Hey D3 I'm done and here's why.....



  • atomzed wrote:
    Okin107 wrote:
    The fact that this game "forces" you to have all characters and get all the new ones is what makes it such a chore.

    I politely disagree. I consider myself a veteran and I will say that there's no need to do the 10 steps you mentioned.

    I have a 44 man roster. I considered myself competitive, as I can reach 1300 points if I set myself the target.

    I have choose *not* to grind in pve. I missed getting blade this time. It's ok if I missed a few covers this time for the gauntlet (though fortunately I only need the CM black)

    My CM black is 3 covers away from max.I have also missed cpt marvel when she was released cos I didn't grind in pve. 3 months after she's released, and I going to max cover her after this pvp.

    You see. I choose how I play the game. I can still be competitive with the way I'm playing.

    Actually, I do what you do as well since last week. I am more than casual and I actually feel like playing a game rather than doing chores.

    However, what I mentioned above in my post, is what the game expects from you. If you are in an alliance that happens to need the rewards and they are T100 or above, you just can't skip PVE and PVP that often, maybe not at all.

    The pace the game sets for you is boring and frustrating and really hard to keep up with. Everyone will find their way to fit this game in their lives if they like it enough to play it.

    What devs do not realise, is if some issues (Most of them are posted and repeated every day in these forums) are taken care of (And not just acknowledged, I'm so over acknowledgement) the game would be far more enjoyable and feedback would be more positive. I know because I have given positive feedback myself on certain changes. But apart from those changes, many issues remain.
  • over_clocked
    over_clocked Posts: 3,961
    Meutrich, only 2/7 of the 1*s require this much ISO, all the rest have a cap of 40 levels. Bullseye has a lowered cap too (78). Ditto Loki/Ragnarok/Doom (140).

    Okin: was going to comment on all points but then decided against it. The point is, you don't need to be competitive to be able to just play the game. The top game, the competition, is for, guess it, stubborn/competitive people. Those who don't like it, who won't let the game force a pace on them, choose their own pace and moderate their expectations and wants. Yes most of us 'lucked out' to start earlier, to grab some truly broken things, but many vets have quit over time, too.
    I hoped you would stop being so bitter once you resigned yourself to more casual play, but it didn't seem to help, why? Have you quit your t100 alliance and entered a more casual one?
  • locked wrote:
    Meutrich, only 2/7 of the 1*s require this much ISO, all the rest have a cap of 40 levels. Bullseye has a lowered cap too (78). Ditto Loki/Ragnarok/Doom (140).

    Ah, here we go. Thanks a lot. Still, it's a whole bunch of Iso you .. er... i need...
  • Okin107 wrote:
    4. If you miss one PVE you are screwed on the next one because you don't have essential char
    4a. In PVE like The Gauntlent you have 0% chance to get the top rewards if you missed Blade (Happened to me).

    You will have chances to get Blade before Gauntlet is done. Unless D3 doesn't put Blade covers as the Captain Marvel PvP rewards. Then you will see torches and pitchforks.
  • locked wrote:
    Okin: was going to comment on all points but then decided against it. The point is, you don't need to be competitive to be able to just play the game. The top game, the competitiveness, is for, guess it, stubborn/competitive people. Those who don't like it, who won't let the game force a pace on them, choose their own pace and moderate their expectations and wants. Yes most of us 'lucked out' to start earlier, to grab some truly broken things, but many vets have quit over time, too.
    I hoped you would stop being so bitter once you resigned yourself to more casual play, but it didn't seem to help, why? Have you quit your t100 alliance and entered a more casual one?

    I will only comment on the bold part as I have posted one post above you the answer to the rest.

    I have indeed resigned to not even casual play but almost beginner play. I only go for stuff my roster needs and nothing new that wont benefit me. It is true that I have stopped to care about stuff like T100 and alliance requirements. I am in a public alliance which I might get kicked for not doing much, but I will join another one just for ISO and HP if that happens.

