Roster help for rookie



  • TPF Alexis
    TPF Alexis Posts: 3,826 Chairperson of the Boards
    Rogue is the best of those 4* all around. Moon Knight is powerful, but suffers from random effects. Punisher and Fury are showing their age. Not flat out bad, but definitely outclassed by newer releases.
    Carnage is best with someone who can mitigate the effects of the Enemy Attack tiles he makes and/or make use of them. Most of those characters are 4*, but 3* Squirrel Girl, Bullseye, Cage, and Strange come to mind.
  • Dormammu
    Dormammu Posts: 3,531 Chairperson of the Boards
    Beerman63 said:
    New "whom to roster" problem in 4* land for me...
    Currently I have 4* covers for Nick Fury (seems average from what I read), Rogue, Punisher, and Moon Knight.
    Rogue. 'nuff said.
    I managed to get 4 covers of Carnage, whom I absolutely hate if he's on the opposing team, so I believe he'll be helpful for me as well, even though many rankings place him very low in comparison to other 4*. I made room for him, so now I'm wondering if he can already be useful for me when paired with some 3*... Any suggestions for that?
    3-star Falcon is amazing with Carnage.
  • Beerman63
    Beerman63 Posts: 69 Match Maker
    Thx very much on the advise concerning Rogue, she's already saved :) As I keep on getting 4* (especially from team events), which are the "must have" 4*s that definitely should be kept? I did quite some reading and from what I found out Iceman, Capt. Marvel, Vulture, rocket&groot, medusa and red hulk seem to be high up the ranking lists...

    Another thing, Is there some kind of "How to play character xxxxx" thread in the forum that I could consult? As I am closing in on rostering all 3* I find it difficult to evaluate the strenghts of these characters and how I can use them in the best way...
    I am still heavily referring to the topic below (see link), but it's 3 years old now and I wasn't really successful in finding a newer version of it. That's really what I'd need, as every characters strenghts / weaknesses and abilities are listed, and commented, also good team partners etc.

    That would really make things easier.

  • Dormammu
    Dormammu Posts: 3,531 Chairperson of the Boards
    Beerman63 said:
    Another thing, Is there some kind of "How to play character xxxxx" thread in the forum that I could consult? As I am closing in on rostering all 3* I find it difficult to evaluate the strenghts of these characters and how I can use them in the best way...
    With so many 4-stars, it's hard to consolidate all the possibilities into one place. It's the most diverse and strategically-rich tier in the game. You can certainly consult the individual character threads in the CHARACTER DETAILS section of these forums and get a good idea of how your peers play an individual character; there is often good team-up suggestions in those as well.

    The great thing about the 4-star tier is that for every strategy, there is a counter. Learning these strategies and counters is something I picked up by simply lingering here on the forums and by trial-and-error in the game. If there are specific characters you are curious about, ask. Ask in the character's thread. There are many forumites who watch those sections like a hawk and are eager to help.
  • Beerman63
    Beerman63 Posts: 69 Match Maker
    edited March 2019
    Just a short question - is it possible to see which countdown tile is from which goon? I was wondering about that for a long time, cause if there are 2 or 3 of the same kind I don't know which one to stun to freeze the countdown...
  • TPF Alexis
    TPF Alexis Posts: 3,826 Chairperson of the Boards
    edited March 2019
    Rotate through the enemy team. As each one comes to the front, any Countdowns from that Character will flash. It's frustrating that there's not only not an easier way to see that, but not even anything anywhere that tells you this will do it.
  • Beerman63
    Beerman63 Posts: 69 Match Maker
    Wow, thx alot for the help, I never could have found that out nor did I ever realize it. That is truely helpful!
  • TPF Alexis
    TPF Alexis Posts: 3,826 Chairperson of the Boards
    I can't actually remember if I stumbled on it by accident or found out about it through the forum, but yeah, it's unfortunate that it's not mentioned anywhere in the game.
  • Dormammu
    Dormammu Posts: 3,531 Chairperson of the Boards
    I found that out in the forums and kicked myself for not knowing it.
  • Beerman63
    Beerman63 Posts: 69 Match Maker
    edited March 2019
    As I am lacking time to update my gamependium roster, a short status update:
    I got all 2*s on farm modus, got about 20 or more 3* champed, and all but 7 3* characters rostered. So I am in a quite stable, but also quite "boring" situation...
    I have around 25 Legendary Tokens and 200 CP saved, I can't open them though cause I am lacking roster slots and HP. Therefore I am currently basically just playing to earn HPs to roster all 3*s to finally  start rostering more 4*s. The way still seems so far though, roster slots now cost already 850 HPs, so it takes quite some time to get a new slot. I assume that everyone not wanting to spend 20$ on a regular basis has that problem but it's making my motivation sink a bit currently, cause I don't see the light at the end of the 3* tunnel... ;) Wondering if there's any way to speed it up (besides cutting out some 2* farms).
    Happy about these technical issues though, the 400 HP did come in very handy :)
  • TPF Alexis
    TPF Alexis Posts: 3,826 Chairperson of the Boards
    Cutting out some 2* for Roster slots would be false savings. Those farms are your most reliable source of HP for some time to come, and you'll lose more from dropping the farms than you'll save by not buying more Roster slots right away.
    This was, in fact, about the point where I first spent some money on the game. I've only done so a few times, but getting that extra bunch of Roster slots right then was one I felt was worth it.
  • Beerman63
    Beerman63 Posts: 69 Match Maker
    You got any good 3* teams that you would recommend me in the ally event? still searching for right characters at the moment
  • TPF Alexis
    TPF Alexis Posts: 3,826 Chairperson of the Boards
    Oof. You're missing, or very poorly covered, on a lot of the utility characters that are good here. GSBW is probably a good call. All three of her powers can clear out the Attack tiles and Death Countdowns. Then probably IM40 to fuel her up and get enough red to clear the Famine tile. Maybe Cyclops or Cag3 for the third, depending on whether you want more emphasis on offense or defense. Hawkeye or Steve could also maybe round it out.
  • Beerman63
    Beerman63 Posts: 69 Match Maker
    tried im40, gsbw and magneto the last few times, it worked ok... which Support characters are helpful, cause maybe i got more covers already. my gamependium is not fully up to date.
  • TPF Alexis
    TPF Alexis Posts: 3,826 Chairperson of the Boards
    Doc Ock, Falcon, Quicksilver, and Bullseye were the ones that came to mind. They all have abilities that can help clear out the Attack and Countdown tiles, and/or benefit when doing so, and all except Falcon can also help build AP through cascades.
  • ThaRoadWarrior
    ThaRoadWarrior Posts: 9,352 Chairperson of the Boards
    Tile-swappers and color changers are your friend on boss fights. I haven’t looked at your roster, but quicksilver (swap on black), hood (massive board shake/destruction on yellow), Thor (2 color change options), Daken (not as good there as Thor). Kamala Khan has a decent but imprecise color changer. 

