*** Cyclops (Uncanny X-Men) ***

edited April 2016 in Character Details
Cyclops (Uncanny X-Men) icon_cyclops.png
3 Star Rarity (Rare) Wiki Link.
At Max Level: HP: 9265 Tile Damage: 70/79/12/13/11/61
    Optic Blasts - 10 redtile.png AP
    Cyclops fires his optic blasts through the battlefield, striking his target and destroying anything in his way. He destroys a random row of tiles and deals 425 damage. Does not generate AP.
    Level Upgrades
      Level 2: Deals 540 damage. Level 3: Deals 655 damage. Level 4: Deals 888 damage. Level 5: Deals 1352 damage.
    Max Level
      Level 3 - 2074 damage. Level 4 - 2815 damage. Level 5 - 4283 damage.

    Mutant Revolutionary - 7 yellowtile.png AP
    Cyclops makes a public display of strength to rally young mutants to his side. He converts 4 random Team Up tiles into basic Red tiles.
    Level Upgrades
      Level 2: Converts 5 tiles. Level 3: Converts 6 tiles. Level 4: Converts 7 tiles. Level 5: Converts 8 tiles.
    Max Level: Converts 8 tiles.
    Full Blast - 13 blacktile.png AP
    Scott unleashes a blast that could level a mountain. He deals 822 damage to the target enemy. If there are more than 9 Red tiles on the board, Scott rips his visor off, releasing his full power. He deals an additional 482 damage but stuns himself for 2 turns while he recovers.
    Level Upgrades
      Level 2: Deals 937 damage. Plus an additional 549 damage if there are enough tiles. Level 3: Deals 1052 damage. Plus an additional 612 damage if there are enough tiles. Level 4: Deals 1233 damage. Only stuns for 1 turn if there are enough tiles. Level 5: Deals 1808 damage. Plus an additional 766 damage if there are enough tiles.
    Max Level
      Level 3 - 3338/1943 damage and 2 turn Stun. Level 4 - 3912/1943 damage and 1 turn Stun. Level 5 - 5738/2433 damage and 1 turn Stun.


    • CrookedKnight
      CrookedKnight Posts: 2,579 Chairperson of the Boards
      Mutant Revolutionary at 7 is going to turn the tide in a lot of fights. Team-up tiles build up and that's gonna make it really easy to use them to set off monster cascades (and key Full Blast).
    • Mutant Revolutionary at 7 is going to turn the tide in a lot of fights. Team-up tiles build up and that's gonna make it really easy to use them to set off monster cascades (and key Full Blast).
      I'm going to guess it doesn't do more than 6 or 7 tiles at max and you'll probably be collecting (clearing) red while using him anyways :/
    • woopie
      woopie Posts: 311 Mover and Shaker
      Looks like yellow can help fuel the power in the black power though
      With a 13 AP charged Full Blast, Scott deals a huge amount of damage to the opponent in one shot. At max level, this is enough to down support characters in a blow. But more than that, if there are enough Red tiles on the board, Mr. Summers really lets loose, pulling off his visor and unleashing his full power. This deals even more damage but has the downside of stunning himself for a couple of turns. Leveling up the ability increases not only the overall damage but allows Scott to recover faster from unleashing the amazing power he holds.

      More on Marvel.com: http://marvel.com/news/video_games/2408 ... z3RZCKROkT

      Will be interesting to see how much damage he can manage with a well timed yellow/black combo
    • So he's like a non-random Moonstone?
    • Seems like he could be a Blade booster as well? His yellow seems interesting in that it could help clear red strike tiles and boost red AP. Since it's at 7 AP, I'm guessing even at 5 covers there'll be a limit to the number of converted tiles, since Doom's is at 9AP and converts all.
    • Hey everyone, we're trying something new for Cyclops, putting together a short reading list for folks to get familiar with characters when they're announced.

      Casey Malone, one of our designers, put together his essential Cyclops reading list, featuring some key events that helped shape the character and his current evolution. http://www.demiurgestudios.com/blog/sco ... zle-quest/

      I posted this link in a General Discussion thread, but figured it warranted its own thread. Hope you guys don't mind.
    • IceIX
      IceIX ADMINISTRATORS Posts: 4,332 Site Admin
      Added basic abilities and his icon. icon_cyclops.png
    • turul
      turul Posts: 1,622 Chairperson of the Boards
      Oh yeah, you also have a blog.... icon_e_smile.gif
    • Awesome! I may or may not have started reading comics becuse of this game... I saw the new art and silver magneto behind him and... I want to know how that came about lol. I like seeing the comics and game come together icon_e_smile.gif
    • IceIX wrote:
      Added basic abilities and his icon. icon_cyclops.png

      we get abilities for characters now? Truly, the dark ages have passed us!
    • scottee
      scottee Posts: 1,610 Chairperson of the Boards
      Excited we finally have a red accelerator. Looks like at max level it might convert 8 TU's to red. Will be interesting if any new endless loops develop. At minimum, yes, it auto enables Blade's strike tiles.
    • Square
      Square Posts: 380 Mover and Shaker
      I really love the new Uncanny X-Men series overall, I recommend tracking down the collections or getting it on sale at Comixology.

      Good call not including X-Factor #1 on the list, the one where Cyclops abandoned his wife and child for for years... not his best hour.
    • CrookedKnight
      CrookedKnight Posts: 2,579 Chairperson of the Boards
      If you want the very short version, google “I want this thing off my lawn.”
    • slidecage
      slidecage Posts: 3,546 Chairperson of the Boards
      Guessing black will only be given to top 10. Seems way powerful
    • If you want the very short version, google “I want this thing off my lawn.”

      "What other lies have you told?"
    • 9 red tiles isn't even that hard to have on board but 13AP is a lot. I'm guessing either 553 or 355 (red accelerator for someone else).

      I bet he'd go decent with Doom too, reducing the playfield to 5 or less colors easily.
    • ayatorahxephon
      ayatorahxephon Posts: 94 Match Maker
      Cyclops !! Finally !!!
    • daibar wrote:
      9 red tiles isn't even that hard to have on board but 13AP is a lot. I'm guessing either 553 or 355 (red accelerator for someone else).

      I bet he'd go decent with Doom too, reducing the playfield to 5 or less colors easily.
      You need 10 red tiles for his black because in ability description, it says "more than 9 red tiles"
    • scottee wrote:
      Looks like at max level it might convert 8 TU's to red.
      They like to make the 5th cover a bigger bump, so my guess is that it scales like this:

      1-cover: 4
      2-covers: 5
      3-covers: 6
      4-covers: 7
      5-covers: 9

      Kind of like Mystique's blue.
    • morph3us
      morph3us Posts: 859 Critical Contributor
      john1620b wrote:
      scottee wrote:
      Looks like at max level it might convert 8 TU's to red.
      They like to make the 5th cover a bigger bump, so my guess is that it scales like this:

      1-cover: 4
      2-covers: 5
      3-covers: 6
      4-covers: 7
      5-covers: 9

      Kind of like Mystique's blue.

      It'd be nice if it was like Doom's blue, and converted all the TU tiles to red at 5 covers, but I don't think that's likely. Having said that, 9 tiles is probably most, if not all of the TU tiles on a typical board anyway.