    The fact that I have adjusted my play time with my life does not mean that I am suddenly satisfied with how certain game mechanics work. I have also made positive comments about the game when I felt like something was positive. Although the positive and negative feelings come and go with the devs decisions. It seems like as soon as they get some positive feedback, they see it as a chance to abuse with it.

    Also, I am bored at work so I find this forums fun to read and reply to. I enjoy the forums more than the game itself actually, so unless work comes my way, I'll be here icon_e_biggrin.gif
  • Okin107 wrote:
    4. If you miss one PVE you are screwed on the next one because you don't have essential char
    4a. In PVE like The Gauntlent you have 0% chance to get the top rewards if you missed Blade (Happened to me).

    You will have chances to get Blade before Gauntlet is done. Unless D3 doesn't put Blade covers as the Captain Marvel PvP rewards. Then you will see torches and pitchforks.

    My 2* roster can't wait to hit that 1100 point thresshold. Wait for me Blade icon_twisted.gif
  • Okin107 wrote:
    Okin107 wrote:
    4. If you miss one PVE you are screwed on the next one because you don't have essential char
    4a. In PVE like The Gauntlent you have 0% chance to get the top rewards if you missed Blade (Happened to me).

    You will have chances to get Blade before Gauntlet is done. Unless D3 doesn't put Blade covers as the Captain Marvel PvP rewards. Then you will see torches and pitchforks.

    My 2* roster can't wait to hit that 1100 point thresshold. Wait for me Blade icon_twisted.gif

    The 1100 point Blade reward will be for the Blade PVP. The Blade placement reward covers should be for the Captain Marvel PvP.

    I could tell you that with a little luck there will be several other chances to get a Blade cover other than those listed above, but you have been around long enough to know this.

    I never thought I would actually say this to anyone, but I think you have crossed the line from being critical to just looking for something to complain about.

    I hope you find the fun again.
  • I think it's funny that many players claim to have 'quit' or started taking it easy, yet are still so obsessed with getting the latest character. It seems almost like a weird form of denial. A lot of the conversation reminds me of trying to lose weight and/or get in shape: it's a lot of work, and if you slack off a for a day or 2 it's like you've blown 3 weeks of progress. Yet if you don't continue on at it for months, you never get there. And yet due to setbacks, it seems like you're never getting there, but your gradual muscle build says otherwise. So it is with your roster.

    The difference with this is, it is a GAME. You can slow down or quit, and actually be better off without your OCD kicking you constantly. I too have reached the point where I spend more time on forums than the game itself, usually because there's just decreasing returns, particularly in PVP where you start to have negative gains (more retals) for more effort.
  • mohio
    mohio Posts: 1,690 Chairperson of the Boards
    This is not usually my nature but here goes - asshat reply in 3...2...1...

    Sorry to interrupt the 2*/transitioning circle jerk going on here, but it's not all sunshine and rainbows for us fully transitioned folk too. Pvp turns into a relentless slog of sentry+hood/daken after 7-800 points (even earlier for quite a few) turning every pvp into the same thing. On top of that most rewards aren't even worth trying for, but that thoress carrot on the end of the stick keeps us chugging along and bumping out the guys who can reach 8-900 cause we can get to 1000+ pretty easily. You get a maxed 3* or two and suddenly you're swimming in covers you can't level up and before you know it, only the newest characters are needed and then they release she-hulk, and beast, and doc ock

    Tl;dr - you guys will just trade in one set of complaints for another, so either enjoy the game and the journey to 3* land or find a better use of your time.

