Blatant cheat - AKN
JoshBot3000 wrote:tomuser wrote:JoshBot3000 then you are clearly riding on the back of xmen to get to your "1,300". If it wasn't for our high scores, I do not believe for a second that you can get high without hitting "your friends".
We score high because we work as a team. And by the way, 1,300 is nothing to talk about. It is regarded as a failure in our team but then again, an outcast like you will never be able to understand. So if you want to make your point, just beat us once in PVP and I challenge you to that.
How many of you can hit 1300 using 1 shield? any of you?
Our guys who start late regularly get to 1300 before placing a first shield. It's really easy to do when from 700 on you have every 50 point target in the game.
This morning I went from 750 to 1300 something before placing a shield. Why wouldn't people who can score 1800+ be able to start late and get to 1300 with one shield? It happens all the time.JoshBot3000 wrote:
You guys could never beat us using the same amount of hp & you know it lol
Well that's nice that you guys best us in this imaginary scenario of yours. I suppose the generals could beat the Globetrotters too if they played the game in space and the Globetrotters wore blind folds and the basketball was made out of mustard... But in reality we both know it's never going to happen0 -
WorldRunner wrote:It's funny because when I go to dog competitions (My other hobby) I don't see anyone complaining about how expensive the equipment and training I use is or worrying about what kind of vehicle I drive up in or how much I spend on my dogs nutrition etc. I also frequently cook and post on cooking forums. Never heard anyone say "Wow... You spend $200 on a knife? What a loser!" Interesting that this community incites jealousy, resentment, and delusion among it's members
And once again, much of the negativity directed at your group stems from the incredible arrogance the oozes out of almost every post made by your members. Stop talking about how cool you are and how everyone is so jealous of your crazy awesome skills and maybe, just maybe, people will back off a bit. You isolate yourselves in your little chat and talk amongst yourselves about how everyone's just a bunch of haters and then you come here and act in a way that makes people hate you. You're bringing it upon yourselves. If you really don't care, go ahead and keep doing it. Just stop acting like the reasons are a mystery. They're not.0 -
If it was only kept on the forum..0 -
@WR Thanks for the reply. I for one appreciate that the X-Men are around because 1) you guys help keep the game afloat, and 2) you guys provide high point targets for everyone else.
Although, I'm a bit torn on your spending habits. On the one hand, you are paying for the F2Pers. On the other, you are telling devs that their current system is fine. A part of me wishes you all would stop spending so much so that revenue goes down and devs are forced to do something to improve the long-term prospects of the game. But then again, said devs might have already reached their creative limit, with team-ups and lazy characters being the best we're ever going to get.0 -
Thank you WR for the breakdown on HP expenditure.
Wow, 4k HP for every pvp?! Amazing.
4k hp is more than what I have in my stash now. Which means I can never compete with you, since I will never have that much HP to spend. Great strategy!
Ok, jokes aside, I am neither bitter nor angry nor jealous about Xmen. I know they wield the 'plastic' power, and it's is perfectly fine for me as they help pay D3.
I am happy with the amount I spend per season (after my initial investment which is too much for a hobby, sigh, regretted it). I spend around 150 HP per pvp if I don't need the covers (meaning .net profit of hp). If I want the covers, I will spend up to 800Hp, which average to around 200 hp per 3* cover. Well worth it.
And I should say that 4k hp means 1k hp for around 4 covers (could be 5), so it's still cheaper than buying it upfront.
Please xmen, go ahead and spenddeadpool need the whales
0 -
atomzed wrote:Thank you WR for the breakdown on HP expenditure.
Wow, 4k HP for every pvp?! Amazing.
4k hp is more than what I have in my stash now. Which means I can never compete with you, since I will never have that much HP to spend. Great strategy!
Ok, jokes aside, I am neither bitter nor angry nor jealous about Xmen. I know they wield the 'plastic' power, and it's is perfectly fine for me as they help pay D3.
Well like I said I'm nowhere near an efficient player. I play too much and hop too much and spend "foolishly" I don't apologize for that. Our "best players" are probably the guys who get 1500 with two shields. Guys you've never heard from or who don't pull the big scores. If the measure of a "good player " is their score divided by the number of shield hops then I'm like 10,000th on that list0 -
Threads like this are what really sours the whole forum experience for me.
Why did a warning about a cheater have to turn into yet another X-bash thread?
Seriously people, X-Men spend money. We know that.
Some of them like to brag about wins that are "bought" with HP. So what?
Can we just let it go instead of using every opportunity to flog a more than dead horse?0 -
Thugpatrol wrote:
And once again, much of the negativity directed at your group stems from the incredible arrogance the oozes out of almost every post made by your members. Stop talking about how cool you are and how everyone is so jealous of your crazy awesome skills and maybe, just maybe, people will back off a bit. You isolate yourselves in your little chat and talk amongst yourselves about how everyone's just a bunch of haters and then you come here and act in a way that makes people hate you. You're bringing it upon yourselves. If you really don't care, go ahead and keep doing it. Just stop acting like the reasons are a mystery. They're not.
