Hey D3 I'm done and here's why.....

edited November 2014 in MPQ General Discussion
Hey D3, I’m done and here’s why.....

I am going to start with an analogy and simple gambling rules. First, I feel like Charlie brown and D3 is Lucy constantly pulling the football. The second, my friends and I, when gambling, follow some simple rules: don’t chase your money and second know when to walk away. I’m walking away.

For the record I spent $250 and now I deeply regret it. I did it when starting out to help build a roster and then some more as time progressed. And I seriously wish I had my money back now. Also I am a transitioning 2* to 3* player. I have three toons who are over 100; 127 Patch, 100 black widow and 100 Punisher. The latter two can be bumped up to 127 w/ ISO. I can also push a Hulk up to 127 as well (78 currently). I have about 6 2* 94’s. Also I stopped playing at the beginning of this month. I also have about 48 roster slots opened with most heroes. Many of the toons are stuck at 40-60 due to lack of covers. Also my alliance usually hovered around 250 placement.

My complaints (the major ones, the minors not gonna bore you with):
1. Recently the PVP was changed that when I hit over 600 points I somehow hit a wall of 166 players. Just a wall. Back in late August/early September I could transition over 600 and actually creep up to mid 600s range. This would sometimes let me creep into a top 30 spot and could let me drool at possibly getting a top 25 finish. I was generally left alone and didn’t get too many retaliations. Then something changed, and I got hammered once I got over 600 and now instead of getting tantalizing close to a top 25 finish I get shot back to a late 80-100 placement and being booted out of a top 100 finish. Now as a transitioning player, how is that fun? I believe the change is that players who were shielded would no longer be in the matchmaking pool.
Really two complaints from this – why in gods earth am I facing a wall of 166’s when my highest toons were 127 & 94 (at the time I hadn’t bumped my Black widow & punisher). How is that fun for me? If it were an equal facing team I’d be ok with it. But I know even if I beat a 166, my luck wouldn’t last past a second or maybe even a third match. I’m effectively stuck.

Secondly – I can no longer gain cards, or Hero points. My pace of advancement has just slowed down dramatically.

Third – no matter how much ISO I spent, I kept on seeing the same opponents and the wall of 166s never changed.

So the answer is…got to PVE! Well that’s next…

2. PVE seems to be all about new toon all the time. And I am sick of it, just sick of it. The pace is unrelenting and it doesn’t seem like its about to stop. So why is that bad…well here’s why. First you have the heroic to introduce the new toon, and by the way I HATE HEROICS. Then the new toon is featured character in an event that lasts another 7 days. So you have a solid 10 days dedicated to this new toon. Then if you release 2 toons a month, that’s a solid 20 days out of 30 dedicated to these new toons. Maybe my numbers are off, but my point is simply this…PVE has become a focus of the new toons, and that’s denying people like me the chance at developing our older toons. I’m all for introducing new toons, but slow the heck down.
Also, if I am not mistaken PVE scaling is based on a players highest toon, so if I have 1 toon who’s 30 levels higher than my others, I’m kind of screwed. So my 127 patch is really screwing things up for me to move forward. Then, I need to do an incredible amount of time to score reasonably well. So where do I go to transition now? Hero cards maybe? Ah that’s point 3.

3. The card rotation that D3 did hit me especially hard. Since 2 of the 3 who I had been working on were removed from the rotation (patch & Punisher). Again my transition was pushed backwards. Sure you need to make new cards available, but removing some totally just sucked for me. A side note on this - The odds on getting 3* toons are simply horrible in the hero and other packs. Just horrible…. (.7%-.9%) Damn you guys are cruel.

It’s already hard enough for a transitioning player, but it just has been constantly gets longer and more difficult.

I know some folks are going to come in and might argue w/ the days devoted to new toons or other minor points, but the larger point to me is the goal line is constantly shifting. I don’t expect things handed to me, but each time I think I am making progress, D3 changes the game thereby pulling the end zone further back. That’s frustrating for me and the bottom line is it’s no longer fun for me. I can go spend my gaming money & time elsewhere. Too many other games coming out (IE SMBE & WOW WOD).

So having said all that, I’m done D3. As I said at the top I know when to stop chasing my money and walk away.