    /asshat reply

    As for my actual reply, there really needs to be a middle ground between how it is now and how it once was. When I was transitioning, I could often top 10 (netting 3 covers mind you) with a score in the mid 700s. As I started getting a stronger roster then I continued to top 10 with a score in the high 800-mid 900 range. These days that can get you maybe top 25, and sometimes not even that. There are more and more people with developed rosters that as the game matures it will just get harder and harder to accumulate those 3* rewards you need to transition, and that's not even taking into account the saturation of more and more new characters and having their rewards necessarily spaced out. As others have said there needs to be a way to separate the competition of the fully transitioned and the new players/still transitioning. These players need/want different things so it seems win/win to give it to them. That said, you don't want to go super quick through the transition or you're left with not much else to do, but with so many 3* in the game I'm not terribly concerned with that issue.
  • Okin107 wrote:

    My 2* roster can't wait to hit that 1100 point thresshold. Wait for me Blade icon_twisted.gif

    The 1100 point Blade reward will be for the Blade PVP. The Blade placement reward covers should be for the Captain Marvel PvP.

    I could tell you that with a little luck there will be several other chances to get a Blade cover other than those listed above, but you have been around long enough to know this.

    I never thought I would actually say this to anyone, but I think you have crossed the line from being critical to just looking for something to complain about.

    I hope you find the fun again.

    Your reply is justified. Many of my my recent posts are mostly rants and everything I say now is represented by the "rant tone". This was one comment intended as an innocent joke.

    I don't really look to get Blade. We all know that if you want one of the covers in T150 in PVE you can get it. It just hurts some times that's it. The methods to go there exist even for super scaled rosters. The issues discussed are mostly about the fact that some get it easier and some suffer (Game-wise).

    The purpose of most of my comments in here is to point out some mechanics that, in my opinion, are flawed or can be better. It's not about that specific cover, it is the general idea of how some mechanics work and we all know they can be better.

    I am not the only one to have such opinions, I just happen to be more active in this forums because of my work schedule and because I happen to not have a lot to do at work at the moment.

    You are right, though. There is line that if crossed you just become "that guy that rants all the time". I am not sure if I have crossed it yet, but I have actually reduced my MPQ gaming to less than once a day to prevent that.

    About finding the fun again in this game, I have. I only hit the super easy rewards on PVE and PVP and call it a win. At least this way I get something for my minimal contribution instead of getting something I wont use for a long time for a lot more. Although, I will admit that getting repeated rewards from CA and VH was fun. I guess I have fun when I get free stuff, this might not be the game to look for something like that icon_e_wink.gif
  • It is interesting seeing the game mature. As you say 700 used to be good for 3 covers usually. Then people farmed those opportunities leveled up so to speak and there were many more people competing for the same rewards as before. So they relaxed the placement rewards a little, and now even more people have rosters competing for the top rewards. This trend will continue until they design events where people who don't need the rewards will relax and take it easy so other people can get in on the party. But seasons kill that mentality a little. Everyone needs all the points they can get whether they need the other rewards or not and thus there is a wall of strong players keeping out those trying to transition, not intentionally, but it is a side effect of the current game design.
  • HailMary
    HailMary Posts: 2,179
    edited October 2014
    daibar wrote:
    I think it's funny that many players claim to have 'quit' or started taking it easy, yet are still so obsessed with getting the latest character. It seems almost like a weird form of denial.
    Kinda makes ya wonder about what they really enjoy.
    Okin107 wrote:
    Actually, I do what you do as well since last week. I am more than casual and I actually feel like playing a game rather than doing chores.

    However, what I mentioned above in my post, is what the game expects from you. If you are in an alliance that happens to need the rewards and they are T100 or above, you just can't skip PVE and PVP that often, maybe not at all.
    The game does not, in any way, "force" you to be in a T100 alliance. You should know this perfectly well, since you've supposedly left that kind of play schedule behind. Why pretend otherwise? For the sake of, what, maintaining your rant schedule?
    Okin107 wrote:
    The purpose of most of my comments in here is to point out some mechanics that, in my opinion, are flawed or can be better. It's not about that specific cover, it is the general idea of how some mechanics work and we all know they can be better.
    A number of forumites do that without misguided raging ad nauseam about what the game "forces" upon players. If you disagree with the latter characterization, I'll point out that the majority of your numbered list is actually wrong (not just "creatively interpreted", but factually wrong).
  • .... and some of the things Okin listed rings true and I agree with (but that's just me).

