Hey D3 I'm done and here's why.....



  • Hey. New guy. Sup.

    To echo what many have said so far, and in the same vein as the OP. I used to be able to at least place in the top 100. Since the last big update, no matter how much I grind, and on one, I played constantly, I can't break 100. Sometimes, I can't break into the 200 ranks.

    Add to that, the fact that my opponent is always, and I mean always, getting crazy cascades, often taking out one of my chars. before 1 or 2 matches are up. This used to happen every once in a while, when the gaming gods randomly decided it was time for me to lose no matter what. Now, it's constant. I don't know if it's just been stupidly bad luck since the update, or if something has changed, but I lose to opponents well below my level, instead of getting the occasional win against higher leveled opponents. Not to mention, after waking up and finding out that I've lost 200 points, 3 or 4 of the dozens of people who beat the snot out of me while I slumbered in blissful ignorance, are well below my defensive team's level.

    Though I've wanted to, I never registered to complain about the fact that in 3 consecutive heroic 10-packs, I got exactly 0 3 stars. Lemme repeat. Big fat squadouch on the 3 star covers.

    What's happening now, as I'm trying to transition to the big leagues, is no fun. Not an enjoyable time killer. It is, in fact, the deal breaker. This needs to change, or I will have to stop playing a game I've played since it first came out, and up till now, enjoyed.

    I feel ya, OP.
  • I didn't even know that shielded targets were now removed from matchmaking but that makes sense and explains how I hardly get hit with my shield on vs. before. Considering that alone is a massive change in pvp, you'd think they tell us about that.
  • scottee
    scottee Posts: 1,610 Chairperson of the Boards
    I didn't even know that shielded targets were now removed from matchmaking but that makes sense and explains how I hardly get hit with my shield on vs. before. Considering that alone is a massive change in pvp, you'd think they tell us about that.

    It's been like that for a really long time.
  • Hmm. Maybe I would just be targeted more before I got my shield up before whatever matchmaking changes they made.
  • NCSTL wrote:
    Thanks for those who responded in support and can empathize through the 2 to 3* land transition. Gonna respond to a few points to flesh out my side of things.

    Couple of data points : i started in late May; i was in a 5 man alliance for the first two months or thereabouts; around late july/august i helped form and coalesce a larger 20 person alliance; my 2* roster of maxed 94's consists of OBW, Wolvie, Magneto, Storm, Thor, and Ares. I have a roster of 48 toons (48 slots opened, which means they cost about 700 HP a pop now).

    -the $250. - i spent probably about $150 in the first 2 months of my starting, and they mainly went to hero packs and roster slots. i did the math around then it came down to about $25 for each hero packs, or roughly $2.50 per card/pull. I'd have to guess i bought about 3-5 hero packs or event packs at the start. My reasoning was simple in that I had zero toons to work and this would help me start up. I was really enjoying the game at the time. So pretty much each new card I got at that time was a new toon or cover that helped build a toon. None of it went to waste. Also keep in mind the alliance I was in at the time hovered in the 550s. So i wasn't getting anything of substance hero points wise from them. Money helped build my roster. Some of that money also went to help build an alliance later on, since I bought a couple of the larger slots (the 2K one namely). I only bought one 5x health pack, never bought boosts. The rest of that money went to opening up roster slots. I never bought ISO. I actually didn't buy any covers and haven't dropped a dime in the game for a few months.

    When I say I regret the money i dropped, this is going to be hard to really perfectly express. I got a lot of playing time out of the game, I didn't buy any other games during that time and foregoed other money activities to play MPQ (thereby saving money). So in a sense i got my money's worth. Of course i wish i hadn't spent as much money it would be nice to have it back; especially with the game changes. I also am not going to the poor house or anything. I, also at the time, wanted to "support the devs" for a product i was thoroughly enjoying.

