*** The Punisher (Dark Reign) ***



  • ToryTory
    ToryTory Posts: 77 Match Maker
    How many of you punisher players are actually using or planning to use Falcon as a teammate with Punisher?

    I'm trying to decide whether its worth the effort and ISO to level up my Falcon to replace OBW on the team.

    Any thoughts?

    Thanks in advance! icon_e_smile.gif

    Falcon is on average, mediocre and better at games of attrition. OBW offers a package few can even hope to keep up with. Ap denial, heal and double dipping with strike tiles is just too good to pass up if you're taking punisher, the required hero, and one other person.
  • What's the point where Punisher can replace Ares or Thor in a 2 star Ares/Thor/OBW team?
    I know it's a rather complex question, but maybe somebody already did the math..?
  • Phaserhawk
    Phaserhawk Posts: 2,676 Chairperson of the Boards
    I have noticed in all my games recently that punishers Judgement is not functioning properly. Instead of taking out a 3x3 square he will take out the top right or left corners in a 2x2 pattern. Strike tiles appear randomly still but there is a problem with the tile removal grid
  • Phaserhawk wrote:
    I have noticed in all my games recently that punishers Judgement is not functioning properly. Instead of taking out a 3x3 square he will take out the top right or left corners in a 2x2 pattern. Strike tiles appear randomly still but there is a problem with the tile removal grid

    The 3x3 grid is positioned by you. So if you put in a place where there are no tiles to destroy (say against the wall or top or bottom to where there are no tiles above, below, or to the left or right), then it will only destroy the tiles around it and you lose the overlap.

    It works the same way with the Commanders "Pistol" shot. If it is against the wall, it will only shatter 6 instead of 9.
  • Phaserhawk wrote:
    I have noticed in all my games recently that punishers Judgement is not functioning properly. Instead of taking out a 3x3 square he will take out the top right or left corners in a 2x2 pattern. Strike tiles appear randomly still but there is a problem with the tile removal grid

    The 3x3 grid is positioned by you. So if you put in a place where there are no tiles to destroy (say against the wall or top or bottom to where there are no tiles above, below, or to the left or right), then it will only destroy the tiles around it and you lose the overlap.

    It works the same way with the Commanders "Pistol" shot. If it is against the wall, it will only shatter 6 instead of 9.

    You are almost right, but judgement is random. So it is up to luck where the shot is fire.
  • Everybody keeps debating 5/5/3 vs 3/5/5, but why the heck would anyone use either build over 5/3/5?

    From my own personal experience, Judgement is awful. Yeah it gives me strike tiles, but since you can't target it it does so at the risk of destroying any other special tiles I already have. What am I missing that makes this power worth it at the expense of one of the others?
  • Phaserhawk
    Phaserhawk Posts: 2,676 Chairperson of the Boards
    Everybody keeps debating 5/5/3 vs 3/5/5, but why the heck would anyone use either build over 5/3/5?

    From my own personal experience, Judgement is awful. Yeah it gives me strike tiles, but since you can't target it it does so at the risk of destroying any other special tiles I already have. What am I missing that makes this power worth it at the expense of one of the others?

    oh, i don't know, how about the chance of cascades, plus an additional 312 dmg every tile match, every skill, every single thing you do. your extra black dmg and ability to down opponents at 40% pale in comparison to the massive amoutn of damage you will do overtime with Punisher's strike tiles. To each his own, and I hope you are enjoying your 5/3/5 build, but you are missing out.
  • I'm all for 355. And I don't think anything can change that.

    I need those 3 strike tiles, just to be sure the bonus dmg won't be destroyed too soon.

    Change in black at lvl4 and lvl5 is some minor dmg added (compared to leveling green higher) and shorter countdown, which might be destroyed soon. I understand the power of attack tile + green tiles, but once again - I prefer direct dmg than some countdowns with a chance of dealing dmg. I'm no Pyro.

