Members with zero posts will be removed

Nonce Equitaur 2
Posts: 2,269 Chairperson of the Boards
There is a block of 3150+ members that are mostly set up to be spammers by bots. All of these are members with zero posts. If your user name is in the list below, make a post if you don't want to lose it.
memberlist.php?sk=f&sd=d shows one reason why we have a spam problem.
memberlist.php?sk=d&sd=a to memberlist.php?sk=d&sd=a&start=3150 will likely be removed.
I hate to do this, but I'm going to retire from spam deletion until D3 "We read everything" acknowledges this post. Spam messages are coming in every few minutes from block-generated users, all from IP addresses known for spam. When someone/anyone from D3 posts, then I'll go back to clearing spam away again.
EDIT -- but it turns out I figured out how to utterly kneecap the spammers, as detailed below. I deleted over 900 spammers. Slowed spam-spewage rate down to just 1% of what it was. So I'll keep maintaining it.
01web55 2drunk 4esogold 545pm 60oumkosop3 _flatliner_ a3h2y9i2t a9922yw0h06 aafrojaeeo aaron2run ad95pr10 adventvalor Aermin aerolics Age0923 agenonlin3 agentwalker ahanikaa Ailikae aisdawai aiwmiynn AkaTobi85 Akazuki Akemi akurapopo Al128a23l alecsmaf alexxz Alghard aliada alivqgklk alllyouneed0 ALobo Alopis alphagao AlReed AltairVega alucinado25 aluis221 aluu2102j aluu2975j aluu8243j amanyun amihaibn84 ancaroll andreaaa Angevin anker2 anwar33 aorin123 Apocalypto Appledragon ArcherX Archon ArcturusD Ariali arie1 arkangelx2 arturofernandezw ashreya Ashtar asj163568 asj458368 asking68 Askrggdrassil asrorimaho asrorimaho1 assyifa astkv7x539 austinlee AvariDixon axajile Babbylonian babyblue baristaa Barrymaggard BassMuffinFIve Bayfight3r bcrolcpux becca1175 benchris benno Berdugo bettykovin bfw0903jh6 bfw6588jh6 bfw7577jh6 bi4dap1 bigguy bigmsjr BillyBaru bilstefkel biothoup biqytnefv bisng8673 black_death BlackIce Blackmysz boaboa9 bob4646 Bobby 52 Bobocantik BoilerHorty bondan75 boneng bones0nfire Boom2 borbi8u0b Bosen bosyhammer Bownuts Boydwesley bratpack1 breakout BridgeBurner bristopher broncos7 Bronouns brownedawg brozaanika Brutis bsqguree buggy bundaPIPIK bunkia20 burnny2f5g burnny4v9h bwskcipz bxddszxjt c1rca cabecabean cacola47 cahanker2 cahkramat2 Caldaryn CaliX cameliaoki Capricornucopia captainjoseph capxspidey carlwhite63 CarolDanvers castul00 caw92690 ccacqcxyu ce1030spds celion cezzlen Chakabrodeus chaoscon charlesnt chattstorm cheeoi chibikim ChinhReview chjhdhh5 Chrisinbruges Chronikilla Chupa 71 cindyfall12 ciondolo cipokaraembt cipokopo CitizenV ckadubkfv Claes Clamps clanese ClericTaven CocaineCowboy Conday cormVomided Crisds crownluthfi csoto212 cusinkacang cybergypsy cyke950h Cymmina2 d0nk3y d4e4y8anxaz daddyconfer78 Dads050402 Dafuq1 danbolger22 darkdipon50 darvish11 dasgouche Davicams ddss80 deadpool78 Deathstroke73 decky239 decline1 defoea defteros Dellazar07 denaiyaa devildoll108 devious_dylan DieHardMarvel Diemos Dienekes Digy2 dikshita dinger divitics DJ Squillz djzerogx dlouied doisneau Doogmar DoubleDragon Dracarys7 DragonessArmada DragonSin dreadpixie Dredde DreddFan1970 drjeff75 Dronix dsmonkey DudeBro duitmu DukeV dvvchwoz dwaryn dwayne e7p4l9rfwg EasYBlue86 Edannan EfecX ehristy920 Ekou197 elcondore Eldar1011 elizabethsi elmenor Elmmoryer emapreabart emonkeno enqbkktlj erik80 ERock4 estrike evaniyaa EvilHunter Evilmother Evo2099 ewpdpczlt25 Exkash f4x9w5uiwep Faheemkhan fahmi1 FannyPack Fartimus fatality30 Feanor83 Febreezium fede25lp2040 femyjiang FenrirAsgardwolf FFDAN fghjs5Fcfg filfri9 filukxks flashgordon Florence FluxWave foamy fooweston Fotocopy franksummer franky14 franky90 freedom_6 freeonlinegamestore Friseal frogmanmike14 Frostbiteoh Fulet fupojr furiel516 fwdpfswj g3t9ybqd45 g4naass gaana GabbyAlipe Gabriela gabrielroy20 gameshobby gantitrs gantiwae44 Gargamel_86 gavinhall95 gedebus georgemelchers3 ghkzpgfnm ghynhndx Gizmorugger42 glenvalk82 goldenhog Gork00 Gorkfu Gorthad gotgold5g Grayson Greenlandzone Grop_ gto702 Guanteen Guessrod guneman h6mws1e52 hadew haileydavey Hallowsxeve HanJiwoon15 hannoii hanshika harganepiro HeathSaid hellcent Hemlocke HeresisCreed Hernandezc hernann Herobreaker Hexter HeyCat Heyding hilaina hoamsemprul hoethoet Hollinho Hondynny Hooch HotSoup Houshin hu67d26a3k5o Hug3tz huikmeneh Hungryman hutfbnbf hwiwkpqh hxzedbrpe IAmIronman IamPuritas ic29ama3a icelordasdf icetea ieatbroodlongs ihuyyswdz ijehajek illeyanaa ilzlrrmrd ImaLoser impromptu77 in34sew6f ingle inspiro intertek24 Iridious IrishGyppo IronDrizzt isavage11 istrisetia2 iu24ffe4p IWasIronman j828plano jabancroft Jabawockee IVXX Jack321 jacsin jagoboneto10 JAGT9999 jambumete JamesD jasminelea13 jasminesingh jasx316 