    Now, the main regret is how they've been reacting to events and really changing how progression happens for players. That annoys me to no end. In that sense how they've changed things and to a lesser sense the amount i spent for the current day product, is really where my disappointment comes in. The game has changed and in too negative of a way for a transitioning player. It seems as if they dont have a steady hand on the till directing the ship; or aren't taking into account people in my phase. Some major changes (ie no more NPCS Bacon_Magic that you face on beginning opening rounds of PVP) and the creation of the lvl 166 wall, (by removing the shielded from the pool MAJORLY impacted my gameplay). None of these were announced; they were just done. Am sure there was a Dev discussion saying in order to fix problem X we need to do Y. Unfortunately consequence Z happened and I dont think they ever fully appreciated how that impacts some folks. If some of those changes hadn't happened, I probably would never have dropped this post.

    I think many of you are fixated on the money when really my complaint is how the transitional phase keeps getting borked. That really is my main complaint here I have a very slim avenue to progress or get better cards; and that method is continually shrinking by changes that D3 is doing.

    You make salient points. (If it's not there already) why not throw up a question in Q & A asking (1) How long do they envision the transition should take an active player, and (2) What do they plan to do to assist transitioners?

    I'd ask, but I'm selfishly more concerned this month about the 2.5 refresh timers in PVE's because I would like to play the game in my spare time instead of planning my life around the game.
  • As a two week old player I'm having a blast. Even with buying gold early on to buy 2** recruit tokens I've noticed I still had to follow the Guide on this forum to build my 1* team, then 2* team, etc etc. It sucks having landed a 2*/3* Hero out of my 10000000000000000000000 Hawkeye covers only to soon realize I will won't even be able to get a 2nd cover for these characters for months but oh well.

    I landed top 10 on The Hunt PvE for 3 cover blade and was stoked. That was with relying on Sonic Boom and Juggs mainly. Just have to grind to move ahead. I will not be purchasing anything more other than gold for more roster spots in the future. Not worth it due to slow covers.
  • hsk808
    hsk808 Posts: 48 Just Dropped In
    AXP_isme wrote:
    It is difficult and it does seem like there should be a better way of targeting specific progression (as someone suggested a choice of pvp events/rewards seems very sensible)... There are options, additional tiers of characters 3/4/5..or splitting up the the tokens into different types (hero tokens and villain tokens for instance) are just two that would allow transitioning players to focus a bit more and reduce the time during transition.

    Yes! I think I read that suggestion earlier too and now I can't find the post. It might be possible to create simultaneously running events that would benefit each tier uniquely. For example, the beginner event would offer 1* cover rewards, the intermediate tier would have 2* rewards, advanced tier 3* rewards, and veteran tier 4* and new character covers. If you are allowed to compete in one event only, bracketing would be partially balanced fairly all on its own.

    Anyway, I feel for the OP and hopefully D3 is listening and working on a way to balance things. I think this game stands to make a lot more money if the transitioning 2* to 3* people are kept happy.
  • I'd ask, but I'm selfishly more concerned this month about the 2.5 refresh timers in PVE's because I would like to play the game in my spare time instead of planning my life around the game.

    Planning life around the game can be fun at times (ie Anniversary) but the challenge should be within reach.

    I've started The Gauntlet. It looks like you need to clear each node 6 times so as to be able to get all node rewards. It's far better than before. Still 20 Iso per match is not much, but that will be improved I'm sure.

    However, just started the second sub, and scaling is already quite bad. So it looks like I won't be able to finish the third sub, unless Blade does wonders (it looks like he is quite big in PvE).

    I will know after the Blade PvP when I have finished maxing him.
  • arktos1971 wrote:
    I'd ask, but I'm selfishly more concerned this month about the 2.5 refresh timers in PVE's because I would like to play the game in my spare time instead of planning my life around the game.

    Planning life around the game can be fun at times (ie Anniversary) but the challenge should be within reach.

    I've started The Gauntlet. It looks like you need to clear each node 6 times so as to be able to get all node rewards. It's far better than before. Still 20 Iso per match is not much, but that will be improved I'm sure.

    However, just started the second sub, and scaling is already quite bad. So it looks like I won't be able to finish the third sub, unless Blade does wonders (it looks like he is quite big in PvE).

    I will know after the Blade PvP when I have finished maxing him.