  • im sorry but ewhat on earth did you spend your $250 on? cause i've spent only like $180 and i have one character that can be maxed to 166, one with one cover to go, and many others with a decent amount of covers
  • to Op

    sorry to hear your frustration, while I agree on them since I also spent roughly the same amount and have 3 toons over 100+, yet somehow I have a way to consistently hit 700+ pts every PVP and with some work over 800+ for top 25 finish.

    There are many little things you can do to gain an advantages, time zone, a good defensive team,timing etc I do not even use boost or shield hop.

    2/3 of my covers come from PvE, and while I notice the scaling as my roster improves, they are usually between 100-199 which I can still manage. I even achieved 4th place recently for 3 blade covers simply just by nailing the essential nodes and was able to complete all my progression reward by joining 2 days late.

    best wishes none the less
  • Phaserhawk
    Phaserhawk Posts: 2,676 Chairperson of the Boards
    PvP is hard to balance and we all deal with that but...

    PvE I hear you, it has become too grindy, too rubberbandy. They need to get rid of the 2.5 hr refresh, this is killing the enviornment. It needs to be more in the line of a 8-12hr refresh or the same points everytime, but eveytime you beat the level it goes up 10 lvls, I prefer the 8-12 hr refresh.
  • NCSTL wrote:
    Hey D3, I’m done and here’s why.....

    I am going to start with an analogy and simple gambling rules. First, I feel like Charlie brown and D3 is Lucy constantly pulling the football. The second, my friends and I, when gambling, follow some simple rules: don’t chase your money and second know when to walk away. I’m walking away.

    For the record I spent $250 and now I deeply regret it. I did it when starting out to help build a roster and then some more as time progressed. And I seriously wish I had my money back now. Also I am a transitioning 2* to 3* player. I have three toons who are over 100; 127 Patch, 100 black widow and 100 Punisher. The latter two can be bumped up to 127 w/ ISO. I can also push a Hulk up to 127 as well (78 currently). I have about 6 2* 94’s. Also I stopped playing at the beginning of this month. I also have about 48 roster slots opened with most heroes. Many of the toons are stuck at 40-60 due to lack of covers. Also my alliance usually hovered around 250 placement.

    My complaints (the major ones, the minors not gonna bore you with):
    1. Recently the PVP was changed that when I hit over 600 points I somehow hit a wall of 166 players. Just a wall. Back in late August/early September I could transition over 600 and actually creep up to mid 600s range. This would sometimes let me creep into a top 30 spot and could let me drool at possibly getting a top 25 finish. I was generally left alone and didn’t get too many retaliations. Then something changed, and I got hammered once I got over 600 and now instead of getting tantalizing close to a top 25 finish I get shot back to a late 80-100 placement and being booted out of a top 100 finish. Now as a transitioning player, how is that fun? I believe the change is that players who were shielded would no longer be in the matchmaking pool.
    Really two complaints from this – why in gods earth am I facing a wall of 166’s when my highest toons were 127 & 94 (at the time I hadn’t bumped my Black widow & punisher). How is that fun for me? If it were an equal facing team I’d be ok with it. But I know even if I beat a 166, my luck wouldn’t last past a second or maybe even a third match. I’m effectively stuck.

    Secondly – I can no longer gain cards, or Hero points. My pace of advancement has just slowed down dramatically.

    Third – no matter how much ISO I spent, I kept on seeing the same opponents and the wall of 166s never changed.

    So the answer is…got to PVE! Well that’s next…

    2. PVE seems to be all about new toon all the time. And I am sick of it, just sick of it. The pace is unrelenting and it doesn’t seem like its about to stop. So why is that bad…well here’s why. First you have the heroic to introduce the new toon, and by the way I HATE HEROICS. Then the new toon is featured character in an event that lasts another 7 days. So you have a solid 10 days dedicated to this new toon. Then if you release 2 toons a month, that’s a solid 20 days out of 30 dedicated to these new toons. Maybe my numbers are off, but my point is simply this…PVE has become a focus of the new toons, and that’s denying people like me the chance at developing our older toons. I’m all for introducing new toons, but slow the heck down.
    Also, if I am not mistaken PVE scaling is based on a players highest toon, so if I have 1 toon who’s 30 levels higher than my others, I’m kind of screwed. So my 127 patch is really screwing things up for me to move forward. Then, I need to do an incredible amount of time to score reasonably well. So where do I go to transition now? Hero cards maybe? Ah that’s point 3.

