How the Hulk scoring system works ?



  • I played the missions as i don't know if ill be able to play again before the end, went from 49527 to 49946.

    I was also seeing an important reduction in points in the remaining missions as i was doing them due to rubberbanding, so dont assume the total is the sum of the points in all the remaining missions, i would have gotten to 50k if it was the sum.

    Seeing the current tops, and assuming that the current first has already done the quests, i believe that if there is no refresh, even waiting, you'll get 450-500 max. and there is a strong possibility of the top player not changing or the difference in points with the current one beign minimal (and so providing almost no change in the rubberbanding), the initial raise of 25% of points was due to about 200-300 points raise of the top player, and another raise of that quantity is impossible through normal means when the 2nd top player is more than 200 points behind.

    So... pretty frustrating ending so close icon_e_smile.gif .
  • Well, this sucks. After days of grinding to always make sure I go to sleep in the top 300, I now wake up to the fact that it's likely i'll be outside of 1500 with likely no hope of getting at least the three hulk covers. BAH.
  • Nemek
    Nemek Posts: 1,511
    Phantron wrote:
    I find it pretty interesting that if these missions do not refresh again, then we have a rather sadistic scoring system (most people will be a few hundred short of 50K), while if they do refresh most people will barely make it past 50K. So I guess the question is do you think this event is meant to be sadistic or not?

    It's really tough to say how intentional the final score was. The overall score/rubber banding depends very highly on what the people at the top do.

    When rubber banding was introduced, the devs had told us that working together as a community to raise the overall score would net us the progression rewards. If just one person played every mission to zero points 3 times every sub-event, how high would our overall score be? Likely much higher! (Though, that just means the next set of people are complaining.)

    However, it's entirely possible that the devs switched some numbers around during the last sub-event so that they would predict people would finish at around this amount. That would be...pretty impressive to get THAT exact about it.
  • Even tho I think it will be a waste of my time... I'm still going to check things in 7 or so hours to see if points reset at all. Would be hilarious if in the last two hours a point reset changed this whole thing and this time it the US players who eat the poop of a bad time for an ending.

    Course, being in Texas (central time) this means 4am for me... which is... well I'll likely be up playing XCom or Starbound or something anyway.
  • hhhhotttt
    hhhhotttt Posts: 20 Just Dropped In
    I'm in the same boat longadin grinded till they didn't give points. Absolutely not casual. Even last night got up to 47th. I was sure I could play hard tonight to EARN a top 300. Now I'm left wondering if hulk was worth it anyway.
  • Ended at 50037. I'm rather glad I ground out every point I could from the last two sub-events, because this last batch certainly didn't go up by much.
  • Dayv
    Dayv Posts: 4,449 Chairperson of the Boards
    The devs could easily have been tweaking rubberbanding throughout to make sure the top goal still seemed to be reachable for some, but difficult. If people are coming in two fast, turn down the banding a littler, or vice versa if they're slowing down...
  • Dayv
    Dayv Posts: 4,449 Chairperson of the Boards
    I'll be surprised if we don't get a refresh out of this. And a bit disappointed too. So close to 50k, and yet so far.
  • Nemek wrote:
    However, it's entirely possible that the devs switched some numbers around during the last sub-event so that they would predict people would finish at around this amount. That would be...pretty impressive to get THAT exact about it.

    Heh, didn't IceIX mention that we hit the point threshold for unlocking the Hulk right around when the developers expected?
    Though we're talking magnitudes of order more precision, so I honestly doubt it. But funny to think about, especially in light of all the people complaining about not getting Punisher during The Hunt because they got out-grinded on the last day.
  • I did my missions. Meh if it resets. I don't think I'll be awake when it ends anyway. #8 right now, so I hope I'm pretty safe. The Wolvie would be pretty cool
  • Dayv
    Dayv Posts: 4,449 Chairperson of the Boards
    I'm wondering how far I can expect to fall in the next 8 hours. #92 and... uncounting? Counting backwards? Come onnnn, refresh!
  • Nemek wrote:
    Phantron wrote:
    I find it pretty interesting that if these missions do not refresh again, then we have a rather sadistic scoring system (most people will be a few hundred short of 50K), while if they do refresh most people will barely make it past 50K. So I guess the question is do you think this event is meant to be sadistic or not?

    It's really tough to say how intentional the final score was. The overall score/rubber banding depends very highly on what the people at the top do.

    When rubber banding was introduced, the devs had told us that working together as a community to raise the overall score would net us the progression rewards. If just one person played every mission to zero points 3 times every sub-event, how high would our overall score be? Likely much higher! (Though, that just means the next set of people are complaining.)

    However, it's entirely possible that the devs switched some numbers around during the last sub-event so that they would predict people would finish at around this amount. That would be...pretty impressive to get THAT exact about it.

    Some of the guys at the top of the overall leader board sure looked like they were beating every mission to 0 points on every possible opportunity. I really don't think you'd have seen top score being say 55K even if there was a guy who was beating every mission at every possible opportunity. Certainly given the top progression is 50K you wouldn't expect the top score to be significantly more than 50K. But where everyone falls relative to 50K is the interesting part. Right now we're clearly seeing most people just slightly shy 50K if mission do not refresh, and that's rather cruel. If the missions refresh like any other repeatable mission, then we'd probably see most people able to make a final push past 50K in the last 2 hours or so of the tournament, and probably some epic tale of a guy on the fence of breaking 50K miraculously overcome The Final Showdown with a level 30 Wolverine, level 15 Punisher, and level 40 Black Widow and finished with exactly 50000 points. So we're either heading to a dramatic finish, or a sadistic finish. Either way, it'll be quite interesting.
  • eidehua
    eidehua Posts: 521 Critical Contributor
    edited December 2013
    Doesn't seem like many will get the punisher cover progression reward w/o a mission refresh. Just finished all missions besides the final showdown (and I barely got through message received with 15 punisher/60 wolvie/36 classic storm ... c storm died before I even got to use her stun lol) ended up with 49760, currently rank #285.

