Patch Notes Discussion - R64 (Live: 11/03/14)



  • dr tinykittylove
    dr tinykittylove Posts: 1,459 Chairperson of the Boards
    Another new character, seriously? Is this going to be a weekly thing now? I have 52 characters already and new slots will set me back 700hp EACH. For now.

    If D3 is going to just keep releasing new characters at this rate without having any new story events since Deadpool Vs MPQ or resolving the timezone issues or fixing broken old characters...

    Then I'm sorry, I'm not even going to try. I'm not putting any money in a game where I can only lose once I start because it will just cost more and more just to keep up.

    Especially since I'm by far more interested in the story events and there's nothing but endless reruns. It's almost like watching Sellavision and anything I buy is just going to sit uselessly on my trophy shelf because of lack of covers, iso, useful skills or all three.
  • All the changes listed in this patch might as well be stealth changes. Nothing to see here. Moving on.
  • loroku
    loroku Posts: 1,014 Chairperson of the Boards
    "David wrote:
    Moore"]As summer transforms to fall, a mutant waits in the shadows.
    Please stop introducing new characters and fix the ones we already have.
  • ZeiramMR
    ZeiramMR Posts: 1,357 Chairperson of the Boards
    Good ideas folks. I'm guessing Iceman, with winter on the way. Plus there was the bit about "in the snow. both ways" a week or two ago in the Blade clue.
  • loroku wrote:
    "David wrote:
    Moore"]As summer transforms to fall, a mutant waits in the shadows.
    Please stop introducing new characters and fix the ones we already have.

    It's OK, they only plan to release only 100 more or less. Now that the roster slots cap is above 100 you can pretty much understand how it will go.
  • CNash
    CNash Posts: 952 Critical Contributor
    You've seen how well people reacted to allowing Modern Hawkeye to choose the locations of his countdown tiles. It's made him much more playable in the 2* strata. Now, why not do the same for poor Moonstone? She might be dressed up like a bargain-basement Captain Marvel, but her powers aren't to be sneezed at, and are certainly not as random as the game portrays them. Ideally she should be able to choose the tiles affected by both Gravity Warp and Control Shift; for the latter, it might even mitigate the high AP cost.
  • itstime1234
    itstime1234 Posts: 369 Mover and Shaker
    Obv the new character is ant-man. Really fits the description to a T
  • David [Hi-Fi] Moore
    David [Hi-Fi] Moore Posts: 2,872 Site Admin

    We've updated the original post with the following information:

    "*UPDATE: If all goes to plan - we will be releasing the R64 patch on Monday, November 03, 2014."

  • IamTheDanger
    IamTheDanger Posts: 1,093 Chairperson of the Boards
    I would guess Nightcrawler. Since he uses the shadows so effectively. Or, he used to. 99% of my knowledge of Kurt comes from anytime he is with the X-men. Unfortunately, I haven't kept up with them much for the past couple years.

    Gambit is also a possibility. But only if he was already past the design stage. However, if D3 only decided to make him because he was voted the #1 fan favorite, then I seriously doubt that he is ready for release yet. Then again, the devs could have had half a dozen characters ready, or almost ready, and just did the poll to see which order to release them in.

    Also, "mutant" doesn't necessarily mean X-men. Sabertooth would be awesome. After all, you can't have 3 different versions of Wolverine and not one single Sabertooth.
  • D2KM_
    D2KM_ Posts: 134
    "David wrote:

    As summer transforms to fall, a mutant waits in the shadows.

    My money is on Mystique. They need more villains and she does "transform" in a way....whoever It is I just hope they are playable. No more beasts please icon_e_biggrin.gif
  • GothicKratos
    GothicKratos Posts: 1,821 Chairperson of the Boards
    "David wrote:
    Moore"]As summer transforms to fall, a mutant waits in the shadows.

    My money is on Mystique or Nightcrawler.