    3. The card rotation that D3 did hit me especially hard. Since 2 of the 3 who I had been working on were removed from the rotation (patch & Punisher). Again my transition was pushed backwards. Sure you need to make new cards available, but removing some totally just sucked for me. A side note on this - The odds on getting 3* toons are simply horrible in the hero and other packs. Just horrible…. (.7%-.9%) Damn you guys are cruel.

    It’s already hard enough for a transitioning player, but it just has been constantly gets longer and more difficult.

    I know some folks are going to come in and might argue w/ the days devoted to new toons or other minor points, but the larger point to me is the goal line is constantly shifting. I don’t expect things handed to me, but each time I think I am making progress, D3 changes the game thereby pulling the end zone further back. That’s frustrating for me and the bottom line is it’s no longer fun for me. I can go spend my gaming money & time elsewhere. Too many other games coming out (IE SMBE & WOW WOD).

    So having said all that, I’m done D3. As I said at the top I know when to stop chasing my money and walk away.


    I support this post 1000% and sympathize.
  • GuntherBlobel
    GuntherBlobel Posts: 987 Critical Contributor
    Sorry to hear about that. There's a way to enjoy this game affordably, but many more ways to blow money and regret it. I've spent $70 in the last year and I don't regret it. But spending money on this game is not something I recommend (and that is the fault of the game developers).

    If you are indeed the kind of person who likes to gamble, as you say, I would also urge you to just walk away. Don't play a copy of Candy Crush that asks you to exit through the casino every day. You'll find an excuse to spend another $250 sooner or later.
  • We hadn't read that kind of ragequit post in awhile.

    But many transitioning players are recently complaining about how hard it is to build a roster.

    I wouldn't like to start playing MPQ now. It must be horrible.

    MPQ is too expensive due to its Freemium business model.

    All my comments were worthless so far, because apparently, and surprisingly, the way D3P markets its game is amazingly successful. I'm curious to see how things will change in the future.

    Sorry to see you go after you spent so much money on the game...
  • As a player starting to transition into 3* land, I feel your pain. There doesn't seem to be a reasonable way to get usable 3* covers. I've recently maxed my first 2*s (good ones, mind you) and felt like I should be able to compete for top 100 in PvP and finally earn some 3* covers (albeit slowly). The PvP shows up with Falcon rewards and I got interested. I love Falcon in this game and think his gameplay is interesting. I have a single Falcon cover and would love a couple more. So I bust my butt in that PvP. I climb higher than I've ever climbed. Then I begin to get ROCKED in retaliations by folks I can't even remotely compete with. I lose more points than I gain by winning one match. Apparently, even at this low of a level, I need to shield to win, and I just don't want to spend my HP on that.

    So that leaves PvE. Which is dull. Yeah, I can sometimes earn a useful 3* card out of a progression award. Or I can place in the top 100 and earn a new 3* that I can't afford a roster spot for... And as the OP mentioned, heroic pack drop rates are just abysmal. I hit a rut of pulling only 2*s and finally got a 3* the other day. Spiderman! Woo hoo!

    I like playing this game and I've even spent some money on it (a usual no-no for me). But I really feel like I need to be able to see the path of progression.

  • Nellobee
    Nellobee Posts: 457 Mover and Shaker
    arktos1971 wrote:
    We hadn't read that kind of ragequit post in awhile.

    But many transitioning players are recently complaining about how hard it is to build a roster.

    I wouldn't like to start playing MPQ now. It must be horrible.

    MPQ is too expensive due to its Freemium business model.

    All my comments were worthless so far, because apparently, and surprisingly, the way D3P markets its game is amazingly successful. I'm curious to see how things will change in the future.

    Sorry to see you go after you spent so much money on the game...

    It is pretty rough. If you aren't in an alliance that gets free covers, you are basically getting one random *** cover per PVP and sometimes a few from PVE. Call it one every two days. At that rate, how long does it take before you have two usaaable 166's?