jayradical jayson400 jaysoncro23 jazzleen Jedimario jefozfhtf jefsayshi jennadavis jennyzoo Jeroti jfhif722299 jgresham Jim73 jimetfa Jimmy JimmyJames99 jintianlibailiu Jkittycat jkleckne jmetzner jmgrady jo3Thund3r Jocson joeboyd22 Joeltt jogjajogja_74 John321 Johnnyfacepalm jonijon jorjelebus jp189512 jpyid72665 Juicyfruit juliyaasi jumatx JunRui justified81 justin99 juvaliya jwaycott k0kwvi97f2 k6ff7871gj3 k9om0bc1692 kai22 kalki KameleonTDK Kaniac karenuna Karnegal KarnInebriated karven kateela katiep87 keatcavx Keir333 kel13191 kembang kembangturi keselek kesok kesselicewind Kevont2000 ki8482ks4243 kierkegaard Kierphe Killeroflords Kim123 kinalulla_22 Kingjulian559 KingKoopa85 kirun2 kisrrabiy kk8kuyzbcy7 kkkuxizb knesavg kobrakais kopbat Kozdras kramat2 kriscarr07 Krognar Kromtar2 Krrynd Kryron KSFrosty kshtksampai ku9c2iw45x kuagiyi500 kubhbafg kurangiman Kuroiteiken kuroro kurosaki2141 kurt_demiurge kurtblake88 Kyden Kyosume l9dh665z786 labixiaoxin Ladygoolsby LaFlare Lagility Lamaroon Latheos lawboy18 lawlypop lbxnwallvm7 LeChuck leecool leej777 leeking09 legawa lemonwater lenshea85 liagmade liamfrank32 libber21 liburki lidn5z3d Lieutenan lightning_boy likeas lilianjie Liljz linda ling0pg7 Lithium007 Littlelamp loki540 Lokie2 london longmerq lordblerf lordkeane lordofallsith lorumanehra lossndg2a9q LostAriadne loukii lpearl LtBloom lupimen Luxehuisdoos lvg131bx7w ly2ad4fd lyleglass82 lzhypmkqcz lzkobglhwx lzphhfxqpp lzpyscsojf lzzzujgyhf m4rkpg M4TCH m8w17oc7z macbushido Madpanda maengel mahmudakhnm60 mahmudamkhanom Makotopunch Malenfant manantari maniacesgempol marauder Mario67 mariyaa Marveloid maryrose mashimus Mastachi mastin mattroidprime MaxArtea mayeomee Mbahspmbp Mbahspombop Mbaksopie mdciwallpo4 mdk710 mdo2661641 MDragoon mega sari mentengcah merkutinaa metputeg metsla99 mgnwzlyjc mightythorg mikeisflash milesgpw milky1 MIndTwisted Mishumo Mjeanette mkaplan83 Mobrews42 modalerte Mohansingh MolaJut mootmeat moromoro moseco moseswolfwood mozainaa MrBanjo mrboomerchips MrsKingsnake Mstre3 muaniis Mugency Mumix munir munrobd Music1 musleyltd muzzein mycatangel12 n33fols n99sm9jn983f naesala Naked Pimp Nalocard narimanrlz ncjxbiyl ne3x4im4464 neckbeard necrolord187 nemoyatpeace NeverEnding ngrcoqvf nguliqoq Nidan nightmike NIGHTMOOSE Nikademous ninda22 Nitemare121 njwssara nkdijotqey Nompthy nopanope Notdingo nqxoinya Nungz nvmbvdsas nvmnhcas nycsunny nyder Nyghtwoof nyoweng o9n2t5sd9 Oathsworn obgxllje ocelote odin25041985 Okashiiyatsu okishipbengi oliunfair OLIVE olpata omnifarious omponggg oneitter onslaught172 onspiyaa Ooooj Opusmax Orfiel orimalthas Osaft22 oscarjg3 Oshobnem Osric250 Otsos ovishee owyhgwnkg ozeshee padihawe Pakse panduras1 Panjandrum paomaw papajahat paztkzpvz PeaceNickMann Pentarch perfectmoneyinvest pet1001er pflmliyhk Pharaoh530 pharmacy562 phazzo Philadelphia philos Phoenixer Phraeg Phushunt Pieiki PieOPah pietror pigwoodspam PijaoWarrior pinaalisa piyae Plazzma Plazzmid pleaksie pliket2 plissken3187 pmgsintezn1 pooh5142 Portugal predataah Presty PrincessTabitha ProjectCarthage Prototype_79L puedees puncin Punter PureEatAss purple1990girl putegdiluk PXYJK Pyatah qixing123 qk0b34sa5t qlroawvan QuaziPance Quebbster QuiK_ qujzsftcs qvtvfdqg qvtzxweg r88fgdfayn Radness303 Rag71 rahmat126 Rainseeker rakberes raurus ravedave81 raycheung rayhch89 rayofnope rechargeguru Reddguy83 Reeshan Reliq rened11384 Reterari Rethfosfj reultinualt Rezrac rgazaqis06 rghugorad rhehana RHTOWM Richie933 rickhale38 riez17 rifwgjpgz Risrepkel rlpq533 Robxoda rocambole520 Rockla92 Rogan Josh roger88 RogueFan614 Roman707 roo69 Rosco737 roselalalar rpplourenco rtl95vp4ipy RudRaid Rudy51 rukaiyaa ruqeinterq1 russnout_6064 RustyShackleford s19ywk362qj s3u96mf6h s4o6si3hg42a s9n29cs6v sabaroo sabilan sabtuo sadbjp Saizone Sakusennin salakatur saliwok sam1934 Samsung11 SamuraiKilla Sanctioner Sandaas Sangu sanyou9ky Satanspogostick saziyaa ScarletLetter scdwsdhvaa scherb2008 Schoemaniac sdawqukue sdk1414 seekie2 Seethingfury serempet1 sesat sezukiyaa SharpyShuffle Shaukal sheisskopf Sherman552 shimibgdron Shinji Shintogara shiquehairextensions Shrink ShyGuyMy sidekickcomics sidrajan silkie34 silverbullet simbanya simoncklee simplytracy63 singsing Siquasam sizzleen sjkeri skimten skylan84 Slafer slaxer723 Slayer1984 SledgeBranson slejeivw slernach Slickg2007 Slider18 sliyazes Sluke2 slydawgg snowpeas soccerbix soliet Sonny SophiaMalin soranwbub Sosumijack spelevdad2 spikeyoazz spqr_spqr spy22 spycob srinekaa Srook221 SRoss ssaDFsawd Statis Steinway stevenstriha stieven33 stnnk1313 Stone757 sulfas sund3r SuperCharger superdoker superr Surrieskhan SWTORCRAFTER tapp54 Tarasingh Tarheelu Tayar tbuh24 TeamWade