    Meanwhile, this thread and the OP has 18 upvotes.
  • HailMary
    HailMary Posts: 2,179
    MikeHock wrote:
    .... and some of the things Okin listed rings true and I agree with (but that's just me).

    Meanwhile, this thread and the OP has 18 upvotes.
    Sure, some of the things Okin listed are legitimate issues, and the OP does a good job of laying out specific concrete criticisms of the game. I never said otherwise.

    I'll note, though, that I could say "end times suck for Europeans and D3 eats babies," and, just as in Okin's case, "some of the things listed [would ring] true."
  • mohio
    mohio Posts: 1,690 Chairperson of the Boards
    As a counter to the new toon argument for pve, there are going to be old covers in almost every single pve as rewards. It's pretty rare for them to give out new characters back to back, and I imagine it was mostly due to rushing out blade before Halloween. In any event you're mostly gonna see new characters every other event, but even when they're offered as placement rewards, there is still an older 3* cover available in progression. Also you're just as likely, if not more likely to cover up a new character quickly since they are guaranteed to have a featured pvp just after their release, and usually a 2nd one not TOO long after (although this time frame has gotten much longer in the past few months).

    edit: the more I think about this, the more it comes down to two "problems"

    1) It takes a fairly large time investment to win 3* covers (heroic/event tokens aside - which are horrible rates anyway). I haven't looked at the numbers, but let's say it takes ~600 pts for top 100 and ~800 for top 25. If you start 1+ days in, you should be able to find mostly 30+ point matches, so we'll say average 30 points per match, that's 20 matches for top 100 and 27-ish for top 25. If you can average a match every 5 minutes, that's 1:40 just for top 100, and 2:15 for top 25. This is completely ignoring any defensive losses you might suffer along the way (and bad boards/cascade nightmares you might have as well). Some people have that kind of time, others don't. Also someone whose roster might max out at around 800 points could coast along to 6-700 in 1.5 hours, and then the last 100 points takes an hour as you win 30 and lose 25 over and over. Anyway the point is, many don't have that kind of time or think it's worth it. You have to really want it and devote the time to win the covers.

    That goes double for pve, the time commitment is absurd in PvE for just about any number of 3* rewards. That said, many still focus their time here since it is at least possible for 2* rosters to place in the 3 cover reward range without having to totally luck out with their bracket. A savvy player can play pretty minimally and score 1 or 2 covers each time, but as with everything else in the game, the time will start to add up, and you'll likely end up putting in much more than the 2+ hours you'd put in per pvp.

    tl;dr part 1) People underestimate how much time is needed to do well in this game and want to be able to place higher with their idea of the right amount of time, when in reality it takes a lot more.

    2) I'll put the tl;dr first this time : Character reward rotation is just going to get worse and worse.

    I mentioned above how earlier in MPQ's life I could reach the 3-cover reward range scoring just 700 or 750, and that number has slowly crept up until now it's just about skyrocketed to 1300+. Thus, it is essentially impossible for a transitioning roster to compete for 3 covers, unless that guy just happened to luck into having sentry as his first highly leveled 3* (and even then he probably doesn't have the hp available to shield hop enough times to stay top 5). So, even for a roster than can consistently place top 25, they are only getting 2 (or 3 with alliance) covers per event. With 28 3* characters and counting and a "fair" rotation of rewards, that is only 3 covers every 9 weeks! Now we've seen they don't really rotate things quite like that, as Hood has been offered a bunch lately, and even Sentry seems like he's gotten his fair share of rewards lately (and on the other end Hulk is almost never offered, and I'm sure there are several others that have been out of rotation for a while). Anyway, the point is with more and more new 3* characters sure to come out, the frequency you see a specific character offered as a reward is going to go down a lot, and it's going to increase the amount of time needed to fully cover a 3* by a ton (at 3 covers every 9 weeks and assuming 3 covers from the release pve the earliest you could expect to have 12 covers is about 20 weeks from release. That's 5 months!). Just forget about it if you're only winning 1 or 2 covers per event. I really hope you're lucky in your token pulls.