    The cover rotation actually made it worse by removing the chance to get covers for older characters a transitioning player is more likely to have made progress on in favor of new characters they might not have.
  • Wonko33
    Wonko33 Posts: 985 Critical Contributor
    yeah the way you are going at it you are boned.

    - Unless you did not tell us enough about your 2* roster you might not be ready for 3* transition, maybe work on you 2* more?

    - there are decent 2* cover as progression rewards all the time

    - What I used to do with my 2s is join pvp with about 45 minutes left ( grab seed teams when PvP starts but don't play any matches). I can usually get top 100 with my **** phone roster doing that.

    BTW I'm not saying this because I don't agree with your post, I do agree with your points, I just thought this could help you.
  • _RiO_
    _RiO_ Posts: 1,047 Chairperson of the Boards
    Wonko33 wrote:
    What I used to do with my 2s is join pvp with about 45 minutes left ( grab seed teams when PvP starts but don't play any matches). I can usually get top 100 with my **** phone roster doing that.
    Brackets no longer fill based purely on join time. Joining PvP with 45 minutes left will still put you into a partially filled bracket with a 2000pt leader. The way you used to game the system no longer works.
  • Man, over 250 dollars spent and not even 1 level 166.

    That's rough.

    I think your problem is that you got too pot committed before you were able to benefit from the natural progression of the game, then you became bitter about the time and money commitment before you were even able to enjoy the fruits of your labor.

    I spent maybe 10-15 dollars on the game (for roster slots) prior to getting my first level 166.

    That may be a little slow for some people's tastes, but it was the way I approached it.

    My 1 year anniversary is February 22nd, so I am not, by any means, a veteran. But I did go a lot slower than I think a lot of people did.

    I'm sorry to hear that you're disappointed with the direction of the game.
  • not to take away OP's frustration as I deeply agree the game needs alot of improvement however I have played for 147 days and have acquired 305 3* covers. of all of those covers only 19 came from 2 (42x) pack purchases. 149 came from rewards and 82/22 came from event tokens/silver recruits. I have only purchased skills individually 14 times.

    while I do not have a max 166 character that is because I believe in the scaling trap thus am keeping pace and playing out my levels as slow as I can. other wise 90% of my characters are around 9-12 covers. I see this quite the accomplishment and regret spending any hp on packs. The only thing I should spent on are for roster slots. And no I do not have to lose sleep at all.
  • Vankysher
    Vankysher Posts: 324 Mover and Shaker
    I sympathize with the OP's frustration and mostly agree with his points. I have dropped $55 for HP primarily for roster spots because the collector in me hates to sell off covers.

    I understand D3 needs to keep moving the end game since there really is no end game. They have to keep introducing new characters to keep that revenue coming in along with attracting new players but the structure of the events really needs to improve as the longer I play the more the fun factor decreases and it feels like work. Drawing out player progression is one way but the combination of abysmal drop rates along with needing a certain number of covers as well as types of cover before a character is useable is frustrating. Couple that with some broken characters and the frustration level increases even more.
  • The aforementioned 166 wall that everyone hits at 500 point compounded by making lady Thor the alliance reward for this season really screws over transitioning players. It's ridiculous how much my progression has slowed thanks to the developers trying to crack down on the top tier players abusing things like tanking while also throwing a massive incentive for those top tier players to take all the pvp rewards possible for a chance at the new op four star.

    Making sure there's a carrot for your heavily invested players shouldn't be at the expense of the player base you are trying to foster into more heavily invested players . I miss having the chance at cracking top 25 for characters I really wanted and being happy I got two covers from my work and another from my alliance's. Now, I just eek out a top hundred while having to shield because there's zero chance of me holding that spot otherwise and accepting that my alliance can't push top one hundred, partially because of me since I can only play so much until I hit a massive wall and then have to spend hundreds of iso to get a team that's actually beatable.
  • _RiO_ wrote:
    Wonko33 wrote:
    What I used to do with my 2s is join pvp with about 45 minutes left ( grab seed teams when PvP starts but don't play any matches). I can usually get top 100 with my **** phone roster doing that.
    Brackets no longer fill based purely on join time. Joining PvP with 45 minutes left will still put you into a partially filled bracket with a 2000pt leader. The way you used to game the system no longer works.