I can't speak for anyone else but I don't personally give a damn what anyone thinks of me. I don't know any of you (With some exceptions). I have friends in almost every other top alliance that I talk to frequently and people who know me presumably like me and know who I really am. I also have my real life friends who know me. If people think I'm cocky or arrogant... That's fine. I am. We all have personality "flaws" or things about us that others may look at us and say they don't like. What bothers me is people spreading rumors about us or making false statements about us. If you want to call me or us a bunch of jerks that's fine... Some of us are (At least on here). This game is supposed to be fun. I have fun playing, I have fun meeting people (Both in Xm and in other alliances) and I have fun screwing with people on the forums. If people are allowed to talk trash to us we should be allowed to fire back.
My point is I don't think that anybody cares if you don't like us... We care that we are judged for spending money while others pretend they don't spend even more and that we are falsely accused of cheating. Alas I think it will continue on both sides so... It is what it is.0 -
PPPlaya wrote:Puertorico wrote:sms4002 wrote:What about purtorico from the xmen 2? Some nobody without any max characters somehow has 1900 points right now in the fury pvp? absolutely no way that's legit with his roster. They just keep adding more and more cheaters to replace the old it seems?
Not cheating just smart shield hoping. If you want to make sure I'm not cheating try getting stuck in my bracket next pvp, see if you can catch up. No one in the xmen cheat just out score everyone so we get accused of cheating. Makes no sense to me. I get a lot of help from my fellow xmen. World runner, soundwave, mikeydollar, etc etc.
Be fair, you are at least a little bit trolling with that lineup. You have enough HP to shieldhop to 2000+ but don't max your characters. Especially the Sentry (if you are using him to shieldhop) is by almost 30 Levels underlevelled. Since he hits himself all the time giving him a couple more Health seems elementary. But maybe you are ISO-Broke or gaming the MMR somehow, who knows.
He should've made a less incendiary post but his doubts were well-founded. I don't know why this doesn't make sense to you. The top performers are always accused of cheating. That's not a MPQ exclusive thing. Atheletes are accused of doping, FPS players are accused of aimbotting. Accusations of foul play coming your way when you are standing at the top is and always will be rampant.
Whenever you or the other X-Men are accused of cheating you should take it as a great compliment because apparently some people don't think those stats are possible.
Since you mentioned that you heavily abuse shieldbouncing by coordinating climbs, I do believe you are gaming the system. That doesn't seem like something the devs intented to be a thing but it just a sideeffect of the PVP system. Probably shouldn't mention it too often, otherwise more people will try it and it might get curtailed.
(Maybe that's the reason? PR shields up and leaves an unmaxed team as defense so the other teammates can harvest the points more easily when there arent any seed teams to beat? *puts tinfoil hat on* )
Case in point...0 -
WorldRunner wrote:We care that we are judged for spending money while others pretend they don't spend even more and that we are falsely accused of cheating. Alas I think it will continue on both sides so... It is what it is.
Umm, the truth is that you guys are really spending money. Why should you care that we are pointing that out?
As for others "pretend they don't spend even more", I think there are some players in each alliance who spend a lot on shields too. But in x-men, the number of people who spend 2k per pvp (half of what you stated, to adjust for your 'inefficiency',as you claimed), is disproportionally higher than other alliances..
To be absolutely clear, I am not bashing x-men. The veterans *know* how to 'shield bounce' off unshielded allies; there's no secret formula to it, only coordination, lotsa high scoring allies (definitely need a pace setter) and lotsa HP. The x-men are doing it every pvp and *kudos* to them for gathering so many ppl to burn hp every pvp (when some don't even need the reward covers.)0 -
The original post served a purpose to highlight some cheaters, but it quicker degenerated into something which just create more negativity in the community.
We all know this will get no where... so lets us all take a deep breath, relax and0 -
WorldRunner wrote:
I can't speak for anyone else but I don't personally give a damn what anyone thinks of me. I don't know any of you (With some exceptions). I have friends in almost every other top alliance that I talk to frequently and people who know me presumably like me and know who I really am. I also have my real life friends who know me. If people think I'm cocky or arrogant... That's fine. I am. We all have personality "flaws" or things about us that others may look at us and say they don't like. What bothers me is people spreading rumors about us or making false statements about us. If you want to call me or us a bunch of jerks that's fine... Some of us are (At least on here). This game is supposed to be fun. I have fun playing, I have fun meeting people (Both in Xm and in other alliances) and I have fun screwing with people on the forums. If people are allowed to talk trash to us we should be allowed to fire back.
