**** Gorr (The God Butcher) ****



  • Bad
    Bad Posts: 3,146 Chairperson of the Boards
    edited July 2022
    IceIX said:
    The former would feel pretty weird and the latter would likely feel like the movie was overstaying its welcome. Could see it for something like Endgame or Infinity War, but odd to have 3 in a row for "just a Marvel movie"
    It sounds like you are a bit bounded on releasing characters. Why can't you release a 5*, wait 2 weeks and release another 5*?
    Imo if the character is cool enough we wouldn't have any reason to complain. 
    And release any comic 4* character between.
    By the fact, would had been any problem if you released gargantos, wait 2 weeks and released zombie Strange?
    And now there is the stream option. Possibly many people won't go to theaters and will wait to its release on streaming, like me.
  • KGB
    KGB Posts: 3,437 Chairperson of the Boards
    edited July 2022
    He's looked better now with those changes, especially the cheaper Yellow helps maintain minions almost all the time since he gets 2 Yellow returned when they are destroyed (I hope matched counts too).

    I still think there should have been some use of the Godlike affiliation in his powers. Even if it was just double damage vs Godlike and increase his culling by +20% vs Godlike (40->45->50) and the failed from 10 to 20%. It would make his Black a viable TU in 5* land.

  • IceIX
    IceIX ADMINISTRATORS Posts: 4,332 Site Admin
    KGB said:
    He's looked better now with those changes, especially the cheaper Yellow helps maintain minions almost all the time since he gets 2 Yellow returned when they are destroyed (I hope matched counts too).
    Yes, counts when matched as well.
  • HoundofShadow
    HoundofShadow Posts: 8,004 Chairperson of the Boards
    Gorr, Heimdall and Green Goblin look to be a fun team. GG will fortify Gorr's repeaters and you gain 2 yellow aps per repeater matched. Heimdall will reduce power cost for black ap by a minimum of 5 and up to 6. After Gorr is done using yellow aps, Heimdall can use them, throw both Gorr and GG airborne, gain 6 black aps and fire Gorr's black twice. Rinse and repeat.
  • Warbringa
    Warbringa Posts: 1,304 Chairperson of the Boards
    Gorr, Shuri and Abigail have some interesting synergy.  With all those quick minion countdown tiles you basically will deny the enemy team of their strongest AP and Brand will be healing the entire team a lot passively every round.  Shuri can also play off those minions by really altering AP values and benefiting from matching fortified tiles.  Not saying it is the best team but some cool repeater/fortified synergy which Gorr would be a key in.
  • HoundofShadow
    HoundofShadow Posts: 8,004 Chairperson of the Boards
    edited July 2022
    In-game preview is up but it is still showing cap of 25% and 9 yellow ap cost, and it didn't show the fixed damage for tiles converted. So, in-game ability is still showing the original preview.
  • Timemachinego
    Timemachinego Posts: 546 Critical Contributor
    edited July 2022
    I wish Gorr had been a 5, we need more evil jerk representation up in there. Seems like a great skillset but complicated enough that I won't really understand it until the pvp... I also think his mcu form is way wimpier than his comic form, would've preferred his big lumpy body.

    Is everything about the depiction required to go through the media wing or could you represent a (required) character in the movies with their possibly other, better self?
  • fight4thedream
    fight4thedream GLOBAL_MODERATORS Posts: 2,002 Chairperson of the Boards
    I wish Gorr had been a 5, we need more evil jerk representation up in there. Seems like a great skillset but complicated enough that I won't really understand it until the pvp... I also think his mcu form is way wimpier than his comic form, would've preferred his big lumpy body.

    Is everything about the depiction required to go through the media wing or could you represent a (required) character in the movies with their possibly other, better self?
    While I would have preferred Gorr to be a 5* as well, this does leave the door open for them to introduce the comic version as a 5* later down the line. And yes, the 5* tier is lacking in the awesome villains department, especially female villains. 

    While I like both versions of the character and am a fan of Esad Ribic's work, I actually prefer the Bale version. To each their own. 
  • leviticuschom
    leviticuschom Posts: 65 Match Maker
    Thanks for already buffing Gorr! Looked good - now looks great. Cannot wait to play with him.
  • HoundofShadow
    HoundofShadow Posts: 8,004 Chairperson of the Boards
    The dev nerfed 1v1 node against AI Gorr by giving him a build of 1/0/0. 

    No animation for purple.

    His black animation reminds me of Nightcrawler's.

    If you try to fire his yellow when it reaches maximum, it will forbid you from firing the power. His yellow animation looks cool. It's like summoning 4 Horsemen.

    Note: Unfortunately, matching his fortified black repeater doesn't gain you 2 yellow aps. You must match his non-fortified black repeater to gain 2 yellow aps. There goes my Heimdall/GG/Gorr team.

    I was using Domino as the third to spam black power. Sersi is good too but she ended the match too quickly.