    Lol, I like that...."at times." If I remember correctly, you live in Europe. So I'd guess you agree there are many more times that you'd agree it's not fun to plan life around the game, especially when life refuses to cooperate with the game's schedule.
  • Pylgrim
    Pylgrim Posts: 2,328 Chairperson of the Boards
    NCSTL wrote:
    I think many of you are fixated on the money when really my complaint is how the transitional phase keeps getting borked. That really is my main complaint here I have a very slim avenue to progress or get better cards; and that method is continually shrinking by changes that D3 is doing.

    Don't know about this. I am close to complete my transition. Thousands others have and will as well. It is not super easy, but it's definitely possible, so why can't you? I get the feeling that you expected that after dropping all that money you deserved an easier path and are disappointed that you didn't get it. Or it may be that (according to your description) after basically having bought your way through the first stages of the game, playing the next unaided by money (and compounded by the undeniable difficulty spike) seems insurmountable and unfair to you.

    Most people don't buy lots of toons or packs at the beginning. We slowly make do with what the game doles out and what they can earn in-game. Maybe that prepares us for what comes up ahead? Cutting a butterfly free of its cocoon comes to mind.
  • Lystrata
    Lystrata Posts: 322 Mover and Shaker
    I think this game should have a disclaimer as you log in, along the lines of: Will take months, perhaps years, before completion if you don't spend money. This is not an mmorpg.

    I'm on day... er.. hundred-and-something. 110? I have 2 3*s, which have 8 and 7 covers respectively, 7 or so fully maxed/levelled 2*s, and countless 3*s with 1 - 4 covers (which are utterly useless). The game is slow. It's veeery, very slow. But is the point of the game to race through and max out everything, or ... to play a Match-3 game?

    The transitional phase is certainly frustrating if all you're wanting is 'to be a 3* player'. But if what you want is to play a tiny mobile phone game from time to time, and just enjoy the ride... then you just have to accept it's a long journey, and go with it.

    If you're no longer enjoying the ride, then stepping away is definitely the right course of action. But it does seem a bit as though you paid to quickly progress your roster at the start, and now you're quitting because the second phase is taking a bit longer?
  • Lystrata wrote:
    I think this game should have a disclaimer as you log in, along the lines of: Will take months, perhaps years, before completion if you don't spend money. This is not an mmorpg.

    ... The game is slow. It's veeery, very slow. But is the point of the game to race through and max out everything, or ... to play a Match-3 game?

    The transitional phase is certainly frustrating if all you're wanting is 'to be a 3* player'. But if what you want is to play a tiny mobile phone game from time to time, and just enjoy the ride... then you just have to accept it's a long journey, and go with it.

    I agree with this. Some game companies and franchises are built to be hard by design. They go old school -- like the days of Bard's Tale (by EA) and Ultima. Games you could spend years to complete. Capcom is a company that still makes their games hard. They know that hard games have a special attraction to them. Bandai Namco's Demon Souls/Dark Souls is meant to be a torture trial. Cause us masochists love it. icon_twisted.gif

    This has been known for time immemorial. "It is a general rule of human nature that people despise those who treat them well, and look up to those who make no concessions." -- Thucydides

    Perhaps this is D3's thing. I'm not 100% sure yet, but it seems much of this game was designed by masochists. I took hundreds of Rag's Godlessness and Chemical Reactions to the face on sleepless nights to get 3 Blade covers. And you're cursing the whole way -- and when you win, you shake your fist at the tablet still cursing the Dark Avengers for being born. And then you dance a jig of joy at their humiliating defeat at the hands of your underwhelming roster, and then you go grab a beer from the fridge and celebrate.

    ...Or you get wiped, throw your device and take your bruised roster to the hospital for some rest and come back another day to battle once more. You have to just accept that it's a road, not a destination, it will take forever, and that the torturous climb is where the fun lies. You have to embrace that and kind of let go of the idea of reaching some sort of destination. It's a Caucus race.

    The 166 wall at 600 points in PVP, and 2.5 refresh on PVE that rules your life, yeah lots of stuff needs to be fixed. I can say though that the game has progressed in the right direction in the 4 months I've been playing. Someday the game will end (hopefully far out in time) -- ultimately you can't take anything with you -- except the memories of the long climb to victory and sense of achievement that came with crushing your worthy foes.
  • All F2P games should have a disclaimer like 'don't expect to be competitive against the best players without spending money, because otherwise we'd be bankrupt'.