    After some thought, Deacon Frost mayhaps? (Further stretch; Dracula or Xarus?)
  • nimvin
    nimvin Posts: 81
    I would just as soon they not fix villains few people use regularly (yelena, moonstone, venom) because thats who we have to fight and the scaling benefits they get are already enormous. Giving the ai more chances to blast me seems like a pretty tinykitty idea. Just sayin. Bagman and iW however would be welcome fixes.
  • nimvin
    nimvin Posts: 81
    And were cloak and dagger mutants? Cant remember but they would fit the shadows comment. (cloak does anyways)
  • over_clocked
    over_clocked Posts: 3,961
    nimvin wrote:
    And were cloak and dagger mutants? Cant remember but they would fit the shadows comment. (cloak does anyways)
    They were but they are really obscure compared to even, say, Blink.
  • TazFTW
    TazFTW Posts: 695 Critical Contributor
    Cloak and Dagger were mutants? I thought they were human and drugs gave them their abilities.

    We have Deadpool, we need Cable. But we also need more villains, so it should be Apocalypse.
  • Moon Roach
    Moon Roach Posts: 2,863 Chairperson of the Boards
    Havok is my guess. His surname is Summers, and that's good enough for me.

    If we are going to have bazillions of new characters when can we have Namor? Or Quasar (the Wendell Vaughn version). He was always a favourite of mine, particularly the Cosmos in Collision storyline.
  • Phaserhawk
    Phaserhawk Posts: 2,676 Chairperson of the Boards
    Here's a preview of the updated text for Beast


    Mutagenic Breakthrough - 8 Blue
    Hank has big plans for a genetic experiment that might lead to unpredictable results. Creates a 3 turn Blue Countdown tile that, when activated, converts 4 surrounding basic tiles into random special tiles with strength 22.
    Level 2: Creates special tiles of strength 28
    Level 3: Reduces to 2 turn countdown
    Level 4: Creates special tiles of strength 33
    Level 5: Reduces to 1 turn countdown
    Max Level: 4 strength 105 special tiles


    Mutagenic Breakthrough - 8 Blue
    Hank apologizes for wasting your AP. He still will create a 3 turn Blue Countdown tile if you choose to fund his experiment, that when activated, will almost never convert 4 surrounding basic tiles into random special tiles with strength 22 because they will all self match or be on the side of the board, thus the experiment fails and it really wasn't the breakthrough he thought and he goes to sit in your unused character area.
    Level 2: Almost will never create special tiles of strength 28
    Level 3: Reduces to 2 turn countdown
    Level 4: Almost will never create special tiles of strength 33
    Level 5: Reduces to 1 turn countdown
    Max Level: 4 strength 105 special tiles (extremely unlikely)
  • over_clocked
    over_clocked Posts: 3,961
    TazFTW wrote:
    Cloak and Dagger were mutants? I thought they were human and drugs gave them their abilities.
    Was sure of it until now, says they have been retconned to be mutates and then that they deny being mutant/mutate, or something like that.

    Phaser: lmao, good one, sir!
  • Moon Roach wrote:
    Havok is my guess. His surname is Summers, and that's good enough for me.

    If we are going to have bazillions of new characters when can we have Namor? Or Quasar (the Wendell Vaughn version). He was always a favourite of mine, particularly the Cosmos in Collision storyline.

    Loved the cosmos in collision storyline too, but I'm not sure how Quasar (or any "cosmic" character) would fit into MPQ. Isn't Quasar dead or disembodied?
  • Moon Roach
    Moon Roach Posts: 2,863 Chairperson of the Boards
    MikeHock wrote:
    Moon Roach wrote:
    Havok is my guess. His surname is Summers, and that's good enough for me.

    If we are going to have bazillions of new characters when can we have Namor? Or Quasar (the Wendell Vaughn version). He was always a favourite of mine, particularly the Cosmos in Collision storyline.

    Loved the cosmos in collision storyline too, but I'm not sure how Quasar (or any "cosmic" character) would fit into MPQ. Isn't Quasar dead or disembodied?
      1. Quasar survived the Ultimate Nullifier, he can come back 2. There are versions of characters in MPQ throughout their history, we can have Quasar (Not Dead) 3. He's my favourite and so he deserves a place regardless

    And I have a couple more theories.

    The Collector (not a mutant, but bear with me). Summer, he collects, he adds, therefore he sums. Falls, he fell over in the GotG film (probably). Shadows, obviously a homonym of "had those". He lost a lot of his collection in the film, i.e. he had those, now he doesn't.

    Summer to Fall. Obviously Winter is Coming, so it's got to be Tony Stark's long lost cousin Ned.