    The rotation thing they're doing with heroic tokens is one way they're trying to address the issue, but it's only going to get worse and they're going to have to come up with something different to not get more covers into the game, but enough covers of a given character that transitioning rosters can collect and feel like they have a useable character. It's going to be difficult, and I'm not super confident they can do it, but it will be interesting to see if they try something in addition to the token stuff.

    I'll go ahead and make one suggestion - they should really ratchet up the drop rates on the LR tokens (or maybe constant 3* rate but they ONLY drop the featured characters). Then they feel worth getting and some transitioning folk might be able to win a few and bulk up those featured 3*. It's at least one way to concentrate rewards around certain characters, which seems like it will be ever more important as the game ages.
  • @HailMary

    Yes, the game forces you about several stuff. I wont go ahead and list them again since I suppose you already read them before in the "rant" posts, or w/e you call them.

    The very fact that you can't get the top reward in The Gauntlet without having Blade which was T150 reward in the previous PVE is something that is being enforced by the game mechanics. We all know it's like that and it has been forever. So I knew before hand that I would need Blade for the next PVE for those essentials. It's by now common knowledge. While the game rewards both casual and hard working players, some of its mechanics really block you sometimes. Best example is in the previous Gauntlet. I was in my best competing form and pushing hard for covers. I was T100 in every PVP and PVE and had all essentials for every event. Suddenly, BP was needed and I happened to not have him at the moment. I was kicked out from those top rewards even though I was playing hard for them.

    You can argue that this happened one time 1 month ago. But there are lots of mechanics that one way or another screw you over. Like when that Venom Heroic kicked in during Anniversary week and I only had Thor to play in it. I still was a competing hard transitioning guy but suddenly I was forced to hit the brakes on an event. Again, this mechanic is known for the heroics, but my argument is that it can be better.

    It is a weird phenomenon that if someone is seen expressing his opinion in several places and if so happens that the opinion is criticizing, he becomes a chronic ranting machine. If I posted "Thank you D3" topics every day would you come and say stop being such a D3 fanboy? It just so happens that my opinions are not in par with D3's decisions at several points. I think I am entitled to expressing them just like you do yours.

    I can as well quote all your posts and point out the sarcasm, irony and the urge to counter people's post. But I'm the kind of guy that will read the post for its essence and will try to put myself in the poster's shoes before I reply. We live different lives, we have different issues and we express ourselves differently.
  • HailMary wrote:
    MikeHock wrote:
    .... and some of the things Okin listed rings true and I agree with (but that's just me).

    Meanwhile, this thread and the OP has 18 upvotes.
    Sure, some of the things Okin listed are legitimate issues, and the OP does a good job of laying out specific concrete criticisms of the game. I never said otherwise.

    I'll note, though, that I could say "end times suck for Europeans and D3 eats babies," and, just as in Okin's case, "some of the things listed [would ring] true."

    You did say It... While implying that you could icon_lol.gif

    Well said.
  • mohio wrote:
    I'll go ahead and make one suggestion - they should really ratchet up the drop rates on the LR tokens (or maybe constant 3* rate but they ONLY drop the featured characters). Then they feel worth getting and some transitioning folk might be able to win a few and bulk up those featured 3*. It's at least one way to concentrate rewards around certain characters, which seems like it will be ever more important as the game ages.

    There's no way that they would ever increase the drop rate of LR tokens to the point where it helps out transitioning players. They would have to increase the reward tiers massively to make that happen. Additionally, since there's 10+ LR every time they come up, there's no way they'd want to give out that many tokens on a consistent basis. The anniversary LRs were special and only that way because they screwed up their rewards for multiple events during the anniversary week.
  • HailMary
    HailMary Posts: 2,179
    Okin107 wrote:
    Yes, the game forces you about several stuff. I wont go ahead and list them again since I suppose you already read them before in the "rant" posts, or w/e you call them.
    No, the game "forces you about several stuff" if you wish to perform very well.

