Patch R58 Discussion - Live 7/29



  • IceIX wrote:

    - Sentry bombing, while existent, is actually less of a problem than you would think. It's a fairly high cost of upkeep method of climbing and keeping up on charts that isn't really sustainable. There are very few players that actually keep that style of gameplay up for any length of time as a result. It's far more common to see Patch and Magneto blasts than Sentry teams at this point which function off a similar style of gameplay but is less costly in terms of Health Pack/Boost use but more costly for time. It's definitely something we've noted though and will look into if it becomes a prevalent gameplay style to the detriment of the meta.

    Hrmm... so essentially, Sentry falls into the same boat as Patch + Magneto in terms of PvP balance. Understandable, I suppose. Thanks for the perspective.

    Trivia question:

    -- Was Prodigal Sun (Episode 4.5), originally meant to be a Dark Avengers only PvE? From the in-mission comic sequences, much of the flavor text really didn't seem to make a whole lot of sense unless viewed from the perspective that the PvE was meant to be played with only the Dark Avengers.

    Lastly for the night, and for the community in general:

    -- Is there anything still in the works as far as new game modes [I understand why no single player modes in the game] in the pipe or under consideration to liven up the Basic PvE or Featured+2 PvP [Balance of Power was interesting] routine? (A longtime ago, you mentioned poking around at Boss-style encounters [a Sentinel, if I remember right], or [my idea] perhaps some type of modular "Season-Like" PvE story event (example: Nodes/Subs that appear based on global activity/conditions; if a global score is achieved/boss defeated by Time X, then open Sub Y, else open Sub Z; as a way of letting players "control" how a PvE event plays out)
  • IceIX
    IceIX ADMINISTRATORS Posts: 4,332 Site Admin
    Lyrian wrote:
    Trivia question:

    -- Was Prodigal Sun (Episode 4.5), originally meant to be a Dark Avengers only PvE? From the in-mission comic sequences, much of the flavor text really didn't seem to make a whole lot of sense unless viewed from the perspective that the PvE was meant to be played with only the Dark Avengers.

    Lastly for the night, and for the community in general:

    -- Is there anything still in the works as far as new game modes [I understand why no single player modes in the game] in the pipe or under consideration to liven up the Basic PvE or Featured+2 PvP [Balance of Power was interesting] routine? (A longtime ago, you mentioned poking around at Boss-style encounters [a Sentinel, if I remember right], or [my idea] perhaps some type of modular "Season-Like" PvE story event (example: Nodes/Subs that appear based on global activity/conditions; if a global score is achieved/boss defeated by Time X, then open Sub Y, else open Sub Z; as a way of letting players "control" how a PvE event plays out)
    - Prodigal Sun is intended story-wise to be Dark Avengers only, yes. We decided after playtesting it some though that it just wasn't *fun* when limited to that, especially for people in the 1->2* transition so we didn't give it the Heroic Mode style treatment for character selection.

    - Yes, yes we do. We're working on pepping up Team-Ups based off its initial reception and feedback first, but we've got paper designs for at the least the next two fully featured additions to the game, one of which is far more of a PvE changer than Team-Ups. We've also had little things roll out lately too which can change up things a bit. Like if you noticed that in this current Heroic Chapter that we had a mission that gives you a full team of partners instead of just one for a battle. That one isn't very earth shattering though. icon_e_smile.gif
  • darthmental
    darthmental Posts: 104

    Welcome back!

    Can you please do something about these death brackets from hell. Every PVp event this season I've needed 1200 to sniff the top 5. That's not fair when other brackets aren't like this. It's not bad luck as I'm not the only player experiencing this.

    Can you please comment if this is intended!

    Cheers and thanks in advance.
  • IceIX
    IceIX ADMINISTRATORS Posts: 4,332 Site Admin

    Welcome back!

    Can you please do something about these death brackets from hell. Every PVp event this season I've needed 1200 to sniff the top 5. That's not fair when other brackets aren't like this. It's not bad luck as I'm not the only player experiencing this.

    Can you please comment if this is intended!

    Cheers and thanks in advance.
    See above. viewtopic.php?f=7&t=13231&start=120#p194621
  • IceIX wrote:

    [snip all sorts of useful information from multiple posts]

    Thanks for taking the time out of your busy presentation weekend to spend a few hours here, tonight. Have a good evening and hopefully somewhat of a recovery from the convention this week, if possible.
  • darthmental
    darthmental Posts: 104
    IceIX wrote:

    Welcome back!

    Can you please do something about these death brackets from hell. Every PVp event this season I've needed 1200 to sniff the top 5. That's not fair when other brackets aren't like this. It's not bad luck as I'm not the only player experiencing this.

    Can you please comment if this is intended!

    Cheers and thanks in advance.
    See above. viewtopic.php?f=7&t=13231&start=120#p194621

    Thanks for the response.

    Any chance it will be "fixed" soon?

