Patch R58 Discussion - Live 7/29



  • IceIX
    IceIX ADMINISTRATORS Posts: 4,332 Site Admin
    Ben Grimm wrote:
    Ooh, IceIX is here again!

    Any estimate on when the next covers get added to the packs? She-Hulk, Baby Torch, Captain Marvel?
    Not sure if we'll be doing a batch addition like we did for the last group, but plans are to add at least 2* Torch to the packs fairly soon.
  • Is there a fixed cost for team-up powers (e.g. always 10 Team-Up AP) or does it change depending on the power?

    If Team-Up Powers are gained purely as drops from opponents, is there anything in the works to counter the likelihood that, at least among 3* players, we'll be seeing endless amounts of Team-Up Powers from characters like LazyThor, Patch, Sentry, Magneto etc and won't really ever get the opportunity to have fun by gathering Team-Up Powers from 2* characters and lesser used 3*? Is it possible to create a "random" Team-Up drop where you won't know what power it is until you use it (is it going to be a game-winning Sniper Rifle, a reasonably helpful Lightning Storm, or a booby prize Switcheroo?)? Those would be fun (and occasionally sucky).
  • SolidQ
    SolidQ Posts: 247 Tile Toppler
    Will you buff useless character's in future?
    Ragnarok, Spider-man( after nerf he totally useless), Loki, Bagman, Bullseye, Moonstone?
  • IceIX
    IceIX ADMINISTRATORS Posts: 4,332 Site Admin
    Zhirrzh wrote:
    Is there a fixed cost for team-up powers (e.g. always 10 Team-Up AP) or does it change depending on the power?

    If Team-Up Powers are gained purely as drops from opponents, is there anything in the works to counter the likelihood that, at least among 3* players, we'll be seeing endless amounts of Team-Up Powers from characters like LazyThor, Patch, Sentry, Magneto etc and won't really ever get the opportunity to have fun by gathering Team-Up Powers from 2* characters and lesser used 3*? Is it possible to create a "random" Team-Up drop where you won't know what power it is until you use it (is it going to be a game-winning Sniper Rifle, a reasonably helpful Lightning Storm, or a booby prize Switcheroo?)? Those would be fun (and occasionally sucky).
    Team-Up abilities cost however much they'd cost normally, but use Team-Up AP instead. So a Rage of the Panther would cost 12 Black as a regular ability or 12 TUAP as a Team-Up.
    As for drops, yes, you're going to see a lot of Magnetos, Wolverines, Sentrys, etc if that's who you're fighting. You can always pop into Prologue Ch 5 and snag a Level 140 Ragnarok if you want though.

    For defense, your team will get a random supply of 3 Team-Up powers to use, taken from the characters available in the applicable Comic Pack for that Event (or Heroics if there's no Pack for that Event). So you'll be facing off against teams that have a variety of powers available to them as a result.
  • TazFTW
    TazFTW Posts: 695 Critical Contributor
    IceIX wrote:
    You can always pop into Prologue Ch 5 and snag a Level 140 Ragnarok if you want though.

    Hmm, so when is the next Balance of Power? icon_twisted.gif
  • TazFTW wrote:
    IceIX wrote:
    You can always pop into Prologue Ch 5 and snag a Level 140 Ragnarok if you want though.

    Hmm, so when is the next Balance of Power? icon_twisted.gif

    Watch as people avoid using interesting characters in Balance of Power so that people won't attack them just to farm Team-Ups off them icon_razz.gif

    It's going to be interesting in PvE especially though to see people farming missions just to get, for example a level 390 Devour.
  • IceIX wrote:
    Ben Grimm wrote:
    Ooh, IceIX is here again!

    Any estimate on when the next covers get added to the packs? She-Hulk, Baby Torch, Captain Marvel?
    Not sure if we'll be doing a batch addition like we did for the last group, but plans are to add at least 2* Torch to the packs fairly soon.

