Which new characters would you like to see added?



  • Kiamodo
    Kiamodo Posts: 423 Mover and Shaker
    I would love to see Hulk (any incarnation).
    But more than anything I really like the pace they are releasing cards. No need to rush everything to market in the first few months of the game. A slow roll is better. Keeps everyone excited for the next batch and gives us time to work on training our roster. Cheers to the developers.
  • I definitely think (and I know everybody agrees with me) that we need yet another Black Widow Cover. Possibly a 4*.. or if the devs are feeling dangerous, perhaps another 1-3*
  • Superior Spiderman (marvel now!)
  • Deadpool!!!
    And perhaps Cable, Hulk, Emma Frost
  • I want something humorous like Howard the Duck....or animal humor....
    Look up Hellcow, Spider-Pig (Peter Porker), or Lockjaw.

    I had to do some research to decide what I wanted, but Howard the Duck. Please. I'll even help design it if I'll get to be the only person with it. icon_e_biggrin.gif
  • they already did something humorous. we got bag man.
  • ....not humorous. Lol. I just get frustrated when I get bagman. I guess I would like to see a good humorous character, so I can make a lolz troll tream
  • IceIX
    IceIX ADMINISTRATORS Posts: 4,332 Site Admin
    If Marvel hadn't given up the rights to Image then it went to Dark Horse, I'd be pushing incredibly hard for Groo. Groo is the man.
  • Unfortunately the same happened to Conan the Barbarian....license went to Dark Horse. What about multiple man? That'd be a fun character too
  • Of course Hulk first, then Octopus and Gambit.

    And maaybe a 3-star Captain America.
  • Inhumans; blackbolt, medusa, tritan, crystal, Maximus, lockjaw

    Thunderbolts; mach(insert number), songbird, atlas, techno, citizen v, jolt

    Defenders; silver surfer, hulk, dr strange, namor, Valkyrie, black knight

    X-men; beast, psylocke, bishop, gambit, archangel, iceman, xorn, nightcrawler, banchee, dust, mercury, surge

    F4; thing, invisible woman, mr fantastic, human torch, franklin Richards, h.e.r.b.i.e.

    Avengers; falcon, she-hulk, sentry, iron fist, power man, warbird, Tigra, moonknight, mockingbird

    Others; cloak, dagger, blade, ghostrider, young avengers, punisher

    Villains; kang, mole man, blob, silver samuri, doc oc, nightmare, thanos, red skull

    That's a good start
  • The Sentry
    4-Star Rarity (Legendary)
      Bad Day - Blue 7 AP Your team skips a turn as they give Bob a pep talk.
      Level 2: Costs 1 AP less. Level 3: Costs 1 AP less. Level 4: Costs 1 AP less. Level 5: Costs 1 AP less.
      A Million Exploding Suns - Yellow 5 AP The Sentry begins flying tiles into the sun. Up to 6 purple tiles turn yellow, and any remaining purple tiles turn black.
      Level 2: Up to 7 purple tiles turn yellow, and any remaining purple tiles turn black. Level 3: Costs 4 AP more. Green tiles are also converted. Level 4: Up to 8 purple and 8 green tiles turn yellow, and any remaining purple or green tiles turn black. Level 5: Costs 3 AP more. Red tiles are also converted.
      The Void - Black Passive (Passive) Matching 4 or more black tiles unleashes the Void, dealing The Sentry's teammates damage equal to 5% of their health for every 2 yellow AP his team has. This damage does not proc other passive abilities.
      Level 2: Damage reduced to 4% for every 2 yellow AP. Level 3: Damage reduced to 3% for every 2 yellow AP. Level 4: Damage reduced to 2% for every 2 yellow AP. Level 5: Damage reduced to 1% for every 2 yellow AP.
  • Well, we have M.storm, and C. Storm. Why not a 4* X-Force Storm? If I remember correctly, she has at one point(if not current) been a part of the X-force.
  • Skyedyne wrote:
    Well, we have M.storm, and C. Storm. Why not a 4* X-Force Storm? If I remember correctly, she has at one point(if not current) been a part of the X-force.

    For 2 black ap she recalls better times and summons classic Storm who immediately casts raging tempest three times.
  • Skyedyne wrote:
    Well, we have M.storm, and C. Storm. Why not a 4* X-Force Storm? If I remember correctly, she has at one point(if not current) been a part of the X-force.

    For 2 black ap she recalls better times and summons classic Storm who immediately casts raging tempest three times.

    LMAO. Classic. icon_e_biggrin.gif

    Blade, Gambit, Psylocke and about 20 others. I have a feeling Hulk is already coming soon. icon_e_smile.gif
  • I wish they'd just add like 30 new heroes at once instead of introducing them one by one.
  • Skyedyne wrote:
    Well, we have M.storm, and C. Storm. Why not a 4* X-Force Storm? If I remember correctly, she has at one point(if not current) been a part of the X-force.

    For 2 black ap she recalls better times and summons classic Storm who immediately casts raging tempest three times.

  • Phoenix, with a passive that revives her after a certain number of turns if you haven't finished the match yet, coupled with a power that makes you choose between killing her quickly to avoid the pain, or saving her for last so you only have to kill her once.
  • Well if you went for versions of characters we already have

    Mohawk storm, avenger storm, x-man juggernaught, cosmic spidy, earth x venom(unless only reg continuity then angent venom),
  • for all the crud that c storm gets, i have seen her increasingly rarer as the game matures. (i used to run cstorm/thor/____<--lolthirddon'tcare, but i've moved onto more funner teams)