December MPQ Developer Q&A - Submit Your Questions



  • JVReal
    JVReal Posts: 1,884 Chairperson of the Boards
    edited November 2014
    Have you guys considered removing the Expiration Time on covers?

    As a free player who devotes a lot of time and energy into playing the game, this is a very sore spot. I give you months, you give me 7 days.
    Removing the Expiration Date on covers will allow people to feel less pressure about removing someone from their roster to fit in this newer character before their cover expires. Especially if 90% of your roster are characters you are trying to get more covers for. Do I dump a 2 cover 3* for this 1 or 2 covers for a new 3* character because if I don't do something, that hard earned reward just disappears. And when it times out, is it automatically sold and you get ISO, or do you lose that too?

    Expiring Covers infuriate me. These are all considered rewards in my perspective. Reward for a battle won, reward from a token draw which was won from placing in an event or winning battles, rewards for progressions. To put a 7 day timer on a reward is like having your hard earned reward snatched from your hands because you didn't want to hand over cash to keep it. It feels like a game tax. If you want to keep your card, pay your roster tax or we'll take your cover and you'll never get it back.

    Expiring rewards sucks in general. Will you be fixing it?
  • Dayv
    Dayv Posts: 4,449 Chairperson of the Boards
    HulkSmash wrote:
    Don't make me watch downton abbey you cruel devs!!
    I would play Downton Abbey Puzzle Quest. No joke. Just don't nerf Lady Mary!
  • NorthernPolarity
    NorthernPolarity Posts: 3,531 Chairperson of the Boards
    Beast blue is incredibly inconsistent because it has a high probability of either being having its special tiles matched right away, or in the following turns because they're so close to each other. Do you guys think that it is fine in its current incarnation, and do you have any plans of redesigning it?
  • As has been mentioned above the rate of new character releases has numerous issues tied up with it. I think someone mentioned roster slots, and the amount of iso needed to level each new character. Tokens are being rotated, showing that token odds is something you have considered even if there are doubts that is a comprehensive solution to the problem. The one aspect of this I haven't seen addressed is Event rewards.

    Are there any plans to work out a system that offers 3* characters as event rewards more often than every thirtieth (and counting) event on average? Clearly just ignoring certain characters is not an ideal solution to adding new ones in.

    Possible solution: Dual reward events.
    1st Choice of Fury Blue or Lady Thor Yellow + rewards from next rank.
    2-5 Choice of 3 Human torch covers or 3 Blade covers

    With the technology being used to give players choices of timezones, here is hoping the mechanics to give players more opportunities to make more choices are around the corner.
  • turul
    turul Posts: 1,622 Chairperson of the Boards
    Question: How Will MPQ celebrate Christmas (/ new year)?
  • Infrared
    Infrared Posts: 240 Tile Toppler
    For David:
    How has your MPQ game progression been? Managed to max any characters yet since coming onboard?

    For Demiurge:
    1. IceIX once mentioned a possibility of a streak breaker in the game's tile generation code. We have since learned that it did not make it into the game. Is it still being considered? I for one would welcome it. I roll my eyes whenever the AI gets a "confirmation bias" cascade. I also get mildly annoyed when I myself get such a cascade. I want to win my games with strategy, not luck.

    2. Why does Flamethrower take so long to resolve after the animation is over?
  • DrNitroman
    DrNitroman Posts: 966 Critical Contributor
    1. Roster slots: just to say I support the concern raised by the community! icon_e_biggrin.gif

    2. solo / non-competitive play
    Any plans to improve this part of the game?
    cardpack.png - implementing the prologue tab with old Pve?
    cardpack.png - gauntlet-like mechanisms
    cardpack.png - cooperative mechanisms: like when all the community fought together to fill a progress bar and to earn a cover for each of the participants in Hulk event.

    Cooperative mechanisms could be really fun. Of course, alliances could play a role in cooperative play.

    Also, thanks for having addressed end time issue icon_e_wink.gif
  • Hello,

    Are you thinking about an offline mode ? An intersting quest like the gauntlet but working offline ? That's for all people playing while they take metro, subs, and don't have data mobile phone for the game...

    Thanks for answer.

