flare808
    Flare808 Posts: 266
    If your avg score was higher, or if you scored enough in PvP for your score to matter, these things wouldn't have had to be explained to you. Not that you care, but this system has wrecked several players' season average because they were not able to find a time slot with their high scoring peer group.
    But you don't care about this either, do you?

    Wait what? The system wrecked player averages because they couldn't find a slot with their high scoring peer group? I thought that high scoring peer group was called an alliance. If said high scoring people didn't communicate with their alliance to choose a similar shard, why is that D3's fault? They gave a fair warning in HiFi's announcement post that you'd only be matched with your own shard: viewtopic.php?f=7&t=18504.
    "David wrote:
    Moore"]Work-In-Progress screenshot description: Select from a variety of Event start/end times. If the new time selected is after the default start time, but hasn't yet begun, players may need to wait until their Event Shard begins. Players will be matched only with others who have also chosen that Event Shard.

    D3's goal was not to shove all high scorers together or even to segregate the player base based on score. They made this change in response to feedback from many different people to allow various ending times so more people wouldn't have to make as many sacrifices to play (waking up in the middle of the night).