tehkopi telor Tempestos teyxtjvw tf2q08v59s th3BBoiRises+ TheBaku TheBurnin8or Thedarius ThePell TheSnide Theuphkal Thinbishop Thompsone ThormCastle thursday03 Tier2 Tierick tifjmowuc tiltedredman Tintagel20 tlex2900 tmtmeds tmzmintecx8 TNutsMcNasty tom97450 tomintoaction Tormentalous torodon totylcf tpzhrysms tracerbullet trec25 TreeMystery trenggileng tresno33 trishakha truegvk Trumin tthiy TThousand tundraman twinkle tydale01 TylerTheT Tyrone7821 tywright31 tziewallte1 uasiin ub0jqsf3861 ucabafsu uiaDFsawd ummdinteek2 unclehorm untugaring urkT27 usluwalloh0 utunkerase uwetasem Valcrist333 vanila Vasilis_Sr vdbgrgte vdbnyrte vdbtngte vdqsfqwe vebtplbtr vfddqf284 vhckmdghl vindilrenado viq84 VItoldt vkkzadwpu VONZ 3D vorcollion vrozwmwws vsaleudf vucctc5aoiyt vwmkbazx vyrtgbile wafa alfi warasow wbsljlms Web1der welliokins WesKingofScots westauah wewekok Whateverman whazzzup wheatstraw whowasthatguy wileena wlbryant wngbsrebr wnztcxnvd woengel wolfboy359 wonderSpud woof2 writersareliars wtfck77 ww36ec6999 wxnezrgkc Wyldaen Wyldfire x1i8b1qa9 xBahamutx xbufxtmjd xbvaargk xciteu Xinisterz xljbjahe y0ufih4c06 y5pl4fi13vy Yaggi yaliyaa yayayaa Yazaki11 ycvig732666 yeyeguang yhsapdtrz yicdxpno yjb4efeifct yongwun Your Saviour yourgirlyui ytdf36z0cxv yummy yunniq123 ywpzvinc yy7xmn4l99 zakeera zambeena Zazuliterong12 Zeeboub zenyzou zeorymus Zerep zhaojiu zilch7 zinnatu ziwyi8249 ziywqi48661 zjgkjvxq zmwuiwqc zomgteehee ZORO777 zpg87u4q14 Zurux3 zxlara Zzdislav
memberlist.php?sk=f&sd=d shows one reason why we have a spam problem.
memberlist.php?sk=d&sd=a to memberlist.php?sk=d&sd=a&start=3150 will likely be removed.
I hate to do this, but I'm going to retire from spam deletion until D3 "We read everything" acknowledges this post. Spam messages are coming in every few minutes from block-generated users, all from IP addresses known for spam. When someone/anyone from D3 posts, then I'll go back to clearing spam away again.
EDIT -- but it turns out I figured out how to utterly kneecap the spammers, as detailed below. I deleted over 900 spammers. Slowed spam-spewage rate down to just 1% of what it was. So I'll keep maintaining it.
01web55 2drunk 4esogold 545pm 60oumkosop3 _flatliner_ a3h2y9i2t a9922yw0h06 aafrojaeeo aaron2run ad95pr10 adventvalor Aermin aerolics Age0923 agenonlin3 agentwalker ahanikaa Ailikae aisdawai aiwmiynn AkaTobi85 Akazuki Akemi akurapopo Al128a23l alecsmaf alexxz Alghard aliada alivqgklk alllyouneed0 ALobo Alopis alphagao AlReed AltairVega alucinado25 aluis221 aluu2102j aluu2975j aluu8243j amanyun amihaibn84 ancaroll andreaaa Angevin anker2 anwar33 aorin123 Apocalypto Appledragon ArcherX Archon ArcturusD Ariali arie1 arkangelx2 arturofernandezw ashreya Ashtar asj163568 asj458368 asking68 Askrggdrassil asrorimaho asrorimaho1 assyifa astkv7x539 austinlee AvariDixon axajile Babbylonian babyblue baristaa Barrymaggard BassMuffinFIve Bayfight3r bcrolcpux becca1175 benchris benno Berdugo bettykovin bfw0903jh6 bfw6588jh6 bfw7577jh6 bi4dap1 bigguy bigmsjr BillyBaru bilstefkel biothoup biqytnefv bisng8673 black_death BlackIce Blackmysz boaboa9 bob4646 Bobby 52 Bobocantik BoilerHorty bondan75 boneng bones0nfire Boom2 borbi8u0b Bosen bosyhammer Bownuts Boydwesley bratpack1 breakout BridgeBurner bristopher broncos7 Bronouns brownedawg brozaanika Brutis bsqguree buggy bundaPIPIK bunkia20 burnny2f5g burnny4v9h bwskcipz bxddszxjt c1rca cabecabean cacola47 cahanker2 cahkramat2 Caldaryn CaliX cameliaoki Capricornucopia captainjoseph capxspidey carlwhite63 CarolDanvers castul00 caw92690 ccacqcxyu ce1030spds celion cezzlen Chakabrodeus chaoscon charlesnt chattstorm cheeoi chibikim ChinhReview chjhdhh5 Chrisinbruges Chronikilla Chupa 71 cindyfall12 ciondolo cipokaraembt cipokopo CitizenV ckadubkfv Claes Clamps clanese ClericTaven CocaineCowboy Conday cormVomided Crisds crownluthfi csoto212 cusinkacang cybergypsy cyke950h Cymmina2 d0nk3y d4e4y8anxaz daddyconfer78 Dads050402 Dafuq1 danbolger22 darkdipon50 darvish11 dasgouche Davicams ddss80 deadpool78 Deathstroke73 decky239 decline1 defoea defteros Dellazar07 denaiyaa devildoll108 devious_dylan DieHardMarvel Diemos Dienekes Digy2 dikshita dinger divitics DJ Squillz djzerogx dlouied doisneau Doogmar DoubleDragon Dracarys7 DragonessArmada DragonSin dreadpixie Dredde DreddFan1970 drjeff75 Dronix dsmonkey DudeBro duitmu DukeV dvvchwoz dwaryn dwayne e7p4l9rfwg EasYBlue86 Edannan EfecX ehristy920 Ekou197 elcondore Eldar1011 elizabethsi elmenor Elmmoryer emapreabart emonkeno enqbkktlj erik80 ERock4 estrike evaniyaa EvilHunter Evilmother Evo2099 ewpdpczlt25 Exkash f4x9w5uiwep Faheemkhan fahmi1 FannyPack Fartimus fatality30 Feanor83 Febreezium fede25lp2040 femyjiang FenrirAsgardwolf