My point is I don't think that anybody cares if you don't like us... We care that we are judged for spending money while others pretend they don't spend even more and that we are falsely accused of cheating. Alas I think it will continue on both sides so... It is what it is.0 -
Well judging by the number of their posts, it looks like we've managed to wind up S.H.I.E.L.D after the first PvP of the season
Good luck on the next one guys
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WorldRunner wrote:It's funny because when I go to dog competitions (My other hobby) I don't see anyone complaining about how expensive the equipment and training I use is or worrying about what kind of vehicle I drive up in or how much I spend on my dogs nutrition etc. I also frequently cook and post on cooking forums. Never heard anyone say "Wow... You spend $200 on a knife? What a loser!" Interesting that this community incites jealousy, resentment, and delusion among it's members
Just my opinion on this without judgement, I don't personally care how you spend your money, I believe spending on some hobbies is generally looked at as a little more understandable because you have something material to show for it at the end of the day. In game purchases for virtual currency always leaves you empty handed. What you're paying for is a level of enjoyment/fun which is completely subjective and based on the person. Bottom line, for you the $20 per pvp is worth the amount of fun you get out of it, for others they'd feel ripped off at not getting more for their money.0 -
WorldRunner wrote:I can't speak for anyone else but I don't personally give a damn what anyone thinks of me....What bothers me is people spreading rumors about us or making false statements about us...If people are allowed to talk trash to us we should be allowed to fire back...
My point is I don't think that anybody cares if you don't like us... We care that we are judged for spending money while others pretend they don't spend even more and that we are falsely accused of cheating.WorldRunner wrote:Get used to it. We're #1 and we aren't going anywhere.Puertorico wrote:If you want to make sure I'm not cheating try getting stuck in my bracket next pvp, see if you can catch up.
Personally I don't care what you do. If you want to put on the black hat and play the bad guy like some kind of professional wrestling heel, go right ahead. Be the guy who thinks it's funny to act like a jerk on the internet. Doesn't bother me in the least. But what's dumb is when anyone from the X-Men acts surprised that they're disliked, or wants to make it all about jealousy of their high scores. The scores are where it starts, but it's the bad behavior that makes it worse. If you don't care, then don't care. But you don't get to act mystified at people's negative reaction to arrogance and poor sportsmanship. That's just silly. So continue to buy wins and be smug about it if you're so inclined, but you reap what you sow.
Or you folks could try a little humility for once and see how that works out. Who knows, you might even like it.0 -
Literally every post in this thread is awful. Just, the worst.
Yeah, you can pay to win, and people who dont will always be second (or sixteenth) best. That is the primary function of the game. Don't like it, play something else. Swinging your tinykitty around about how you would TOTALLY be the best in an alternate universe is incredibly dumb
I can appreciate paying to win. If I had a better job, I likely would too - I like winning, and there can be a good thrill to it. But man do some of the people in this thread come off like jerks. Yes, you do put in effort, there is strategy, and there is planning. But do not sit there and pretend there isn't money in there, too - more than most are willing or can spend.0 -
Well one perspective is that this has become a 'bash xmen because the word cheat is in the subject title'
The perspective of everyone else in the forum is that xmen buy absurd amounts of hp and spend 'foolishly', abusing the shield system in a way that wasn't intended but makes money for D3 money so they won't stop it.
They have no more teamwork than anyone else who knows how to say, "Im unshielding at 1800 points with my lvl 1s and 60s so que me up then everyone hit me for a net 2-3k point gain across the alliances"
It's a mockery of the game, not skill in any sense of the word and it's a complete joke that you think what you're doing takes skill.
8k HP? are you effin kidding us? And yes 2 shield hops doesn't mean you spend 150 hp. If you're going to 1500 you're buying lots of +1 all and if you're using sentry to do it, you're buying health packs
You guys are and have always been a joke since you first formed the united mpq Whales union. To brag about buying these big scores is quite pathetic but I must say it gives us all quite a lot of entertainment to read these threads.
On a bright note, most of us don't have to spend any money because you guys unload your entire allowance here so keep it afloat fellas!
FWIW - a full roster is a lasting goal. A scoreboard that disappears in 2 days? meh0 -
90% of people on the forums are fed up with the x-men ****, including I suspect all the x-men.
But there's always some who want to have a go at the team that wins - bad losers, small-minded folk or whatever - so don't be surprised if we defend ourselves from time to time or feel little responsibility to the forum. I didn't see the many false accusers of cheating rushing to apologise laterWorldrunner is very open about how he plays and spends and people still like to have a go. Next time maybe he won't bother answering, why should he?
And just to be clear on a couple of points:
1. X-men have never denied spending money in the game - all the top alliances have members who spend (although some like to pretend otherwise!), and some small spenders / F2P. Can't get those scores or have a max fury the day after season 4 ended without paying & x-men have no monopoly there. As others have said this spending benefits other players more than it benefits the big spenders (certainly in terms of mpq rewards), so no need to hate spenders unless its jealousy
2. There is strategy and teamwork involved in winning and getting high scores efficiently. I've seen people spend a fortune on shield hopping in other alliances and score much lower, so you can't win just by spending more. Personally I would be delighted to see a tourney with a different format or capped HP spend and we can see who wins that - as the top PvP alliances I'm pretty sure x-men would have the best strategy for that too
Anyway that's my last word on this, it's getting boring reading the same old trolls.....0
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