December MPQ Developer Q&A - Submit Your Questions



  • BillyBobJoe
    BillyBobJoe Posts: 103 Tile Toppler
    With the buffing of XForce, and the intro of Lady Thor, they seem to push the boundary of powerful characters.

    Q: Are you planning to implement a new tier of 4 star characters?

    Q2: If so, are you going to adjust how to earn 4 stars? As of now 270 XForces and Lady Thors will be the only characters able to achieve these rewards. With Lady Thor fully released, trying to earn the blue Lady Thor in the current Psylocke event is probably out of reach because the top guy in my bracket has a 270 Lady Thor.
  • BillyBobJoe
    BillyBobJoe Posts: 103 Tile Toppler
    Since there are so many characters now, waiting for a specific cover can take quite some time.

    Q: Have you considered running more than one PVP at a time? Maybe like 4, 5, or even 6 events at a time?

    1. Running multiple events at once would allow for greater cover awards.
    2. A player could choose to be mediocre in all events (for iso), or focus on one event (for covers)
    3. Players who choose to push all events would consume more HP for shields and health packs.
  • BillyBobJoe
    BillyBobJoe Posts: 103 Tile Toppler
    I loved Rags pre-nerf. Doom I used heavily when leveling my 3 stars. Loki is an undervalued character (I use him tons in PVE).

    Q: Are you working on giving these characters a third cover, to make them 1) more relevant, and 2) get them to level 166
  • BillyBobJoe
    BillyBobJoe Posts: 103 Tile Toppler
    I feel you are pushing new characters out too fast. Some have great dynamic, others feel thoughtless.

    Example: Blade is great. Colossus is great. Deadpool, while quirky, is great. Others like Doc Ock (who has one good ability) and Beast (who has none) fall flat on their face.

    Q: With the salvo of Lady Thor, Rocket and Groot, and Gamorra, are you planning to take time with older characters who need adjusting to make them more attractive to use? (such as IM40)
  • 1. After the changes to his powers Sentry seems to have all but disappeared from PvP in spite of how many ppl have him maxed. Will he be looked at again (assuming your figures tally with what myself and everyone I talk to has seen... or more to the point not seen).

    2. When the changes to PvE node refreshes were made did you realise playing every 2 and a half hours was going to be the most efficient way to play and was it your intent to make such an overly intense play schedule the way to win? Do you feel this has ended up being better or worse than the 8/12 hour full node resets?

    3. Will anything be done about the extreme need for speed at higher scores in PvP. It does more than LITERALLY ANYTHING AT ALL to stop a diverse number of heroes being used and there will never be pvp roster diversity while it's the case. Fasted combo will be picked and if it's nerfed the next fastest will be picked ad infinitum.

    4. Any thoughts on increasing the importance and impact of the featured hero in PvP? At the moment it's barely revelant outside of a few heroes which are awesome when featured and often useless when not (spidey comes to mind).

    5. Will power scaling by level for 4* heroes ever be made more impactful? At the moment a fully covered lvl 270 Xforce is functionally identical to a fully covered lvl 200 Xforce.

    6. What is the percentage advantage we should expect a 4* hero to have over a 3* hero? In the end if a hero is the best available, even if only by 5% then people will gravitate towards that hero but it would be nice to know what is being aimed for.

    7. With the prevalence of 4* heroes (specifically XForce) has the continued releases of 3* heroes become like releasing 2* heroes was to this point? Are they essentially never going to be "worth" getting because they will never outplay your 4* heroes?
  • Isn't this thread supposed to close in order for us to get the answers?

    Adding one more question since this is open.

    Q: What is the purpose of essential characters in PVE? And if you say "Roster diversity", can you please elaborate on how it implies "roster diversity" rather than "Disadvantage in points" with all these new characters added lately?
  • fmftint
    fmftint Posts: 3,653 Chairperson of the Boards
    can we get some sort of superficial rewards beyond the max progression reward? 200 iso every 5k beyond the max progression reward? anything?
  • darthmental
    When can we expect to see Lady Thor show up in the Tokens?
  • When will this thread close?

    Why should you never mix light and dark colored clothes?

    Why Is the grass green?

    Why is the sky blue?

    Ok, I am done...
  • CaptainFreaky
    CaptainFreaky Posts: 451 Mover and Shaker
    A player in the Fresh Cut PVP just scored 3000 pts, obviously well over twice the highest progression award.
    Do you think this is a good thing?
    How does this make you re-think about your approach to PVP?
  • A player has just scored 3000 in the last PVP.

    Don't you think it is time to have more progression rewards and leave the good covers for higher points?
  • A player just scored 3000 in the last PvP.

    I don't have anything else, I just wanted to jump on the bandwagon.
  • A Player just.....

    a skip it.
  • Some players has reported they have entered a PVP bracket which has already been actived for 24hrs + with top scorer already at 1200 pts. The sharding system in many players' view is too strong now with the time slice system.

    What are the dev's thought on the current sharding system and any changes planned to make it more 'fair' to everyone?
  • Nellobee
    Nellobee Posts: 457 Mover and Shaker
    edited December 2014
    Edit: question answered by today's announcement.
  • Vanapak wrote:
    Some players has reported they have entered a PVP bracket which has already been actived for 24hrs + with top scorer already at 1200 pts. The sharding system in many players' view is too strong now with the time slice system.

    What are the dev's thought on the current sharding system and any changes planned to make it more 'fair' to everyone?
    ? Aren't we confusing fairness here? The other people have been playing for a whole day already on PVP and so have a lead. If anything, the previous system was more unfair as someone could join in the last day and hit top X with less effort than a person who had been grinding for 3 days in another bracket. The current system seems more fair to me: people who play harder get better rewards.

    1. Can the developers justify the release of all the new characters with an honest statement about how it will affect the long term game and the different player segments involved? Even though it would provoke some player ire, it'd be nice to know that there are good valid reasons for creating a character ecosystem as opposed to stagnation in the metagame, eg, good intent.
  • Ducky
    Ducky Posts: 2,255 Community Moderator
    Howard the Duck plz?

  • David [Hi-Fi] Moore
    David [Hi-Fi] Moore Posts: 2,872 Site Admin
    We are now closing the thread and submitting the questions. We hope to post the answers on or around December 17th, 2014.

    Thanks for participating.
This discussion has been closed.