    Also when will Nick Fury be released into the wild? Ie. packs and events.
  • Any chance you'll ever disclose attendance stats? At least as "Starfall had 40% more players than the previous PVP event" etc?
    I despair seeing just how harder it is to pull out a good alliance placement nowadays and I'd like to know why.
  • Thanos
    Thanos Posts: 722 Critical Contributor
    edited July 2014
    Ice, curious, from inception to implementation, how much development time was put into the team up feature?

    Also....whens the x-force buff coming? hmm, hmm, hmm...... icon_question.gif

    Whats the plan for Fury?

    Why's the season 4 alliance reward IW and not a new character?
  • Hi Ice! Will magneto's (Marvel NOW!) polarity shift be an available team up? I feel like that ability could be a little problematic especially if more blue characters come out.
  • turul
    turul Posts: 1,622 Chairperson of the Boards
    Wut will happen to unwanted low level yelena teamup boosts?

    How much AP cost?

    Wut use of TU tiles if both sides used it all up/ not bring any?
  • IceIX
    IceIX ADMINISTRATORS Posts: 4,332 Site Admin
    sorcered wrote:
    Any chance you'll ever disclose attendance stats? At least as "Starfall had 40% more players than the previous PVP event" etc?
    I despair seeing just how harder it is to pull out a good alliance placement nowadays and I'd like to know why.
    Attendance stats are almost directly proportional to the prizes being handed out. If it's Loki, it's low. If it's a new character or a popular one (like Starfall now), it's high. Weekend Tournies naturally get a bit higher attendance, but with Events and Tournies running for several days each that difference isn't huge.
  • over_clocked
    over_clocked Posts: 3,961
    turul wrote:
    Wut use of TU tiles if both sides used it all up/ not bring any?
    They will still deal damage.
  • IceIX
    IceIX ADMINISTRATORS Posts: 4,332 Site Admin
    Thanos wrote:
    Ice, curious, from inception to implementation, how much development time was put into the team up feature?

    Also....whens the x-force buff coming? hmm, hmm, hmm...... icon_question.gif

    Whats the plan for Fury?

    Why's the season 4 alliance reward IW and not a new character?
    - Buff schedule: After Hawkeye and Magneto.
    - Current plan is to add Fury into the mix like Invisible Woman and Wolverine (X-Force) are, but not quite yet.
    - Because we want to see how effective having an "Exclusive" Alliance reward pushes Alliances in a season versus a more normal reward.
  • GuntherBlobel
    GuntherBlobel Posts: 987 Critical Contributor
    CatMan wrote:
    Hi Ice! Will magneto's (Marvel NOW!) polarity shift be an available team up? I feel like that ability could be a little problematic especially if more blue characters come out.

    How is it any more problematic than simply having him as part of the team? That said, I'm kinda excited about using Polarity Shift, Wind Storm, and Agg Recon with my 3* teams.
  • Thanks for the answer, and here's a new question as reward icon_e_smile.gif

    Will you ever prevent alliance members from seeing and hitting on each other in PVP? It's both annoying to hit a teammate by mistake and an exploit when you do it on purpose... Thanks!
  • IceIX
    IceIX ADMINISTRATORS Posts: 4,332 Site Admin
    sorcered wrote:
    Thanks for the answer, and here's a new question as reward icon_e_smile.gif

    Will you ever prevent alliance members from seeing and hitting on each other in PVP? It's both annoying to hit a teammate by mistake and an exploit when you do it on purpose... Thanks!
    It's on our ten mile long list of "things to tweak when a programmer gets a spare moment to push in what *should* be a minor patch".
  • yogi_
    yogi_ Posts: 1,236 Chairperson of the Boards
    Are the two Magnetos' going to end up looking similar, skillset wise? ie. Torch and gold / lazy characters?
  • hey ice,

    if you can only use a team up once per match, what happens after you've collected and spent enough TU points for your TU attack then get more TU points? they just sit there unusable?

    also, you said enemies can use TU attacks. how does this work in pvp? will you use your last used TU card in pvp on defense indefinitely?
  • So how do team ups work on defense? Since they are consumables will your defensive team have whatever team ups you beat that team with? I can see this as being a game breaker. One example being you get 3 level 400 headbutts in your inventory and just always equip them but don't use them. That def team will be unstoppable since they have unlimited level 400 headbutts for every opponent.
  • CatMan wrote:
    Hi Ice! Will magneto's (Marvel NOW!) polarity shift be an available team up? I feel like that ability could be a little problematic especially if more blue characters come out.

    How is it any more problematic than simply having him as part of the team? That said, I'm kinda excited about using Polarity Shift, Wind Storm, and Agg Recon with my 3* teams.
    Having MN magneto as part of your team is unreasonable for a 3 star player in pvp. Polarity shift is as far as I know the best blue generation ability in the game so if everyone has access to it then that might cause balance issues. Honestly I'm looking forward to using it without having magneto on my team, it was just something I thought of because I've been wondering if MN mags will be rebalanced eventually.