Hey D3 I'm done and here's why.....



  • @HailMary

    I wont quote your post because it is too long and I wont break it into pieces as I find that the piece of the post quoted does not represent the argument as a whole.

    You do a good job at braking down my posts and adding a line in between where you almost always say "Generally you are not right, but you are right at some extent".

    You like to take every single sentence I type (Pointing out the 10 points in my post) and try to prove it wrong by adding details that are common knowledge and thus not worth including. I need an example for this so I will quote once. In my 1st point you replied with:
    HailMary wrote:
    1. False. I've never had Bullseye, Yelena, and CHawkeye in my roster, and their absence has never strongly impacted my PVE performance. I also don't recall Juggs, Venom, MBW, Moonstone, or the majority of available 3*s in the game having been an Essential character for at least the last 3-5 months. Many were buffed, and having those buffed characters absolutely helped, but out of all characters in the game, not many have been required for Essentials. The general advice of "keep all dem characters just in case" is more of an insurance policy than a "necessity."

    You try to prove my argument of "The game forces you to keep all characters" by adding Yelena and Bullseye to you argument. It's common knowledge that those characters are so **** that I don't need to say "The game forces you to keep every one but Yelena and Bullseye" in order to be more inclusive. That's why I said that it's better to read the post and understand the essence of it rather than try to point out details that do not actually benefit anything. Not to mention that cutting off the rest of my post completely removes the flaw of my argument and the conclusion.

    You empathize with the OP because he is not an every day poster and this is the only post of him you see complaining about something. I'm actually surprised that right at the moment when I posted the long thread of taking a semi-break from the game, at least 2 other similar topics appeared. Coincidence? Maybe, but highly unlikely.

    I like many of your arguments and the flow of your posts. But, to my opinion, breaking down posts into parts, thus breaking the flow of my statement, kind of takes away the focus from what I try to emphasize. You just take each sentence of mine and try to depict the rant tone in it and prove to me or everyone else that I am somehow expressing myself in a harsh way.

    In case you are still not trying to understand the essence of the post you have broken down, I will try to summarize it shortly.

    All my 10 points are directed to those players that are competitive and try to keep up with the pace of the game. While I have stated that everyone personalizes the way they play the game to their schedules, there is a general trend that this game follows. That trend is set by the devs and it is the supposed standard way of playing the game and it represents how the devs perceive a competitive player and what he has to do in order to keep up with the game.

    When I post something, I say something general and I put some personal experience facts in it to support it. So when I say PVE is unfair and then add the fact that scaling is crazy now that I have a single char over 100, I think I have made a valid point. Whether this is a rant to you or not is beyond me.

    The general way the devs run the game is overwhelming for the average transitioning player.
  • atomzed
    atomzed Posts: 1,753 Chairperson of the Boards
    Umm, so okin basically after HM gave a detailed breakdown of where he agrees and disagrees with you, all you have to say is that "you mis represented my post".

    What I can take from your responses thus far is that you are less interested in having a discussion and more interested in saying "I'm right!"

    Which is my cue to stop responding to your points on this thread. Cos you are not gonna listen anyway.
  • mohio
    mohio Posts: 1,690 Chairperson of the Boards
    mohio wrote:
    I'll go ahead and make one suggestion - they should really ratchet up the drop rates on the LR tokens (or maybe constant 3* rate but they ONLY drop the featured characters). Then they feel worth getting and some transitioning folk might be able to win a few and bulk up those featured 3*. It's at least one way to concentrate rewards around certain characters, which seems like it will be ever more important as the game ages.

    There's no way that they would ever increase the drop rate of LR tokens to the point where it helps out transitioning players. They would have to increase the reward tiers massively to make that happen. Additionally, since there's 10+ LR every time they come up, there's no way they'd want to give out that many tokens on a consistent basis. The anniversary LRs were special and only that way because they screwed up their rewards for multiple events during the anniversary week.
    Sorry if it wasn't clear, I didn't mean how many tokens they give out, I more meant how many 3* each token gives out. You may not have been around for it (and I only barely caught the tail end and I've been around 8+ months), but LR used to award covers of the featured character. People actually advised building up Rags, cause that meant you could use a buffed Rags in the cMags LR and win covers to build up your cMags (and Hood). The hero LRs were not quite as nice, but they gave out 3* tokens that had 100% drop rate of 3* or better. I'm not going so far as to say we should have that back, but making them better than 20% drops (maybe 50%?), as well as limiting them to only the 5 (or is it 6?) buffed characters for those rounds, would do a great deal of work towards making it easier for transitioning rosters to build up specific characters.

