How the Hulk scoring system works ?



  • I'm thinking they will refresh at least once again bc I dont see them making 50k attainable to just 12 people as I think #10 barely got over 50k. At least wishful thinking bc I am 144 pts away with only 2 final missions that total 110...doh.
  • 67 points away from the 50k ticket. Really hoping they reset in 8 hours so I can hopefully achieve at least that. As far as placement, I was top 30 but depending on how many people actually saw them versus waiting....that can change at a moment's notice. I couldn't do the 240/240/240 but I did open it up.

    Overall it has been a very fun event, albeit time consuming. I had a level 2 wolverine starting and was able to get many covers for it over the week and boosting Wolvy to 85 has paid off so much icon_e_biggrin.gif My first 3*
  • I didn't spend any money on this event and am in the top 100 and will hit 50k... but I played a lot. I didn't have a Punisher in the first round, but got one eventually through tokens, and through placing in the avengers tournament. You don't have to pay to win this game, you just have to play a lot. And like I said, not knowing and figuring it out is part of the game... I wouldn't mind having them tell us at the end how it all worked though.
  • Regalis wrote:
    Why oh why are there no timers or anything to give any indication about when or whether the missions reset. The lack of any communication in-game about how these events work is astonishing to me. There's going to be a lot of pissed off people tomorrow (again).

    They don't reset. The main missions have never reset. How is this unclear?
  • Or maybe they could just debrief the event at the beginning and avoid us getting angry at all? icon_rolleyes.gif
    Also this event pay=win.
    If you coughed up the 30 or so euros needed for a guaranteed punisher you had access to the missions giving the most points, that made it so much easier to get to 50k/top300. How is that level playing field?
    Actually, after 8 days of playing the event you can't even see the ending if you don't have one! That's just stupid IMHO.

    I didn't have a Punisher going in, and prioritized the first Avengers tourney so that I could get one. I'm sitting in the Top 10 now, and that is after 5 days of not having him during the event, so I don't think he was that big of a boost with the general rubberbanding and 8 hr. refreshes for those without him. I had no problem keeping pace without a Punisher, even before I got one.

    That being said, totally agree that gating missions with characters is a bad move, and gating story dialogue with characters is worse. Just don't agree at all that the event was pay to win.
  • Unknown
    edited December 2013
    Or maybe they could just debrief the event at the beginning and avoid us getting angry at all? icon_rolleyes.gif
    Also this event pay=win.
    If you coughed up the 30 or so euros needed for a guaranteed punisher you had access to the missions giving the most points, that made it so much easier to get to 50k/top300. How is that level playing field?
    Actually, after 8 days of playing the event you can't even see the ending if you don't have one! That's just stupid IMHO.

    Given they also were giving out tokens that gave a decent chance of a Punisher, ran that token on a daily deal that was affordable to folks that only earn HP through events, and ran 2 events with Punisher as rewards (unfortunately the third not ending in time to make a difference here), I don't feel pay to win is accurate. Throwing money at the problem IS/WAS a solution, and will always be in these types of games. But both myself, my coworker, and GF have gotten Punishers, without spending money for them. Honestly, if you couldn't get a single punisher cover from any of the events, you either:

    1) Didn't put the time in needed to earn one (either because you just aren't that big a player or because Real Life limits your play time).
    2) Haven't been playing long enough to be in contender.
    3) Got supremely unlucky in your bracketing.

    And really, if it was 1 or 2, you weren't in a position to be a real contender in this event anyhow. If you really just got really unlucky in bracketing and got stuck in these last 2 tournaments with more hardcore people than yourself, well, sorry, but thems the breaks sometimes. The token have been there to help mitigate that, at least.

    It'd have been nice if the last events didn't require the punisher, so everyone can see the ending. That said, I imagine they will rereun this events in a month or two, and many more people will have the punisher by then.
  • Nemek
    Nemek Posts: 1,511
    Zathrus wrote:
    Regalis wrote:
    Why oh why are there no timers or anything to give any indication about when or whether the missions reset. The lack of any communication in-game about how these events work is astonishing to me. There's going to be a lot of pissed off people tomorrow (again).

    They don't reset. The main missions have never reset. How is this unclear?

    The main missions aren't generally repeatable either, so I think these last few missions are 'different' enough that anything is possible. I'm not terribly convinced one way or another, but we can only wait and see.
  • Just hit 50K with the two unlockable missions left to do! Very pleased with that.

    My Pun is 1/3/2 so I'm definitely using that red cover I just unlocked. But not sure how to cover him after that.
  • Zathrus wrote:
    Regalis wrote:
    Why oh why are there no timers or anything to give any indication about when or whether the missions reset. The lack of any communication in-game about how these events work is astonishing to me. There's going to be a lot of pissed off people tomorrow (again).

    They don't reset. The main missions have never reset. How is this unclear?

    The main missions have always opened repeatable sub missions too. I'm sitting at just over 49k. I would have jumped into them all thinking those repeatables were going to open for me, but I've read this thread and know to hold off. 99% of the player base doesn't read this board.

    Now I have to take my chances that RB and doing them at 4:45am will get me there.
  • Spoit
    Spoit Posts: 3,441 Chairperson of the Boards
    I'm at 230 away from 50k with all the missions open and can't decide if i should run them for the possibility of a refresh, or wait for rubber banding to make sure I get the punisher
  • Spoit, I think you should be all set for getting then punisher, being that close. what do the 4 missions you have open add up to? Probably makes that, and if not, pretty dang close lol And the last 2 missions are probably the most rewarding.
  • If rubberbanding is dependent on the difference between your points and the player with the highest score, there shouldn’t be much more juice left at this point if these missions aren’t repeatable correct?

    Seems like only a select few people are obtaining the 50k mark while most are falling short.
  • Spoit wrote:
    I'm at 230 away from 50k with all the missions open and can't decide if i should run them for the possibility of a refresh, or wait for rubber banding to make sure I get the punisher

    I would run the story but save the search n destroy. Rubberbanding won't affect much at this point because the top ranks have no way to pull any further ahead really. You are looking at fractions of a difference most likely. Could be the difference, those few points, but you lose way mire if they do in fact refresh.
  • doneskis wrote:
    If rubberbanding is dependent on the difference between your points and the player with the highest score, there shouldn’t be much more juice left at this point if these missions aren’t repeatable correct?

    Seems like only a select few people are obtaining the 50k mark while most are falling short.

    I was at about #20 when this phase started and have been passed by about 130 people so far, so some people are still climbing, but not a ton.
  • Egads!

    No more points yielded and I am 120 shy of 50k.


    Please tell me there will be more points later!
  • But we want the number 1 player to have a higher number of points right? Bucky76 seems to be locked in up there at number one. Hopefully someone can top him so I can see if these missions end up being worth more points
  • I'm at 49663 points with last 2 missions to go. That'll probably only give me 200 more points. This really sucks! I was really looking forward to that Punisher cover. Sigh
  • eidehua
    eidehua Posts: 521 Critical Contributor
    Blue Rouge to the rescue? icon_e_wink.gif
    I kid I kid
    (he was number 1 at some point though, maybe he can bounce back haha)
    on a serious note, second place needs to jump 219 points and I assume second place has already finished all missions. So someone has to jump a lot of points to get to first.
  • exactly, time is going by but points aren't increasing. That's why I said I don't think there is much juice left. really hoping someone else becomes number 1 just to see the rubberband effect take place.
  • Points arent increasing because nobody is doing these events right now. Everyone is waiting for the last 2 hrs.