December MPQ Developer Q&A - Submit Your Questions



  • Unknown
    edited November 2014
    I'm new with 2 months of play but I would ask the following questions:

    1. How to progress like yama82?

    2. Can you please •••••Make the enemy AP reserves visible without having to scroll every turn. It's not like this is useless information.••••• !!!???

    3. Is there some way to split the elite players who win everything all the time from new players who have everything stacked against them? (red Cypher has a good idea in the next post)

    For instance the PVP rewards are quick to get & nicely competitive for elite players but for newbies:

    A persistent PVE mode to win 3* covers for each character that could take a very long time but rewards you specifically e.g.: win all patch 3* covers. Not all at once - obviously. One at a time.
    This would REALLY help. I mean be a total solution to roster sizes and the current "too many heroes" problem. It would be SO rewarding to actually be able to play towards an achievable and specific goal that would fill out your roster in a way that YOU need. (If you want to make money from it - it could also be with time limits between-nodes so people may be forced to buy health packs)

    4. Why is the dialogue & story sucks so hard? EVERY character is a wise-cracking, joke-telling moron. I have to skip through every cut-scene - it's that painful to read.

    5. Could you, the Devs, each start a new account, now - and try to play the game?
    Make a blog/ youtube account and let us know how you progress.

    Thank you,

  • 1) Many of your gameplay "balancing" changes have the overall effect of punishing and slowing down players who do better without giving any advantages back: MMR, sharding, PVE scaling. For example, a player who plays smart the match-3 game and defeats tougher opponents may get a better placement in a PVP. However, he/she is punished later with a higher tier MMR and sharding to compete for the same rewards. This problem has been present since the beginning of the game and has only gotten worse. Are you happy with this?

    2) The increasing number of characters make it an increasingly longer process to fully cover a character, and the number of PVP/PVE events from which to get rewards from has not increased. Have you considered adding alternate rewards for players from a single event? For example, at the end of the event if you win a 3 star.png cover you get to choose between redflag.png Punisher or greenflag.png LThor.

    3) Have you considered mutually exclusive events with different rewards? For example, 2* rewards, 3* rewards and 3* rewards with a chance to 4*. This could give the playerbase a realistic goal to aim at while giving a relevant reward. The 2* players wouldn't be flooded with single 3* covers locking precious roster slots. The transitioning players would feel more motivated. The vets wouldn't feel a 2* player is unfairly taking 3* covers by playing with a weaker roster, lower MMR and easier sharding.

    4) The disparity in usefulness between some characters is huge. IM40/Daredevil/Octopus/Beast, etc and LThor/LDaken. Can you give us a timeline on when are you planning to rebalance some characters to make them relevant again? Is this ever going to happen?

    5) It seems that the more a player progresses in the game (stronger and higher level characters), the more the game moves away from a puzzle game. A low intermediate player has to put much more thought into his moves than a vet who makes 3-4 single matches and ends a game under 1 minute with boosters. The latter, even with a board present, can hardly be considered a puzzle or to require any thought. Are you happy with this?

    6) Your hardcore player base is smart overall. These are the people who will read your answers. Please, this time do better than the previous Q&A where we got fluffy "because it's fun" mostly irrelevant answers.
  • One more question, between character leveling, skip tax, buying boosts, there are too many ISO sinks in the game. Any ideas of how to introduce more ISO into the player base through gameplay instead of paying for it? It's getting harder to keep up with all the charecters and actually filling out rosters besides covering them.
  • Kelbris wrote:
    A bracketed 1v1 tournament with a 10 second turn timer would be so hnnngh
  • Zen808
    Zen808 Posts: 260
    Q: Because 2* characters practically drop from the sky now, in a lot of ways, the second tier of rewards (single 2* cover) is actually inferior to the third tier (standard tokens), in that most people don't need 2* covers anymore, while the standard tokens at least have a chance, however miniscule, of containing a 3*. Any plans to address this?
  • GothicKratos
    GothicKratos Posts: 1,821 Chairperson of the Boards
    DarkXander wrote:
    Also, is there a specific drop rate for team ups? It seems like unless you are constantly begging your alliance for character help you are near never getting team ups any more and that use to be a viable help to the game

    If I remember correctly, it's a 20% chance for a Boost to drop, and then another separate 20% chance for a Team-Up to drop.
  • Dayv
    Dayv Posts: 4,449 Chairperson of the Boards
    DarkXander wrote:
    Also, is there a specific drop rate for team ups? It seems like unless you are constantly begging your alliance for character help you are near never getting team ups any more and that use to be a viable help to the game

    If I remember correctly, it's a 20% chance for a Boost to drop, and then another separate 20% chance for a Team-Up to drop.
    This is what was stated before, with the added caveat that a team-up will only drop if one of the enemies had a valid skill for it to do so. No goons do, for example. 2* Daken had no eligible skills before he got his third power, and they could always create a new player character with no TU-eligible skills to drop.