    But MPQ is definitely quite generous in this model as you can get pretty far without needing to spend money if you have some know-hows. For example PvP you only need 2 characters (Sentry + The Hood). Once you got 1/1/1 in each character you should put all your HP into upgrading their abilities while saving about 500 in case they get offered as a prize (this won't happen very often though). There's no point to worry about your placement in some generic PvP event that features no one useful. Just collect the 100 HP for hitting 800 and it adds up over time. Likewise for PvE all you have to do is make sure nobody is higher than level 94 to take advantage of the scaling and you'll have a significant edge there. Yes some of the knowledge is rather obscure but it's definitely there.
  • They do have to try and walk a difficult tightrope. They have to make money, or they're will be no game. They have to have players or there will be no game.

  • Lol, I like that...."at times." If I remember correctly, you live in Europe. So I'd guess you agree there are many more times that you'd agree it's not fun to plan life around the game, especially when life refuses to cooperate with the game's schedule.

    You say out loud what I did not dare tell myself...

    I'm mainly focused on Iso grinding now, because I overspent on it for several months. If you want to grind Iso and have enough for all the characters released, you indeed have to play a lot. And organize yourself a lot around the game.

    I tried to downsize my expenditures with the game, and succeeded in a way, but still, MPQ is very expensive if you want to be competitive. By competitive I mean : rank high enough to get the best rewards (covers and Iso).

    I'm trying to build an efficient roster, enabling me to play longer without the help of Health Packs. It works quite well for everything except the PvPs when you push higher than 1000-1100.
  • arktos1971 wrote:
    I'm mainly focused on Iso grinding now, because I overspent on it for several months. If you want to grind Iso and have enough for all the characters released, you indeed have to play a lot.

    Over this topic, i made some figures with regards to the Iso, to see, where i am and what i still need... The findings are... funny.

    Overall, if you don't run doubled characters, you need round about about 8.200.000 Iso to level all available chars right now to maximum level. That is somewhat like ... 10.400 $ or 9.450 €.
    For me, being on day 92 or the like, so far i earned 1.008.732 Iso, i spent in character levels. As i started my second Hood, but only covers in so far, and i don't have Juggs, Venom, Yelena, Bagman and Thorina so far, i "only" need 6.740.772 Iso to max out all the characters, i currently have. Or about 7.770 €. As well interesting is, that it averages on about 300.000 ISO per month, so i'm there in about 23 month, if there are no new characters released. But we all now, Thorina will be there in a couple days, then we can add another 500.000 iso to the pool...

    I'm so eagerly looking forward to that, i just can't express myself ...

    But, as mentioned in my first post in this topic, I like the collecting part and any new cover and any new level is somehow my joy and fun and i'm not wasting time with dreams about competing with any vet. I will never get there, due to i lack 8000 € i can really happily blast in the game, alone for the iso and not mentioning the missing covers ...
  • The fact that this game "forces" you to have all characters and get all the new ones is what makes it such a chore. If I could focus on my 20 slot roster and level up the heroes I choose to without having to worry that i will be left out in PVE it would be great. That way, I will level and fight with the roster I currently have and expand at my own pace.

    Instead this game chooses the pace for you. You HAVE to keep up with the game else you will be left out in many things. Main points of frustration:

    1. Have every character in your roster even if he's unplayable. You need him in case he is essential in order to be competitive.
    2. Get all new chars as they will be essential in the next PVE and will help you be competitive.
    3. Buy roster slots because I force you to not because you actually want to expand your roster.
    4. If you miss one PVE you are screwed on the next one because you don't have essential char
    4a. In PVE like The Gauntlent you have 0% chance to get the top rewards if you missed Blade (Happened to me).
    5. Scaling is based on your highest char in your roster, not the highest char from the buffed ones.
    6. PVP has become so broken that you cannot compete without shields.
    7. Shielded opponents disappear from targets so MMR is even worse now.
    8. Roster slot's prices are stupid.
    9. Improving characters by leveling them will put you in very unfair brackets and scaling will slap you out of the competition.
    10. New chars introduction ALWAYS interferes with players trying to progress (Both in Season and PVE rewards).
    10a. Veterans are forced to score super high in PVP in order to keep their season score and kick everyone else out of T100.
    10b. PVE released chars freezes people's transition and lengthens it by adding more useless chars in their rosters (Which they are forced to keep)

    That's my top 10. I can keep going but what's the point?