    You'll notice that I haven't rebutted the OP here (or even your posts, most of the time), even though he added a bit of color commentary to his post. He lays out points pretty well, and in the context of personal experience.
    Okin107 wrote:
    The very fact that you can't get the top reward in The Gauntlet without having Blade which was T150 reward in the previous PVE is something that is being enforced by the game mechanics. We all know it's like that and it has been forever... You can argue that this happened one time 1 month ago. But there are lots of mechanics that one way or another screw you over.
    1. I'm not arguing anything of the sort, but if you'd like to simply continue knocking down strawmen instead of addressing actual arguments, have fun with that.

    2. Recently, the PVE schedule almost always inserts at least one not-so-important PVE between PVEs that award new characters. The notable exception was the 2* Marv and Blade PVEs, which were back-to-back, presumably to squeeze out Blade in time for Halloween. I didn't like it, not least because needing to grind a PVE for a 2* character felt weird, but I didn't mind it much.
    Okin107 wrote:
    So I knew before hand that I would need Blade for the next PVE for those essentials. It's by now common knowledge. While the game rewards both casual and hard working players, some of its mechanics really block you sometimes. Best example is in the previous Gauntlet. I was in my best competing form and pushing hard for covers. I was T100 in every PVP and PVE and had all essentials for every event. Suddenly, BP was needed and I happened to not have him at the moment. I was kicked out from those top rewards even though I was playing hard for them.
    Wait, BP was awarded in a PVP not too long ago, in several post-alliance PVPs before that, and in at least two PVEs after his release. If you were T100 for everything, you should've had at least a tiny BP. Heck, he's not even one of those "total **** that I have to keep solely for PVE lockouts" characters: he's a high-tier 3*.
    Okin107 wrote:
    Again, this mechanic is known for the heroics, but my argument is that it can be better.
    "It can be better" Is how you're characterizing that wonderfully vituperative rant about how the developers should go bankrupt because the Heroics were apparently specifically designed to screw you over? I see.
    Okin107 wrote:
    It is a weird phenomenon that if someone is seen expressing his opinion in several places and if so happens that the opinion is criticizing, he becomes a chronic ranting machine. If I posted "Thank you D3" topics every day would you come and say stop being such a D3 fanboy? It just so happens that my opinions are not in par with D3's decisions at several points. I think I am entitled to expressing them just like you do yours.
    You're the one who noted that you've been ranting so much that people take your "jokes" as part of your "rant tone." Don't lay that "ranting machine" accusation at my feet just because you find a persecution complex to be the height of wit.

    Of course you're entitled to expressing your opinion. Calling you out on your bull is worlds away from taking away your ability to express yourself. If you want to see blunt, concretely supported criticisms of (and proposed solutions to) many aspects of the game, look to Nonce Equitaur's posts.

    But hey, let's look at that opinion that you softpedaled as just "so happens" to be "criticizing," shall we?

    I'll spoilerfy the original list:
    1. Have every character in your roster even if he's unplayable. You need him in case he is essential in order to be competitive.
    2. Get all new chars as they will be essential in the next PVE and will help you be competitive.
    3. Buy roster slots because I force you to not because you actually want to expand your roster.
    4. If you miss one PVE you are screwed on the next one because you don't have essential char
    4a. In PVE like The Gauntlent you have 0% chance to get the top rewards if you missed Blade (Happened to me).
    5. Scaling is based on your highest char in your roster, not the highest char from the buffed ones.
    6. PVP has become so broken that you cannot compete without shields.
    7. Shielded opponents disappear from targets so MMR is even worse now.
    8. Roster slot's prices are stupid.
    9. Improving characters by leveling them will put you in very unfair brackets and scaling will slap you out of the competition.
    10. New chars introduction ALWAYS interferes with players trying to progress (Both in Season and PVE rewards).
    10a. Veterans are forced to score super high in PVP in order to keep their season score and kick everyone else out of T100.
    10b. PVE released chars freezes people's transition and lengthens it by adding more useless chars in their rosters (Which they are forced to keep)