    However, as I understand it, they can change either of these percentages at any time with a server-side change, if they think the drop rates aren't working as desired.
  • Dayv
    Dayv Posts: 4,449 Chairperson of the Boards
    Q: Could someone take a look at the color definitions and AP generation for ISO-8 Mutant goons? Some of them generate more AP than they have skills to justify, and have inconsistent displays of their skill colors. See this thread for details and screenshots.
  • OzarkBoatswain
    OzarkBoatswain Posts: 692 Critical Contributor
    Very few powers use 13 AP. Are you intentionally avoiding this number?
  • Do you plan to offer a de-leveling feature with or without drawbacks/costs?
  • unpouramor
    unpouramor Posts: 10 Just Dropped In
    Will the opportunity to choose end times for PVE events be made available at all? The ending of the Meet Rocket & Groot event is REALLY inconvenient, as I live in Tokyo and will be working.
  • 9fingers
    9fingers Posts: 19 Just Dropped In
    I'd just like to know...

    When will chat be properly fixed as some players still aren't able to access it.

    Then we can tell players why they could be getting das boot!
  • esoxnepa
    esoxnepa Posts: 291
    Nellobee wrote:
    The 2->3 star transition has become increasingly more difficult as you have added new characters. Are there any plans in the works to make it easier, perhaps by letting us target specific characters in our tokens or similar? If not, what steps do you plan to take to let people transition easier?

    Quoting, because this is the question I would like to see answered. It has been hinted at that some work is bring considered to ease 2-3* transition with so many new characters being added.

    Can explain ideas you are working on for it and a timeframe.
  • What was the average player score for "Meet Rocket & Groot" ?
  • IamTheDanger
    IamTheDanger Posts: 1,093 Chairperson of the Boards
    edited November 2014
    Double post, delete.
  • IamTheDanger
    IamTheDanger Posts: 1,093 Chairperson of the Boards
    Apologize if this has already been asked, but I've been too busy grinding for Thorette covers in the Grocket PvE.

    The max Ap cap in game is currently at 30. With all the Ap stealing and gaining abilities being added, (Xforce black, Mysty, and Thorette's charged tiles), is there any talk about raising it higher, to say, 45 or 50? With all the over priced abilities, this would be a huge benifit to players.
  • Seasick Pirate
    Seasick Pirate Posts: 279 Mover and Shaker
    PvE stories can be fun, but all too often, morale of the community drops significantly before it ends. Forum member fmftint had a good suggestion here: viewtopic.php?f=7&t=19769&start=60#p258171
    fmftint wrote:
    I think the real issue is they took PvE and made it competitive, your not only playing to beat a node, collect all node rewards, collect progression rewards, complete a story. They added a PvP element where you are compelled to beat everyone else.
    They should take the competition out of it, just progression rewards.
    Get a Thor cover at 150k, a second at 200k, a third at 300k (totals may vary) . No ranking, while not likely everyone can attain it
    Is the any chance at all of making PvEs non-competitive with progress rewards only, like The Gauntlet?
    This event can be difficult, but it brings the players together as we discuss the characters and strategies we used to get through it. Having non-competitive PvEs would bring relief to stressed out players and add a much-needed puzzle aspect to the game.
  • I couldn't help but notice that Daredevil and other characters are no longer obtainable through any of the Recruit token packs that give percentage-based breakdowns of recruit chance. Does this mean that these characters are no longer going to be having covers offered? Is there even a chance of these going out through Basic Recruit Tokens?

    Thank you.
  • Are you gonna make the game more fun, less competitive, and more fair?

    Are you going to compensate veterans with more ISO to level the incredible amount of unleveled characters?

    Bonus question. Are you going to fix daily rewards?

    day 400 1 fury cover!!! Day 400 to day 500 useless heroic coins that only pull old characters that I already have covered!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And if I'm lucky I'll get 250 ISO
  • 1. Are there any plans to change node refresh timings? Currently it means that only those who can play every 2.5 hours of their day are in line for the top prizes. Wouldn't an 5 or 8 hour refresh be a little more reasonable?

    Yeah, quoting myself like a boss.

    After this last weekend with sooo many of us dedicating 20% of our life (including sleep time) to MPQ in order to get Top 10. I really don't understand how the benefits to D3 can oughtweigh the unreasonable burden on our schedules.

    Even 4 hours would allow people to do two 'clears' before bed and wake up knowing they've only missed out on a small amount of potential points.
This discussion has been closed.