    Your argument still holds water here since they'd still be increasing the rate of 3* covers entering the system, so maybe they wouldn't do that, but that's why it's just a suggestion. I really do think they should limit them to just the featured characters only rather than a slightly boosted chance, but I'm not sure that alone would make them desirable enough for transitioning people to really fight for them.
  • The problem I see with transitioning guy is that they seem to think winning covers on a character that isn't strong even means anything. Honestly you can probably get away with just not even having certain 3* on your roster, but if you're paranoid keep a 1/0/0 version of that character around just in case, and if it's someone weak like Beast, it hardly matterse whether he's 1/0/0 at level 40 or maxed at 166. This means if an event offers Beast as reward you should not be concerned with getting his cover at all, and it's okay to drop to a low finish for not using a shield because shield cost at least 75 HP and you're likely only going to gain 50 HP for using one (either to preserve 100 HP from falling to 50 HP or 50 HP from falling to 25 HP or less, it's practically impossible to fall from 100 HP to 25 HP in terms of placement because to even be able to hit that placement means your roster is very strong so it should not be able to fall that far unless you're gone for multiple days). Getting 100 HP from progression, 50 from placement, and another 50 from alliance and that's roughly 1/6 of an upgrade for Dormammu's Aid, and when you eventually upgrade Dormammu's Aid to level 5 that will help you far more than a random mix of 3* covers can. Sure if someone who is potentially useful like Punisher shows up maybe you want to invest in him, but even that is not necessary and you certainly don't even have someone on the level of Punisher offered as a prize on a regular basis. I have Beast at level 45 with 4/3/4 and I have no idea where the covers came from, and it didn't even matter in his event because I use the loaned level 40 1/0/0 the whole time as that's a better character (no need to heal, no possibility of using a useless green/yellow power over my standard team). I know I certainly didn't spend any HP trying to get those covers (shields) and even if I never got anything beyond the 1/1/1 that I got from whatever PvE event that introduced him I sure won't miss anything.

    And if you don't have say a Hood blue to upgrade, it makes even more sense to save up your HP so you can have a lot of it to burn when he is offered as a prize.
  • Okin107 wrote:

    I wont quote your post because it is too long and I wont break it into pieces as I find that the piece of the post quoted does not represent the argument as a whole.

    You do a good job at braking down my posts and adding a line in between where you almost always say "Generally you are not right, but you are right at some extent".

    You like to take every single sentence I type (Pointing out the 10 points in my post) and try to prove it wrong by adding details that are common knowledge and thus not worth including. I need an example for this so I will quote once. In my 1st point you replied with:
    HailMary wrote:
    1. False. I've never had Bullseye, Yelena, and CHawkeye in my roster, and their absence has never strongly impacted my PVE performance. I also don't recall Juggs, Venom, MBW, Moonstone, or the majority of available 3*s in the game having been an Essential character for at least the last 3-5 months. Many were buffed, and having those buffed characters absolutely helped, but out of all characters in the game, not many have been required for Essentials. The general advice of "keep all dem characters just in case" is more of an insurance policy than a "necessity."

    You try to prove my argument of "The game forces you to keep all characters" by adding Yelena and Bullseye to you argument. It's common knowledge that those characters are so **** that I don't need to say "The game forces you to keep every one but Yelena and Bullseye" in order to be more inclusive. That's why I said that it's better to read the post and understand the essence of it rather than try to point out details that do not actually benefit anything. Not to mention that cutting off the rest of my post completely removes the flaw of my argument and the conclusion.

    You empathize with the OP because he is not an every day poster and this is the only post of him you see complaining about something. I'm actually surprised that right at the moment when I posted the long thread of taking a semi-break from the game, at least 2 other similar topics appeared. Coincidence? Maybe, but highly unlikely.