    1. False. I've never had Bullseye, Yelena, and CHawkeye in my roster, and their absence has never strongly impacted my PVE performance. I also don't recall Juggs, Venom, MBW, Moonstone, (edit: or Bag-Man icon_lol.gif ) or the majority of available 3*s in the game having been an Essential character for at least the last 3-5 months. Many were buffed, and having those buffed characters absolutely helped, but out of all characters in the game, not that many have been required for Essentials. The general advice of "keep all dem characters just in case" is more of an insurance policy than a "necessity."
    2. True.
    3. False. You're "forced" to do so only if you wish to perform very well very consistently.
    4. False in general, though there are a couple of exceptions. Around half of recent PVEs award older characters as placement rewards. Even those that reward new characters are generally followed closely by a PVP that rewards the same new character. The current Gauntlet, your example du jour, certainly could be improved (I'd like to see better rewards), but since Fly-Fight-Win should end before Gauntlet does, even it doesn't actually fit your criticism.
    4a. True, though I'll remind you that Fly-Fight-Win should end before the current Gauntlet does (Gauntlet is far from over), and it should award Blade covers. Definitely not a great situation, but also not the total lockout you're implying.
    5. Vaguely approaching truth. For Gauntlet alone, this seems to be true (since community scaling does not exist). For other PVEs, this isn't really true.
    6. As a generalization, this is false. Granted, this is true for transitioning players who consistently want T25, and I sympathize with that. However, veterans can compete decently without any shielding at all. Some compete quite well without shielding. Even players fielding Ares + OBW can end with 800, contingent upon having some luck, persistence, and strategy.
    7. False. If you think a handful of 2K+ scores are absurd now, wait till constant buddy-hopping isn't even necessary for high-scoring players to climb off of on another. Back when shielded players were still queueable, it seems quite a few players were topping 2K without too much effort. A more recent example of this phenomenon was Kyipgate, where one player, Kyip, stayed queueable even while shielded with LT + OBW. With just a single player visible in this manner, vets were hitting 1700+ unshielded. MMR could definitely be improved, but letting everyone get free points off of everyone else who's shielded is a terrible solution if you actually want to be more competitive with a 2* roster.
    8. Sure. They could certainly be cheaper.
    9. Maybe, but hardly a defining factor. Noting the inconsistency of the brackets I've been sharded into with my multiple L166s (ranging from my current Beast bracket where T10 is an absurd 1300+, to recent brackets where #10 ended up with a score below 800), this is, at best, one of many contributing factors.
    10. How?
    10a. False. Alliance T100 in a typical PVP requires an alliance score around 12K-12.5K. For an active 20-member alliance, that's less than 700 per player. Even for an alliance with only 15 active players (almost certainly very, very rare in T100), that's less than 850 per player. That's pretty easy for veterans. The people consistently scoring 1000+ (not to mention those scoring 1500+) are generally not doing it just to keep their alliance in Season T100. As for their personal Season score, many hardcore players like to compete for Season points. They certainly aren't "forced" to do so.
    10b. Unless your transition speed is dictated entirely by roster-slot prices, your statement is a non sequitur. Also, Blade seems quite good. I do agree that Beast, Docock, and Shulk are disappointingly ****, though.
    Okin107 wrote:
    I can as well quote all your posts and point out the sarcasm, irony and the urge to counter people's post. But I'm the kind of guy that will read the post for its essence and will try to put myself in the poster's shoes before I reply. We live different lives, we have different issues and we express ourselves differently.
    Right, and pretending that I'm somehow stifling your freedom of expression and opposing you merely for opinions that "so happen [to be] criticizing" is "reading the post for its essence"? That, coupled with the armchair psychoanalysis and indirect Monty Python reference, more than adequately demonstrate "the kind of guy" you are. icon_rolleyes.gif

    P.S. - Aren't you glad you did indeed keep going after that list? icon_e_wink.gif
  • Wow HM, you are so patient answering thoroughly...