  • So with the holidays coming up, will there be a break from pvp and pve so we can actually spend some time with our family and friends without having to think about missing out on new characters/rewards? Can we have the break all the players have been asking for? Although if you had a holiday event similar to the anniversary event, I don't think people will complain.
  • Linkster79
    Linkster79 Posts: 1,037 Chairperson of the Boards
    Seeing as Preview Edition was dropped many seasons ago, is there any chance that the subsequent episodes could be made into single player modes?
  • my question to the dev team is outlined in details in this thread-


    How is it possible for some players to climb up to 1300++ without using one single shield, and able to play but no one has queued him up in nodes ever. Theres also no option to fight back at him after he won against your team.
  • Dayv
    Dayv Posts: 4,449 Chairperson of the Boards
    Infrared wrote:
    1. IceIX once mentioned a possibility of a streak breaker in the game's tile generation code. We have since learned that it did not make it into the game. Is it still being considered? I for one would welcome it. I roll my eyes whenever the AI gets a "confirmation bias" cascade. I also get mildly annoyed when I myself get such a cascade. I want to win my games with strategy, not luck.
    Just to add a dissenters my voice to this, I'm happy with the properly random tile drops. Please don't implement a streak breaker.
  • Moon Roach
    Moon Roach Posts: 2,863 Chairperson of the Boards
    What kinds of testing do you do before deploying a new release?

    How much regression testing do you do to ensure that existing functionality is not broken by a new release?

    For some reason these have recently occurred to me.
  • user311
    user311 Posts: 482 Mover and Shaker
    When can we expect another sale ? ... Since buying covers is now the only way to max/respec out vaulted characters...
  • Ludaa
    Ludaa Posts: 542
    How about a small iso8.png reward for sending out your team-ups to alliance mates? Say, 70 for a 1*, 100 for a 2*, 250 for a 3*?
  • 1. no expiring on storage.
    2. offline mode. i knew it smell pointless but at least some new player can done pve non-event with ease
    3. game center achievement or in-game.
    4. ban 4 star.png from pvp icon_e_biggrin.gif (xfarce is too damn OP)
    5. cardpack.png heroic token is almost guaranteed 2 star.png for me(this latest patch) plus character rotation here is a bad idea and bag-man became the rarest 2 star possible solution: grant two type heroic token, one token can be spend on heroic token "old" and another heroic token "new"
  • 4. ban 4 star.png from pvp icon_e_biggrin.gif (xfarce is too damn OP)

  • HariSeldon
    HariSeldon Posts: 22 Just Dropped In
    I have a few game-play and player/forum related questions:

    1) Would you consider an option that allows us to buy a few personal vault spaces for some of our heroes? Essentially, a low-cost transitional space where we could park a hero at the cost of not being able to use them for a set period of time.

    Here's one scenario. I get my first Invisible Woman at a point where I'm out of roster slots. My choices are to buy the slot immediately or discard her. With a vault slot that I buy for say 100 HP, I could recruit the card but essentially know that she is inaccessible for a month. If I get more covers for her, I can add them to her vault, but still not use her. If I want to recover her before the lockdown expires, I have to pay a vault surcharge fee in HP, perhaps related to how long is left on the lockdown. Of course, I would have to have bought an active roster slot for her as well. The vaults would be permanent slots, but limited in number, perhaps based on the total number of active roster slots I've bought. Based on some rough calculations, roughly one vault slot for every 15-20 active slots seems like a sweet spot. In the short run, it would probably lower the median revenue per player, at the benefit of increasing the average lifetime revenue value of players. I suspect it would also boost the daily average revenue per player as well because the incremental cost is lower, making it a more appealing impulse buy. Thoughts?

    2) Roughly what portion of the player base participates in the forums? I often get the impression that we are a vocal minority that might vary significantly from the actual median and average players. I know some of you love big data, so there anything that would be useful for us to know about how we compare to the complete population of players?

    3) Have you come up with any forum drinking games for after work? "There's another new thread on nerfing Sentry...bottoms up!". If so, do you have a preferred beverage with which to play?

    Thanks for a great gaming experience! icon_e_biggrin.gif
  • dr tinykittylove
    dr tinykittylove Posts: 1,459 Chairperson of the Boards
    4. ban 4 star.png from pvp icon_e_biggrin.gif (xfarce is too damn OP)

    He's powerful but not op. Any of the upper tier 3*s will do the job, even if you don't use Sentry or boosts. Or are you expecting to stomp all over 4*s with Ares/OBW?
  • seekie
    seekie Posts: 41 Just Dropped In
    Have you considered adding guest "non-marvel" characters once in awhile to spice things up, something totally random like kratos from god of war, pyro from tf2, or even hatsune miku?
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