    I believe the sub events were 8 hr refreshes because the missions were 24 hours -- so 3 refreshes. If there was a refresh this time, I'm thinking it could be the 6 hr mark instead of 8. Just a thought.
  • I have gone from 657 to 1293 since 6pm est.

    I have no shame in admitting that I religiously played this event, painstakingly clearing out the missions, watching the time to end and start a new event, calculating points and levelling up for future battles, pining for punisher each day and hating his absence. Finally I got one 3 days ago. Then the joy of going into battle with him at 010 level. Then getting more and more skeptical of the whole system as the event progressed.

    Now I am almost speechless. This game does a very good job of rewarding play which is what makes this whole rubber banding and 50k point plateau thing sketchy.

    Just sitting here watching my ranking slide away is infuriating.
  • rabscutle wrote:
    Even tho I think it will be a waste of my time... I'm still going to check things in 7 or so hours to see if points reset at all. Would be hilarious if in the last two hours a point reset changed this whole thing and this time it the US players who eat the poop of a bad time for an ending.

    Course, being in Texas (central time) this means 4am for me... which is... well I'll likely be up playing XCom or Starbound or something anyway.

    Sucky time for east coast, but the time isn't bad for US west coast.

    Also, I seem to be the cutoff man right now for punisher(ill be fine for getting him though). If ppl.want to know there are 39 ppl, 40 including me with enough points for him so far.

    Also, this event could be played rather casually and still received enjoyable rewards. Heck, anybody who got a spidey or a punisher from a pack reward probably will do better than many placing above you in the end. I personally: gained a blue spidey, 83 unpulled standard tokens, tons of low effort ISO, finished off my captain America (needed 2 5 yellow 3 red and 4 blue lol) many used this to finish off a wolverine who is good for PvP and great for pve, gained about 700 hero points, and I didn't have to strain myself doing so during christmas time as keeping "pace" has only required keeping close and then pushing high the SECOND to last event (as it always has been...). Only grinding I did was during the last sub events. Grinded down with about 14 hrs left then grinded almost fully down during.the last 2 hrs. Sobi don't feel.this was overly grindy unless you really wanted the 500 ISO/tokens.
  • Also, this event could be played rather casually and still received enjoyable rewards. Heck, anybody who got a spidey or a punisher from a pack reward probably will do better than many placing above you in the end. I personally: gained a blue spidey, 83 unpulled standard tokens, tons of low effort ISO, finished off my captain America (needed 2 5 yellow 3 red and 4 blue lol) many used this to finish off a wolverine who is good for PvP and great for pve, gained about 700 hero points, and I didn't have to strain myself doing so during christmas time as keeping "pace" has only required keeping close and then pushing high the SECOND to last event (as it always has been...). Only grinding I did was during the last sub events. Grinded down with about 14 hrs left then grinded almost fully down during.the last 2 hrs. Sobi don't feel.this was overly grindy unless you really wanted the 500 ISO/tokens.

    Oh I totally agree. I've been relatively casual about it and pulled Spidey covers to max him out and get him to 80, enough Punisher covers that I have it at 70 now, a start on the Hulk and got Wolverine from 35 to 65. This has been a fun event. Especially remembering the guaranteed Hulk last weekend. That was a really pleasant moment.

    In general, I love these big PVE events... just wish I had gotten an additional 171 points somewhere along the way lol.
  • I don't understand why people are complaining about the point system. You are not doing well in the event even though you grind hard doesn't mean the system is ridiculous.

    Everyone gets no info from the dev. I started to gather info by visiting the forum regularly rather than rush to grind all the mission down to 0. At the beginning, someone said the refresh time was 12h, then another said it was 10h, now players say it's 8h (info in early days may not be correct, I did stupid grinding before, but everyone get plent of days to figure it out). Have you grinded 3 cycles per sub-event (lasts 24h)? I usually wait 6h after new missions open up to allow rubberbanding shoot up the points, and use less than 2h to grind everything down to 0, repeat this 2 more times.

    Besides gathering info and grinding according to the refresh time, sometimes you must gamble. Like the last missions, everyone discuss if they will refresh. But no one knows. If you wait till someone tells you on the forum, it will be too late. Once I saw #1 stopped increasing his points for a long time, I knew it's the time to grind, because the rubberbanding use #1 as a criteria. If the missions refresh after 8h, I can grind one more time, if no, I still safely sit within top 300.

    In future grinding events, the dev may tweak the system. But what I will do will be always the same, gather info, make decisions, grind hard.
  • Nemek
    Nemek Posts: 1,511
    In future grinding events, the dev may tweak the system. But what I will do will be always the same, gather info, make decisions, grind hard.

    This, more than anything, is why I enjoy this game.
  • repeat this 2 more times.

    And that wasn't even necessary. I'm pretty sure I'm going to squeak past 50k and I did very little grinding missions to zero once, let alone twice or three times. I *did* do a little bit extra this morning to push my rank up this morning, because the post Nemek made yesterday about wanting your rank as high as possible at the last checkpoint made a lot of sense, but I still had points left on the table then too.
  • Or people could try things out for themselves. I played each of the first 4 days differently to see what would work best and consulted with the forums to see what people doing better.
    So next go around if we have more people testing the system we can all do better faster in these events.