    EDIT: Spelling
  • Meutrich wrote:
    arktos1971 wrote:
    I'm mainly focused on Iso grinding now, because I overspent on it for several months. If you want to grind Iso and have enough for all the characters released, you indeed have to play a lot.

    Over this topic, i made some figures with regards to the Iso, to see, where i am and what i still need... The findings are... funny.

    Overall, if you don't run doubled characters, you need round about about 8.200.000 Iso to level all available chars right now to maximum level. That is somewhat like ... 10.400 $ or 9.450 €.
    For me, being on day 92 or the like, so far i earned 1.008.732 Iso, i spent in character levels. As i started my second Hood, but only covers in so far, and i don't have Juggs, Venom, Yelena, Bagman and Thorina so far, i "only" need 6.740.772 Iso to max out all the characters, i currently have. Or about 7.770 €. As well interesting is, that it averages on about 300.000 ISO per month, so i'm there in about 23 month, if there are no new characters released. But we all now, Thorina will be there in a couple days, then we can add another 500.000 iso to the pool...

    I'm so eagerly looking forward to that, i just can't express myself ...

    But, as mentioned in my first post in this topic, I like the collecting part and any new cover and any new level is somehow my joy and fun and i'm not wasting time with dreams about competing with any vet. I will never get there, due to i lack 8000 € i can really happily blast in the game, alone for the iso and not mentioning the missing covers ...

    If you count Lady Thor and Blade, the total is a bit less than 8 million Iso (7987635 to be exact). Still, it's a lot. Lady Thor should be "completely" released in 3 months, so you have 3 months to gather the 430K Iso icon_e_smile.gif Meanwhile, there should be 6 new characters, worth 1,1 million Iso.
  • I always thought, i could do math. Now, lets do it together. And yes, i count Blade and Thorina.

    We need for max lvl char in Iso:

    1*: 28420
    2*: 69524
    3*: 172764
    4*: 430464

    1*, i know the following chars: Juggs, Venom, Yelena, mStorm, mWidow, IM35, cHawk, which makes a count of 7 1*s, aka 198.940 Iso.

    2*: mnThor, OBW, cStorm, mnMags, Wolvie, Tinytorch, Ares, mCap, Bullseye, Daken, Ms Marvel, mHawkeye, Moonstone, Bagman, which makes a count of 14 2*s, aka 973.226 Iso

    3*: LThor, Hood, LCap, Patch, Sentry, cMags, BP, Falcon, GSBW, IM40, Punisher, Torch, LDaken, DP, Spidey, Psylocke, Hulk, DD, Lazystorm, She-Hulk, Blade, Doom, Rags, Dr. Oc, Colossus, Beast, Loki, Captain Marvel, which makes a count of 28 3* chars, aka 4.837.392 Iso

    4*: X-Force, Fury, IW, Devil Dino, Thorina, which makes a count of 5 4*s, aka 2.152.320 Iso.

    So we get in total:

    8.161.878, if i do the math correctly and got all characters.
  • atomzed
    atomzed Posts: 1,753 Chairperson of the Boards
    Okin107 wrote:
    The fact that this game "forces" you to have all characters and get all the new ones is what makes it such a chore.

    I politely disagree. I consider myself a veteran and I will say that there's no need to do the 10 steps you mentioned.

    I have a 44 man roster. I considered myself competitive, as I can reach 1300 points if I set myself the target.

    I have choose *not* to grind in pve. I missed getting blade this time. It's ok if I missed a few covers this time for the gauntlet (though fortunately I only need the CM black)

    My CM black is 3 covers away from max.I have also missed cpt marvel when she was released cos I didn't grind in pve. 3 months after she's released, and I going to max cover her after this pvp.

    You see. I choose how I play the game. I can still be competitive with the way I'm playing.