FFDAN fghjs5Fcfg filfri9 filukxks flashgordon Florence FluxWave foamy fooweston Fotocopy franksummer franky14 franky90 freedom_6 freeonlinegamestore Friseal frogmanmike14 Frostbiteoh Fulet fupojr furiel516 fwdpfswj g3t9ybqd45 g4naass gaana GabbyAlipe Gabriela gabrielroy20 gameshobby gantitrs gantiwae44 Gargamel_86 gavinhall95 gedebus georgemelchers3 ghkzpgfnm ghynhndx Gizmorugger42 glenvalk82 goldenhog Gork00 Gorkfu Gorthad gotgold5g Grayson Greenlandzone Grop_ gto702 Guanteen Guessrod guneman h6mws1e52 hadew haileydavey Hallowsxeve HanJiwoon15 hannoii hanshika harganepiro HeathSaid hellcent Hemlocke HeresisCreed Hernandezc hernann Herobreaker Hexter HeyCat Heyding hilaina hoamsemprul hoethoet Hollinho Hondynny Hooch HotSoup Houshin hu67d26a3k5o Hug3tz huikmeneh Hungryman hutfbnbf hwiwkpqh hxzedbrpe IAmIronman IamPuritas ic29ama3a icelordasdf icetea ieatbroodlongs ihuyyswdz ijehajek illeyanaa ilzlrrmrd ImaLoser impromptu77 in34sew6f ingle inspiro intertek24 Iridious IrishGyppo IronDrizzt isavage11 istrisetia2 iu24ffe4p IWasIronman j828plano jabancroft Jabawockee IVXX Jack321 jacsin jagoboneto10 JAGT9999 jambumete JamesD jasminelea13 jasminesingh jasx316 jayradical jayson400 jaysoncro23 jazzleen Jedimario jefozfhtf jefsayshi jennadavis jennyzoo Jeroti jfhif722299 jgresham Jim73 jimetfa Jimmy JimmyJames99 jintianlibailiu Jkittycat jkleckne jmetzner jmgrady jo3Thund3r Jocson joeboyd22 Joeltt jogjajogja_74 John321 Johnnyfacepalm jonijon jorjelebus jp189512 jpyid72665 Juicyfruit juliyaasi jumatx JunRui justified81 justin99 juvaliya jwaycott k0kwvi97f2 k6ff7871gj3 k9om0bc1692 kai22 kalki KameleonTDK Kaniac karenuna Karnegal KarnInebriated karven kateela katiep87 keatcavx Keir333 kel13191 kembang kembangturi keselek kesok kesselicewind Kevont2000 ki8482ks4243 kierkegaard Kierphe Killeroflords Kim123 kinalulla_22 Kingjulian559 KingKoopa85 kirun2 kisrrabiy kk8kuyzbcy7 kkkuxizb knesavg kobrakais kopbat Kozdras kramat2 kriscarr07 Krognar Kromtar2 Krrynd Kryron KSFrosty kshtksampai ku9c2iw45x kuagiyi500 kubhbafg kurangiman Kuroiteiken kuroro kurosaki2141 kurt_demiurge kurtblake88 Kyden Kyosume l9dh665z786 labixiaoxin Ladygoolsby LaFlare Lagility Lamaroon Latheos lawboy18 lawlypop lbxnwallvm7 LeChuck leecool leej777 leeking09 legawa lemonwater lenshea85 liagmade liamfrank32 libber21 liburki lidn5z3d Lieutenan lightning_boy likeas lilianjie Liljz linda ling0pg7 Lithium007 Littlelamp loki540 Lokie2 london longmerq lordblerf lordkeane lordofallsith lorumanehra lossndg2a9q LostAriadne loukii lpearl LtBloom lupimen Luxehuisdoos lvg131bx7w ly2ad4fd lyleglass82 lzhypmkqcz lzkobglhwx lzphhfxqpp lzpyscsojf lzzzujgyhf m4rkpg M4TCH m8w17oc7z macbushido Madpanda maengel mahmudakhnm60 mahmudamkhanom Makotopunch Malenfant manantari maniacesgempol marauder Mario67 mariyaa Marveloid maryrose mashimus Mastachi mastin mattroidprime MaxArtea mayeomee Mbahspmbp Mbahspombop Mbaksopie mdciwallpo4 mdk710 mdo2661641 MDragoon mega sari mentengcah merkutinaa metputeg metsla99 mgnwzlyjc mightythorg mikeisflash milesgpw milky1 MIndTwisted Mishumo Mjeanette mkaplan83 Mobrews42 modalerte Mohansingh MolaJut mootmeat moromoro moseco moseswolfwood mozainaa MrBanjo mrboomerchips MrsKingsnake Mstre3 muaniis Mugency Mumix munir munrobd Music1 musleyltd muzzein mycatangel12 n33fols n99sm9jn983f naesala Naked Pimp Nalocard narimanrlz ncjxbiyl ne3x4im4464 neckbeard necrolord187 nemoyatpeace NeverEnding ngrcoqvf nguliqoq Nidan nightmike NIGHTMOOSE Nikademous ninda22 Nitemare121 njwssara nkdijotqey Nompthy nopanope Notdingo nqxoinya Nungz nvmbvdsas nvmnhcas nycsunny nyder Nyghtwoof nyoweng o9n2t5sd9 Oathsworn obgxllje ocelote odin25041985 Okashiiyatsu okishipbengi oliunfair OLIVE olpata omnifarious omponggg oneitter onslaught172 onspiyaa Ooooj Opusmax Orfiel orimalthas Osaft22 oscarjg3 Oshobnem Osric250 Otsos ovishee owyhgwnkg ozeshee padihawe Pakse panduras1 Panjandrum paomaw papajahat paztkzpvz PeaceNickMann Pentarch perfectmoneyinvest pet1001er pflmliyhk Pharaoh530 pharmacy562 phazzo Philadelphia philos Phoenixer Phraeg Phushunt Pieiki PieOPah pietror pigwoodspam PijaoWarrior pinaalisa piyae Plazzma Plazzmid pleaksie pliket2 plissken3187 pmgsintezn1 pooh5142 Portugal predataah Presty PrincessTabitha ProjectCarthage Prototype_79L puedees puncin Punter PureEatAss purple1990girl putegdiluk PXYJK Pyatah qixing123 qk0b34sa5t qlroawvan QuaziPance Quebbster QuiK_ qujzsftcs qvtvfdqg qvtzxweg r88fgdfayn Radness303 Rag71 rahmat126 Rainseeker rakberes raurus ravedave81 raycheung rayhch89 rayofnope rechargeguru Reddguy83 Reeshan Reliq rened11384 Reterari Rethfosfj reultinualt Rezrac rgazaqis06 rghugorad rhehana RHTOWM Richie933 rickhale38 riez17 rifwgjpgz Risrepkel rlpq533 