    Will 2* Torch become available as a random prize for winning PVP matches when he becomes available in token packs?
  • Spoit
    Spoit Posts: 3,441 Chairperson of the Boards
    IceIX wrote:
    DayvBang wrote:
    Has any thought been given to notifying players when they reach maximum inventory of a boost or team-up, so players know to use some up before they waste new ones?
    No to Boosts getting one soon, but you do get a notification on max Team-Ups when you would otherwise get another.
    Can you manually delete them? Or do you have to go into a battle to use them to clear them out?
  • scottee
    scottee Posts: 1,610 Chairperson of the Boards
    Hmm, so people will now WANT scaling. And you all cried for it to be removed.
  • IceIX
    IceIX ADMINISTRATORS Posts: 4,332 Site Admin
    Ghast wrote:
    IceIX wrote:
    Ben Grimm wrote:
    Ooh, IceIX is here again!

    Any estimate on when the next covers get added to the packs? She-Hulk, Baby Torch, Captain Marvel?
    Not sure if we'll be doing a batch addition like we did for the last group, but plans are to add at least 2* Torch to the packs fairly soon.

    Will 2* Torch become available as a random prize for winning PVP matches when he becomes available in token packs?
    Should be, yes.
  • IceIX
    IceIX ADMINISTRATORS Posts: 4,332 Site Admin
    scottee wrote:
    Hmm, so people will now WANT scaling. And you all cried for it to be removed.
    Now people will just cry for Yelena to be removed from all battles so that she doesn't take up two drop slots for Team-Up abilities. It's all in cycles.
  • IceIX
    IceIX ADMINISTRATORS Posts: 4,332 Site Admin
    Spoit wrote:
    IceIX wrote:
    DayvBang wrote:
    Has any thought been given to notifying players when they reach maximum inventory of a boost or team-up, so players know to use some up before they waste new ones?
    No to Boosts getting one soon, but you do get a notification on max Team-Ups when you would otherwise get another.
    Can you manually delete them? Or do you have to go into a battle to use them to clear them out?
    Currently you have to use them to get rid of them. The idea is that you should be actively managing them so they should be cycling on a regular basis. If you're hitting 20 and getting a "You're full!" popup, you're probably not playing very effectively.
  • OnesOwnGrief
    OnesOwnGrief Posts: 1,387 Chairperson of the Boards
    IceIX wrote:
    scottee wrote:
    Hmm, so people will now WANT scaling. And you all cried for it to be removed.
    Now people will just cry for Yelena to be removed from all battles so that she doesn't take up two drop slots for Team-Up abilities. It's all in cycles.
    I would ride that Yelena train all day if I have to. That's an AP steal and crit tile generation up my sleeve, it won't even be consumed if I don't use it.
  • pmorcs
    pmorcs Posts: 126 Tile Toppler
    IceIX wrote:
    Ben Grimm wrote:
    Ooh, IceIX is here again!

    Any estimate on when the next covers get added to the packs? She-Hulk, Baby Torch, Captain Marvel?
    Not sure if we'll be doing a batch addition like we did for the last group, but plans are to add at least 2* Torch to the packs fairly soon.

    I just got a two-star Johnny from a standard token, so he's already in those at least.
  • Pylgrim
    Pylgrim Posts: 2,332 Chairperson of the Boards
    IceIX wrote:
    Enoc99 wrote:
    I have an additional question on this. Is the damage that Storm is doing when destroying the Team-Up tiles additional to the damage that the tiles are doing themselves when destroyed?
    Sort of. Yes, she does, but it's counted into the damage displayed by the tooltip. So it's not going to do *additional* damage on top of what's displayed, but it is dealing that destruction damage as a part of it. A Level 166 Storm (Mohawk) will hit for 1540 damage, of which 287 (41*7) of that comes directly from the exploded tiles. These tiles are treated as a single point of destruction for purposes of Strike tile increases. So 2 tiles at 220 each and a 105 strength Strike tile would result in a 545 damage attack.