    As for red - at lvl5 I feel secure. 40% is a lot. even in PvP. And with current Hulk's presence in metagame (post Spidey-nerf), 40% makes a difference. Trust me on this - I live in Poland.*

    *(i wonder if anyone gets the reference)
  • Unknown
    edited May 2014
    Phaserhawk wrote:
    oh, i don't know, how about the chance of cascades, plus an additional 312 dmg every tile match, every skill, every single thing you do. your extra black dmg and ability to down opponents at 40% pale in comparison to the massive amoutn of damage you will do overtime with Punisher's strike tiles. To each his own, and I hope you are enjoying your 5/3/5 build, but you are missing out.

    Oh I don't have a 5/3/5 yet. I'm still new so my Punny's only 1/2/5 at the moment. It just seems that every time I take a chance and fire off that green, either he destroys the last strike tile he placed, his cascade kills the strike tile he just placed, or he wipes out Sentry's much stronger strike tile (yeah, they're not allowed to play together anymore). The randomness of the 3x3 bites me in the kiester far more often than not.

    EDIT: I don't want to come off as saying that I know better than you. Clearly you have more experience here and are probably the better player even so I concede that your preferred build is likely the better one. I just know that I tend to regret using Judgement nearly every time I do. Perhaps when my strike tiles are stronger I'll change my tune.
  • over_clocked
    over_clocked Posts: 3,961
    sorcered wrote:
    What's the point where Punisher can replace Ares or Thor in a 2 star Ares/Thor/OBW team?
    I know it's a rather complex question, but maybe somebody already did the math..?
    If you want Punisher to tank black over oBW (it's okay if you don't Espionage black, oBW is too squishy to tank 3 colors), he will have stronger match damage than a 2* at levels 98-99. 3*s are generally considered not worth to field over a 2* until levels 100-102. Black is his strongest color so he will tank that earlier, at level 74 for sure.
    He won't take green and red from Ares until levels 116-117 or so, to take both red/green from Thor Punisher needs to be practically maxed. You can see match damage here: MPQ wiki.
  • vudu3
    vudu3 Posts: 940 Critical Contributor
    Phaserhawk wrote:
    Everybody keeps debating 5/5/3 vs 3/5/5, but why the heck would anyone use either build over 5/3/5?

    From my own personal experience, Judgement is awful. Yeah it gives me strike tiles, but since you can't target it it does so at the risk of destroying any other special tiles I already have. What am I missing that makes this power worth it at the expense of one of the others?

    oh, i don't know, how about the chance of cascades, plus an additional 312 dmg every tile match, every skill, every single thing you do. your extra black dmg and ability to down opponents at 40% pale in comparison to the massive amoutn of damage you will do overtime with Punisher's strike tiles. To each his own, and I hope you are enjoying your 5/3/5 build, but you are missing out.
    I was just coming here to say that I have a 4/4/5 Punisher with an extra black and green cover in my Rewards List. I was going to ask if there was any reason to go 5/3/5 but it looks like Phaserhawk already answered my question. icon_e_wink.gif
  • Once I respec and max up my Punisher (currently 5/4/4 level 131) what should I do next?
    His partner in PVP is OBW (maxed, 3/5/5) but I feel this pair is too squishy, especially since the new bracketing system I'm regularly placed in pools with full 141 top 10s.
    Relevant heroes in my roster:
    2/2/3 Psylocke
    2/1/2 Patch
    1/2/3 Falcon
    3/1/1 CMags
    3/2/0 LDaken
    I have all the heroes except Invisible Woman, but the above seem the.most likely candidates for my 2nd 3 star hero to level up. I'd go for Falcon for synergy reasons, but I'm afraid I'll end up with a way too squishy team. Thoughts?
    Thanks a lot!
  • Arogntbastrd
    Arogntbastrd Posts: 1,009 Chairperson of the Boards
    None of those have enough covers to be better than obw so save your iso until you get more covers
  • None of those have enough covers to be better than obw so save your iso until you get more covers
    Yes, but I forgot to mention I have the HP for about 6 covers. Which of those would you build up next? Nnot right now, but next in line towards an ideal team... Thanks!
  • over_clocked
    over_clocked Posts: 3,961
    sorcered wrote:
    None of those have enough covers to be better than obw so save your iso until you get more covers
    Yes, but I forgot to mention I have the HP for about 6 covers. Which of those would you build up next? Nnot right now, but next in line towards an ideal team... Thanks!
    It's a bad idea to buy 6 covers for any hero, unless you're quite rich... The only passable case when a player might buy a cover and not lose ROI immediately is when it's the last cover overall for a very good character (13th cover), which Psylocke is not, for example, or when it's a critical cover on a very good skill (Hood 5th yellow, GSBW's 5th green, LT's 5th yellow, BP's 5th black, cMags' 5th blue, etc.).
  • Phaserhawk
    Phaserhawk Posts: 2,676 Chairperson of the Boards
    Phaserhawk wrote:
    oh, i don't know, how about the chance of cascades, plus an additional 312 dmg every tile match, every skill, every single thing you do. your extra black dmg and ability to down opponents at 40% pale in comparison to the massive amoutn of damage you will do overtime with Punisher's strike tiles. To each his own, and I hope you are enjoying your 5/3/5 build, but you are missing out.