    I like many of your arguments and the flow of your posts. But, to my opinion, breaking down posts into parts, thus breaking the flow of my statement, kind of takes away the focus from what I try to emphasize. You just take each sentence of mine and try to depict the rant tone in it and prove to me or everyone else that I am somehow expressing myself in a harsh way.

    In case you are still not trying to understand the essence of the post you have broken down, I will try to summarize it shortly.

    All my 10 points are directed to those players that are competitive and try to keep up with the pace of the game. While I have stated that everyone personalizes the way they play the game to their schedules, there is a general trend that this game follows. That trend is set by the devs and it is the supposed standard way of playing the game and it represents how the devs perceive a competitive player and what he has to do in order to keep up with the game.

    When I post something, I say something general and I put some personal experience facts in it to support it. So when I say PVE is unfair and then add the fact that scaling is crazy now that I have a single char over 100, I think I have made a valid point. Whether this is a rant to you or not is beyond me.

    The general way the devs run the game is overwhelming for the average transitioning player.

    Hypothetically, if you spent as much time grinding PVE (only every other PVE requires a new character, so you get on the essential wagon at some point), as you on forum, you'd be a real contender to be a PVE giant on the level of a Phantron, a Sumilea, or a OliverPantzoph.
  • SnowcaTT
    SnowcaTT Posts: 3,486 Chairperson of the Boards
    The aforementioned 166 wall that everyone hits at 500 point compounded by making lady Thor the alliance reward for this season really screws over transitioning players. It's ridiculous how much my progression has slowed thanks to the developers trying to crack down on the top tier players abusing things like tanking while also throwing a massive incentive for those top tier players to take all the pvp rewards possible for a chance at the new op four star..

    I see this mentioned lots of time, I should add my name amongst these. I've been able to hit 700 in nearly every PVP every season, T100 every time but rarely T25. No characters over level 120.

    Suddenly this season it's nearly impossible to hit 600 points, I've missed top 100 three times already.

    Transition has become nearly impossible, MMR is so messed up by throwing mid-range players up against 166 teams in a range where they'll miss the rewards that are absolutely necessary to eventually be able to get to 166 themselves. I totally understand the frustration of OP, this season more than any other has tried my patience and made me wonder again and again if it is worth continuing.
  • _RiO_
    _RiO_ Posts: 1,047 Chairperson of the Boards
    SnowcaTT wrote:
    The aforementioned 166 wall that everyone hits at 500 point compounded by making lady Thor the alliance reward for this season really screws over transitioning players. It's ridiculous how much my progression has slowed thanks to the developers trying to crack down on the top tier players abusing things like tanking while also throwing a massive incentive for those top tier players to take all the pvp rewards possible for a chance at the new op four star..

    I see this mentioned lots of time, I should add my name amongst these. I've been able to hit 700 in nearly every PVP every season, T100 every time but rarely T25. No characters over level 120.

    Suddenly this season it's nearly impossible to hit 600 points, I've missed top 100 three times already.

    Transition has become nearly impossible, MMR is so messed up by throwing mid-range players up against 166 teams in a range where they'll miss the rewards that are absolutely necessary to eventually be able to get to 166 themselves. I totally understand the frustration of OP, this season more than any other has tried my patience and made me wonder again and again if it is worth continuing.

    Seconding that, because it is exactly my experience as well.
  • Come on guys, you should be happy, D3P has made Alliance slots free for all ! icon_e_smile.gif

    (Here I go again in my sarcastic mode)
  • Transition players will get hit harder if there are more players who don't care about their rating. Once you get into the 'everyone can beat everyone' range it's more important to look for quality (number of points won per game) over quantity but if you don't care about your rating then you might as well still take the 8 point match against a cupcake because you're not trying to preserve the rating so even though that's a bad move it doesn't really matter.

    Maybe this is a sign of the game's lack of incentive to push hard in PvP beyond superficial reasons. If people are all trying to push hard in PvP, transition player should be relatively safe because someone with 600 PvP rating is just not worth the time to beat when you're heavily restrained by time.