    We need to wait for Mordo/Thing/Starlord node to watch his purple in action.
  • ThisisClemFandango
    ThisisClemFandango Posts: 927 Critical Contributor
    Playing Welcome to shield he seems underwhelming, unless I'm stupid which is also entirely possible.
  • Carnifex
    Carnifex Posts: 122 Tile Toppler
    After rereading his passive power and realising it also removes tiles created at the start of battle, Gorr may well be my new third against Mindless Ones. Those strong protect tiles will not be missed! 
  • Tiger_Wong
    Tiger_Wong Posts: 1,077 Chairperson of the Boards
    Well so far I only got his purple to activate during his pvp vs Gorr/BRBpolaris. Polaris used her blue and stunned my Thanos and on my turn it removed the tiles that she created and put a CD on the field. 

    I’ve been trying to get it to activate by giving the opponent special tiles to no avail. 
  • KGB
    KGB Posts: 3,437 Chairperson of the Boards
    The dev nerfed 1v1 node against AI Gorr by giving him a build of 1/0/0. 

    Yeah I deliberately matched him against my L340 Grocket just to see if he would remove my tiles. When he didn't I clicked and saw how **** he was and of course with all the strikes Grocket made short work of him.

    Not surprised his 1v1 was against Thor but it also painfully made clear he's no god butcher because absolutely none of his powers do anything against Thor. You simply just do chip damage with his minions till you can fire Black for the kill. His kit may be interesting but it would be better suited to another character while Gorr needs double damage and an increased auto-kill % vs Godlike.

  • AlexR
    AlexR Posts: 453 Mover and Shaker
    edited July 2022
    I tried using Gorr's purple against the Ninja in Shield Training-- and it didn't remove the tiles, either. So "more than 3 tiles" apparently means only 4 tiles or more.
    Welp, there goes any use he has in PvE against Ninjas, Carnage or the like. :/ They all just make 3 tiles at once. So, he's really just meant to counter Polaris, BRB and GRocket, huh? Heck, Polaris often only makes 3 tiles per turn either, doesn't she? When exactly is his purple supposed to trigger, then? That seems super niche. Can't even test that, since as mentioned the 1v1 node against him has him as an utterly toothless 1/0/0.
    On the flipside, his repeaters do play very well with strike tiles! So... Polaris/GRocket may end up being great partners to him, actually.
    Edit: I really like the art on his Nightmare Fuel!
  • AlexR
    AlexR Posts: 453 Mover and Shaker
    Carnifex said:
    After rereading his passive power and realising it also removes tiles created at the start of battle, Gorr may well be my new third against Mindless Ones. Those strong protect tiles will not be missed! 
    Not to burst your bubble, but I'm almost certain that he won't remove Mindless Ones' tiles. He only removes tiles when "an enemy" makes 4 or more tiles. The Mindless Ones only make a single tile each.
  • Carnifex
    Carnifex Posts: 122 Tile Toppler
    AlexR said
    Not to burst your bubble, but I'm almost certain that he won't remove Mindless Ones' tiles. He only removes tiles when "an enemy" makes 4 or more tiles. The Mindless Ones only make a single tile each.
    I completely overlooked that factor, dammit. Ah well, back to hating Mindless Ones then. 
    Thanks for the helpful response, btw :) 
  • KGB
    KGB Posts: 3,437 Chairperson of the Boards
    edited July 2022
    I got utterly destroyed in the Thing node today. I mean I didn't even get any of the 3 enemies down to even 75% health before I wiped (tried my L340 Valkrie as my 3rd). I tried a 2nd time and didn't do any better so I brought 3* Deadpool, boosted Purple and got more Purple from a support and whaled the node.

    My Captain Marvel is only 5/4/1 and L300 but that didn't stop me from winning the last time with her (Hulkling?) and I've won probably the last 7-8 4* characters all the ST nodes without needing whales. So it speaks volumes that I need whales today (and tomorrow for sure) to win with him. As soon as I saw his Black did a pitiful amount of damage (2K per repeater) I knew I was doomed as even Valk can't generate that much AP even if she generates +4 per turn.

    He's a hot mess in my opinion. Useful for 1 niche thing (Grocket) in a world where we already have plenty of that.

  • AlexR
    AlexR Posts: 453 Mover and Shaker
    I'd still take him over Puck, tbh. At least you can do some cool fortified tiles or repeater teams with Gorr, those repeaters will be great for synergy. (4* Torch got a new partner!)
    Really, all Gorr needs is to have his passive fixed to trigger already at 2-3 tiles/turn, so he can actually be used against various tile spam-y characters. Not just BRB's and GRocket's initial tiles and nothing else.
    His black is situationally good and his yellow is quite meh on its own but is good with strike tile support. With a functional counters-special-tiles passive, that's workable. Not great, but quite workable.
    Without the passive, you're looking at a character who needs a lot of team support to be good. Which is still better than Emma Frost, Talos and Puck got! But y'know, not great.