Robxoda rocambole520 Rockla92 Rogan Josh roger88 RogueFan614 Roman707 roo69 Rosco737 roselalalar rpplourenco rtl95vp4ipy RudRaid Rudy51 rukaiyaa ruqeinterq1 russnout_6064 RustyShackleford s19ywk362qj s3u96mf6h s4o6si3hg42a s9n29cs6v sabaroo sabilan sabtuo sadbjp Saizone Sakusennin salakatur saliwok sam1934 Samsung11 SamuraiKilla Sanctioner Sandaas Sangu sanyou9ky Satanspogostick saziyaa ScarletLetter scdwsdhvaa scherb2008 Schoemaniac sdawqukue sdk1414 seekie2 Seethingfury serempet1 sesat sezukiyaa SharpyShuffle Shaukal sheisskopf Sherman552 shimibgdron Shinji Shintogara shiquehairextensions Shrink ShyGuyMy sidekickcomics sidrajan silkie34 silverbullet simbanya simoncklee simplytracy63 singsing Siquasam sizzleen sjkeri skimten skylan84 Slafer slaxer723 Slayer1984 SledgeBranson slejeivw slernach Slickg2007 Slider18 sliyazes Sluke2 slydawgg snowpeas soccerbix soliet Sonny SophiaMalin soranwbub Sosumijack spelevdad2 spikeyoazz spqr_spqr spy22 spycob srinekaa Srook221 SRoss ssaDFsawd Statis Steinway stevenstriha stieven33 stnnk1313 Stone757 sulfas sund3r SuperCharger superdoker superr Surrieskhan SWTORCRAFTER tapp54 Tarasingh Tarheelu Tayar tbuh24 TeamWade tehkopi telor Tempestos teyxtjvw tf2q08v59s th3BBoiRises+ TheBaku TheBurnin8or Thedarius ThePell TheSnide Theuphkal Thinbishop Thompsone ThormCastle thursday03 Tier2 Tierick tifjmowuc tiltedredman Tintagel20 tlex2900 tmtmeds tmzmintecx8 TNutsMcNasty tom97450 tomintoaction Tormentalous torodon totylcf tpzhrysms tracerbullet trec25 TreeMystery trenggileng tresno33 trishakha truegvk Trumin tthiy TThousand tundraman twinkle tydale01 TylerTheT Tyrone7821 tywright31 tziewallte1 uasiin ub0jqsf3861 ucabafsu uiaDFsawd ummdinteek2 unclehorm untugaring urkT27 usluwalloh0 utunkerase uwetasem Valcrist333 vanila Vasilis_Sr vdbgrgte vdbnyrte vdbtngte vdqsfqwe vebtplbtr vfddqf284 vhckmdghl vindilrenado viq84 VItoldt vkkzadwpu VONZ 3D vorcollion vrozwmwws vsaleudf vucctc5aoiyt vwmkbazx vyrtgbile wafa alfi warasow wbsljlms Web1der welliokins WesKingofScots westauah wewekok Whateverman whazzzup wheatstraw whowasthatguy wileena wlbryant wngbsrebr wnztcxnvd woengel wolfboy359 wonderSpud woof2 writersareliars wtfck77 ww36ec6999 wxnezrgkc Wyldaen Wyldfire x1i8b1qa9 xBahamutx xbufxtmjd xbvaargk xciteu Xinisterz xljbjahe y0ufih4c06 y5pl4fi13vy Yaggi yaliyaa yayayaa Yazaki11 ycvig732666 yeyeguang yhsapdtrz yicdxpno yjb4efeifct yongwun Your Saviour yourgirlyui ytdf36z0cxv yummy yunniq123 ywpzvinc yy7xmn4l99 zakeera zambeena Zazuliterong12 Zeeboub zenyzou zeorymus Zerep zhaojiu zilch7 zinnatu ziwyi8249 ziywqi48661 zjgkjvxq zmwuiwqc zomgteehee ZORO777 zpg87u4q14 Zurux3 zxlara Zzdislav
In for one.0
munrobd, now with a 500% rep to post ratio
Edit: make that 2200% and counting. This record may stand for a long time.0 -
I exist! I read the boards but never really have anything to add.0
just a lurker...0
Delete AkaTobi85. I created this before y'all approved that one; problems with Hotmail accounts and stuff.0
I lurk but I'm real.0
For lurkers, this could probably be handled intelligently.
memberlist.php?sk=d&sd=a&start=3150 -- all names of random characters, no board activity. Likely all spammers.
memberlist.php?sk=d&sd=a&start=500 -- Thatlist, brownedawg, Doogmar all look like lurkers. Lurkers are fine, they'd just need to be identified as such.
If anyone wants to protect lurkers, go through the list of members with zero posts, identify the ones with a long presence and recent activity, and give them a reputation point.0 -
Nonce Equitaur 2 wrote:For lurkers, this could probably be handled intelligently.
memberlist.php?sk=d&sd=a&start=3150 -- all names of random characters, no board activity. Likely all spammers.
memberlist.php?sk=d&sd=a&start=500 -- Thatlist, brownedawg, Doogmar all look like lurkers. Lurkers are fine, they'd just need to be identified as such.
Considering that the websites listed for some in the second list link to a category of spammers so reviled they inspired at least one alliance name, some of them could probably be deleted immediately without fear that you're going to catch a lurker in the mix.0 -
Wow... it only took ten minutes for the site to get littered with spam. The bots have 1000+ user accounts lined up, and some of these guys will post 50 spam messages at a time, so things might get really ugly around here. But it would likely take D3 just a few minutes to delete the bot-hordes before they can wreak havok.0
i exist!!!!!!0
I tried to ban these 929 guys, but they still seem to have reputation 0. Maybe I need to ban them one at a time or something.
If D3 forces through a ban on these users, most spam will likely stop for weeks. It would take them less than a minute.