    Good that you mention this since apparently you didn't see my previous question. 1540 is LESS than her previous max damage even with the same amount of tiles destroyed (and if you are honest, more often than not, she used to destroy twice that many, so twice that damage). Added to the fact of the terrible loss of utility (board shake-up) that made her a playable character in spite of her squishiness and average damage, isn't this a nerf? I understand why she no longer can destroy all tiles, but could you please fix her somehow to make up for this? Storm is one of my favourite characters and see her becoming even less playable in a world of much better characters (and much better yellow abilities) is very sad, especially since this is not an intended change but rather, unfortunate fallout from the implementation of a new feature.
  • IceIX
    IceIX ADMINISTRATORS Posts: 4,332 Site Admin
    Pylgrim wrote:
    Good that you mention this since apparently you didn't see my previous question. 1540 is LESS than her previous max damage even with the same amount of tiles destroyed (and if you are honest, more often than not, she used to destroy twice that many, so twice that damage). Added to the fact of the terrible loss of utility (board shake-up) that made her a playable character in spite of her squishiness and average damage, isn't this a nerf? I understand why she no longer can destroy all tiles, but could you please fix her somehow to make up for this? Storm is one of my favourite characters and see her becoming even less playable in a world of much better characters (and much better yellow abilities) is very sad, especially since this is not an intended change but rather, unfortunate fallout from the implementation of a new feature.
    This is true that her relative damage is being lowered. I didn't comment specifically because others in posts around yours effectively answered the question. In this case, before she did lots of damage and shook up the board for more possible damage, but the destruction of the EO tiles themselves did essentially nothing for you. The idea was that this ability would power your EO abilities, but it worked out the be a damaging/board control ability instead. Now she directly breaks and gains TU tiles and AP, still does a moderate amount of board control, and adds in some decent damage. Especially damage of a color that isn't usually used for direct damage. There's most definitely something to be said for the power to transmute 9 Yellow AP into 6/7 Team-Up AP, plus damage, plus board control.
  • scottee
    scottee Posts: 1,610 Chairperson of the Boards
    I heard that Marvel is trying to unify the Marvel universe, instead of having so many separate ones. Are they trying to move all of the successful games in this direction as well? Would that mean seeing more crossover with mainstream story lines?
  • If I have Wolverine (astonishing) on my team can I use one of patch's team up abilities?
  • IceIX
    IceIX ADMINISTRATORS Posts: 4,332 Site Admin
    scottee wrote:
    I heard that Marvel is trying to unify the Marvel universe, instead of having so many separate ones. Are they trying to move all of the successful games in this direction as well? Would that mean seeing more crossover with mainstream story lines?
    Any games set in the MGU are in a single universe. Not sure which number. We've all got unifying threads (mostly Iso-8) and we're all making concerted efforts to work together on story and not to throw spanners in one anothers' work so that everything stays in one canon as much as possible. But that's like saying that 616 is all one universe when the X-Men are off nearly blowing up upstate New York (again) while Iron Man and Co. are sitting around enjoying samosas in Manhattan instead of doing something about it. Stuff'll happen in one game that we'll take into account in another, but that doesn't mean that if someone does a storyline based on Siege that no one else can tell that story from a different angle. Pretty much every Marvel game outside of movie tie-ins are running off the MGU guidelines.
  • IceIX
    IceIX ADMINISTRATORS Posts: 4,332 Site Admin
    CatMan wrote:
    If I have Wolverine (astonishing) on my team can I use one of patch's team up abilities?
    Nope. Same rules apply as for any other character selection: You can't use the same character twice and in PVE you can't use a character that's on the enemy team. You *can* use multiples of the same character as a Team-Up though. So if you want, you can run:
    Black Widow (Original) - Aggressive Recon
    Black Widow (Grey Suit) - Deceptive Tactics
    Black Widow (Modern) - Aggressive Recon