    Really ? How did you find out ?
  • _RiO_
    _RiO_ Posts: 1,047 Chairperson of the Boards
    arktos1971 wrote:
    _RiO_ wrote:
    Wonko33 wrote:
    What I used to do with my 2s is join pvp with about 45 minutes left ( grab seed teams when PvP starts but don't play any matches). I can usually get top 100 with my **** phone roster doing that.
    Brackets no longer fill based purely on join time. Joining PvP with 45 minutes left will still put you into a partially filled bracket with a 2000pt leader. The way you used to game the system no longer works.

    Really ? How did you find out ?

    Trying it out, mostly. And I'm not the only one.
    (Note that I'm not going to make any claims as to what other components are now part of the decisions that go into bracketing.)
  • mohio
    mohio Posts: 1,690 Chairperson of the Boards
    _RiO_ wrote:
    arktos1971 wrote:
    _RiO_ wrote:
    Wonko33 wrote:
    What I used to do with my 2s is join pvp with about 45 minutes left ( grab seed teams when PvP starts but don't play any matches). I can usually get top 100 with my **** phone roster doing that.
    Brackets no longer fill based purely on join time. Joining PvP with 45 minutes left will still put you into a partially filled bracket with a 2000pt leader. The way you used to game the system no longer works.

    Really ? How did you find out ?

    Trying it out, mostly. And I'm not the only one.
    (Note that I'm not going to make any claims as to what other components are now part of the decisions that go into bracketing.)
    Because of rewards and wanting to bank some hp I've joined the last 3 pvp with 1.5 hr to go, 1 hr to go (after a pve sub I believe), and 1.5 hr to go respectively. Maybe it's purely coincidence, or lucky, bu each time I've joined relatively new brackets and top 5'd each one with 860, 600, and 800 points respectively. Actually the 600 might've been just top 10, but anyway, point is it's certainly still doable, but maybe just not every time like it used to be.

    Edit: not that it matters to the topic, but to clarify, I meant that I didn't really care for the rewards. Seems I got them anyway.
  • SolidQ
    SolidQ Posts: 247 Tile Toppler
    For the record I spent $250 and now I deeply regret it
    For what you spent 250$? I spent around 200$ and have 12x166 characters + 270 and other need only iso icon_rolleyes.gif
  • NCSTL wrote:
    1. Recently the PVP was changed that when I hit over 600 points I somehow hit a wall of 166 players. Just a wall. Back in late August/early September I could transition over 600 and actually creep up to mid 600s range. This would sometimes let me creep into a top 30 spot and could let me drool at possibly getting a top 25 finish. I was generally left alone and didn’t get too many retaliations. Then something changed, and I got hammered once I got over 600 and now instead of getting tantalizing close to a top 25 finish I get shot back to a late 80-100 placement and being booted out of a top 100 finish. Now as a transitioning player, how is that fun? I believe the change is that players who were shielded would no longer be in the matchmaking pool.

    This is something I would really love devs explain. I assume majority of forum playerbase here are vets with varied 3* rosters so they don't see it. It is literally impossible for a 2* roster to get even top100 placement unless you shield, and even that you might get passed. In one of last PvPs I stayed with Ares/oBW team on defense and in 5 hours I had to sleep I lost over hundred points pushing me below 400. PvP for transitioning teams is worthless apart from token rewards now. I used to be able to sit just under 600 two seasons ago and snatch something worthwhile, not anymore.

    PvE is only reliable source of 3*. Cool, except half of them seem to add new character that is virtually useless to me. It's something that will take space and be worthless for months. Meanwhile, the covers I actually need are put on hold. So that 3* I'm closest to actually being workable? Sorry, you can't earn them anymore, here, have some Beast and FemHulk instead. Why? Why do you insist on keeping same % chance for 3* cover, going as far to remove some of them from pool, when you keep adding new characters? Getting one you actually need is harder and harder, and now it's just lottery. It doesn't even matter they are added back (if they are) next month, since OTHER old 3* will be rotated out. Unless I wait few months for specific token set, my chance of pulling something that works for me has been halved. And way game works, I'd rather have 3 maxed 3* rather than 30 3* at 0/0/1.

    Transitioning from 2* wasn't supposed to be easy... but at this point I don't even see light at the end of tunnel. Everything I relied on 3 months ago to go forward have been blocked.