4x1u8w7v5p3t, Akud2d5r0t, Aw0qf6k1s, a97kateem, aafid669q5, aavqvtohx, abbiehicks, adlvbxu222, adnhiuyp, adwprfdh, aeryt71dw477, aeryt81dk477, aewosjdiin3y, afbcdkcl79, afrrysda, afsdg92fdfyf, ahwiryih, aietjhvf, aijjhmgpf1, ajwrrorh, akdkbw379745, aklzdsmp, aknsiryo, akqxnef764, anampses, anwmrxph, aoyeidw705, apghjoyb, apgtxdaz, apofhkpi, aswarklh, aswvrpqh, ateosbwm, auoyyh161135, awsihscd, awuehasok, awwlzfgc, ayegvbel, azeemmalik7, azinley, azwarajh, azwrhayg, baliInocent, bcfeohrf, bcfflwjv70, bcheihib, bdhauinrm, bdjpss708119, bdomduf141, beaeemwx, begru631n3, bekiswfr, benthemad, bfbhcpfzyt, bfekwfg053, bfteempx, bgikhqrg, bgjrfinqi, bhrpyxdw, billeb, binoygosh, bireymrx, bjvruqyus, bkhbqnwm60, bkrejmqx, bljedmnx, blzeymsx, bng61d0Fefg, bng66d0Fnfg, bng78d3Fkfg, bngd4Fnfg, bngd7Fvfg, bnirmqzus, bnwawhrs, bnzawhus, bqeiswhy, bqmpoinyp, brazcroa, brecnbwj, bsfenmkx, bslghognh, btrvoe6692, bvcelmex, bwelgpvas4, bwrepison, bwyscinlf, candyEdwards88, cantusue70, carolgreen6654, casnuvw046, cbejwako, cdf1n1fdswe, cecoghpe, ceseiqwnk, cfuizdil, cgiosgxp, cgiurgkp, charlierobson, chhmka926444, chicken09l, chicken74d, chinoysethu, chyeilwsk, ciyidvt993, cjdgz275b8, clqeikwgk, cmiyggqp, cmxrztxw23, cniergfp, codyellis96, cplostxt, cqapalkc, cqbbmeyc, cqqhosoq, cricket47q, csctedxl, csiuggvp, ctbuffhl, ctgeidwyk, ctgqfztood, cuwpyeqe, cvnbfdanz9, cvwivife, cwqshfgp, cwtlr175a7, cxesjm9788, cxueidwzk, cyfzvjea, czyotvepmv, dagldzxdg, daisysanders, daneyqig, darkshapar, davidloise69, dbdsbdlt, dcaeihjf, ddwklywn, deborahludi, dffs0Fxfg, dffs4Fhfg, dffs4Fkfg, dffs7Fwfg, dffs7Fyfg, dffs9Fifg, dghg2Fdfg, dghg4Fcfg, dghg6Fefg, dghg7Fyfg, dghg9Fsfg, dgnaimiv, dgqgjmjh, dhgydmldg, dhmgjumh, dhngjmkh, dianakim, digqddbdg, dipqc292o3, dmknpifyu, dngfdmydg, dnigjoeh, dnxgjkuh, dnyactc573, dpsnzicyu, dqapxh6968, dqinmuyv, dqplenxx, drzktdhb, dsancijyu, dtjgjfah, dtznqiyyu, dugfdfkdg, duinhibyu, dutillinda, dvdistet, dvhisftt, dvriskrt, dvtzsymt, dvzhsrdt, dwhlufxs, dwnvzzzfza, dwoeytiu, dyggt2Fgfg, dyggt2Fqfg, dyggt4Fxfg, dyggt5Fwfg, dyggt7Fpfg, dylanhenrie12, dzghtxys, dzlgjvxh, ebdeyfk518, efjiediz, egaqiqie, egfdimix, ehfmmpyy, ehfwmhty, eigmwggf, elicrz1, elkeab, elxmcgmf, emaheivqkg, emqpxljb, enkxxl1901, eozqqr8739, eqxfchyz, evpxcg7065, ewospxkd, ewsivm0905, ewwhghjer, eyilkns231, fahimmasti, fcqogtlt, fdeklkwn, fdhg2Fifg, fdhg2Fnfg, fdhg4Fhfg, fdhg6Fbfg, ffdkfguw, fgbusqz142, fgfs0Fhfg, fgfs3Fmfg, fgfs5Fyfg, fgfxicip, fggd7Fyfg, fggd8Fkfg, fggd9Fpfg, fghjs1Fsfg, fghjs3Fdfg, fghjs3Fnfg, fghjs7Fyfg, fghjs9Fxfg, fgwyitiq, fhjdd0Fqfg, fhjdd1Fkfg, fhjdd2Fifg, fhjdd6Fzfg, fhjdd7Fifg, fhjdd7Fzfg, fijhsugl, fijtlyrx, fmdqfpme, fmdzflme, foqbasij, fqewfxjv, fsghdpyp, fsqragvj, fsqtwozwr, fsvbe933t8, fuxlmd1448, fwekrctu, fwnyahuer, fxdwfyrm, fydofhgv, fzqmaekj, gameroflol, gcjeghif, gectqsik, gehxwuhfi5, gertgsta, getshixyo, gezawcrp, gezlwcrr, ggzswcre, ghakpsgy, ghdjpxrd, ghdlqmpi, ghfy1Frfg, ghfy2Frfg, ghfy8Fjfg, ghovchgy, ghqjvzgy, ghsdeogy, ghtgorgy, ghtoijgy, gicgasak, gjueyair, gkcouspk, gkhvsmwry, gkziwcra, glAbvzbye5w, gnzgwcru, gompgzste, gpeydwteqj, gpzfireto, gqhoihxb, gqrwrdny, grelu357i6, gsgfd2346fsd, gtcdbsfk, gtfraryx, gthingvoldp62, gucoosyk, gulab, guyfcretj, gwbswfnp, gwghfhyp, gxbfprkth, gxhubmmdy, gxkdbveet, gymqxd784969, gyzpwcrt, gzqaahcl, gzztwcrj, hbowsqbs, hcdtqxai, hciwshas, hcjwsiys, hddwxkz507, hdyrthyy, hfhigdiw, hgblf101l1, hgsziniq, hhbeqvod, hhjdrhxzu, hiowsrws, hiuenqzd, hizwsgks, hjmogtht, hk29995, hkoecpud, hlhgsa4075, hmefindn, hmermexl, hmhexsvws, hnfzrhoru, hnwksvzn, hodezkad, hopbrhdpu, hqlkcgqn, hrhkrszn, hspesoews, hufgopwc, hvwkxern, hwokdlqn, hwpejthdn, hwqwssus, hxeealbd, hykefdhd, hzrwwe780077, iakiwhifp, icotrzfev, idbplewn, idvtgzbaad, igbcwv231196, igmyieiy, igyivzijp, iikieoiyp, ilbqahic, ilyhdent, indexni11, inrupzty68, intelligent, inviikixp, ipnydusr5, iqevmayd, iqyhtyob, iriokvvl, irlzxofh73, isdiesivp, isqbajhl, issfrsdd, istanbulali, iubidxifp, iughynya, ivrxsrcn, ivttrfgfu, iwdsefdz, izdopxud, izpsprkq53, izqecbqyd7, jacdrtvws, jackleyin, jdecmrxx, jetsyilqi, jezuitx, jfbqtukrd, jfdttxzri, jfqjtxcrt, jftitdjrc, jgarfmoj, jgbiidig, jgfmfxlj, jghofdwj, jguufwcj, jgwdqwed, jhhzr270p4, jhlmbply, jhqwfy514705, jhxxerov, jinyez, jjbqzhig, jkblstpz59, jlbhxeqt, jlcqrziws, jltlrzfws, jluhceft, jmdcqsni, jmdjbrmt, jmripyvz30, jndkpxhd, joeskelly, johnlapa123, johnmarcus, johntohn000, jonidon000, jpozl475m5, jqncrhwws, jqzpwckh, jrrauuguae, jrrxuuoxlm, jsAbfjbyl9m, jthscmtuq9, jtoirrrws, jtvqnhppeh, juexlr7831, jupha872p6, jveztxn353, jvrduuahsa, jvrxuueppu, jwbztrhs, jwkwybaa, jwrjtnfs, jwrttedib, jxswrptws, jzrruumrpm, ka52omf61, kaliwero, katielord, kdlgqedz, keclggky, keylinda, kgocvu301258, kgtyogjp, klggridz, kmbzsworn, kmduzwyoe, kmdzopcdm, kmgzdwydq, kmhxfeuuz, kmiwcqrse, kmjhwkmkn, kmlpjusti, kmmrmyrnv, kmntylmma, kmoozzrxx, kmpuapxca, kmsrksxqz, kmtydgbh, kmupfzhjr, kmwkhcuyu, kmxqaeoms, knbgmf741507, koancie, koiyrjyuds, koolpool000, kpdjqxpi, kptylgmb, kqqombyt, kqyhkgor, krekmqxq, kristypate45, krogefdz, krstnekreuk, ksqgyedz, ktcarvuk44, ktruzfpl, kughmoyt, kulqhsebt, kvtycgmn, kwzyzcqs, kxnmhugz, kyojeoxp, lbibsilg, lcdfjnks, lcgzjqka, lchdnasf, lcidiysf, lcjdkzsf, lcmujnko, lcnzjqkr, lctijrkk, lcvduqsf, lcvqjnkk, lcydmjsf, lejetwerkeng, letcpsqrp, leuoihee, leuyqlae31, lewisann54, lgumqxxhf3, lhkt082451, lhvjkdmd, lijjkxot, limit075249, lkvjkfkg, lldjkkdi, lnecmwxn, lokzdt000626, lomogxsoe, lpzzdznpv, lsghmdya, luvmaq0066, lwsshflp, lyctvqem, mammipapa, maqacuoa16, margiesoluri, mariacarlson86, marywalsh8753, mcrwzvaje, mdmcnbhd, meganbennett, mekjhdec, melaniemobley32, meylfwkn, mgbqvfxflh, mgfwavrle, mghcss0591, mguxidiy, mhlmzpty, mhwdhdfq, mkihwnkj, mkmvzof646, mkyzdsuu, mldobdot, mlzhieqt, moadsmnqhx, moawtvcuuy, mobmq888s0, mohuanove462, mqewsbmo, mtiwnvvqe, mugwlvqoe, myersrosie47, mykwlvace, naqsgbros, nazvusldnh, ncqsabmos, ncyeihnf, neduqfxi, nentvqepy, nevmyzon, neylozkj, nhiy0axo, nikeloverou, nikeloverrw, niko266, nixreynm, nizzkr469341, nkchhner, noersszs, noio8agp, npouhpfd, nqefsogg, nqegxkti, nqehswki, nrixvwecy, nrpozvnl, nsegtkhq, nuavvkeay, nvbqshig, nvqsobyod, oirejhld, oisqxp943859, oitmjhxo, omdwdrct, oneukqsh, onzfd3929, oomsoon, opglgdwz, ordbqgzi, orhopvzl, orhrihib, osewlfjn, owudcjfi, oxsdzsjk62, oxwbnqqnfh, oxyntuv704, oyacfvkvz8, pbhdks029534, pbmwooxi, pddjeixd, pemqqocp, pesrynov, peuodhme, pgeqiwib, pjlczo059901, pkmoaskakp, pkuzdsie, plklas7869, poozzarazz, powelldiana46, ppmkkuuj, pratapsen56, preetekdfhg, priyanshikh, pruojvol, psmzuozs, ptegekqi, pthirgjt85, pydsqwbc, pyhoh222y8, pzmecomj, qclrhfdu, qdkostbt, qdtlx922i1, qedcdketc, qellokku, qffwdthg17, qgfdzzec, qheuesbs, qiabcw0899, qidpjhis, qjdwdert, qkxecqij11, qoriyrdc, qrgitfreo, qscrsrys, qsqlaaoi, qtvidubdt0, quopasamsu, quzlzcus, qwbgauntjqx91, qwllvfhr, qwlwzbga, qwsvfsxaz, qxqmatll, r0kjhnhu, rachelkim, rankaurr, ravreetr, rclbosbx12, rcmqggfb, refohhfe, rf7rxeoh, rgwvivib, rhjmfpvy, rhsqnjtk, rhvzezvi, ri7rowah, rj7rldph, rj7rxxnh, rkdcdnqt, rkprdsoc, rkvuxy5024, rmhfqzyob, rorsypdo, rosemery, rweqvdhj05, rwlrktmu, rwnebasom, rwreamsog, rwzoirvm, rxffhegz, rxneykir, safeomnd, samerrana07, sammara75, sammaya75, sammeer75, samneya, samsara75, samvohra2, saramosely25, savioser, sawphqng, sawziese, sbcdrfrs, sbcqtppdk7, sbmwwxf7, sbwnamakad96, scbqhhie, scchqxbw, scgdnkxj, scjhaxbl, scmhxxbc, scohoxbg, scshcxbt, sdf0Fffg, sdf6Fyfg, sdf9Fxfg, sdff1Fzfg, sdff3Flfg, sdff3Fsfg, sdff8Fhfg, sdff8Ftfg, sdgt1Fnfg, sdgt2Fofg, sdgt4Fkfg, sdgt7Fcfg, sdgt7Fpfg, sdrdifxs, sdwtznnk, sdxyae934316, selec200, setkesqre, sfefoxkb, sfgrgg09fieg, sfgrgg29fiig, sfgrgg38fpag, sfgrgg39fiqg, sfgrgg86fotg, sfgrr4Fbfg, sfgrr5Fjfg, sfgrr5Fyfg, sfgrr8Fxfg, sfgrr9Fefg, sfviqdih, sgsanatx, shahidsen, shajib, shefsteve, sherfwangz, shnefilan51, shodpzuj, sihelsnd, siifollb, silascalista, simranshrma, siqdaqqj, sjcdirbj, sjmwnyf5, sjwpzznu, skimberly345, sklpqsmkn, smmwdff3, smrfoiob, snake951, snnepdnd, sohnatoonda123, sonurao75, sotlyq1693, sowhmnnx, sponge557, sqleqsmka, sqlfokab, sqmwpnf7, sqqkidh615, srmfonib, ssbdcqkj, ssbhdhlea0, ssqiwptwp, stivon69, stlxqsmkv, stvunvwv, sulqqsmkf, sumanrhd, susanmeyer47, susouvghho, suzann, svadlfts, svbdosuj, svvdduej, swdixw038603, swpgttss, swqtahzl, swsdcmbi, swwisbxv, swwvtnqs, sxeimexg, sxpepynd, sxrsyfde, sxvzhvwp, syzdgfns, szmjndhd, taogohaeec, tariqloodu, tayayakhura, tbhsdf453521, tcrrqmsg, tepgyqol, tfszdsxuz, tgpoew9512, thwmmpqy, tiffan, tillygodfrey, tkbywtke, tlewngini, tnzuzcqs, tqzymcya, tracychamorro, trdgjykmfg, trenaa, tscgjnkhq, ttewtgips, tuenjdfh, tuewzyibp, twlvwhder, twphzc5451, twswsbka, twwfohrer, twzlkfyx, ty840, ty840_1, tycrfdvf, tyczfndf, tyhvfpjf, tyiterja, tyjufbnf, tylsfyhf, tyosfdwf, tywdfhwf, u1t0e7d5w9, uamfwx826609, uardqass, uboypy0290, uetlcsqzs, uetxfsqzv, ugvdvpel, ugxoikih, uhhxmxsy, uhtwrooo, uinhqqr676, ujjfikod40, undioutcf7, unyhquaism, uqhhqzoz, userf59, usyatcdq, uszpvoaw, utheihfb, utkrceze, utkrcibe, utszs323j4, uturcwue, utvrcjee, utxrcape, uvdyzwnc, uwvsifsp, uwzbvnbw, uxelkssd, uyecvgdw, uzmurptuy0, vakvkl288621, varunjhah, veklkjkn, verushah75, veskyaox, vfaiddif, vhmrnihd, vickydonor, vjrdyrdj, vmksfktjmt, vomtgvsqe, vondxip278, vsgqtfsu, vsqvwqqwv, vtvuefil, vtwdpk156990, vwiwhbva, waknhovky, waprgq588494, wbbgkpkr, wbdcpxfd, wcipfnmpic, wdsklqwn, webwkwiw, weknfouty, wexcysoj, wexdsfre, wfgvqdnz, wfilvejn, wgcjthgyn0, wiewtrjl, wilesy, winwinling560, wlippeyn, wpbdkikn, wpknyozty, wppjwrhv40, wrbckwbw, wsywqajxko, wtblkwow, wtefrhrv, wvqlaotl, wwgctfju, wwhsslvp, wwleutohv, wwtsipjo, wxnekrnfk5, xcaliba75, xeeztnhd, xffoxtwt, xfkiidig, xgkjbblbrb, xhkekgpjo9, xkrjdsxk, xliheeot, xlihyezt, xmbpuerbaj, xnwzubqy09, xqkfiqya, xrawrnof, xtbupfwl, xvvedohig1, ydgylown, yenjdscf, yhznhq3949, yiedmqxv, yiskeznx, yjgdrgbxyc, ylxfc799j1, ynerqsbg, yngojxwb79, ypepobue13, ypochlyi, yqecshfo, yrwhfucma2, ysgctfeu, ystsqudoe, ywqzthxs, zaxyheopka, zbhpnx158915, zcezmhxp, zcjeshnf, zcqzardl, zebra01e, zgndijiv, zhrqxihmvi, zigbayzyxb, zjejksql67, zkghhhyb, zpemkkow, zrqofvfl, zsdntccq, zspbhnfa17, zsrnqmo007, zuthihoevz, zydwgzoisg0 -
Thank you so much for all that you do Nonce. Your dedication is priceless.
Do you know who is the webmaster of the wikia, as I try to contribute as best as I can, I'd like to get in touch with him.
Thanks !0 -
arktos1971 wrote:Thank you so much for all that you do Nonce. Your dedication is priceless.
Do you know who is the webmaster of the wikia, as I try to contribute as best as I can, I'd like to get in touch with him.
Thanks !
I really have no idea. It might be IceIX.0 -
Nonce Equitaur 2 wrote:Wow... it only took ten minutes for the site to get littered with spam. The bots have 1000+ user accounts lined up, and some of these guys will post 50 spam messages at a time, so things might get really ugly around here. But it would likely take D3 just a few minutes to delete the bot-hordes before they can wreak havok.
nonce please dont delete DJ Squillz...i had that d3 board name from way back in the originla PQ days. i had trouble logging in with it whn i started coming back and they supposedly just changed my pw, so if u dont mind i rather be safe than sorry having to register a new name. thanks.
marc0 -
The spam is a lie.0
The spam spigot looks like it stopped abruptly after I did the mass ban of queued spammers, even though their reputations didn't go to -50. As a proof of concept, I cleared away the 20+ spam messages that accumulated during the time that I built the list. Lets see if the board stays spam free for awhile. If it does, my mass-ban of the spammer-queue was successful.0
Nonce Equitaur 2 wrote:The spam spigot looks like it stopped abruptly after I did the mass ban of queued spammers, even though their reputations didn't go to -50. As a proof of concept, I cleared away the 20+ spam messages that accumulated during the time that I built the list. Lets see if the board stays spam free for awhile. If it does, my mass-ban of the spammer-queue was successful.
Fingers crossed those hoes got the ban!0 -
The site's most popular member, with a rep of 1099, is leaving. Why?TheUnwiseOne wrote:Now it's full of spam and xmen troll threads.
The site's second most popular member, with a rep of 894, is leaving. Why?Clintman wrote:It is my opinion that the Devs have given up on the community, this is apparent by the lack of presence on the forums, it is apparent by the fact that most of our Mods have left the game and they have made no effort to replace them, or do anything about the spam on the site.
The site's third most popular member, Twysta, with a rep of 802, still seems happy. I hope he doesn't leave because of spam!
The site's fourth most popular member, IceIX, with a rep of 735, seems to have given up on the site back in June.
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