    Switch/Hood/2* Magneto a team you can field? Hood for speeding up the CD and all 3 for on demand board shake?
  • Beerman63
    Beerman63 Posts: 69 Match Maker
    i got hood & quicksilver champed already, switch is missing just one cover to champ, so these are useable options indeed.
  • ThaRoadWarrior
    ThaRoadWarrior Posts: 9,352 Chairperson of the Boards
    edited March 2019
    With Hood in play, I might consider setting Iron Hammer (Magne2o blue) to 5, so you can just blast the entire board out on Apocalypse. It can be tough to clear out some of his attack tiles without some means of sniping them. That team won't have a lot of health though, so you may find it doesn't work as well in later rounds (if it even works, i haven't tested it lol).

    My vision for that team is either using Magne2o's purple to create match-4s and Crits to target any hard to reach CDs/Attacks, or Hood's yellow to just blast them out in chucks for good 3* damage, or SWitch's green to get a little targeted board shake/AP accrual. you can use Mags' red for that also, and his blue is going to be pretty impressive if it works. Sounds like SWitch won't have build options, but for this I'd do 3/5/5 since you can't stun the boss, and you really just want AP accrual/shake anyway for the other 2 characters.
  • Beerman63
    Beerman63 Posts: 69 Match Maker
    edited March 2019
    Tried it some times, but now the low health is getting difficult to manage. Now I'm back to GSBW, 3* Magneto and IM40, who charges 3* Magnetos blue (strongest colour), so first one is gone. the attack tiles will be cleared with GSBWs purple & red afterwards. So basically it just depends on how fast I get IM40 to load up the others. I'm actually quite impressed how good 3* Mags is doing, I never really liked him that much before, but paired with IM40 his blue is a beast (for my standards).
    Btw, is 4* Elektra actually any good? Our ally will achieve the 3 covers for sure, but she sounds pretty weak to me. I don't like her 3* at all, and the 4* version doesn't seem very different.
  • TPF Alexis
    TPF Alexis Posts: 3,826 Chairperson of the Boards
    Beerman63 said:
    Tried it some times, but now the low health is getting difficult to manage. Now I'm back to GSBW, 3* Magneto and IM40, who charges 3* Magnetos blue (strongest colour), so first one is gone. the attack tiles will be cleared with GSBWs purple & red afterwards. So basically it just depends on how fast I get IM40 to load up the others. I'm actually quite impressed how good 3* Mags is doing, I never really liked him that much before, but paired with IM40 his blue is a beast (for my standards).
    Btw, is 4* Elektra actually any good? Our ally will achieve the 3 covers for sure, but she sounds pretty weak to me. I don't like her 3* at all, and the 4* version doesn't seem very different.
    3* Mags can be pretty good. I don't use him often, but when he's featured, he always carries his weight.
    4* Elektra is really niche. The main place she shines is against Kaecilius in the Strange Sights boss nodes, but she can also be good against other Special tile spammers. The main differences from her 3* version are that her red makes a Trap that also steals AP, rather than a Countdown, and her Purple can steal any APS tiles, not just Strikes.