How the Hulk scoring system works ?



  • radiopy
    radiopy Posts: 326 Mover and Shaker
    Uh yeah. I did the first mission and it's now zero. Not doing the others until later. Using the easy one as a guinea pig.
  • Kelbris
    Kelbris Posts: 1,051
    Kelbris wrote:
    Are the new missions repeatable? I have 498xx points and I'm thinking of just waiting for a while.
    u should be fine for reaching 50k.
    Everyone and their mother is about to go "OOH SHINY NEW MISSIONS" and do them. If I wait an hour, they'll be worth a lot more.
  • Kelbris wrote:
    Kelbris wrote:
    Are the new missions repeatable? I have 498xx points and I'm thinking of just waiting for a while.
    u should be fine for reaching 50k.
    Everyone and their mother is about to go "OOH SHINY NEW MISSIONS" and do them. If I wait an hour, they'll be worth a lot more.

    Sadly I didn't think of this once I did the first one and saw they were repeatable. I didn't check the points. I need 320 points for the punisher with only the last mission left. icon_e_sad.gif
  • I took for granted that the new missions would either open sub-missions or be repeatable for points. I am not going to be pleased if I end up with the 49,000 points I have right now.
  • i'm about 2.9k off punisher but i did the first two thinking they would open sub events. looks like i may not get him unless there's some crazy refresh and rubberbanding.
  • I need 522 to hit 50,000. The missions right now would only give me 279 points. Gonna wait.
  • Bainee
    Bainee Posts: 139 Tile Toppler
    Here is what I know.

    The missions can only be done once for points.

    After doing the first four missions, one more opens up. After that mission another opens up.

    1st mission that opens is lvl 140 Moonstone, lvl 140 Ragnarok and lvl 140 Daken.

    2nd mission that opens is lvl 240 Juggernaut, lvl 240 Ragnarok and lvl 240 Venom.
  • the moose wrote:
    My "Send Osborn a Message" just gained 9 points in 5 minutes. Let the RB build and then you should hit the 50k
    Maybe I miss read my points because it doesn't seem to be filing anymore as I drop Rank. Very confused
  • Bainee
    Bainee Posts: 139 Tile Toppler
    the moose wrote:
    the moose wrote:
    My "Send Osborn a Message" just gained 9 points in 5 minutes. Let the RB build and then you should hit the 50k
    Maybe I miss read my points because it doesn't seem to be filing anymore as I drop Rank. Very confused

    The rubberbanding score is controlled by your difference to the topmost score in the event. The people at the top are waiting till the end to run these missions. I don't think there will be a lot of rubberbanding points for this last set of missions. The big question is will these missions reset?
  • TheVulture
    TheVulture Posts: 439 Mover and Shaker
    Noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo! icon_e_sad.gif
    I was so close to that 50k - just needed 1 sub-event to open to get there or for these missions to be worth points when repeated several times.

    I'm on 49,159 currently with only Message received outstanding for 156 points - been crushed by it twice already (I have no Spider-man so it's game-over if any red gems fall for Ragnorak), can try again in an hour.
    If I defeated it then I'd be at 49, 315 points - 685 short.

    Hmm; 685 / 5 missions = need them to average 137 points if repeated in the morning - is that possible?
    If only I had paid more attention to what they were worth a moment ago...

    Best case scenario hinges on my beating a L140 Ragnorak team with a L15 Punisher, L137 Grey Widow (would be awesome except every green match I make towards Sniper Rifle causes Daken to lay 100s of points of damage buffs) and L85 Thor - twice.
    I have 13,777 ISo - think I'm better pumping it in to L15 Punisher or L34 event-buffed Wolverine?
    Or is 137 point average unattainable anyway, in which case I'll hold on to it!
  • Microtom wrote:
    There was a lot of misinformation about this event. To maximize points, you need to do 3 waves of all the missions in a map. The points for each missions replenish after exactly 8 hours, so in a 24 hour spawn you can do it 3 times.