    Oh I don't have a 5/3/5 yet. I'm still new so my Punny's only 1/2/5 at the moment. It just seems that every time I take a chance and fire off that green, either he destroys the last strike tile he placed, his cascade kills the strike tile he just placed, or he wipes out Sentry's much stronger strike tile (yeah, they're not allowed to play together anymore). The randomness of the 3x3 bites me in the kiester far more often than not.

    EDIT: I don't want to come off as saying that I know better than you. Clearly you have more experience here and are probably the better player even so I concede that your preferred build is likely the better one. I just know that I tend to regret using Judgement nearly every time I do. Perhaps when my strike tiles are stronger I'll change my tune.

    I did think as you once. But you have to look at the odds. First off, Judgement is always, always the first skill cast. If you have other abilties ready, but not quite ready for judgement, wait for judgement then go off. If Punisher ever gets fixed so it's always a 3x3 and not 2x2 randomnly. say punisher's skill was a 4x4 square that turned all the tiles neon blue and you tried to fit as many of those in the game board without overlap, you could get 4. Lets assume one of those randomly destroys everything inside the neon blue tiles. That means any special tile you have out, has a 1/4 chance of being destroyed. Now the fact that Punisher's tiles are only 3x3, in order to cover the entire 8x8 grid with magical neon blue punisher tiles you would need at least 9 of his 3x3 grids to cover the entire board. So in reality its more like at worst a 1/9 chance you lost any one tile, add to the fact that punisher doesn't always take out a 3x3 grid, I would say you have a decent chance of not destroying anything.
  • Judgment is just so good that you shouldn't even worry about whatever special tiles it destroyed unless it's:

    Captain America's red AP return
    Invisible Woman's protect/invisibility
    Sentry's Sacrifice strike tile
    Nick Fury's strike tile

    Since most of these abilities will quickly end a game (minus IW), it's not like that's much of a drawback to hold off Judgment when you're about to win the game.
  • Been considering going from 5/5/3 to 3/5/5 for some time but wasn't going to spend anything to do it. Pulled 2 red Puns today so it must be a sign. Will report back soon on how it goes.
  • Gambit002 wrote:
    Been considering going from 5/5/3 to 3/5/5 for some time but wasn't going to spend anything to do it. Pulled 2 red Puns today so it must be a sign. Will report back soon on how it goes.

    Haha. I had 5/5/3 then respecced to 3/5/5. Going back to 5/5/3. Im finding that I often use other reds (cap, patch, psy) before retribution. I have so few reliable black damagers the molotov needs some love.
  • Gambit002 wrote:
    Been considering going from 5/5/3 to 3/5/5 for some time but wasn't going to spend anything to do it. Pulled 2 red Puns today so it must be a sign. Will report back soon on how it goes.

    Haha. I had 5/5/3 then respecced to 3/5/5. Going back to 5/5/3. Im finding that I often use other reds (cap, patch, psy) before retribution. I have so few reliable black damagers the molotov needs some love.

    Their is a huge difference from going from a 30% HP execute from a 40% execute. That 10% might make all the difference. The main selling point is its cheap damage and execute ability. Just weakening its execute potential is preposterous.