Weekly Tournament - Avengers Discussion



  • Bah purple spider at 1300. Ah well probably wouldn't be able to reach 1100 in this one anyway.
  • Bah purple spider at 1300. Ah well probably wouldn't be able to reach 1100 in this one anyway.

    I hope i can at least reach 500 lol, couldnt do that for the last tournament
  • DumDumDugn wrote:
    Bah purple spider at 1300. Ah well probably wouldn't be able to reach 1100 in this one anyway.

    I hope i can at least reach 500 lol, couldnt do that for the last tournament

    Yeah, I'm assuming that this tournament won't be like the last, hah.
  • Kelbris
    Kelbris Posts: 1,051
    I miss the longer PVP tournaments. It's a lot harder to get into four digits when no one else is really getting close.
  • Hm not a lot of thought into building teams here. Thor/Wolvie and either IM40, BWGS or Spidey.
  • Misguided -- you're in my bracket for this... not that it's going to matter much with the end time of this first round.
  • Zathrus wrote:
    Misguided -- you're in my bracket for this... not that it's going to matter much with the end time of this first round.

    So you won't be retaliating at the end, then? icon_lol.gif
  • I can neither confirm nor deny that I will be up at 2 am local time on the 26th.

    Although I don't have to work the next day... hmmm....
  • Spoit
    Spoit Posts: 3,441 Chairperson of the Boards
    Looks like attacks are fixed in this tourney, only got -8 for a 160 something hitting me at 171
  • I'm having a rough time because i have to use a level 20 classic hawkeye for this, but i try to reach the classic storm.

    I'm 59th place now, which means a classic storm with 3 colors, but even 200 would be good for a classic storm (just green cover).

    Good luck to everyone
  • Me thinks I shouldn't have dumped 50k into punisher yesterday for the hulk events. No ISO left to level my pitifully underwhelming Avengers. Thor and Wolvie at 50, M. Hawkeye is 45. Grey suit is 40ish, but with max covers. IM40 and spidey are 80 something.

    The levels are ok, but my MMR has me up against it in this one. Come on lightning rounds, papa needs some ISO
  • This tournament seems to have disappeared... gone for everyone or just me? I browsed the rewards a few hours ago but didn't play, now it's dropped off the list for some reason.
  • Restart your app, kill it in task manager if necessary. It should reappear.
  • All I know is I love the avengers tourney. I played last night for 2 hrs made 1st and 600 points riding in 5th and haven't played in 14 hrs with so many low lvl players in my bracket if there's problems with the tourney I'm not seeing them lol
  • So is it the one ending at 7am the euro friendly one?
  • I didnt know wolverine was under avengers, and Im so happy that he is cos hes my highest leveled character. icon_e_biggrin.gif
  • I didnt know wolverine was under avengers, and Im so happy that he is cos hes my highest leveled character. icon_e_biggrin.gif

    If a team exists, Wolverine's on it.
  • Dayv
    Dayv Posts: 4,449 Chairperson of the Boards
    Kravdraa wrote:
    I didnt know wolverine was under avengers, and Im so happy that he is cos hes my highest leveled character. icon_e_biggrin.gif

    If a team exists, Wolverine's on it.

    There's an issue of Wolverine and the X-Men that makes light of this, with him running off on different missions every day and never having time to shower.
  • Wolverine and storm shouldn't be listed under x-men because we x-men fans all know cyclops' team is the real x-men squad
  • DumDumDugn wrote:
    Wolverine and storm shouldn't be listed under x-men because we x-men fans all know cyclops' team is the real x-men squad
    Hmm I am 37 and I have been reading X-men since '83 (I have slacked in the past 2 years but still do here and there) and I could'nt disagree with you more. Yes they may not be originals but are still a very big part of the team. Maybe it's just that I am not a big fan of Cyke and his whining (atleast this changed abit after Jean's death, even if she is back now Idk) but I would still love to see him in game.