    In your entire post, most of which I didn't bother to quote, there was one sentence that was correct. The first one. The rest of it fell under the auspices of that sentence.

    To be quite blunt -- you don't know **** you are talking about.

    I've finished pretty much every single sub-event being top 100 in the main event. Including this round that just completed. And I came in at #1203 in the Bolivia sub-mission, because I wound up in a bracket with a bunch of people who had rubber banding giving them thousands of points per mission while I barely passed 2000 points for the entire 24 hours.

    Again, I was in the top 100 overall, and have less than 500 points to the 50k mark, without doing a single mission in this last set.

    Please, for the sake of people wanting actual information, be quiet.
  • There isn't enough points left for rubberbanding to have a serious effect. I mean you're talking about missions with around 120 base max, that seems to be only doable once.

    I'm not sure what's going on with how the missions no longer give any points after doing them once except the one you just did. Is this a display issue? At any rate, if there isn't a way to repeat them for points, you got to do them ASAP and hope that they refresh before the event ends. Rubberbanding is not going to double the value of the points at this stage. I highly doubt the top score would be higher than 51K at this point.
  • Bainee wrote:
    Here is what I know.

    The missions can only be done once for points.

    After doing the first four missions, one more opens up. After that mission another opens up.

    1st mission that opens is lvl 140 Moonstone, lvl 140 Ragnarok and lvl 140 Daken.

    2nd mission that opens is lvl 240 Juggernaut, lvl 240 Ragnarok and lvl 240 Venom.

    So that more or less means those of us at 47k and low-mid level groups are completely boned on Punisher eh?
    :-/ oh wells was a great run finally managed to get a blue spidey cover from gamma and get 3 punisher covers from the avengers pvp. Good luck everyone! I hope ya'll manage to hit your goals. icon_e_smile.gif
  • I think it's fair that there's no massive rubberbanding at this stage. Those in the top 300 after all the sub-events should get the best chance at finishing in the top 300.

    I just really don't want to slip out of it. Currently 76 and dropping (but I haven't done any of the last missions).
  • To be fair, everybody has been saying that missions have been resetting every 12 hours, which has absolutely not been the case in my experience. But, yes, I don't think anybody should bleat anything about knowing exactly how this end game is going to play out.

    Seems like a game of roulette right now - I'm sat just outside the top 20, having beaten 5 of the 6 new missions available. Going to sit on the last one and observe icon_e_smile.gif
  • The Ladder wrote:
    To be fair, everybody has been saying that missions have been resetting every 12 hours
    It's was 8 hours.
  • Microtom wrote:
    The Ladder wrote:
    To be fair, everybody has been saying that missions have been resetting every 12 hours
    It's was 8 hours.

    That's the gut feeling I've had about them, thought it might have been 10 hours, but 8 hours sounds about right.
  • Nemek
    Nemek Posts: 1,511
    Phantron wrote:
    There isn't enough points left for rubberbanding to have a serious effect. I mean you're talking about missions with around 120 base max, that seems to be only doable once.

    I'm not sure what's going on with how the missions no longer give any points after doing them once except the one you just did. Is this a display issue? At any rate, if there isn't a way to repeat them for points, you got to do them ASAP and hope that they refresh before the event ends. Rubberbanding is not going to double the value of the points at this stage. I highly doubt the top score would be higher than 51K at this point.

    Yeah, this event is actually essentially over. The people at the top aren't going to be pushing the max score any higher than a couple points. So, rubber banding is pretty much done with.

    Looks like it's 12 hours just so everybody has time to do the missions and see the end of the story. Makes sense as to why this ends at 5AM EST.
  • Why oh why are there no timers or anything to give any indication about when or whether the missions reset. The lack of any communication in-game about how these events work is astonishing to me. There's going to be a lot of pissed off people tomorrow (again).
  • I'm hoping these replenish every hour or two.

    Otherwise this event will be disappointing in terms of how close we got to 50k. I couldn't care less for Hulk but I was excited about the Punisher cover. Now he's sitting 2k away with "repeatables" not actually giving points.